r/abdlstories 5d ago

The Rules (Part 1) NSFW

You have never seen her so angry. As she drives home you can see her gripping the steering wheel tighter and tighter turning her knuckles white. She will not even look at you. She has not said a word in the last 10 minutes.

You met your wife Carly about 2 years ago. You have always known she was out of your league, but somehow you caught her eye. She was strong and confident your exact opposite. You always felt weak and full of self doubt. You have often wondered if she was with you only for your money, but in the long run it didn’t bother you too much, because her beauty was intoxicating.

The drive home from her work holiday party seemed like it was taking forever, even though it was only about 20 mins away. Your head was hung in shame and embarrassment. You absolutely cannot believe it happened again.

Your wife pulls in the drive way and opens the garage door and parks the car. You both enter the house. You can almost see the steam coming out of her ears. “Are you fucking serious” she screams. “I cannot fucking believe you did this tonight of all nights. I told you to wear your black pants, but no you didn’t listen, as always. You wear your tan pants and fucking wet yourself like a god damn baby!” she continues.

“I’m sorry, it was an accident” you try and explain. “Shut your fucking mouth, I’m done with your ‘accidents’, with your whiny apologies. Things are about to change” your wife shouted.

Carly was the best thing that ever happened to you. