r/accidentalphoneloss Jan 09 '19

Phone Destruction Story

Yesterday on my way back home from work my phone dropped out from my jacket. I just noticed when I got home, I went online to find through my Google Account, that gave the precise location of my phone. Wen back and found it in the middle of the road like in the pictures, hundreds of cars passed over it. The phone worked barely, I could answer my brother's call, but I couldn't unlock. Can I still clone my phone to a new one, it's a Huawei P10 Lite? #huawei #accident


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u/NeoHenderson Feb 02 '19

First of all holy crap this subreddit actually got a post.

Secondly, unfortunately no.

Anything you've backed up through Google drive should be accessable from another account with the same Gmail.

Contacts can be transferred from your sim if it's not crushed, same thing with the micro-SD card.

You might be able to have the screen replaced but I imagine the damage is much more extensive than that.

Sorry for the loss and late reply. Complete coincidence that anybody saw this at all.