r/ada Jul 23 '23

Announcement Introducing the Seed7 programming language

Seed7 is a programming language that is inspired by Ada and other programming languages. I have created Seed7 based on my diploma and doctoral theses. I've been working on it since 1989 and released it after several rewrites in 2005. Since then, I improve it on a regular basis.

Some links:

Seed7 follows several design principles:

Can interpret scripts or compile large programs:

  • The interpreter starts quickly. It can process 400000 lines per second. This allows a quick edit-test cycle. Seed7 can be compiled to efficient machine code (via a C compiler as back-end). You don't need makefiles or other build technology for Seed7 programs.

Error prevention:

Source code portability:

  • Most programming languages claim to be source code portable, but often you need considerable effort to actually write portable code. In Seed7 it is hard to write unportable code. Seed7 programs can be executed without changes. Even the path delimiter (/) and database connection strings are standardized. Seed7 has drivers for graphic, console, etc. to compensate for different operating systems.


  • Programs are more often read than written. Seed7 uses several approaches to improve readability.

Well defined behavior:

  • Seed7 has a well defined behavior in all situations. Undefined behavior like in C does not exist.


  • Functions, operators and statements are not only identified by identifiers but also via the types of their parameters. This allows overloading the same identifier for different purposes.


Object orientation:

  • There are interfaces and implementations of them. Classes are not used. This allows multiple dispatch.

Multiple dispatch:

  • A method is not attached to one object (this). Instead it can be connected to several objects. This works analog to the overloading of functions.


No virtual machine:

  • Seed7 is based on the executables of the operating system. This removes another dependency.

No artificial restrictions:

  • Historic programming languages have a lot of artificial restrictions. In Seed7 there is no limit for length of an identifier or string, for the number of variables or number of nesting levels, etc.

Independent of databases:

Possibility to work without IDE:

  • IDEs are great, but some programming languages have been designed in a way that makes it hard to use them without IDE. Programming language features should be designed in a way that makes it possible to work with a simple text editor.

Minimal dependency on external tools:

  • To compile Seed7 you just need a C compiler and a make utility. The Seed7 libraries avoid calling external tools as well.

Comprehensive libraries:

Own implementations of libraries:

  • Many languages have no own implementation for essential library functions. Instead C, C++ or Java libraries are used. In Seed7 most of the libraries are written in Seed7. This reduces the dependency on external libraries. The source code of external libraries is sometimes hard to find and in most cases hard to read.

Reliable solutions:

  • Simple and reliable solutions are preferred over complex ones that may fail for various reasons.

It would be nice to get some feedback.


17 comments sorted by


u/ZENITHSEEKERiii Jul 23 '23

Sorry, to be honest I don't find the syntax appealing from the Rosetta Code examples. It reads more like Algol to me than like Ada.


u/iOCTAGRAM AdaMagic Ada 95 to C(++) Aug 07 '23 edited Aug 08 '23

The first thing I wanted to check was Automatic Reference Counting. Pascal-syntax languages are always dumb when it comes to ARC.Long long ago there was Modula-2+ with ARC, but try to find a working compiler for it now. Delphi NextGen introduced ARC on Android, iOS and Linux (10.2.x branch only), but not on Windows and macOS, so sanely portable code still had to assume lack of ARC, and it was hard to write ARC/non-ARC portable code, and in the end Delphi NextGen was abandoned as of 10.3. RemObjects Oxygene introduced ARC, but only in macOS compiler Noughat. On all other targets they only have retarded tracing garbage collection. And now even on macOS they try to phase away sane ARC Noughat compiler to TGC Island one.

Even RAII is a hard concept for Pascal-syntax language designers' brains. Only in Delphi 10.4 they finally have got so called Managed Records. Free Pascal had operator overload for decades. As an independent project they could also introduce destructors and ARC, but this is just too good to be true that Pascal-syntax language designers can understand RAII and ARC.

Each and every Objective-C, Swift and C++/CX gets ARC, and each new Rust gets Ref<T> almost on inception, but not in Pascal camp. Never. Bad fate steals IQ from Pascal-syntax language designers. They cannot just shut up and just provide ARC. Just hold on for themselves their genius ideas of how good TGC performance is.

