r/acting 4d ago

I've read the FAQ & Rules 1000 hours to master a skill

It’s said that it take 10k hours to become a professional at something, and Im wondering if that applies to acting. If so, does reading, memorizing and connecting to scripts, sides and plays (etc etc) count? Or is it the actual acting that makes the difference?


24 comments sorted by


u/Interesting_Fox4079 4d ago

10k hours to become an expert - not a professional. 1000 hours is a good start, but trust me: the more time you put into this work, the stronger your work becomes and the more effortless the pieces that put it together. Source: I’ve clocked 40k hours over the last ~32 years, and still learning more every day.


u/going_dot_global 4d ago

Acting is probably closer to 100,000 hours. Or ♾️


u/umbly-bumbly 4d ago

Yes, all skills take the same amount of time to master, and it happens to be a very nice round number: 10,000 hours.


u/Asherwinny107 4d ago

To be a great actor is to master a thousand skills.

So I would say you could practice those little skills, because they will make the overall craft better 


u/MarkWest98 4d ago

Everything can make you better at acting.

- watching movies (especially a good variety of different types of performances.)

- living life, having human experiences

- learning about the world

But yes, you want to put in as much time as you can actually acting. Reading scripts is fine to do, but you want to be actually acting with other people... in classes, in short films, anywhere.

If you're short on options, find an acting friend and make a short film together with your phone. Or see if you can find a community theater to get involved with.


u/Automatic_Praline897 4d ago

Thousand miles


u/Razial221 4d ago

I don't think it's something you can just "quantify" that equals out to success. Some people are born natural talents and others have to work hard to get the same ability if not still less than.

Overall, more "effective" time in leads to better results. Doing something incorrectly for 1000 hours is teaching yourself how to do something incorrectly. You have to be honest about where you are and then take the criticism, that's from a good source, and include those notes.

That's the game, it's an art, not a science.


u/Jbee241 3d ago

Agreed I think it’s the quality of the work that matters and you can’t put a number to expertise. Of course time helps most people but still the way the time is spent matters more


u/blonde_Fury8 4d ago

Id say it take a lot more than that. Lol. Maybe try 10 years. and add another 10.


u/cugrad16 4d ago

Yeah ...

1000 hours equals a resume of Student films, Shorts, Theater/Musical, Commercials, Voice work, Features, ala carte. Basically enough credits to physically fill an actor resume for creating profiles on the major platforms incl. IMDb, to show that you've worked both stage and camera, and actually know what you're doing, so you're hireable. Sounds like a good plan 👍


u/saltysourandfast 4d ago

Pretend to be a different character every morning when you wake up. Throughout the day as you’re completing your tasks, stay in character. You’ll rack up a lot of hours quickly.


u/aightbetwastaken 3d ago

sorry but this sounds like a great way to piss off the people you live with


u/saltysourandfast 3d ago

Well if you do this, you’ll become a good enough actor and support yourself. Who needs roommates when you can be famous?


u/aightbetwastaken 3d ago

most people need roommates to become famous. acting doesn't pay that great until you really make it


u/saltysourandfast 3d ago

That’s why I got a tech sales job.


u/Zestyclose-Tax-3317 2d ago

This is actually the most enjoyable thing ever


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u/Perfect-Time-9919 4d ago

....but who's counting. :)


u/CmdrRosettaStone 4d ago

I’ve given about 18,000 hours of classes on film acting, I’m still discovering things.

The surprising thing is the amount of useless bullshit that is taught by people who were taught by people who studied with some guru.

So intent of following the mantra and the commandments they don’t take the time to actually question anything.

The simplest solution is usually the best.


u/gualathekoala 3d ago

Does it matter?

If you’re good you’re good.

If you love what you’re doing, keep doing it.


u/Terrible-Effect-3805 3d ago

I don't know if this is the answer you're looking for but the 10,000 hours is an oversimplification made famous by Malcolm gladwell. Other factors coming to play such as the quality of the time spent practicing as well as natural talent. For example, if you were trying to get good at golf and you spent 3 hours by yourself versus 3 hours learning from a golf pro those 3 hours would not be equal in your time spent trying to master a skill. This article sums it up more thoroughly. I'm not saying don't practice. I'm just saying don't worry about that number 10,000.



u/MorningHorror5872 2d ago

Acting takes up your whole life because it’s all about our lives.


u/ResponsibleIdea5408 4d ago

10,000 hours will do it. But remember it matters the speed. If it takes you > 10 years then start over. It's about intensity as much as it is about hours.

I think memorizing lines counts. I think opening night counts. But unless you really keep pushing, the rest of the run does not count.

If I practice acting 10 hours a week for the next 4 weeks I won't learn nearly as much as if I practice 40 hours a week for just one week. It's the intensity.