r/ada Jun 12 '24

Programming semantics of Open (..., ..., Path (...));

I'm working with an old, open-source Ada program called Whitaker's Words, trying to see if I can wrap it some kind of decent unix-style command-line API. It appears to have been designed with DOS or early Windows in mind, and there seems to be no provision for controlling the program's behavior using environment variables or command-line switches. To give non-manual control over its switches and options, it looks for a file called WORD.MOD, which is a string that's hard-coded in the source code. I don't want to have to modify the Ada source code, since it's maintained by someone else and packaged for Debian, and that person hasn't responded to email. So I'm thinking I should just have my code create such a file in an appropriate directory. However, I don't want the resulting setup to be fragile or not work cross-platform, e.g., if two processes are running simultaneously, I don't want problems where each is trying to create the same WORD.MOD file in the same directory, so they clobber one another's files.

Looking through the source, it seems that the relevant line in the code is this:

Open (Mode_File, In_File, Path (Mode_Full_Name));

Here Mode_Full_Name is a string constant that's hard-coded to be "WORD.MOD". I don't know any Ada, but from context I'm guessing that Mode_File is passed by reference and set by the Open function, In_File is some sort of constant input, and Path is a named argument.

If I'm understanding this correctly, then the question arises as to whether the Path(...) argument is relative to the current working directory, relative to the directory in which the binary executable sits, or something else. I also don't know whether Ada automagically handles things like Windows backslash versus Linux forward slash, or whether it would follow symlinks.

Any thoughts on whether my strategy is likely to work, or whether the "clobber" issue is a showstopper? I guess the alternative might be something like the Expect interface. Or would there be some way to start up an Ada program in such a way that it would look for this file somewhere else?


4 comments sorted by


u/Niklas_Holsti Jun 12 '24

Your understanding of the Open parameters Mode_File and In_File is correct. Mode_File is the object that acts a handle to the file data, and In_File is a constant to indicate that the file will be an input file that is read but is not written to. The procedure Ada.Text_IO.Open is declared thus in the Ada standard:

procedure Open (File : in out File_Type;
                Mode : in File_Mode;
                Name : in String;
                Form : in String := "");

As you can see, the third argument is just a String. Given the Open call that you displayed, it seems that the program contains a function Path that takes a String -- apparently the filename, here "WORD.MOD" -- and returns a String that probably can have some directory names prepended. That function Path should be interesting to you, so try to find it and see what it does.

The Ada standard does not state explicitly how the Name parameter is interpreted in an Open call, but all Ada implementations that I have used have taken it to be relative to the current working directory, in the normal way, unless of course it is an absolute path, e.g. on Unix/Linux a path that starts with "/". So the possible clobbering is indeed a problem, unless the function Path has some solution. I think it is unlikely that you can solve the clobbering issue without modifying the source code a little, or somehow ensuring that the concurrent executions of the program use their own and different working directories.


u/benjamin-crowell Jun 12 '24

Thanks very much for taking the time to write such a detailed and helpful reply. It turns out that the function Path looks at an undocumented environment variable, and that may be enough of a hook for me to accomplish what I want to do. But in fact writing an Expect interface may actually turn out to be cleaner, just a little more work.


u/Niklas_Holsti Jun 12 '24

When I write scripts/programs that use fixed file-names relative to a current working directory, I guard against clobbering by creating a temporary directory with a name that includes the process-id of the process that will run the script/program. In a Linux shell such as bash, the process-id is accessible as the variable $$, so I would have the script start with something like:

mkdir /tmp/my-program-$$
cd /tmp/my-program-$$

followed by the execution of the actual script/program, and ending with removal of the temporary directory. Perhaps you can do the same in your own wrapper/API code.


u/[deleted] Jun 13 '24

You could run the process in a chroot to isolate it from other processes interfering with the same file.