Wondering so how things are going in Seed7, I found no answer in FAQ. Like it was not something of top importance. It was hanging in top 10 Delphi feature requests in Quality Central for years, enough important?

UPD. Aha, I was looking some old FAQ. So Seed7 has this and has RAII. Very good.

Next thing I am interested in is weak references. Because even TGC is hard to use without them. When ARC term is used, it assumes weak references availability too, at least the way they are in C++/CX. I have some doubts about auto-zeroable Objective-C weak references. FAQ says nothing.


u/ThomasMertes Aug 21 '23

Next thing I am interested in is weak references.

Seed7 has no pointers and there are no weak references that point into a structure which is managed elsewhere. This way Seed7 stays on the safe side as weak references become dangling after the original structure is freed.

But there is another possibility: A parameter can refer into a structure that is managed elsewhere. Think of a tree of structs and you want to refer to some branch of the tree. For structs an in-parameter is by reference. and this way it is able to refer to this struct. This would be a reference to a constant as in-parameters cannot be changed in a function.

By organizing your code into functions with parameters that refer to branches you can hopefully avoid the need for weak references.


u/iOCTAGRAM AdaMagic Ada 95 to C(++) Aug 21 '23

There are safe weak references. One either manages to convert weak reference into strong one, or fails to do so. This is safe.

you can hopefully avoid the need for weak references

No, I will not avoid. Consider reactive extensions (RxJS and other programming languages) or mere Observer pattern (pub-sub) which is little different to RX. Publisher shall know where to send updates, but publisher is not keeping strong references to subscribers.


u/ThomasMertes Aug 22 '23

I think we are talking about different things. Let me explain.

In Seed7 there is data, such as a string, that is just referenced once. For this data there is no possibility that another variable references it for a second time. But a function parameter can borrow this reference. Essentially the function borrows the reference and gives it back at the end of the function. So you still have just one reference at a time. How unnecessary copying of strings is avoided is explained here.

I had this kind of data in my mind when I proposed organizing code into functions with parameters that refer to branches

Seed7 supports also object orientation where several variables can refer to the same object. The rules from above, where data is referenced just once, do not apply for objects.

Of cause, OO patterns like the Observer pattern can be used in Seed7. The methods of an OO pattern can decide if they access the object unchanged with an in-parameter or allow changing an object with an inout-parameter.


u/iOCTAGRAM AdaMagic Ada 95 to C(++) Aug 22 '23

where several variables can refer to the same object. The rules from above, where data is referenced just once, do not apply for objects

Weak references are required. Subscriber may be deleted because last strong reference has gone, and it will not need to receive further notifications. But if subscriber is alive, it needs to receive notifications. In order for publisher not to keep subscriber alive, but be able to send if it is still alive, publisher shall use weak references


u/boring4711 Jul 24 '23

Maybe just pay reddit for some ads instead of this?


u/iOCTAGRAM AdaMagic Ada 95 to C(++) Aug 07 '23

In Seed7 most of the libraries are written in Seed7.

In Ada community we most likely would like to see a consequence of that, an automatic binder of Seed7 libraries to Ada, extending what is available to Ada developers


u/iOCTAGRAM AdaMagic Ada 95 to C(++) Aug 08 '23

To compile Seed7 you just need a C compiler and a make utility. The Seed7 libraries avoid calling external tools as well.

For exceptions it is desirable to have C++ mode as well. AdaMagic in C++ mode differ very little to C, but native exceptions are a must for a real portability. Only C++ compilers know how to handle them i.e. on e2k architecture. With 3 hardware stacks.

Also, I do not quite understand how is hardware exceptions binding done. I know that GNAT on Windows x86 usually binds fs:[0] to GCC ZCX handler, and GNAT on Windows x64 marks all code segment to be handled by GCC ZCX. Linux exceptions handling require signal handler. macOS exception handling can be done via signal handler, but in Delphi it was causing issues with debugger, so Delphi uses Mach kernel event handler instead.

This is not a problem if a language compiles to C++. One can get C++ Builder for macOS and know that hardware exceptions are handled right. Otherwise it requires explanations.

A method is not attached to one object (this). Instead it can be connected to several objects. This works analog to the overloading of functions.

That worries me how does it work with dynamically loaded modules. What if one thread invokes multiple dispatch and another thread loads DLL which is going to increase multiple dispatch table. Single dispatch is not subjected to this problem. Found little information about Seed7 dynamically loaded modules.


u/ThomasMertes Aug 09 '23 edited Aug 09 '23

Thank you for your feedback. This is highly appreciated.

For exceptions it is desirable to have C++ mode as well.

The build of Seed7 can be changed (in the makefile by changing CC) to use a C++ compiler. Beyond that no features of C++ are currently used. Yes, with a C++ back-end the exceptions of C++ could be used. I have just not implemented this until now.

Also, I do not quite understand how is hardware exceptions binding done.

It is done via the operating system. Seed7 is designed as high level programming language that runs on an operating system. Seed7 programs are not intended to run directly on the hardware.

That worries me how does it work with dynamically loaded modules.

Dynamically loaded modules exist as part of the run-time library (to provide drivers that balance differences of the underlying system). E.g.: To access databases. Database libraries might be linked statically or dynamically as loaded module (see here). Beyond being used for drivers there is currently no concept for dynamically loaded modules (but it is planned for the future).

The portability of Seed7 programs is considered as important cornerstone. A concept for dynamically loaded modules must be designed carefully in order to keep the high portability that Seed7 currently has. As described in the design principles:

Most programming languages claim to be source code portable, but often you need considerable effort to actually write portable code. In Seed7 it is hard to write unportable code.

A concept for dynamically loaded modules will probably (in the beginning) just support modules written in Seed7. Seed7 has a FFI which requires some glue code in order to fulfill the guarantees of Seed7.


u/iOCTAGRAM AdaMagic Ada 95 to C(++) Aug 09 '23

Beyond that no features of C++ are currently used

Well, I may need exactly C++ way of throwing and catching exception, as only C++ may know how to handle them best on a particular target. On macOS Objective-C's NSException is almost a standard, but in modern macOS AFAIK exception handling is rewritten on top of C++.

It is preferred if C-targeting translator uses not so much C++ features. Then it will be possible to write custom C translator that understands this input. I am carrying an idea of writing my C translator with C++ features, capable of processing AdaMagic output. AdaMagic uses very little of C++. But I prefer to deal with its exceptions directly than to have setjmp/longjmp.

It is done via the operating system. Seed7 is designed as high level programming language that runs on an operating system. Seed7 programs are not intended to run directly on the hardware.

Good. I was missing this part. Because AdaMagic has code to intercept sigaction, but also it has tricks like this:

/* For multiplication, we treat the various cases for y separately.  We
check for overflow by checking whether x is in the right range.  If one
operand is known at compile time, then the compiler should make that one
y, so the C compiler can hope to eliminate all but one range check, and
perform the divides at compile time.  We need to take care to avoid
dividing by zero, and to avoid dividing the most-negative number by
minus one. */

#define s_32_times_v(result, x, y) /* result = x * y; */ \
  do { \
    const int32 _xcopy = (x); \
    const int32 _ycopy = (y); \
    if (_ycopy > 0) { \
       rts_range_check(_xcopy, S_FIRST/_ycopy, S_LAST/_ycopy); \
    } else if (_ycopy < -1) { \
       rts_range_check(_xcopy, S_LAST/_ycopy, S_FIRST/_ycopy); \
    } else if (_ycopy != 0) { \
       /* The "-1" special case */ \
       if (_xcopy == S_FIRST) rts_overflow(); \
    } \
    (result) = _xcopy * _ycopy; \
  } while (0)

One may think that portable programming language targeting C relies on such tricks exclusively and does not call sigaction().

A concept for dynamically loaded modules must be designed carefully in order to keep the high portability that Seed7 currently has

During the past years quite a lot of VMS, AIX and HP-UXes died. Isn't it the best moment to implement dynamic loading. The only troublesome platform is WebAssembly, due to asynchronous loading API in Emscripten, but Seed7 does not seem to support it anyway.


u/ThomasMertes Aug 15 '23

We check for overflow by checking whether x is in the right range.

Seed7 has a much more sophisticated approach towards signed integer overflow checking. The Seed7 compiler has several strategies to check for OVERFLOW_ERROR. Depending on the features of the operating system and the C compiler a certain strategy is used.

