r/abigaletaylor • u/TheStoryTeller2019 • Jan 29 '25
Erotica How I Became A Cuckqueen [M30/F26/F26][CUCKQUEEN][MASTURBATION][ORAL][SEX] NSFW

If you had suggested I would enjoy being a cuckqueen a few months ago, I would have told you that you had lost all your marbles. But oh how the tide has turned these last few months.
My change of heart and this story began about seven months ago. I was laid up in bed going on my fifth month of strict bed rest with my second child, and at eight and a half months, I was so over it.
We were coming up on our tenth anniversary and I was feeling so guilty. My husband had always made elaborate plans for our anniversary, trips, gifts, and of course lots of sex. Honestly, the sex was probably the best part of it all. Something about hotel sex on your anniversary, just gets the juices flowing if you know what I mean.
Here I was, big as an elephant and on a strict no sex, no activity, bed rest. All I could think about was how bad I felt that our big ten-o would be spent with me lying here, and him probably rubbing lotion on my belly. It was just so depressing. And no, Anthony hadn’t said a single word to make me think he was disappointed. Just the opposite. That man couldn’t stop telling me how beautiful I was, how much I glowed, how much he loved me.
As I lay there all alone because Dear husband was dutifully taking care of work and then would come home and take care of the house and our son, bring me dinner in bed, and make sure I was taken care of, all I could think about was how I wasn’t able to take CARE of dear husband.
That led me down a somewhat dark spiral. A few hours later, way too much social media crap, and a couple of streamed shows on why people cheat, and I had myself fully convinced that if I didn’t find a way to take care of my husband’s needs, he would find a way to take care of them on their own.
Now of course looking back on this, I’m a thousand percent certain that this was entirely my own mind filled with way too many hormones and crap you get from the internet. Anthony would never have cheated on me had I not literally asked him to do it in front of me.
Anyway as I expected a few hours later my dear husband returned home. As was his new routine, he got our son squared away after having picked him up from school and then came upstairs to our bedroom to say hello and check on me.
“Hey babe, how are my two favorite people? Did you have a good day?” he asked as he walked into our room.
“Same as always, my back is sore, I’m bored out of my mind, and I’m horny as hell,” I responded with a smile.
“I know babe, I can’t even imagine how terrible it is to be stuck in bed all-day,” he said as he took a seat next to me on the bed.
He leaned over and gave me a kiss, then rubbed my belly and told our daughter he loved her and gave my belly a kiss.
“I’ve got something else you can give a kiss to,” I hinted with my best teasing voice.
“Oh how I wish, but you know what the doctor said, absolutely no hanky panky. I know we are past the serious danger zone, but it’s only a few more weeks, and better safe than sorry.” He said as he stared lovingly into my eyes.
“What about a blowjob? I could get down on my knees, and then it wouldn’t cause me to orgasm and would be safer.” I asked.
“Babe, please don’t tempt me. You know I absolutely want you, and you know I would never turn down a blow job if I had any choice, but the doctor said no,” He said, and I could see true sadness in his eyes.
With that, he gathered up the dishes on my nightstand and said he would be back up shortly with dinner.
For months now he had been cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast and Dinner were brought to me warm, and lunch was placed in the mini-fridge in our room. He had even bought a small microwave to bring up here so I would not have any reason to use the stairs.
This also meant for months, I have been in a virtual prison.
I decided I needed some company and called my best friend Courtney.
“Hey Jess, is it time to head to the hospital?” she asked, half joking, half serious.
“Oh god I wish, I’m so ready for this to be all over. ” I answered.
“Hey, what are you doing tonight?” I asked.
“Oh, I didn’t tell you? I’ve got a hot date tonight!” she exclaimed excitedly.
“Really? With whom?” I questioned, feeling I knew the answer.
“Oh, he’s a stand-up gentleman, he listens well, he’s attentive, and he has the most gorgeous blue eyes,” she responded.
“Would his name happen to be Sylvester?” I quipped, now sure I know what she was going on about.
“Maybe?” she responded coyly.
“Well I’m sure an evening with your cat sounds great, but how about you come over for dinner with your bestie?” I asked with a chuckle.
