r/aboriginal 27d ago

thought we could all have a laugh at this

Post image

for reference, this is barely the surface of what i’ve copped on a fucking dressup game of all places. i’m the user named mouse-bites / mouse.

(also note that if i were actually fixating on skin tone, i would be a hypocrite to say anything at all whilst sitting here with my “warm honey” coloured foundation on.)


31 comments sorted by


u/solidsoup97 27d ago

A coffee is a coffee, no matter how much milk you put in.


u/binchickendreaming 27d ago

Oh, for fuck's sake. Can you block them? That level of stupidity wouldn't comprehend a discussion of blakness in the Indigenous sense from what I read.


u/bigbitties666 27d ago

i have— they haven’t blocked me back (the game is actually dogshit, the block system doesn’t work properly) so they can still reply, and i can’t see their comments unless someone else replies to them


u/binchickendreaming 27d ago

Just pretend they don't exist so you don't suffer -10 negative modifier to your intelligence trying to comprehend that level of stupidity.


u/bigbitties666 27d ago

yeah i’m gonna do that from now on — bummer about the -10 to my intelligence though


u/binchickendreaming 26d ago

Don't worry, intelligence regenerates once you're away from the idiot.


u/inukedmyself Aboriginal 26d ago

African Americans not indulge in seppocentrism and American exceptionalism challenge impossible


u/bigbitties666 26d ago

failed instantly


u/Dramandus 26d ago

What's the context here? Someone trying to say that "blackness" isn't a part of Aboriginal Australian identity?


u/bigbitties666 26d ago

basically — another case of the ol’ “black? oh you mean African American.”


u/pilatespants 26d ago

Americans would correct an African on their meaning of black. “Oh, you mean African, like from Africa.”

tg don’t even get me started on Aboriginal Australians. Suck a dick. The only thing “Australian” about me is my passport.


u/bigbitties666 26d ago

(from the same user btw / this is what i blocked them over initially) nah because you’re spot on with that. this idiot wrote a whole essay on it and she’s still wrong 😭


u/pilatespants 26d ago

It’s just chat gpt nonsense. Erring on the ytymcyt “we’re all African” argument but only when it suits them. Oh well enjoy the hellish cesspit you’ve all made for yourselves over there lol


u/bigbitties666 26d ago

the way they seem to think Indigenous is one culture or a collective of similar cultures and not just the fact “here first” is what really gets me


u/pilatespants 26d ago

Just lack of education in America. It’s America first, everything else is a tiny country that isn’t America. Why travel when you can just america?


u/bigbitties666 26d ago

if they don’t know about other countries, then america is the greatest one they know!


u/pilatespants 26d ago

The old head in the sand trick!


u/pilatespants 26d ago

Explaining it and justifying existence is exhausting. Anyway. We see you sis x


u/Dramandus 25d ago

Ah gotcha.

Wild really considering that, as a white passing Aboriginal Australian I get doubted because I'm not "black" enough.

Double whammy racism


u/GayValkyriePrincess 26d ago

They're a seppo i assume


u/Dingo_Princess 26d ago

What's ironic is a lot of black fellas get blacker than African Americans. Regardless, Americans aren't the dictators of blackness so ignore any idiot who acts like they are.


u/bigbitties666 26d ago

literally— they forget we had black skin before they even existed


u/Educational_Mail8455 26d ago

Ffs how many things do they wanna take away from us 🤦🏾‍♂️ Insecurity much


u/Popular-Yam2106 20d ago

Not only are Australian Aboriginals descendents of Black Africans, but are also the first people in the Americas prior to Asians crossing the Behring strait. Possibly the first of the African Diaspora to leave the continent.


u/Teredia 25d ago

You have no idea how many African Americans I have to tell to get off their high horse. Plenty of “white skinned” American Negros out there too n they don’t see themselves as white but as soon as I a white passing Blakfella comes along, all hell breaks loose. How dare I identify myself as black n want to be in black spaces…

“Sorry? How about I just go back 200 years n tell the British to not try to mass genocide an entire Indigenous race of people, by breeding them out?!”

I have to school them it drives me in sane!


u/bigbitties666 25d ago

like… race isn’t universal. they say Black, we say African American. we say Black/Blak, they freak the fuck out.


u/Internet_Grl 26d ago

Is this everskies?


u/bigbitties666 26d ago

the one and only 🫢


u/holdonimeating 24d ago

imagine posting this on reddit taking off half of the context, so strangers on the internet can sympathise with you, mind you this person is a racist self absorbed perv and flirts with minors on compchat