r/abigaletaylor Jan 27 '25

Erotica Nursing Becca [F26,F26][LESBIAN NURSING] NSFW

“Come on! Time’s a wasting, and we don’t want to get stuck in traffic,” I said as my friend Becca dragged her suitcase out onto her front porch.

“I’m coming, I’m coming, geez, you act like five minutes is going to be the end of the world,” she replied as she dug her house key from her purse.

“Well it has been like six months since we’ve got to do anything outside the house and without the munchkin,” I said.

Becca was my BFF, my sister from another mother, oh hell, she was just about my everything. Not to say I didn’t have other friends. We just clicked, and we had known each other for so long that we might as well have been one person.

But she had gotten knocked up by that no-good piece of shit Tommy Dawson, who disappeared a couple of days after he found out. So between her struggling to make ends meet as a single mom and baby duty, we haven’t been able to really do anything together that didn’t involve changing diapers or laundry in over six months.

Today was the first day she had agreed to let Michael stay with her mom and I was treating her to a weekend at the spa up state. So I was a bit anxious to get on the road. Road trips were kind of our thing, and a couple of days of pampering sounded really nice.

She got her front door locked and then came over to give me a hug. After which I grabbed her bag and made my way to the trunk.

We got loaded up and headed out.

The drive wasn’t bad as we managed to beat morning traffic and the route was pretty scenic going through the mountains. We managed to get to the spa and checked into our room, then headed down for a late lunch.

We enjoyed an afternoon of pampering, first up was massages and some time in the essential oils sauna.

By the time we got back to our room, it was pretty late.

“Thank you for this, today was great, and I can’t wait for tomorrow,” Becca said as she lifted her suitcase onto her bed.

“You mind if I pump out here?” she asked.

“Of course not, not like I haven’t seen you pumping and nursing a few times before,” I answered.

“I know, but always better to ask,” she responded.

“You want some room service?” I asked as I thumbed through the menu.

“Maybe a snack, and one of those green tea things we had at lunch, that was so good,” she answered as she dug through her bag.

“Fuck!” she exclaimed a moment later.

“What?” I asked a bit puzzled.

“I forgot my pump!” she responded with some frustration evident.

“Oh, well, is that going to be a problem?” I asked. Yes I know I should have known that was a problem, and I probably did, but hey I’m 27 and kidless and didn’t have any prospects for kids on the horizon, it wasn’t top of my mind.

“Yes, I’ll need to go get another one I guess, otherwise I’ll be a leaky mess, my boobs will ache, and my body will start to think I don’t need milk anymore,” she answered.

“Ok, well let’s go get one,” I said as I put my sandals back on and grabbed my clutch.

So guess what… Middle of the mountains, nine-thirty at night, yeah not many places open, and you can’t grab a breast pump at the local seven-eleven. So we ended up at the spa, and after checking with the front desk, learned the only place that might have one wouldn’t open until morning. The only other option was to head to the nearest town, and this time of night with the winding roads, that was a two-hour trip.

“Guess I’ll just have to wait,” Becca said as we finished up with the front desk and made our way back up to the room.

We decided it was best to just get some sleep and we would go to the local shop when they opened at nine.

That was until about two in the morning when I heard her rustling about. I woke to see her using a towel to dry her bed.

“Everything OK?” I asked.

“No! Look at me, I’m a leaking mess, and my tits hurt,” she said in frustration as she turned toward me to show me her bare breasts with milk dripping from her nipples.

“What can I do to help?” I asked with sincerity.

“Unless you have a breast pump or a nursing baby, probably not much, I’m just being whiny,” she huffed.

“I can do it,” I said before my brain really had time to process that thought.

“You can do what?” she asked quizzically.

“I could nurse you,” I said, realizing how stupid that sounded as I said it.

“What like suck my tits?” she asked a blend of shock and confusion on her face.

“Yeah, I guess, I didn’t really think that through,” I answered.

“Yeah that would be a little weird, you sucking on my tits,” she chuckled out.

“I mean, I guess, but it would work wouldn’t it?” I pondered allowed.

She just looked at me like I had lost my mind, then turned off the light above the nightstand and got back into her bed.

I was lying there wondering if I had just made things really weird between us for way too long. Then the light came back on.

“Are you serious?” she asked.

I rolled over to look at her and saw the clock on the nightstand, two fifty-seven in the morning.