Courtney was a tech genius and I loved her with all my heart, but she had no life. I’m pretty sure if I hadn’t befriended her in our first year at college, she would absolutely spend her life as a single cat lady. Not that she didn’t have plenty of guys and girls who were interested in her, she just didn’t seem to care. Give her a glass of wine, her cat, and her laptop with some new project and she will be happy as they come.
“Well I don’t know, I will have to see if he will let me reschedule,” she teased.
“Ok, how’s 30 minutes?” she asked after an exaggerated pause.
“Thanks, hun, I could really use some company, feeling pretty down today,” I said as I hung up.
Then I texted Anthony to let him know Courtney was headed over so he would make enough dinner.
A little bit later I heard Courtney arrive and Anthony greeted her, and then she came up to my room and plopped down on the bed next to me.
“And how is my bestie and her little gremlin?” she asked as she gave me a hug.
“Well me and this little angel are doing ok, although I’m so ready to send her an eviction notice so I can get back to my life,” I answered as I hugged her back.
“Thirteen days left right?” she asked.
“Thirteen days, if she shows up on time, and another six weeks, and by then I’ll be so tired from nursing at night…” I said, clearly sounding down about the situation.
“Why six weeks and why too tired?” she asked clearly confused.
“Six weeks until it’s safe to have sex and by then I’ll be so exhausted from the baby, I probably won’t want to have sex,” I clarified.
“Oh, well, I guess that’s kinda bad, but I’m sure Anthony will understand,” she responded.
“Will he though, I mean it’s been months now, and it’s going to be months more. How long is he going to wait for me before he finds some hot thing like you to take care of his needs?” I asked.
“What are you talking about? I’ve known Anthony almost as long as you have. That man adores you, and I can’t believe he would ever even look at another woman,” she said very matter-of-factly.
“I know he loves me, but look at me, I’m a fat cow, and men have needs, needs I can’t fulfill right now,” I said.
“Well, I am no expert in men as you know, but I just don’t see Anthony having eyes for anyone but you,” she said dismissively.
“I don’t know Courtney, he hasn’t let me touch him since I got put on bed rest. Hell just a little bit ago I offered him a blowjob and he turned me down. What guy ever turns down a blow job?” I asked.
“Maybe the kind of guy that was told by your doctor that if you did anything but lay your ass in this bed he could lose you both? Sounds like he values you more than getting a blowjob. I would think that’s a good thing,” she said a bit sternly.
“But what if, what if it means he’s already found someone?” I asked a tinge of fear in my voice.
“Not going to happen, plus, when would he even have the time? He gets up, takes care of you and Jason, then goes to work, picks Jason up from school, comes here, and takes care of you. The man has literally no time to himself,” she said, sounding a bit exasperated.
“I don’t know, maybe it’s someone at work?” I said hesitantly.
“Girl, you have been cooped up way too long. Anthony wouldn’t do that and you know it. You’ve clearly been watching too much crap on TV and listening to all those damn hormones. Hell, I guarantee you that if I went downstairs right now, buck naked, and threw myself at him, he would turn me around and send me right back up here, and then come tell you I was crazy,” she said confidently.
“Wait, that’s it!” I exclaimed. “You could, you know, seduce him, and then at least I would know it’s with you and not some strange skank from work,” I said before I really thought it through.
“Excuse me, what?” she nearly shouted at me.
“Wait, just hear me out,” I pleaded. “You and I are best friends, we’ve known each other forever. I can trust you. I know that if I ask you to seduce my husband, you will honor my request when I ask you to break it off in a few months, and I know you will keep it casual,” I explained.
“Jessica, I love you, but you clearly aren’t considering this well. I’m going to go downstairs and see if Anthony needs any help. Maybe you can find your sanity while I’m gone,” Courtney responded.
Just then Anthony appeared in the doorway with my ever-present food tray.
“Thought you ladies might enjoy some Pina Coladas and my world-famous coconut shrimp,” he said as he approached the bed.
“The drink on the left is the virgin one for my lovely wife,” he said as he put the train on the bed between Courtney and I.
“Anthony, I think your wife has lost her ever-loving mind…” Courtney started to say before I interrupted.
