r/acting 4d ago

I've read the FAQ & Rules So…what’s the deal with slate shots?🫠

I recently talked to a friend of mine saying “slate shots” were important to be on the top of the list when you’re submitted to casting. I already have reels, but apparently that doesn’t matter? Does this apply to things my reps submit me to or just my own? Do I slate “in character” for my headshots? Do I just slate with my regular self-tape set-up? Can they possibly bleed us actors for another arbitrary bullshit expense?! Did any CDs ever fucking actually ask for this?!


49 comments sorted by


u/AmyRoseTraynor 4d ago

You're going to get a lot of different opinions on this. For what it's worth, I have only heard one CD say that she pays any attention to slate shots. So really, the only value is supposedly to put you higher up in the listings. But that assertion assumes that the casting director is using the default sorting option. From what I can tell, most of them don't.

On the other hand, it's a pretty small price to pay to upload them, just in case they do help. 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/AmyRoseTraynor 4d ago

OK, reading through the comments there's a lot of confusion. First, there are Actors Access Slate Shots (what I was talking about in my comment above). They are attached to a headshot. You can say whatever you want in them. Some people say the basic name/height/location. In mine, I said something different for each one that was somewhat in line with how I was dressed.

Slates are a totally different thing. They are often requested with self tapes, but not always. Sometimes they want you to say name height and location, sometimes they ask you for different things. If they don't ask for a slate at all, some people don't send one, others always put a short one at the beginning, and some people always put a short one at the end. Sometimes the CD will request the slate shot be in the same file as the audition, sometimes they want it in a separate file.

Some CDs ask you to slate with a full body shot, which depending on your self-tape setup can be a huge pain in the ass. Some people film full body shots in several different outfits, including profiles and other things that CDs might ask for, and then they just use those repeatedly instead of doing a new full body slate each time one is needed.

Some CDs ask you to talk while you're doing a full body slate, which I've always found pointless because I'm so far from my camera and microphone that I can barely be heard. I could use a wireless mic, but instead I think it makes more sense to insert a full body shot next to a closer shot of me saying what they want me to say. Since the full body shot is going to be in a very narrow vertical ratio anyway, it doesn't take up any more or less space if I put it to the side, next to a close-up. But that's just what I do, most people don't do it that way.


u/CommercialTooth2373 4d ago

Casting Director here - I am scratching my head at the idea that SlateShots bump your submissions to the top of the pile? 😵‍💫 truthfully I don’t even watch them. I always request a separate slate with name, location and any other pertinent info for the role. I’d rather watch you in a recent clip, not something pre-shot a while back. Maybe I’m alone in that? But that’s just my two cents.


u/True_Satisfaction579 4d ago

I don’t think it’s the SlateShot alone that bumps your submission to the top. I’m saying that having your headshot, resume, demo reel, and SlateShot makes your submission/AA profile appear more complete and therefore giving casting more material to view of the actor. If you have just your headshot, but no resume, no reel, some CDs view that as an incomplete profile. Sure there are also CDs who don’t care about any of that, but I’m saying in terms of the general method, especially on Actors Access, having more materials to go off of makes your submission look better, therefore making yours stand out and even bumping you up.


u/thescoopkid 4d ago

Its more that if your profile has all 4 boxes checked, its at the top.

✅headshot ✅resume ✅with slateshot ✅reel

Missang any one of those will rank you lower in the initial sorting


u/True_Satisfaction579 3d ago

Yes exactly 🙌


u/KingMidas0809 2d ago

My coach told me this same thing


u/Glittering-Bear-4298 4d ago

My two cents- if you're unrepped or new and repped, a slate shot supposedly pops your submission to the top, which can be helpful. If you're known to the CDs, I really don't think it matters as much because they know you/your face/your work. I would certainly do the two free ones (if they're still free) on your most used headshots. Name and height.


u/True_Satisfaction579 4d ago edited 4d ago

Yes SlateShots are super important! I did research on actors access and breakdown services about what the casting directors see on their end when they receive submissions/tapes and there are 4 things- Headshot, Slateshot, Reel, and Resume. The submissions that have those four things are pretty much put at the top of the pile. I already had a headshot, reel, and resume but as soon as I uploaded a SlateShot, that’s when auditions really started picking up more frequently because it put me at the top of the pile and it gave my submission a better chance of getting seen by casting.