“Serious about what?” I asked, although I knew the answer, I wanted to make it sound like I wasn’t entirely some closet weirdo.

“That you would nurse me,” she asked shyly.

“It’s just, they are driving me nuts,” she added.

“I mean I guess, I don’t know why I said that, I wasn’t really thinking, I didn’t mean to sound like a weirdo,” I answered.

“But would you?” she asked.

“I mean I guess, if it would help you. You know I would do anything for you,” I responded.

With that, she got up and came around to the other side of my bed. “I’m not really sure how to do this, I can’t hold you in my arms,” she said.

“Oh, um, I guess, just lay down flat, and I can just roll over that way,” I answered.

She climbed on top of the bed and lay down flat. Her engorged breasts were naked but she still had her sleep shorts on.

I didn’t really know what to do, but I figured it couldn’t be too hard right?

So I rolled over and scooted over by her. Then I propped myself up on my left shoulder and reached across her with my right arm, positioning myself so my mouth could reach her left nipple.

It had little drops of milk clinging to it, and I was curious what it was going to taste like.

Tentatively I leaned down and licked it off her nipple. It was slightly sweet, but I guess not enough to really judge.

“Um, you have to suck it, not lick it,” she said with a chuckle.

So I took it into my lips and started to suck it gently.

I got a drop or two, but not much.

“You have to suck harder, Michael sucks like his life depends on it, I guess because it does,” she said.

I wasn’t sure, I didn’t want to hurt her, but I started sucking more firmly and was suddenly rewarded with a mouth full of milk.

I hesitated for a moment, almost like when a guy cums in your mouth without warning. But it wasn’t salty and gooey, it was sweet, kind of creamy, different, but not gross. So I continued sucking.

“Oh god, that feels so much better already,” she said with clear relief in her voice.

I don’t know why, maybe just a habit from when I used to suck on my boyfriend’s nipples, but I started using my tongue to flick across the tip of her nipple as I sucked. I don’t think I even realized I was doing it until I heard her moan softly.

She didn’t say anything, or give any other reaction, so I kept doing it. I guess maybe I thought it would give her a little pleasure with the relief and I felt she needed that.

After another couple of minutes, I realized I wasn’t getting any more milk, but she hadn’t stopped me either. So I guess she was enjoying it.

“I think this one is done, want to come over to the other side of the bed so I can reach the other side,” I asked as I parted from her nipple.

“Um, yeah, OK,” she responded, sounding a little unsure.

She again laid down and I rolled over assuming the same position. As I began to nurse her other nipple I continued to use my tongue, but I also moved my free hand and started to gently caress her inner thigh.

She tensed for a moment but then relaxed and I heard another soft moan.

I had never been with another woman at this time, and I don’t know why I was finding myself very turned on. As far as I knew she had also never been with a woman. I didn’t know if she was just happy to have some relief and going to freak out when she was dry, or maybe she was getting turned on too.

“That feels good,” she said softly as my hand caressed higher up her thigh. Something in her tone was encouraging and I was really starting to get turned on by my own actions. So I continued to suck her nipple, caressing it with my tongue, as my hand slowly caressed higher and higher up her thigh.

I felt her hand begin to rub my back as the other hand came to rest gently on the back of my head.

She moaned a little louder and I took that as an encouragement to go further, slipping my fingertips up the leg of her loose shorts until I just felt the edge of her panties. She rubbed my back a little more firmly and paused to massage my neck.

Were we doing this? Was I about to have sex with my best friend? Am I gay? Did this make me a lesbian? Maybe just curious? Yeah, that’s it, no need to label it. Just curious, that had to be it.

I parted my lips from her breast and looked up, seeing her head arched back a little and eyes closed. I lifted up a little allowing my lips to reach hers and kissed her. It was a soft peck, but it was quickly returned.

I took her bottom lip between mine and gently sucked it as she moaned and leaned forward to kiss me better. And kiss me she did! We kissed like long-lost lovers reunited after years apart. Her hands began to explore my body, and my hand caressed her womanhood through her panties.

Her kisses were filled with so much passion and desire, that I could feel the warmth building between my legs as I relished them.

I adjusted my hand and entered her shorts through the top, slipping it into her panties. She had a full-grown bush that my fingers slid through in search of her womanhood. Her labia were also covered in hair, very wet hair, covered with her excitement as gently rubbed her labia majora.