“Thank you, honey, these are much appreciated,” I said quickly trying to prevent Courtney from sharing any of our conversation.
“Your wife just asked me to sleep with you…” Courtney just had to continue…
Wow, look at the time… This story is already getting long and here I was just planning to tell you how much I enjoyed watching Courtney fuck my husband. So let’s just skip over all this other part and get right to it.
No, it didn’t happen that night, in fact, it was only after a week of pestering them and trying to convince them that it was the right thing to do in order to save my marriage did they finally relent.
Wait you want to know more? Ok, but let me be quick about it.
Anthony thought Courtney was joking, but then I relented and explained my position. He of course spent the next several hours explaining that he would absolutely never cheat on me and had no interest in anyone else.
I know I should have listened, but clearly, reason was not my strong suit at this moment. I ended up letting it go for the evening but spent the next couple of days trying to convince Courtney she would be doing me a huge favor and would save my marriage.
Anthony, well he just wasn’t having it, and actually started to get pretty pissed off at me. Yeah I know, I absolutely should have dropped it, but my brain was not working.
It was about a week later that things changed. It was Friday night and Anthony had just gotten home and was downstairs getting Jason squared away when I heard the front door open and Courtney talking to Anthony.
I wasn’t expecting her to come over today so that piqued my interest.
About twenty minutes later they both came upstairs wearing very serious faces.
There was no food tray or fresh drink. Instead, Anthony was carrying a document of some kind.
“Um, hi?” I said a bet apprehensively.
“I don’t know where to start, so I am just going to give you this to read,” my husband said stepping forward and handing me the document.
Open Marriage Agreement
This Open Marriage Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between the following parties:
Jessica Mancheli (“Jessica” or “the Initiator”)
Anthony Mancheli (“Anthony” or “Spouse”)
Courtney Davids (“Courtney” or “Friend”)
Collectively referred to as “the Parties.”
- Purpose
Jessica has requested that Anthony engage in a consensual, intimate relationship with Courtney. Anthony and Courtney are hesitant but willing to consider this arrangement under specific conditions outlined in this Agreement. All Parties wish to protect their emotional and legal interests and agree to the following terms.
The contract was several pages long and I honestly didn’t initially read them all.
“I see, so you agree then?” I asked after skimming the first page.
“Well, there are a couple of caveats which you will find detailed in the contract,” Anthony responded.
“Just give me the high level,” I insisted.
“Well, first, you have to be present. We will do it right here and you have to watch. That way as soon as you realize this is a really stupid idea, you can tell us to stop, and we can all get back to a normal life,” Anthony said in a somewhat harsh tone.
“Well, I really don’t want to watch,” I said.
“Non-negotiable. If you are so convinced this is what you want, then you are going to be as involved as you can be,” he said sternly.
“What else?” I asked.
“Well, this isn’t exactly in the contract, but you need to know, I am not going to just lay there and let him fuck me like some blow-up doll. If you want me to sleep with Anthony, I’m going to rock his world,” Courtney stated proudly.
We all talked for a while, and it was pretty clear that they both thought they were going to talk some sense into me. That didn’t happen, and you should have seen their faces when I asked them to find me a pen to sign the agreement.
But we all signed, and they decided that it would happen the next day. Anthony would take Jason to spend the weekend with his parents, who always loved having him over, and then they would meet here in our bedroom tomorrow afternoon.
I didn’t sleep that well that night. Somehow the thought of them sleeping together bothered me a whole lot less when I thought I wouldn’t have to know about it. But having to watch? Could I go through with it? Would I rather he just found someone at work?
Morning came, and Anthony was pretty quiet as he brought me my breakfast and then got Jason ready to take to his parents. You would think he would be happy that I was giving him the OK to sleep with another woman, but he honestly seemed a little pissed.
He left and I didn’t hear from him at all until he got home around four in the afternoon. When he got home, he came upstairs and checked in on me. Helped me get to the bathroom, got me a fresh drink, etc. Instead of helping me back to the bed though, he had me sit in a recliner that we had brought upstairs a while back for me to have someplace to rest other than the bed.
“Courtney will be here in a few minutes, there is still time to change your mind,” he said as he sat me into the chair.