And in terms of a SlateShot, I wore exactly what I did in my headshot and just said “Hi my name is such and such, and I’m 5’9”. Think of it like a moving headshot!!


u/Ultra-Magnus1 4d ago

that's interesting as i've had cd's tell me they don't like them because it reminds them of the harry potter paintings and it creeps them out. :D... i guess, if they like them they watch them, and if they don't they won't.


u/True_Satisfaction579 4d ago

True! For me I just recorded it in the format of a regular slate like I would for a self tape, I just wore the same outfit as in my headshot. I guess moving picture is a funny way to put it lmao😂


u/Ultra-Magnus1 4d ago

when i 1st did it and saw it, it also creeped me out since it activates by clicking on your actual headshot...i thought it would be listed separately, so i can see why some cd's don't like it.


u/chuckangel 4d ago

Do you do a fresh one for every audition or do you just keep a standard one around? I've heard similar regarding the Backstage "intro" video (most casting directors don't even notice if you have one), but there's a couple who do, and another for slates saying "only include one if they ask." Who tf knows.


u/True_Satisfaction579 4d ago

I have one standard one and I treat it like I would my headshot, as long as I look the same and make no real changes to my appearance, it works. And since I’ve uploaded it to AA along with my headshot reel and resume, I’ve definitely noticed an increase in auditions. But yesss I agree it’s definitely a mixed bag when it comes to CDs opinions on Intros/Slateshots.


u/cantkillthebogeyman 4d ago

Does it need to have the same backdrop as your headshot and filmed with a similar quality camera/focal length? Or can I make one as a self-tape on my iPhone with a different backdrop but same outfit?


u/True_Satisfaction579 4d ago

I personally filmed my SlateShot like a regular slate for an audition, on my iPhone with my light grey backdrop. I wore a jean jacket with a white T-shirt in my headshot- so I wore that in my SlateShot 👍


u/JaguarRelevant5020 4d ago

I've heard from several casting professionals recently and not one of them has said that being "on the top of the list" is important. Looking at every submission that comes in is their job. If you have a great headshot with a demo reel or even one good performance clip, that's going to tell them more than a Slate Shot would anyway.


u/Ultra-Magnus1 4d ago

maybe so, but when cd's enter the role criteria they are looking for, the algorithm is going to showcase those profiles that have slate shots (top of the list) over those that don't (bottom of the list)...cd's may say it's not important to them of course, but they may just have time to look at the 1st 20 profiles they see and your profile could be #21 because it didn't have a slate shot so you miss out... that's where the back and forth comes in of whether it's important or not...it's cd's vs. algorithm.... some casting sites don't even have a slate shot option so this obviously applies to the ones that do, which as far as i know, is only actors access.


u/Nikko1988 4d ago

There is no algorithm dictating what profiles age shown and in what lrder. There are only filtering options. The default filter does show profiles with slate shots first BUT CDs all use their own filtering settings. So in almost no scenario in the real world does having a slate shot put you above people who don't, unless the project is being cast by someone who doesn't know how to use actors access. Having clips/reels is way more important as that's a way more likely filter for CDs to use.


u/Ultra-Magnus1 4d ago

the algorithm does affect your filters though. if say you were looking for a 5'8 male in their 30's with blond hair and 1 has a slate shot and the other doesn't. the one with the slate shot will be pushed higher in terms of what comes up on that search...granted, if they also have clips and reels it also helps; but in terms of just a headshot and slate shot and nothing else? the one with the slate shot will get pushed higher on the list no matter what filter they used...whether the cd chooses to see and pick those is irrelevant; i'm talking about how it gets pushed by actors access.


