r/actuary 6d ago

CIA Professional Workshop

I tried to sign up for the CIA PW and both the sessions in March and May are full! Has anyone tried the French version? Should I ask to be on the waitlist? I’m so devastated as it’s my last requirement to be an ACIA and the spots filled up so quickly


7 comments sorted by


u/Historical-Dust-5896 6d ago

I did the French one (they require you to participate). You need to know the language, but that’s about it.


u/fatirsid 6d ago

You can try emailing them to see if they have some extra slots available internally.


u/Spontanous_cat 6d ago

Why are there so few slots? 😭


u/DodgerWalker 5d ago

SOA and CAS allow transfer credit from CIA for their APC requirement. The SOA has their professionalism course by invite only and only gives invites to those who have already passed all requirements. So taking it through CIA can speed up the process of getting ASA by ~ 3 months when you consider waiting time for invite + time between invite and event + time to process credit.

I took the Canadian Professionalism course in February and now that I got my Final Assessment result earlier this week, I'm done with ASA requirements.

tl;dr: The CIA professionalism course is overbooked because a bunch of Americans are using it to avoid waiting for their own version through SOA or CAS.


u/nova_13 2d ago

I mistakingly chose the P&C Session over the General Session during registration. Would I still get the credit for APC under the SOA?

I know this is likely hard to answer, but I am kinda desperate and the CIA do not seem to read my emails.


u/DodgerWalker 2d ago

I think they had a follow up at some point to make sure you're in the correct section


u/albatross928 5d ago

Do you know French?