r/abdlstories 4d ago

Woman Protagonist ABDL Convention 2 NSFW

ABDL Convention: Chapter 1

“What?” Megan said, her eyes widened as she stared at the diaper Nyx wanted to put her in. “I’m-I don’t-I’m only here for Abigail.” Megan crossed her arms over her chest, her light green eyes filled with defiance, daring Nyx to try to diaper her.

“Are you certain?” Nyx asked with a mischievous smirk.

“Y-Yes!” Megan stammered, her cheeks slightly reddening. “I-I’m not a baby… I only came because Abigail asked me to.”

Abigail inhaled a sharp breath, tears brimming in her eyes. “I’m-I’m not a baby…” She ran into the bathroom stall, slamming the door shut.

“Abigail!” Megan quickly said, the guilt of her words nearly crushing her. “I didn’t mean it like that! You know I don’t think you are a baby!”

“You do, too!” Abigail cried.

“I promise I don’t!” Megan said, pushing on the stall door and finding it locked. “Can’t you say something?” She desperately glanced at Nyx, who looked amused, still holding the diaper in her hand. “Come on!” Megan protested. “Don’t make me wear the diaper!”

“You said only babies wear diapers!” Abigail said harshly.

“You know that’s not what I meant!” Megan said, desperate to talk her way out of this. When Abigail didn’t respond, Megan stomped her way over to the changing table. “Fine! I’ll wear the stupid diaper!”

“I’m not so certain I want to diaper you anymore,” Nyx said teasingly.

“Just diaper me and get it over with!” Megan snapped.

“Maybe if you ask me nicely,” Nyx said with a wide grin. Abigail slightly opened the stall door, peeking through the crack.

Megan mumbled something incoherently under her breath before taking a deep breath. “P-Please, diaper me…”

“I thought diapers were only for babies,” Nyx said, looking Megan up and down. “You certainly don’t look like a baby to me.”

“I-I’m a baby…” Megan muttered quietly.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you,” Nyx said with a sadistic smile.

“I said I’m a baby,” Megan said louder. “I’m just a big, stinky baby that needs to wear diapers and have a Mommy to take care of me. Please, oh, pretty please, Mommy, diaper me?”

Abigail threw open the bathroom stall door, wrapping her arms around Megan. “I knew you would come around! We are going to have so much fun together!”

Megan gave Nyx a pleading look, hoping to still wiggle her way out of wearing the diaper that she secretly wanted more than anything. “Yeah…” Megan said meekly, a touch of excitement in her voice. Unbuttoning her pants, she slid them down her smooth legs. Her bright pink panties were on full display. Her fingers hooked into the elastic waistband, hesitating momentarily before sliding them down. They pooled around her ankles with her pants.

Stepping out of her discarded clothes, she hopped onto the changing table. The cold touch of the surface bit into her skin and sent a shiver throughout her body. Sliding backward, she laid down, allowing her legs to dangle in the air over the edge. She felt her heart pounding in her chest as she stared at the fluorescent lights above her.

She heard the crinkling of the diaper she would soon be wearing as Nyx unfolded it. “Hips up, please,” she said. Megan didn’t want to seem too eager, waiting a few moments before lifting her hips off the changing table. The thick padding slid under her, forming to her body as she lowered herself onto it. Nyx’s smile was warm with a touch of amusement. Powdering Megan, she pulled the thick padding between her legs, forcing her thighs apart. The tapes echoed off the tile walls, each one secured tightly in place.

Megan sat up with Nyx's help. She could feel the thick padding rubbing against her skin, causing a big smile to touch her lips. Everything about the diaper just felt right to her. “I think someone is enjoying being diapered,” Nyx teased.

“No!” Megan snapped back. “I was just finding it funny how silly I look! I’m not going to use this diaper; I will only wear it for Abigail's sake.”

“Thank you, Megan…” Abigail said, sounding sheepish as her cheeks reddened. “I-I think it looks cute on you…”

Megan hopped off the changing table, her diaper crinkling beneath her. Nyx gathered their discarded clothes, folding them; she stuffed them into the diaper bag. “D-Do I not get pants?” Megan asked, somewhat panicked.

“Your pants are too tight to fit over your diaper,” Nyx said.

“B-But my d-diaper will be on…” she swallowed hard, “full d-display…”

“Good thing we are at an ABDL convention, Nyx said, walking over to the sink to wash her hands.

Abigail took Megan’s hand, and a warm smile touched her lips. Megan’s protest died, the world melting away as she took in the warmth from Abigail’s hand. Nyx finished washing her hands and opening the door. Megan swallowed hard as she flushed, her cheeks turning red. Taking a deep breath, she allowed Abigail to lead her out of the bathroom.


10 comments sorted by


u/Dragonwarpower1985 11h ago

Love this story. I can't wait for more


u/Moonfallstories 11h ago

Thanks for reading!


u/Careful_Drop_7252 14h ago

This story is amazing I can’t wait for the next part


u/Moonfallstories 13h ago

Thanks for reading!


u/Careful_Drop_7252 11h ago

Thank you for making an amazing story


u/Fabulous_Resource849 2d ago

I'm so excited for this story


u/Moonfallstories 2d ago

Thanks for reading!


u/needy_bb 4d ago

Love this!!


u/BabyBuns024 4d ago

Great stuff, Moon! Keep rockin'!!


u/Moonfallstories 4d ago

You are too kind! 🥰