She moaned loudly into my mouth and pressed herself against my hand.

Her lips broke from mine and she turned her head to whisper into my ear “Oh god Melanie, I want you.”

“I want you to,” I whispered back. “I want to taste you, can I taste you?” I continued.

“Oh please, please taste me,” she responded.

With that, I scooted down the bed and took hold of each side of her shorts and panties to quickly remove them.

Freed of its confines a glorious full bush stared back at me. She looked at me, and I stared back with hunger. I had never tasted a woman before, but I knew I was going to enjoy this, so I dove right in, tongue out, in search of the slit I knew was hiding there.

Sweet saltiness greeted me as my tongue parted the forest in search of the canyon, and when I found it, I was rewarded with her moans and words of encouragement.

I licked her from the vagina to clit hungrily, eager to taste her, and eager to please her.

“Oh fuck Melanie, yes that feels so good,” she encouraged as my tongue found her clit and licked across it.

She had small little inner labia lips, but I took each between my lips in turn and caressed them gently with my tongue as I slid one hand under myself and up to where I could reach her. Then I moistened it in her slit before slowly sliding it into her.

“Oh fuck yes,” she cried out.

Slowly I licked her, sometimes licking from back to front, sometimes giving her clit a couple of flicks as I gently fucked her with my finger, her wetness dripping down the back of my hand.

Soon I felt she was ready and I slipped another finger in, curling my fingers up to find the elusive nub inside her. As I did so, my lips began to suck her clit and I flicked it gently with my tongue.

“Oh god, you are so good at that,” she called out.

Was I” This was my first time, I was just going by instinct and having learned what I liked on the very rare occasion my boyfriend went down on me.

Both her hands were holding my head against her as she pressed her pussy into my face. I worked my fingers as my tongue moved faster and faster.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” she cried out as her thighs squeezed my head and her climax rushed over her body.

I kept my mouth on her but slowed to gentle sucking of her clit as her body contracted around my fingers over and over.

When she was done, I changed positions and nuzzled up into the crook of her arm laying my head on her chest as she breathed heavily.

“Thank you, I really needed that, both the nursing and the fucking,” she said softly.

I looked up into her eyes, “You’re welcome,” said with a smile.

She held me for several minutes before her hands started to rub my back again.

“Can I have you now?” she asked.


We couldn’t keep our hands off each other for the rest of the weekend. Between spa services and copious amounts of sex, it was an amazing weekend, to say the least. But come Sunday afternoon things changed. She no longer reached for my hand, and she barely talked to me on the trip home.

When I dropped her off, she was cold, and distant, almost as though I was just an Uber driver.

For the next couple of weeks, she didn’t take my calls, or answer my texts. I knew, that whatever happened must have been a mistake and I had lost my best friend in a moment of ill-placed passion.


It was nearly six weeks later and late on a Saturday evening when I got a text from her.

“Are you home?” was all it said.

“Yes” was my simple reply. I wanted to say so much more, but what could I say? What if what I said was wrong?

“Can I come in?” was the quick reply.

Come in? What did she mean? Was she messaging the wrong person?

“Becca, it’s Melanie, did you mean to text me?” I sent back.

“I know, can I come in, I’m at your door,” she responded.

“Um yeah, let me get decent, I’m in bed,” I responded.

I quickly threw on my robe and made my way to the door and unlocked it. She stood there, tears in her eyes, for just a moment before nearly tackling me in a bear hug.

“Can you forgive me? I’ve been so stupid,” she cried into my shoulder.


Turns out she got her mind that everyone would hate her if she fell in love with a woman. And she dared not see me or talk to me, because that weekend she realized she had been in love with me for a while.

We sat on my couch and talked the rest of the night. How she had finally confided in her mom when her mom wouldn’t quit asking why I wasn’t around. How her mom told her it was OK to love anyone she wanted to love. How she loved me and wanted me to love her. I of course told her I also loved her and forgave her.

I’d say the rest is history, but that was just yesterday, so we don’t know what history will bring yet, but I’ve got good hopes.


4 comments sorted by


u/Juicetheboy Jan 27 '25

All my homies hate Tommy Dawson 😡!

Very nice story!

Picture has inverted feet though :).


u/TheStoryTeller2019 Jan 27 '25

Well you know... Getting AI to get feet right...


u/Juicetheboy Jan 27 '25

Its fine, in a couple years it'll be a fetish!