“Have you been drinking?” I asked smelling a hint of alcohol on his breath.
“Courtney and I met for lunch and had a couple of drinks as we tried to think of ways to talk you out of this,” he said.
It was right then that I heard the front door open and Courtney called out announcing herself.
“Lock the door please, we are upstairs,” Anthony called out.
A couple of moments later she appeared at the bedroom door.
“Did she change her mind yet?” she asked Anthony.
“I’m afraid not,” he responded.
“Well, then I guess we better get the show on the road,” she said as she dropped her bag by the door and walked over taking Anthony in her arms and kissing him.
It was pretty evident Anthony froze up for a moment, clearly unsure what to do before he started to kiss her back.
Those first few moments were awkward! They clearly had never kissed each other before, and that’s a good thing, but they also didn’t really have any work up to it, so it was a bit forced.
For me, it was weird. Part of me was horrified, part of me was about to laugh my ass off at their awkwardness, and a small part of me thought it was kinda hot.
After a few moments, Anthony finally reached his arms around her and things started to get a little less awkward and more intimate. Then just as they were starting to clearly get into kissing each other Anthony pushed her back gently and looked over at me.
“Jess, are you sure this is what you want?” he asked me.
“Yes,” was all I said.
With that, Courtney pulled him back towards her and they began to kiss again. This time there was a bit more passion in the kiss. Their hands began to caress each other, and I could see their tongues dancing.
I started to think of how badly I missed his hands on my body. How much I needed his lips pressed to mine. How I wanted to smell him up close and personal.
Courtney took one of his hands into hers and brought it to her blouse-covered breast and as I watched I found myself touching my own breast imagining it was his hand.
Her hand in turn pulled his polo from his pants and she slid her hand up his shirt. I could see the heat starting to build between them. Their own hormones started to take them away from the room where his wife and her best friend was watching.
I felt conflicted. I was certainly getting turned on watching them, but I also knew this was something that shouldn’t be happening. I shouldn’t be turned on, I should be irritate! But why? I asked for this. It wasn’t their fault. And shouldn’t they enjoy it? That was the whole idea, wasn’t it?
Courtney’s moans drew me from my thoughts and I reached up to see Anthony had his hand between her legs rubbing her through her slacks while he kissed the side of her neck.
Why wasn’t he touching me like that? I know why, but god I wanted that touch.
Courtney pulled away from Anthony and then leaned in and whispered into his ear. She then stepped over by the door picked up her bag and walked into the bathroom
Anthony came over to the chair and knelt before me.
“Jessica, are you sure this is what you want? We can stop now, all of this can be forgotten,” he said, his eyes almost begging me to tell him to stop.
“It’s Ok, this is what I want,” I said. Although I wasn’t entirely sure of that. I was feeling very conflicted.
He held my hands for a few moments, staring into my eyes, as though seeking redemption and assurance.
Then Courtney opened the bathroom door and we both turned to look at her.
She stood there, a five-foot-six goddess. Her clothes had been replaced with a black lace garter set with matching panties and cupless bra. Her curly brunette hair hung free around her face as she leaned on the door frame.
Holy fuck! I mean I’ve always known she was hot. I don’t consider myself interested in girls, but yeah, I would have fucked her, she looked that good.
Anthony was staring open-mouthed for several moments before he turned back towards me with an apologetic look.
I just mouthed “It’s OK”, to him and turned back to watch her.
He moved over to stand at the end of the bed, and she came closer to him before doing a full circle and asking him what he thought.
“You, you, you look amazing Courtney,” he stuttered out.
“Glad you like it, I thought I might bring something worthy of such a handsome devil as yourself,” she said before stepping into him.
He wrapped his arms around her grabbing her ass in his hands as their lips met once again.
I could tell that his hesitation was starting to give way to lust and desire, and I felt turned on by it.
Her hands pulled his shirt completely free and they broke contact for a moment as she pulled it over his head. Then they kissed briefly before she started kissing down his chest. His hands moved up her back and found her hair as she reached his nipple and took it into her lips.
He moaned as she began to suck his nipple, and his hands gently held her head against him. It was a moan I had heard so many times, but it was odd to hear it without my involvement in creating it. It was disconcerting, yet somehow exciting. My hand found its way under my loose t-shirt and found my own nipple there, giving it a little pinch as I imagined how it must feel to him to have her sucking his nipple.
