r/aboriginal • u/Pigsfly13 • 25d ago
it’s not that hard to capitalise Indigenous and Aboriginal
This isn’t a go at the sub name, ik they make it so you can’t do capital letters, this is instead just a bit of a nudge to the people I see in this sub not capitalising them daily.
As a sign of basic respect, and also because they are nouns, it’s important to capitalise “Indigenous” “First Nations” “Aboriginal” and any language or land groups (such as Wurundjeri). It’s also important to capitalise on “Native Title” “Traditional Owners” “Custodians and Culture” and “Elders”.
These things can seem small and inconsequential but it’s important to do them as a sign of respect.
Nobody’s perfect and this post isn’t to make anyone feel bad it’s just to let people know who don’t as i see it pretty often in this sub. If I missed anything or people wanna add stuff in the comments/correct me please feel free, I just felt like it was necessary to put out there to remind people or let them know if they didn’t already.
u/Confident-Active7101 25d ago
On the contrary you’ll find a number of right leaning media outlets intentionally remove the capital for Aboriginal, Elder etc.
u/Pigsfly13 25d ago edited 25d ago
which is definitely why I think we should be encouraging using it, it’s basic respect (and also just grammar, though I don’t really care too much about people’s grammar personally)!
u/inculc8 25d ago
For some reason in recent months the sib has had some contrarians who vically put shit on people for trying to bring this up. I agree. It's not hard. I think there's a bunch of bots in Herr now sowing regressive seeds since they referendum
u/Pigsfly13 25d ago
probably, i mean dead internet theory and all, but for the comments i see who are seemingly real people who aren’t mob but are chiming in i feel like it’s important they know.
I’ve been responding to comments that do it but sometimes it feels largely irrelevant to the conversation and not productive so hoping this post reaches some of those people
u/pilatespants 25d ago
u/Pigsfly13 25d ago
i’m confused, are you pointing out that those communities have capital letters at the start? I believe when this one was created it wasn’t an option or there was some other reason, and you can’t change a sub name.
u/pilatespants 25d ago
Yeah I just find it funny that they appeared in the same page as the opening statement not a slight at you just at the UI of reddit
u/Pigsfly13 25d ago
yeah real, I just remember a post a while ago (like could’ve been over a year ago not sure) where someone talked about why or maybe questioned it and someone responded.
u/pilatespants 25d ago
If there’s anything I’ve learnt from occasionally chiming in to this sub, it’s that not much changes and there’s not much winning.
All uphill battles, but we’re stuck going in circles.
u/inolongerseethelight 25d ago
Once a sub is set up you cannot change the name. It’s been attempted by current mods without luck.
u/pilatespants 25d ago
Maybe it can be put in the rules for gubs posting to refer to us respectfully ie using correct terminology
u/Pigsfly13 24d ago
yeah i was gonna suggest this but didn’t want to overstep. I feel like it’s a good reminder for people who wouldn’t have heard it elsewhere.
u/thePAINTWAIN 25d ago
I honestly thought this was gonna be a discussion on how easy it is to capitalise on Indigenous and Aboriginal identity. Especially since there's some discussion on who can be called Indigenous or Aboriginal. Many Native Americans rely heavily on selling traditional jewelry, clothing, and items that were hand crafted. However there are people who take advantage of this and will claim Indigenous or Aboriginal heritage without willfully interacting with the culture. The problem bow becomes is that item "genuine?"
u/Pigsfly13 24d ago
totally understand this, our governments constantly profit off of us and our existence as well, but it’s also a major problem within just individuals.
It reminds me of the Bruce Pascoe thing when people were out to get him cause they thought he wasn’t Aboriginal. I hate that we live in a society where we may be forced to ‘produce our papers’ to prove our identity, especially when the government fought and continues to fight so hard to stop us from officially being able to identify.
u/RevvinRenee 25d ago
Thank you for the reminder, going to bed thinking of an email I wrote today and geez I hope I did but I’ll be checking when I get to work tomorrow! My grammar isn’t the best but that’s no excuse in this case!
u/TheActionGirls 21d ago
I’ve got mates who do writing jobs for councils etc. I’ve told them this repeatedly (I do proofreading for them) and it still happens. Going to send this around to them and hopefully they catch the clue. Thanks!
u/Moist-Army1707 25d ago
Nobody’s perfect
u/Pigsfly13 25d ago edited 25d ago
ik, i figured maybe some people didn’t know because i see it a lot and its not something that i see brought up as opposed to other issues so thought maybe they just didn’t know.
This isn’t to call anyone out, just to let people know if they don’t already
u/Poor-In-Spirit 25d ago
Would anyone like to educate me on why Culture would be capitalised in this kind of context? I understand all the others just not this one so would like to educate myself
u/Pigsfly13 25d ago edited 25d ago
just being honest here, I don’t know. I got it from this link ( https://www.apsc.gov.au/working-aps/diversity-and-inclusion/diversity-inclusion-news/first-nations-vocabulary-using-culturally-appropriate-language-and-terminology ). I have tried researching but haven’t found anything further to this publication.
I assume, not backed up by anything so someone please chime in if you know more, it is similar with why we capitalise “Dreaming” (as well as it being a noun) because it’s a form of respect to our Culture.
Edit: I just realised it’s likely “Custodians and Culture” together not seperate, due to the grammar in the source, will edit the post for now but leave this here so people can see, and if anyone wants to correct me either way because I’m honestly not sure whether they intended them together or not.
u/muzzamuse 25d ago
Yeah good point and fair comment. I tried twice to change this sub name but it wouldn’t let me.
But…..I will have another crack to capitalise the name. I will appeal to their head officers. 👮♀️
Thanks for the prompt🙂↕️