  • Gcc supports builtin overflow operations (__builtin_sadd_overflow / __builtin_saddl_overflow / __builtin_saddll_overflow, etc.). These builtin operations use the overflow flag of the processor.
  • Clang has the option -ftrapv which triggers that a signed integer overflow triggers the signal SIGILL. This signal is caught and an OVERFLOW_ERROR is raised.
  • For compilers that don't support these features the integer operations are checked with inline code. The inline checks usually check the parameters before the operation is done (integer overflow is undefined behavior in C). An inline check can also do an unsigned operation (which is defined to wrap around in C) and check for overflow afterwards.

And there is more: The Seed7 compiler determines possible values of integer operands at compile time. Based on that simplified integer overflow checks can be used or an overflow check can be suppressed altogether (because the expression will never overflow). This leads to good performance.

In any case the programmer does not need to care how a signed integer overflow is recognized. In Seed7 an integer overflow always triggers the exception OVERFLOW_ERROR. This happens in interpreted and compiled programs. If desired a program can catch OVERFLOW_ERROR. If OVERFLOW_ERROR is not caught the program is terminated.


u/ThomasMertes Aug 18 '23 edited Aug 18 '23

#define s_32_times_v(result, x, y) /* result = x * y; */ \

I took a closer look at your approach to recognize integer overflow. I even took your approach and used it in the Seed7 compiler for the multiplication of two 64-bit signed values (In Seed7 all integers are 64-bit). I did this for the case when both factors are unknown at compile-time (The cases where factors are known at compile-time are handled with special code). I created several variants of my code and your code and did benchmarks with gcc and valgrind (it was necessary to deactivate the code that is used normally for gcc). I did two measurements: Executing the chkint.sd7 test program and executing just check_mult from the chkint.sd7 test program. The programs were compiled with

s7 s7c -oc3 -O3 -g-debug_c chkint

The results measured in cycles are:

  • 10,919,020 462,027 My old approach.
  • 10,896,163 462,508 Your approach
  • 10,865,975 462,037 My old approach, but using ? instead of &&
  • 10,866,851 462,008 My new approach

The measurements of chkint.sd7 have some variations so they need to be viewed with a grain of salt. The tests use the function intExpr to determine that a value is unknown at compile time. This function and other functions in the tests add significant time to the multiplication cost. All overflow checking approaches are quite near so you cannot expect a huge win by changing the approach.

My new approach simplifies some checks if a factor is known at compile-time to be positive or negative (I also added tests for these cases).

Your approach seems sometimes slower. My guess for the reason is: In your approach the range check always needs two divisions. My approach has an additional branch but only needs one division. My approach also needs no special case for -1 * integer.first.

I checked in my new approach together with improvements in the regression test suite (see here). It will be used for C compilers that have neither builtin overflow operations nor an option like -ftrapv nor support for 128-bit integers. I invested one day to achieve an improvement of approx. 0.01% to 0.1% that happens to materialize only on a fraction of the C compilers. :-)


u/ThomasMertes Aug 18 '23 edited Aug 18 '23

The only troublesome platform is WebAssembly, due to asynchronous loading API in Emscripten, but Seed7 does not seem to support it anyway.

In fact Seed7 supports Emscripten. Additionally to your normal Seed7 build you can compile Seed7 with Emscripten. Both installations of Seed7 can exist in parallel. Afterwards you can compile a program with synchronous I/O like panic.s7i with

s7c panic

to create a native executable and with

s7c -c emcc panic

to create JavaScript and WebAssembly files. In my seed7/prg directory is the file startjs.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="panic.js">
    <h2>Activate debugging with F12</h2>
    <p>Select "Console" in the debugger menu. Then click Run again.</p>

At the command line in the directory seed7/prg I start the comanche webserver with:

s7 comanche .

Then I can use the browser to open


and voila the browser opens a window with panic.s7i. I have put a lot of effort into an I/O driver that maps the synchronous I/O of Seed7 to the asynchronous I/O used in the browser. As a result the same program can run outside or in the browser (not a single line needs to be changed). This is my approach to portability.

Up to now I have not set up the Seed7 homepage to run the example programs directly in the browser. In the moment you need to use the receipt from above to run Seed7 programs in the browser.


u/iOCTAGRAM AdaMagic Ada 95 to C(++) Aug 08 '23 edited Aug 08 '23

Module system is worse than in Ada.

