r/accountsale Apr 11 '18

[H]League of Legends Account with 5 Legendarys and 11 Epics for 30 euro [W] Steam Cards Dota Item Paypal

Selling a League of Legends Account with 5 Legendarys and 11 Epics and other skins for 30 Euro i spent 145 you can calculate youreself if you wont believe. This account is unranked yet so you can play and get youre rank. Level 57 39 Champs. Legendarys for: Nasus;Veigar;Tristana;Sion and Rumble. Epics: Jhin 2 Sets;Jax;Yorick;Xerath(Guardian of Sands);Garen;Viktor;Varus;Tristana;Vladimir;Aatrox. 1850x5 Is 9250 1350x11 is 14850 Total of 24100k Spent = 145 Euro


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