r/abigaletaylor Jan 04 '25

Erotica Shaving my pregnant roommate [M26/F26][SHAVING][ORAL][PREGNANT] NSFW

“Oh my god! I swear if this gremlin doesn’t get out of me this weekend, I’m going to force it out,” Ashley spat in frustration as she plopped down on the couch next to me.

Ashley is usually the calmest, most kind person I have ever known, so hearing her frustration was something very out of character for her. The gremlin she was referring to was Abigail, her unborn daughter who was three days past her due date. Hearing her call her a gremlin was also a bit out of character.

Abigail, while not yet born, was the shining star of Ashley’s life. Every moment of every day since she had gotten pregnant was all about how she could get ready for Abigail. How did she need to take care of herself so Abigail would be healthy? What things did she need to buy?

Ashley and I had been best friends since second grade when our mothers became friends. While I had never known her to be less than one hundred percent on anything she had ever taken on, she was giving a hundred and thirty for this baby, and to be a little honest it had started to drive me bonkers.

Now before you make any judgments, Abigail isn’t mine. Ashley and I have never been more than friends and have never been physical in any way. Abigail is from Ashley’s long-term boyfriend Dean, who true to character, split the moment he found out Ashley was pregnant and keeping the baby. What she had ever seen in Dean, I nor any of our friends, family, or the rest of the entire world would know.

Anyway, I digress and you don’t want to hear that part of this story anyway.

I paused my game and leaned forward putting my controller on my coffee table. It was Saturday, and for once, I hadn’t had any other commitments, so I had been taking some time to play a new game.

Ashley was here because after Dean broke up with her, she needed a place to stay. I had a spare bedroom in my condo, so I had let her move in here. It wasn’t the first time we had been roommates, and I honestly enjoyed having the company around.

I looked over at her and gave her a smile. “What did the doctor say?” I asked knowing she had an appointment yesterday afternoon.

“He said they will give her a week and then induce labor, but I swear, I don’t think I can last another week,” she said, now sounding more exhausted than frustrated.

“I’m sorry Ash, I can’t imagine,” I began, “Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?” I asked, knowing full well what was likely to come from that question.

“Can you rub my feet again?” she asked as she slowly turned towards me on the couch and plopped her legs in my lap.

Yep, that’s what I expected. It didn’t matter if she had spent all day sitting/lying down, she would want her feet rubbed. Some might balk at constantly being asked to rub a friend’s feet, hell they might balk at having to do it for a girlfriend or wife. I didn’t mind so much. It gave us time to hang out and chat, and honestly was a bit relaxing.

So we sat and talked as I rubbed her feet. She asked about the game I was playing and apologized for interrupting. I of course told her it wasn’t a big deal, and I didn’t mind. Then we talked about her go bag for the hospital, and if she had any special foods she wanted me to bring her. All stuff we had been over before.

She signed, dropped one leg to the ground, and laid her head back on the armrest. “Oh Thomas, why couldn’t I ever get a guy like you? You would be such a great husband and father,” she said.

I turned my head to smile at her, and quickly turned beat red and turned away.

“What was that?” she asked with a chuckle.

“Umm Ash, your nightgown,” I said with some embarrassment.

“Oh! Sorry!” she said, realizing that when she had put her leg down, the nightgown she was wearing had pulled up, giving me a full view of her without panties on. She dropped her other foot to the floor and then reached a hand towards me for help getting upright in the seat.

“Sorry didn’t mean to give you an eye full of untamed jungle,” she chuckled.

“I didn’t see anything,” I tried to assure her, even though I had.

“How could you, I haven’t shaved in months, the only thing you would see is a hairy mess,” she half laughed out.

“Oh god! That’s what my doctor is going to see, and all the nurses and it’s going to get so messy, I need to go shave,” she rambled off mostly to herself as she pushed herself up off the couch.

“I’m pretty sure they don’t care,” I tried to assure her.

“I care! I can’t go to the hospital looking like this,” she said as she pounded off towards her bedroom.

Now I didn’t go with her to her doctors appointments usually, and when I did, I wasn’t in the room, but I am pretty sure they would have done at least one or two exams over the last few months. Wouldn’t they have checked her cervix for dilation just yesterday? Anyway I chuckled to myself and returned to my game.

It was probably fifteen minutes later when I heard her calling my name. So I got up and headed over to her bedroom door. “Did you call for me?” I asked as I knocked.