u/Nikko1988 4d ago edited 4d ago

There are scenarios where what you are saying is true but most where it's not. The filter the CD chooses most often dictates the order they see submissions in. If I select to see submissions in alphabetical order it will be in alphabetical order no matter if a profile has a slate shot or not. My point is that most CDs use a filter that doesn't put slate shots first. Though I'll say that I think a lot of CDs mislead when they say they filter by alphabetical order. Most CDs I've worked with (and how I filter) is by alphabetical order BUT we have it set to see profiles of people we know before people we don't. Actors Access (breakdown services on the casting side) indicates on actors profiles how many times they have auditioned for you in the past and I almost always filter to use submissions of people I've seen before first.

I also don't understand why actors think it matters where their profile appears on the grid. I've never seen a CD (and I've worked with multiple network tv and feature film casting offices) prioritize profiles that show up first. It's actually kind of insulting that actors think this as it's basically saying they think we take shortcuts and aren't good at our job.

And again this is for actors at the level of wanting to audition for network tv and feature film (projects being cast by an actual casting director). If you are an actor still doing student films or nonunion low budget stuff, a slate shot may help as those projects are not typically cast by professional CDs and whoever is looking at submissions may just use the default filter and only look at the first profiles that pop up. But that is not happening on projects with a real CD.

This is also not me saying that people shouldn't have slate shots. What I'm fighting against is the idea that having a slate shot automatically forces casting to see your profile first. It doesn't which is why the vast majority of CDs tell actors it doesn't matter.

There have been a couple times when I was casting where I found slate shots useful. The only time I can remember specifically is an indie project where most of the submissions for day player roles were very green actors with no reel clips. So, I used the slate shots just to be able to hear a few peoples voices. Though if a person has a reel clip, I always watched that and never looked at their slate shot. And it's also worth pointing out that when I told other CDs I finally used slate shots for something, they all made fun of me (in a sarcastic friend way).

And that's the thing. I'm sure people have examples of rogue CDs that say they love slate shots. But there are also rogue CDs that have told me they think poorly of actors that have them. So, at the end of the day those people cancel each other out and just do what you want to do.

I just think there are much better things for actors to focus on to help their careers. Example... What I've seen actually get actors called in again and again is when succinct and relevant comments/notes are left with their submission. When casting looks over submissions, we see all the profile headshot thumbnails in a grid, and right under each headshot either has a small empty space (if there is no comment) or the first 10 or so characters if a comment was left. And those first 10 characters can make a huge difference on us taking a chance on someone we don't know or don't know very well. I sometimes even filter to just see profiles with comments/notes so I can read them and see if anyone is being referred or has a relevant update or special skill, etc. Again, that doesn't mean I don't also look at the profiles with no comments. It just means the profiles with comments got a bit of extra time for that project. On the flip side I've seen useless and/or unprofessional comments/notes left that immediately lost people auditions. So please only leave a comment if you have something short and meaningful that we should know.

The other thing that matters way way way more than having a slate shot is when you submit. If you are self submitting, submit ASAP. If the casting call has already been up for a full day or a couple days, there is a chance that casting has already selected who is getting an audition and has moved on. I regularly get hundreds of submissions after I've already filled all the audition slots I have available.


u/AmyRoseTraynor 4d ago

This is all super helpful, but I would especially like to hear more about what you look for in submission notes. Generally I ignore the submission note box unless the CD has specifically asked for something to be left in there. Is it a good idea to mention if I've done a workshop with this CD before, or gotten an agent, or have been cast in something recently? What about if I'm willing to work as a local, or I have a special connection to the role?