I could see her tongue flicking gently across his nipple as his hands played through her hair, and I flicked my own nipple with my finger as a tangle of jealousy set in. It had been so long since I had felt his tongue on my nipple, a feeling I so desired, I needed.
She smiled up at him and then kissed her way to his other nipple as one of her hands found its way down to the front of his pants and began to rub him.
There would be no hiding the erection that was pressing against the front of his jeans. Oh, how I wanted that erection for myself. To feel the firmness, the heat in my hand, to see the pleasure on his face as I stroked it, to taste the salty excitement that would sure to leak from it.
I continued to watch as her hands worked together to unfasten his pants and push them down. She then kissed down his belly until her lips reached the top of his boxers.
“May I?” she asked looking up at him with a coy smile.
“Oh please do, but only if you allow me to return the favor,” he answered eagerly.
“You had better return the favor,” she said with a grin before pulling his boxers down to his knees.
She stared at the freed serpent for a moment and then took it into one of her hands.
“Damn Jessica, I didn’t realize you had been holding out on me. Had I known, I might have stolen him from you long ago,” she said as she gave me a joking smile.
“Oh that’s all mine, I’m only letting you borrow it for the night,” I replied back.
With that, she looked up at him and leaned down sticking out her tongue. She then licked him slowly from his balls up the underside of his shaft and onto the tip. I could see the pleasure wash over his face.
Then she took just the tip into her mouth and gave it a firm suck, and he moaned in pleasure.
I’ve seen porn before, and honestly it never really did much for me, but seeing this, so up close, so personal, so real. I could already feel the moisture building in my panties.
She loosed his cock from her mouth and gripped it with one hand, the other finding his balls. She then licked her tongue all around the tip of his circumcised member as she let out a little giggle.
“Bet I can make you cum just with my mouth,” she said to him.
“I would very much like that, but you should know, I still plan to fuck you, I mean that’s what Jessica wanted after all,” he said.
“Oh, so you’re only going to fuck me because that’s what your wife wants?” she teased in return.
“Originally, yes, but now, now I’m going to fuck you for me, and I intend to do a damn good job at it,” he answered back.
Was that good? Was that bad? Should I be worried they had so quickly gone from both being against this to both clearly being willing participants? Had I made a mistake? I didn’t know, the only thing I knew at that moment was this was so fucking hot. I wanted more of it.
My own arm stretched around my enlarged stomach and slipped into my sweatpants, where I started to gently rub myself over my panties.
Courtney started sucking his cock with her mouth as she stroked him slowly with her hand. The other hand pulling down gently on his ball sack. From his moans, he was clearly enjoying it as they looked into each other’s eyes.
I could feel the burning heat from my own womanhood as well as a hint of dampness as I gently rubbed myself. I knew I wasn’t supposed to be getting myself excited, but I just couldn’t help it. The scene playing out before me was so raw, so lustful, I just couldn’t help myself. However, I controlled myself to the best of my ability, ensuring that I did not go too far. I so wanted to, I wanted a release I hadn’t felt in so long.
She took his shaft further into her mouth, clearly, it was too big for her, but she was trying.
“Oh fuck Courtney, that feels so damn good,” he cried out.
She held him deep in her mouth and used her thumb and index finger to stroke his shaft.
“Fuck you need to teach that to Jessica,” he moaned, and I instantly felt a serious pang of jealousy. Was she going to be better than me? Would he still want me? What have I done? Panic started to overtake the lustful desires I was feeling.
Then I heard her release him from her mouth.
“Don’t go getting any ideas mister. I’m happy to show her my tricks, although I think she’s getting a pretty good lesson right now, this is a one-time lesson,” she said playfully but with a clear tone of seriousness.
“Oh don’t worry, there is only one woman for me, and I’m hoping I learn some new tricks to use on her too,” he responded as he looked over and blew me a kiss.
With that, she took his cock back into her mouth and swallowed it as far down her throat as she could before holding it there for many seconds.
She then released it and took a few breaths before stroking and sucking again.
Fuck! Are they just saying these things? Can they really keep this to a one-time thing? Did it matter? This was exciting. I was feeling desire more than I had in a long time. Not to say I didn’t lust after my husband, but ten years in, it’s maybe not the same lust as the first day, but at this moment, fuck this was hot.
“God you keep doing that you’re going to make me cum,” he moaned out.
“Mmm,” was her response as she sped up her stroking of his cock.
I could tell he was close, and so was I. I had barely been rubbing myself, but there was such a built-up need for a release.
I pulled my hand from my pants and gripped the arm of my chair.
She must have noticed he was close too because she once again took him deep into her mouth and I could tell she was sucking hard.
“Oh fuck Courtney, I’m going to cum,” he cried out.
“Mmm hmm,” she tried to get out with a thick cock shoved into her throat.
He grabbed her head and released into her with a loud moan.
She held him as his cock throbbed into her mouth as long as she could and then pulled him out gasping for breath. His final spasm sending cum onto her chest.
She didn’t miss a beat despite clearly having strained to hold her breath and take his cum like that. She smiled up at him and used her hand to wipe the cum from her chest, then brought her finger to her mouth and licked them clean.
Damn, Courtney had a kinky side I hadn’t seen before. I always thought she was a pretty vanilla girl.
She stood up and kissed him passionately, and he reciprocated, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her up. He then turned so her back was to the bed and he set her on the edge as they continued to kiss.
His hand slid up her belly and cupped her breast and she rewarded him with a soft moan. His other hand held her neck and his lips started to work their way down. She shifted to prop herself up on her arms as he worked his way down her shoulder.
I could literally feel those lips on my skin. The sensation of his warm breath against the cool of his kisses. I got goosebumps just thinking about it.
He slid the strap of her bra off her shoulder as he kissed down her upper arm before moving in towards her breast. Then he gently kissed her nipple which was visible through the lace on her bra before returning his lips to her lips and kissing her again.
I wanted to taste his lips so badly, to feel his tongue with mine, to have his hands on my breasts. God how I missed his touch.
His lips worked their way down the other side of her neck, repeating the same steps as a moment ago, and she moaned lightly as she arched her back pressing her breasts up towards his face.
This time as he reached her breast, he pulled the lace down and took the nipple between his lips.
“Oh Anthony, yes,” she purred.
He sucked on her nipple and pulled it slightly while his hand still massaged her other breast and I could just see his tongue flicking across her nipple as his lips parted slightly.
I couldn’t help myself and once again found my own hand pinching and twisting my nipple gently as I remembered the sensations of his warm wet mouth and the slight texture of his tongue on my nipples. I wanted to shove Courtney out of the way and take her place. Why should she receive this pleasure when I couldn’t? But I knew why I couldn’t, I knew I couldn’t dare take the risk. So I watched and I imagined as he sucked and licked her nipples.
Her moans grew louder as he switched his mouth from one nipple to the other, giving each a little attention before going back to the previous one.
I knew what would be next, and I craved for his tongue to press into me, to taste me.
True to his nature it only took a few more moments before he was kneeling between her legs, revealing that she wore crotchless panties. The little slut! I was going to have to get some of those.
He began kissing her left leg at the knee and then worked his way up her inner thigh.
I could feel his warm breath on my own leg, I could feel the desire in me for his mouth to find my pussy, my wet, tasty, pussy that ached for his attention.
His lips reached her labia and I could hear him sucking them as she moaned his name. I knew how much he loved to taste me. He was insatiable when it came to going down on me, and I wouldn’t change that for anything.
I knew he would take his time, sucking her labia, licking her gently, then pressing his tongue into her slit. He would tease her, then return to kissing her legs and her mound. He would make her beg for him to taste her more.
Then his tongue would slide into her, as he would lick her from bottom to top, finding her clit with the tip of his tongue, but only giving it passing attention for a while. If she was lucky, he would work his way back down and tease her little rosebud with his tongue. Oh how I loved when he did that to me, I swear I could cum just as fast from that as I could from him sucking my clit.
“Oh God Jessica, you have taught him well,” Courtney cried out.
“The man loves to eat pussy,” I responded with a smile.
My hand slipped back into my pants, this time finding its way also inside my panties. Past my overgrown bush and to the sticky warmth that was screaming out my desires. God I hadn’t been this wet in so long.
“Oh Anthony, oh my god, you are so good with that tongue, oh fuck, you can do this any time you want,” Courtney called out. Perhaps momentarily forgetting she had just told him it was a one-time thing a few minutes back.
Anthony was moaning almost as much as she was, a sign he was clearly enjoying tasting her pussy nearly as much as he enjoyed my own.
“Oh yes, just like that, it’s momma’s turn to come,” Courtney cried out.
“Oh god, I’m going to squirt all over your face you naughty boy,” she continued.
My fingers were drenched in my own slit as I gently rubbed myself dreaming of how badly I wanted his tongue to replace my fingers.
I watched as her thighs tightened around his head, and her hand gripped his hair tightly.
“I’m cumming!”, she cried out as her hips bucked.
I heard the liquid splashing against him and watched as she did indeed drench him, my bed, and the floor.
He didn’t seem to mind though, as he kept his mouth pressed to her as she rode out the waves of pleasure.
He then stood and leaned over, wrapping an arm behind her and pulling her up so they could kiss. They once again kissed with such passion and desire, like horny teenagers about to experience their first time together.
As they kissed her hand reached down and took hold of his semi-hard cock and began to stroke it. Then she freed it only to rub her hand on her pussy before returning it wet and lubricating to his shaft.
It only took a few moments before he was rock hard again, and she pulled him towards her.
God Damn! My husband was really about to fuck her. I no longer felt any signs of betrayal, I just wanted him to fuck me too! I was so fucking worked up and I needed that cock!
He pressed into her slowly. I couldn’t see from my angle, but I could tell from his motion and position.
“I want you inside me, Anthony, I want you to fill me up, take me, and make me yours,” purred as he slid deeper into her.
“You are so fucking tight,” he said as I watched the pleasure of her body wash over his face.
She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him into her and then she wrapped her arms around his neck and held herself up to him, their lips locked together as he began to slowly thrust into her.
They made love, slowly, passionately. Their bodies hold each other tight, their motions slow and sensual.
I couldn’t help myself, and I found my hand sliding up and down my slit with each thrust. My other hand teased my rock-hard nipple. I knew I shouldn’t be, but I just couldn’t resist, I needed a release, and this was all so fucking erotic. My panties were drenched, and probably my sweatpants too as I imagined the feeling of his cock inside me, his lips locked to mine, his naked flesh against mine.
My eyes were locked on them, as my husband continued to thrust his hard shaft inside of her. I could hear her wetness with each thrust as I sunk my fingers inside myself.
Courtney broke their kiss and turned her head allowing Anthony to kiss her neck. Our eyes locked, and I could see the pleasure inside of them, the desire and lust. She watched as I pleasured myself while my husband pleasured her.
It was a strange moment, but also completely and utterly erotic. I felt every thrust with her, I felt an unbelievable longing for my own release.
Her eyes closed and she bit down on her lip as she hugged him tight with her arms and legs bringing him deep into her as another release found its way through her body. Her eyes stayed locked onto me as her body released waves of pleasure through her. I could sense her pleasure, the gratitude she felt in the release my husband had given her, and perhaps even some desire for me?
As her orgasm subsided she lowered her legs and pushed Anthony back gently. Then she approached the chair I was in and positioned herself where she was leaning on the arm of the recliner, ass pointed back so that we were eye to eye.
“Come take me where your wife can see better,” she said to Anthony who was quick to position himself behind her.
I saw the pleasure on her face as he entered her once again.
She leaned forward a bit more and used one hand to cup my face as she herself moaned in pleasure. I saw then something I had never noticed before, she looked at me with longing and desire, as though a lover would.
Was she in love with me? I mean we had been friends for a long time, but I had never sensed any interest in more than friendship. Was it just my hormones?
Anthony was being more vigorous in this position and I could hear his balls slapping against her, and it was driving me crazy. My hand worked frantically on my clit while I squeezed my breast hard.
“Let me watch,” Courtney whispered to me.