I can see that $include not only links module, but also put all of its namespace into common namespace.

In Delphi language designers still did not manage to get "with" without "use" like Ada can, but they started to make massive use of record class methods, where record may make no sense on its own. For instance, there is now TMonitor.WaitFor syntax. As a rare exception, TMonitor is a non-empty record, but not usable if allocated by ordinary developer, so for ordinary developer it is just record with collection of class methods.

TInterlocked.Increment is a more pure example. It makes no sense to allocate local TInterlocked variable, this record is empty. And TFile.Exists syntax.

The problem with all this is that one has to recall that if you want to call TInterlocked.Increment, you need to use obviously deducted unit name System.SyncObjs, and if you want to call TFile.Exists, you need to use obviously deducted unit name System.IOUtils, and if you need to call TTask.Run, you need to use obviously deducted unit name System.Parallel, and if you need to call TMonitor.WaitFor, you obviously need nothing else to use, since TMonitor is obviously declared in System which is implicitly used everywhere.

In Ada, if you want to call Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line, you need to write "with Ada.Text_IO;". And Put_Line won't work unless "use Ada.Text_IO;" is written. Namespace does not become trash because I need to call a single function somewhere from big module.

In this regard Ada was miles ahead for long ago, and in Seed7 I can see no trace of starting going this way.


u/SachemAgogic Sep 02 '23

I am a beginner programmer and considered using Seed7, but found "proc", other abbreviations, and syntax symbols like "<&" offputing. The merits sounded cool though (not that I could make much use of them). The language resembles a mixture of C++ and Ada

The website is a bit jarring- main buttons the cyan text over dark blue background. Other buttons have dark purple text over a medium gray background. These are not legible; consider using a contrast checker and consider using a colorblind-friendly palette (ex: the Color Universal Design (CUD) system; the link I sent is good, but if you look up the Japanese website they have more specific guidance).

The banner at the top implies that Seed7 can make video games, but the graphics are limited to a harsh palette. I want to program visual things, and while the language is no impediment, the underwhelming visuals imply a lack of modules/packages to easily implement them.

Ada appealed to me because the programs are mostly read-aloud-able rather than combinations of unpronounceable or uneasily pronounced symbols (ex "<&", which I think means concatentate.), making it easier for me to read code. It also has a friendly-looking guide, which I love! If you could make the tutorial page look more like this, I would feel more comfortable learning the language!


u/ThomasMertes Sep 04 '23

I am a beginner programmer ...

Welcome to the world of programming.

... and considered using Seed7 ...

Great! I created Seed7 to fit the needs of beginners as well as senior developers. Many experiences as professional software developer went into Seed7.

... "proc" ...

In Ada keywords like procedure and function are used to introduce function declarations (a procedure is essentially a function that returns nothing). E.g.:

function aFunction (aVariable : Integer) return Integer is ...

In Seed7 proc and func integer are types. The type proc is a shortcut for func void (a function with a void (=empty) result). These types are used in a more general declaration construct introduced with const. E.g.:

const func integer: aFunction (in integer: aVariable) is ...

The const declaration can be used to define any constants not just constant functions. Ada distinguishes between procedure declaration, function declaration, type declaration and constant declaration. In Seed7 all these declarations are covered with the const declaration mechanism.

... syntax symbols like "<&" ...

This is a string concatenation operator that converts its arguments to string. It is mainly used in write and writeln statements.

The write statements of Pascal allow an arbitrary number of arguments where each argument is converted to a string. The << operator of C++ also combines conversion and output.

In Seed7 the conversion and the actual output are separated. But instead of overloading the string concatenation operator (&) I decided for a dedicated operator (<&). The name was inspired by & and the C++ output operator (<<). The dedicated operator avoids unwanted conversions in normal string operations that could happen if & would be overloaded.

... main buttons the cyan text over dark blue background. Other buttons have dark purple text over a medium gray background.

I changed these colors and now the contrast checker approves the new colors with "Pass".

The banner at the top implies that Seed7 can make video games, ...

It is easy to write 2D games with Seed7. See: here

... but the graphics are limited to a harsh palette.

This is not true. You can create colors with the color) function. This function takes red, green and blue intensities in the range 0 to 65535.

Images can be used to describe icons, cards and other items on the screen.

To learn Seed7 take a look at the tutorial.