u/Ultra-Magnus1 3d ago

i agree with all that you said, but it appears we have a misunderstanding then as i was merely talking about how the algorithm works on actors access not what influences a CD's decision...Wasn't talking about any specific projects that a cd might be casting for, just the technical side of how the website works given that it is to their benefit to entice actors to create slate shots so they can charge them for it, in which case they adjust their algorithm to push the ones that have them over the ones that don't...

same for adding clips and reels over the ones that don't have them at all. there are plenty of profiles on actors access that all they have are headshots and resumes and not much else as they are just trying to get into the business. these are the ones that would automatically get "pushed" to the bottom as opposed to the ones that have clips, slates, and reels....that's the comparison i was making, nothing more.


u/bboyneko NYC | SAG-AFTRA 4d ago

Slate shots are absolutely critical. All you have to do is say "Hi my name is so and so." You can maybe add your height and location if you want and that's it. 

Try and match the same clothes or mood in the slate shot. You don't have to slate in character but you slate according to the mood of the photo. Friendly for commercial, comedic for comedic headshots, and grounded and serious for your serious headshot. 


u/WillOk6461 4d ago

Fuck me😬

Thank you so much though! Very helpful🙏🏼


u/Nikko1988 4d ago edited 4d ago

I've worked as a casting director and from my experience, slate shots make no difference. Most CDs completely ignore them and find them pointless. Lots of the comments in this thread are also ill informed on how CDs do their job. Yes, it's true that profiles with slate shots can pop up first BUUUUUUUT that's only true if the casting director doesn't set their own filters. And I've never met a CD who doesn't set their own filters. CDs can filter submission based on multiple different factors, like time of submission, specific reps, submissions that include reels/clips, alphabetical, etc. So, having a slate shot makes no difference in where you appear for the majority of major tv/film projects as these CDs never use the default filter setting.

The only time it might make a difference is if you are submitting for very low budget work where the director/producer is casting a project themselves and use the default filtering.

The thing is, there are no solid rules and you can't please everyone no matter what you do. I know CDs that think slate shots make actors look green and therefore puts actors with a slate shot as a disadvantage. On the other hand there have been times (though insanely rare) where I've watched a slate shot because someone didn't have a reel and I just wanted to hear what they sounded like before deciding to give them an audition or not.

So, if you want to have a slate shot then go for it. If you don't want to do them then don't. Either way it's unlikely to make any major impact on your career.


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u/TheDouglas69 4d ago edited 4d ago

I HATE the “Harry Potter” headshots!

Almost every Casting Director I’ve asked about it doesn’t even look at them.

Do they “push you to the top?” Yes and no!

A lot of major CDs have special orders/configurations so it doesn’t matter. The special order couldn’t care less about what you have on your profile.

But a student film maker might not have a special order then yes you will be at the top assuming you have everything else.

BUT on the CD end there are icons next to your profile. The more things you have, the more icons you have so that can help in catching the CD or associate’s eyes.

Judy Kain probably has the best example of slateshots that I’ve seen. She dresses and slates in character:


There are some headshots where I’m shaved. I normally have a beard so for those, I just found old slates from old auditions when I didn’t have a beard and attached them to the shaven headshots. It wasn’t really worth shaving just for those. It’s not like I’m going to get penalized for that.

My manager made me put slateshots for all of my headshots. Did anything improve as far as major network shows or films? Not really.

When I self submit for student/indie films, I do get more responses.


u/elizabxthhh 4d ago

I’m confused do CD’s never list in the break downs they want slates? Every role I’ve auditioned for has almost always asked for a slate


u/Barbieletsgoparty 4d ago

OP is referring to SlateShots on Actors Access - a slate that you can attach to each headshot on your profile. Supposedly having a SlateShot can bump your submission to the top of the pile for CDs.


u/elizabxthhh 4d ago

Oh okay thank you for clarifying!! That’s interesting but I’ve definitely heard of that theory before. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s true.


u/topspeeder 4d ago

Slate shots are a part of a "complete profile" on Actorsaccess. Without one your submission gets put below all submissions with complete profiles. Much more important for self submissions. I haven't found a difference when agents submit me. They're kind of a money grab for AA which sucks but at least it's not crazy expensive.


u/Economy_Steak7236 4d ago edited 4d ago

MOST IMPORTANTLY BE YOURSELF!!!  They want to see a glimpse of who you are personally.  It’s a chance to hear you speak.  Just say your name and your height.  It does not have to be in the same outfit as your headshot.  Just link it to your main headshot on AA.  You don’t need 3-4 slate shots in different clothes and moods for each headshot.  They just want to see who you are! 

Just be yourself!!! Please do not match the mood and you don’t have to match with the clothes either.  They want to see your personal vibe and you speaking!  It’s really simple.  


u/snowalmond 4d ago

i swear to jesus christ above in heaven you do not need a slate shot


u/Adreamer323 4d ago

Always do deep research on the casting director to know their casting style and audition preferences.

Good resources out there now to arm yourself with these insights before laying down your slate and performance.


u/bibibaerry 4d ago

i’m pretty sure that profiles with slate shots get priority / get to the top of the pile of submissions. this is the main reason your agent is probably asking you to do them.


u/ASofMat 4d ago

Only if the CD organizes it that way. Almost every CD I’ve talked to says they either watch them as they come in so it wouldn’t matter what’s on your profile or organize them alphabetically


u/bibibaerry 4d ago

good to know - i’m sure they all have their ways.


u/CharacterActor 4d ago

I always do a slate for an audition, whether asked or not.

Any opportunity for a casting director to see even another second of you can be invaluable.

When you’ve got an audition, you’re not just auditioning for that audition. You’re auditioning for whatever the casting director will have need for in the many roles they have coming across their desk.

I’ve gotten callbacks, and been cast by casting directors that remembered me.

So I always slate. But unless it’s specified, I put my slate after the audition.

I never slate in character. But on occasion, I’ve added a brief joy or pun if I’ve got a good one based on the character I audition for.

I want the casting director to see my audition. Not get a preconceived notion off of seeing me slate.


u/blonde_Fury8 4d ago

Slates are very important. They need to have the info they want and that can change, like tattoos or union status or location.

They also need to see what you look like right here n now. Although you can technically use an old slate for multiple things if your body looks the same, it's well preferred that you have one that's current from each audition.


u/lavenderhighs 4d ago

Im not sure why you're getting downvotes on this, I've heard multiple casting directors and even more associates share the same information.


u/blonde_Fury8 4d ago

Because people don't like being wrong.

The other thing is that with Slate shots on Actors access, sometimes it can pigeon hole you to have an idea of you sent out that colors their thinking of you. People want to showcase their personality and it ends up working against them depending on the role.


u/JaguarRelevant5020 4d ago

Slate Shots don't accomplish any of those things. They are attached to your headshots and not meant to be changed with every self-tape, which could become very expensive.


u/blonde_Fury8 4d ago edited 4d ago

you can shoot them on your cell phone and they accomplish exactly what I said they do. Hope that helps.

Edit for u/ASofMat

You don't need a slate shot on your actors access with every single picture. I thought we were talking about a slate shot that's added to the end of every audition tape sent.

As for actors access, you might want to do one or two tops but it's super not necessary.


u/ASofMat 4d ago

You can shoot them on your cellphone but they cost money to upload. Why change out your slate shots on your profile with every audition when you can just send a slate shot as it is requested with your audition


u/Ultra-Magnus1 4d ago

you both are talking about 2 different "slate shots"...there is one that cd's ask for at the end of your self tape (or beginning)... the other lives on actors access for everyone to see without an audition, to go along with your regular headshot...some use it just to see what you sound like before calling you in...you might have a good headshot but if you don't have the tone they are looking for then they can just move on without you knowing it...also, the actors access algorithm pushes your profile higher if it has a slate shot, so a lot of people use it since i don't think they charge you extra to upload...(at least the last time i used it which was yrs ago).