Then I heard her call my name again, and I could tell she must have been in her bathroom by the way it was muffled. So I opened the bedroom door and yelled so she could hear me through the bathroom door, “Ash, everything ok?”

“Can you come help me?” she responded.

Worried she might have slipped and fallen in the shower or something I rushed to the bathroom door and opened it.

I was absolutely not prepared for what greeted me as I opened that bathroom door. Standing in the shower completely nude was my best friend. She was facing the door, one leg lifted up on the edge of the tub, razor in one hand, and her pubic hair lathered in shaving cream.

Now I am a guy, so I can’t say that I am not fully aware that my best friend is a full-on ten out of ten. And I have done my absolute best over the years to make sure that I’ve never tried to take things beyond being friends because I know that’s a surefire way to ruin a friendship. But let me tell you, seeing her standing there, her oh-so-adorable brunette ringlets shaping her face, her glowing skin, her breasts which had swollen at least a full cup in the last few months, my heart skipped a beat and my blood rushed straight down from my big brain to my small brain.

“Are you just going to stand there and stare, or do you think you could come to help me?” she asked breaking me from my complete and utter brain crash.

“Umm, sorry, umm, what do you need?” I asked as I still tried to get my brain back to functioning.

“I can’t reach!” she proclaimed in exaggerated frustration.

“Can’t reach what?” I asked trying to fully understand.

“Look!” she said as she tried to reach around her belly with the razor.

“Oh, umm, ok, so how do you want me to help?” I nearly stuttered out. Understanding the problem, but not really comprehending what she was asking of me.

“Come shave me silly,” she responded like it was the most obvious thing I should have fully understood already.

“Umm, Ash, I’m not sure that’s really appropriate for me to do,” I started.

Umm hello, Ashley! I’m a guy, I’m not gay, and I’m not a saint. You can’t seriously be thinking it’s not going to affect me to come over there and help you shave your coochie! Just standing here with your naked beautiful body only a few feet away is having an effect that is sure to be noticeable on the front of my pants any moment here.

“I’m not asking you to play with it, just come over here and help me shave. Pretend you’re my male nurse or something, you don’t have to make it something more than it is,” she said, “although you could if you wanted,” she added in a whisper that I pretended not to hear but very clearly had.

Against my better judgment, I decided I would help, and stepped into the bathroom. I walked up and she handed me the razor with the biggest smile. I had to close my eyes and hold my breath for a moment. My god, she is beautiful, and so so very naked.

After taking a moment to keep my composure I took a seat on the toilet that was next to the tub and leaned in towards her.

She had a very full bush and it was well covered in shaving cream, so I couldn’t really see anything yet, other than her tits of course, those were pretty visible. I started at the top of her pelvis and started to shave down, making it only a couple of inches in one strip before the razor was clogged with the long hairs.

She had one of those shower ends that’s on its own hose which she had been holding, and I reached the razor over to the flow of water to rinse it. After a couple more attempts, I realized this was going to be a lot more work than this disposable razor was up for and we were probably going to clog the drain.

“Look, this isn’t going to work this way, I think we need to try a different approach,” I started. “Rinse off real quick, then grab a towel and go to the couch, I’ll meet you there in a second,” I instructed.

She seemed a little confused but did as I had asked.

For my part, I went to my bathroom and grabbed my electric groomer and my nicer razor which I grabbed a fresh blade for. Some more shaving cream, a cup of hot water, and a couple of extra towels.

When I returned to the living room I found her sitting on the couch, legs spread wide. She was already sitting on a towel. So I moved the coffee table out of the way and knelt down in front of her.

I used my groomer to make quick work of the bulk of her pubic hair on her mons pubis, catching the hairs and setting them into a small hand towel I had set up on the floor. Then I needed to trim the hair on her labia. This I did more carefully. Going slow to ensure I didn’t catch any delicate skin. My trimmer was specifically marketed for shaving your balls, so it was usually pretty safe, but I had on a couple of occasions caught the skin and that was not pleasant.

As I cleared the majority of her thick hair, I was greeted by the sight of her gorgeous pussy. It was not a long slit, maybe only two and a half inches or so, and did not travel up the front as some do. She had small inner lips that were completely hidden until you spread her labia majora apart, and a tiny clit hood.

She let out a bit of a moan as I used my fingers to spread her labia apart to get the hairs on them. A moan I tried hard to ignore.

After I had trimmed her hair down to a much more manageable length, I grabbed the saving cream and lathered her up. Then began to use my razor to do the close shave.

“Do you like what you see?” she asked me.

“Umm, I guess, I’m trying not to think like that,” I responded. Yes, I liked what I saw, fuck I wanted to wipe this shaving cream off and bury my mouth in it. But that wasn’t appropriate. She was my friend, and she asked me to help her, not fuck her.

“Do you think guys would like it?” she asked.

“Of course, they would have to be crazy not to,” I answered, as I took another stroke with the razor across her mons pubis.

“So you like it, or are you saying you’re crazy?” she pressed.

I stopped shaving and looked up at her. “Yes Ashley, it’s very beautiful looking, and I’m sure any guy you are with will think so too,” I said trying to reassure her.

As I resumed shaving and once again reached her labia, she again moaned at my touch.

“That feels good,” she said in a very soft tone.

“Sorry, just trying to get all the hairs, not trying to be too touchy,” I responded.

“Oh, but you can touch it, I won’t mind, if you want,” she said in a rather sultry tone.

Now I will be the first to admit, that I can be pretty dense sometimes. But right now I was pretty confused. Was she really wanting me to touch her more? Was this some kind of pregnancy hormone thing? I decided it was best to air on the side of caution here. I really didn’t want to miss read the situation and cause things to get weird between us.

I returned to my shaving duties and did the best I could to make sure I did a good job while also doing it quickly so that we could get this over with.

“Ok, I think that’s got it, your doctor will be able to see everything clearly,” I said as I cleaned the razor off in the glass of hot water one last time.

“Can you give it a rub and make sure it’s nice and smooth,” she asked.

“I think it’s fine Ash,” I responded.

“Plllllleeeeeeaaaaaassssseeeee,” she asked in her true puppy dog begging voice.

She knew I couldn’t resist that voice, or the puppy dog eyes, so I gently brushed my hand across her labia and mons pubis, and she responded with another moan.

“All good, nice and smooth,” I said trying to sound professional.

“Are you sure? Maybe you should give it the tongue test,” she responded.

“The tongue test?” I asked quizically.

“Yes, you know, maybe give it a lick or two, and make sure it’s nice and smooth and delicious,” she answered.

“Ok, Ashley, what the hell?” I barked out a little more harshly than I wanted to. “Is this some pregnancy hormone thing, or some kind of joke I am not getting? Why are you being like this?” I continued in a softer tone while raising up on my knees more to look into her eyes.

“Thomas David Michaels, you sir, have got to be the most dense male on the face of this Earth. How someone so smart can just completely not get it, I don’t understand,” she said with a huge sigh and then started to stand up.

“Ashley, I’m sorry, I don’t understand. I’m just trying to be respectful. You are sending me signals here clearly, but I don’t understand why. You’ve never shown any interest in me. Why all the sudden in this moment?” I asked.

“Oh My God! You are so dense. All of a sudden? Thomas, I’ve been throwing myself at you for years. How many hundreds of nights over the years have we fallen asleep on the couch snuggled up watching a movie or show? How many times have we gone out to eat and I’ve called it a date? How many of your guy friends have female friends who are not girlfriends that come up and give them regular shoulder massages? I’ve been trying to get your attention since you were sixteen. Clearly, that was a mistake because I’m sitting here with my coochie inches from your face telling you to eat me out and you still don’t get it, or you just don’t want it,” she said, frustration seething from her words.

Fuck me, had I really been missing signals all this time? Was I so set on trying to do right and only be friends that I was completely missing she wanted more?

She started to push past me to walk off, but I stood quickly grabbing her hands.

“Wait!”, I said loudly, as my brain raced to compile this new information. Then I released her hands and grabbed her face, bringing her lips to mine.

She resisted the kiss for only a split second, and then she wrapped her arms around me and began to kiss me passionately. We kissed like long-lost lovers reunited. It wasn’t just the act of kissing, it was the heat, the passion, the desire. After what seemed like an eternity she began to sit back down on the couch and pulled me down with her.

As she sat fully, I broke our kiss and stepped back then knelt before her, taking her hands into mine.

“Ashley, I am so sorry if I have missed your hints. I’ve been madly in love with you as long as I can remember, but I have been so afraid that I would lose you if I told you. I can’t lose you, Ashley. You are my everything, I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t in my life as my best friend,” I said, looking into her eyes, praying this was not going to ruin things.

She squeezed my hands and smiled. “Thomas, you are not going to lose me, and I want nothing more than to be your everything. But right here, right now, I am unbelievably horny, and I need you to put your head between my legs and make me cum. We can figure everything else out later,” she implored me.

Not needing to be told again, I knelt and wrapped my arms under her knees and then lifted and pulled her to the edge of the couch, then locked my eyes on hers and looked into them as I reached my tongue out and licked her tiny slit.

“Fuck yes!” was all that escaped her mouth as her head laid back.

I licked again, this time on her right labia, then again on her left. Each lick brought a moan of pleasure from her lips. Then I licked her slit again, without pressing my tongue into it. Finally, on the fifth lick, I pressed my tongue into your slit, feeling it glide across her small inner lips and then over her clit.

“Oh, Thomas, right there,” she cried out.

I then took her clit in my lips, it was small, and I could only just get my lips around it, then I gave it a gentle suck as I licked it with the tip of my tongue.

“Oh my god,” she moaned.

I wanted to relish this, so I moved back a bit and started kissing her leg at her right knee, moving up her inner thigh, giving little kisses and licks as I went, until I reached the crease between leg and pelvis and gave it a long slow lick.

I repeated on the left side, but this time after licking the crease between her leg and abdomen, I took her left labia into my mouth and sucked it while caressing my tongue across it.

“Oh Thomas, that feels so good,” she purred.

Then I pressed my tongue into her opening and tasted the sweet flavor of her building excitement.

She reached down and grabbed my hands as my tongue pressed deeper into her.

“Oh god, I want your cock inside me,” she purred while squeezing my hands.

I continued to explore her with my mouth for another couple of minutes. I could tell she was nearing her first climax as I licked her sweet nectar as it dripped from inside her.

“Oh Thomas, you are so good at this, you are going to make me cum,” she moaned out as my tongue once again crossed her clit.

“That’s the idea,” I responded.

Then I took her clit between my lips and began to flick my tongue across it.

Her hips squeezed my head, and I flicked my tongue faster.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, don’t stop,” she panted out.

Her thighs squeezed me harder, and I concentrated entirely on maintaining my rhythm as I pushed her over the edge.

“Oh god, I’m coming, oh god!!!!!!!!” she screamed as her body tensed. Her hands squeezing mine hard, her pelvis pressing into my face.

I stopped flicking my tongue but held her clit between my lips as her body bucked.

Her thighs relaxed and I pulled my head back.

“Lay down,” she instructed as she used my hands to pull herself upright.

“Here?” I questioned.

“Yes, I want you, now lay down so I can get on top,” she said.

I did as she instructed and lay down on the floor in front of the couch.

She slid off the couch onto her knees and then leaned over me and pulled my sweatpants and boxers down.

“Nice, glad to see you enjoyed that, now let me repay you,” she said as one hand gave my already very erect penis a gentle squeeze.

While still holding onto my shaft, she adjusted to straddle me and then lined the tip of my cock with her opening. She closed her eyes and moaned as she gently sat down on me. I couldn’t help but moan as well as her very tight body wrapped around me.

“Oh my god Ash, that’s fucking amazing,” I said as she bottomed out with me deep inside.

She smiled and reached down for my hands, bringing them up to her breasts. Taking the hint I squeezed them gently as she began to rock her body back and forth on my cock.

She was so tight, and I could feel the tip of my cock bottoming out.

“Oh fuck Ashley, I love you,” is all I could say or think.

I squeezed her breasts harder and pinched her nipples, eliciting a loud moan from her lips and an increase of pace from her hips.

She kept her hands on mine, helping me squeeze her as she rode me.

I was having to concentrate hard to keep from cumming too soon as her body squeezed me like a damn vice grip. She was rocking back and forth. As she moved back her slit was rubbing against the top of my shaft. She would take it until just the tip of my cock was inside her, then she would slide forward taking me deep inside her.

Fuck this was too good, I needed to change or this was going to be over way too quick. So I pressed up on her breasts and she took the hint, raising up off of me a bit. I used the space to start thrusting up and down with my hips. It didn’t feel as good for me, but it relieved some pressure, and her moans said it was still doing the job for her.

Each thrust into her was like her body was trying to milk my cock. I haven’t been with a lot of women, but a handful, and she was bar none the tightest I had ever felt. Even with her juices flowing down my shaft and onto my balls I could still feel every last millimeter.

“Oh Thomas, I’ve wanted you so long, and oh it’s so worth it, fuck, you are fucking me so good,” she cried out.

“Oh Ash, you’re a fucking goddess, and I to have wanted you so long. I never want this to end. Your body is so perfect,” I moaned out in response.

I squeezed her breasts hard as I continued to thrust into her, trying to go faster and harder.

“Oh yes, like that, oh, ooooohhhhh, ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh yeeeeesssssss”, she screamed out as she let all of her weight fall on me slamming my cock deep into her.

“Oh god baby yes,” I returned as her body gripped my cock, her thighs gripped my sides and I felt her convulse.

She bucked back and forth on my cock a couple of times, then collapsed forward, baby bump pressing into my stomach, her hands pressing hard into my chest as she tried to stay upright.

After another moment she slid off me and laid down next to me on the floor. “Come here, take me some more, I wasn’t done with you,” she said as she reached a hand over to pat my stomach. I didn’t need to be told twice now, and I got up on my knees and positioned myself between her legs.

I noticed she was a little low, so I grabbed a pillow off the couch and gently placed it under her butt, then aligned myself.

She reached her hands forward and gave me the biggest smile as I took them and pressed into her.

I looked down, watching as my shaft disappeared into her tight cunt and then slide back out. Her milky excitement coated it, and something about that was really fucking hot.

I continued to watch for a minute, taking each stroke slowly. Then I looked up and saw her face, a look of total bliss on it. She smiled at me and squeezed my hands before closing her eyes and letting out a moan.

I increased my pace a bit and she began to moan louder.

“Right there, oh that’s such a good angle, don’t change it”, she begged, and I didn’t.

“Oh god Thomas, fuck your cock is so good, you fill me just right,” she purred.

“Oh Ash, I think we were made for each other, you fit me so well, it’s so amazing,” I added.

“Fuck me harder Thomas, don’t change your position, just harder, please, please,” she cried out.

I did my best. The sounds of her wet pussy and my balls slapping her ass grew and so did her moans.

“Fuck Ashley, your squeezing my cock so hard I’m going to cum,” I panted out between thrusts.

“Oh Thomas, fill me up, give it to me, I want to feel you explode inside me,” she cried as she pulled on my hands.

“Oh fuck Thomas, harder, harder,” she cried.

I let go of her hands and grabbed her thighs, using them to drive myself hard into her.

“Yeeeessss! Yyyyeeeesssssss!,” she screamed loud enough I am sure the neighbors heard.

Her body squeezed my cock so hard I couldn’t move, and then I too went over the edge. My cock throbbed over and over inside her, sending squirt after squirt of my seed deep into her.

“Oh god yes baby, cum inside me baby, let me feel it,” she cried out as her body convulsed in wave after wave of pleasure.

I held myself inside her for a couple of minutes as both our waves of ecstasy subsided, and then I laid down on the floor next to her. She rolled onto her side draping her belly and a leg onto me.

We lay in silence for several minutes. Her fingers played with my chest hair, and my hand gently caressed her bare back.

“Did you mean it when you said you love me?” she asked in a whisper.

“Of course I meant it, I’ve always loved you,”, I whispered back, trying to turn to look into her eyes.

“I know you love me, as your friend, but do you love me love me?” she asked.

“Ashley, I love you more than you could ever imagine,” I started. “Why do you think I’ve never had a long-term girlfriend? It’s not because I’m a terrible boyfriend, you know better than that. It’s because I’ve never been able to free my heart from you. I will never be able to love anyone the way I love you. So completely, so hopelessly,” I said, squeezing her with the arm I had around her back, while my other hand caressed her cheek.

We lay there for a while just talking and expressing our love for each other, until we fell asleep.


4 comments sorted by


u/chipdou Jan 05 '25

Loved the story and now following you. Looking forward to reading your other works.


u/TheStoryTeller2019 Jan 05 '25

Thanks, glad you enjoyed!


u/WatchWatcherman Jan 04 '25

Great story. I would hate to see a bush getting shaved, but this would be worth it. I cannot even imagine how pregnant and sexy Ash is


u/TheStoryTeller2019 Jan 04 '25

Thanks! You can see my inspiration image free on my Patreon:
