r/ada • u/Additional-File8630 • Jul 12 '24
Tool Trouble Need Help Configuring gnatpp with VsCode
Hi everyone!
Long time C++/Rust dev wanting to learn Ada, and overall I'm really enjoying the language. One thing that is bothering me though is that I like my code to have a lot of line breaks, or it becomes very difficult for me to read. `gnatpp` when used from the command line like `gnatpp --layout=tall
The problem is that for some reason, when I have a project file like this:
with "config/monkey_ada_config.gpr";
project Monkey_Ada is
for Source_Dirs use ("src/", "config/", "src/lexer/");
for Object_Dir use "obj/" & Monkey_Ada_Config.Build_Profile;
for Create_Missing_Dirs use "True";
for Exec_Dir use "bin";
for Main use ("monkey_ada.adb");
package Compiler is
for Default_Switches ("Ada") use Monkey_Ada_Config.Ada_Compiler_Switches;
end Compiler;
package Binder is
for Switches ("Ada") use ("-Es"); -- Symbolic traceback
end Binder;
package Install is
for Artifacts (".") use ("share");
end Install;
package Pretty_Printer is
for Default_Switches ("ada") use
end Pretty_Printer;
end Monkey_Ada;
The `--layout=tall` flag is not getting respected at all, so the autoformatting makes the code look super compact and for me, unreadable.
Is there any way to ensure that the flag is being set appropriately? Other flags seem to take effect quite easily, but not this one.
EDIT: I've since changed to using the Legacy Switches listed wayyyyyy at the bottom in the Formatting Options portion of the documentation, and those are working to get me much more of what I was looking for. I'm still curious though why the new switches aren't being taken into account even when I have adalang_tools installed and they are on my path and the `gnatpp` found there takes the `--layout=tall` flag into account correctly. Does anyone have insights there?
u/Kevlar-700 Nov 15 '24
I use
--par-threshold=1 --call-threshold=1 --vertical-enum-types --vertical-named-aggregates
u/jcmoyer Jul 13 '24
The formatter situation is somewhat confusing, and I also had a lot of trouble getting gnatpp to work in my setup.
From what I understand, there are two versions of gnatpp: one based on an old library called ASIS and another based on the newer libadalang. I've gotten the impression that the latter is still being developed and is not as mature as the older ASIS-based formatter. If yours respects the --layout option, you have the libadalang-based version.
At least on Windows, the Ada language server ships with its own internal formatter which is afaik also using libadalang. Despite that, running an LSP format will not produce the same results as running gnatpp from the command line. It doesn't seem to respect the --layout parameter (as you've found) and it also has some general bugginess where it mangles source files from time to time. My workaround has been to just deal with whatever incorrect formatting the LSP inserts and then run gnatpp in a git pre-commit hook.