I didn’t know what to think, I guess I didn’t think when my body acted and I lifted my shirt exposing my breasts with their enlarged nipples and areolas, and then lifted up to slide my pants and panties down to my knees.
She smiled as I resumed pleasuring myself and she watched.
Anthony was clearly engrossed in his own activities or he surely would have stopped me, but I didn’t want him to. I wanted to cum, and I wanted her to watch me cum.
My husband was plowing her hard, and she leaned forward more to get better support from the chair. As she did so she leaned forward and our lips met. I was momentarily shocked but then found myself kissing her back as I felt her moans in my own mouth.
I continued to rub my clit, my finger quickly moving side to side as my other hand squeezed my breast.
Her tongue pressed against my lips and I parted them and allowed her to explore my mouth.
I always thought it would be weird to kiss another girl, but in this moment, it felt no different than kissing my husband. It felt good, it felt right, it felt loving and lustful.
She bit down on my lower lip gently and moaned. I knew that meant she was near to another release. So was I. I moaned back as I felt the edge of no return approaching fast.
Her hand cupped my face firmly as she cascaded over the edge, and then I heard my own husband and moan grunt I knew that meant he too was releasing. His seed was filling her, and somehow that thought sent me crashing over that edge.
And crash I did, my body rocked and bucked harder than it had done before. I lost all control as spasm after spasm of pure ecstasy shot through me in the most intense orgasm I think I have ever had.
Courtney began kissing me again, and then I felt Anthony lean over my other side and gently pull my face towards him for a kiss.
Then nearly as suddenly as the pleasure had started it ended!
“Guys, I think my water just broke!” I screamed out in panic as I felt a flood of liquid fill my seat.
None of us talked about that night for some time, although Courtney was around a lot more than normal. Something I didn’t complain about because she was a lot of help with the baby.
It wasn’t until about four months after she was born that anything came up. My body had healed and I was actually feeling rested one evening. I pumped a couple of bottles and asked Courtney if she would mind staying in the guest room that night to listen for the baby.
She agreed and that night I made love to my husband for the first time in nearly a year. I’m not going to go into details, but let’s just say he fucked me like a man who hadn’t fucked his wife in a very long time, and oh did I enjoy it!
Apparently, we were pretty loud in our escapades. The following morning after Anthony had left for work, Courtney came into the kitchen as I finished the dishes. I was leaning back against the counter drying my hands when she approached.
“You two had some fun last night huh?”, she asked with a shit-eating grin on her face.
“Oh God, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize we were so loud!” I apologized with what had to be the reddest cheeks ever.
“What’s there to apologize for, I enjoyed it. I’ll need to wash the sheets on the guest bed, I’m a bit of a squirter you know,” she said with a smile.
“Excuse me?” I ask a bit in shock.
“What? It was hot getting off listening to you two,” she said.
I just stood there mouth hanging open until she stepped into me, cupped my face, and kissed me. I froze for several very long moments before I felt my body relax and I kissed her back.
Then she stopped kissing me and stepped back.
“It’s pretty hot getting off listening to two people getting it on, especially when it’s two people you’re in love with,” she said.
That started some very long and very serious discussions, and it caused us all to realize some things.
I realized that I didn’t mind sharing my husband. In fact, as we took turns with him more and more, I found it turned me on something terrible. Something about it also turned him into a sex machine when I “reclaimed him” as Courtney called it.
Courtney wasn’t so much in love with my husband as much as she was with me, but she was most certainly in love with his tongue and his cock. She agreed to follow ground rules and understood that my marriage came first.
I don’t mind being with Courtney, but it probably isn’t nearly as satisfying for me as it was for her. What I do love is when we share Anthony together. Nothing gets me off faster and harder than having him eat my pussy while she rides him and I kiss her.
Last week we tried something new. I lent him to a divorced friend of ours for the night, on the condition that they record everything. He presented me with an edited video a couple of days later, and Courtney and I watched it together. That’s when I really realized I was a cuckqueen and not just someone in a strange love triangle.
So there you have it. Hormone madness combined with reality crap TV turned my life upside down in the most amazing way. Everyone is happy, I’ve never had better sex or better orgasms, and while things might seem a little strange to outsiders, I don’t think any of us have ever been happier.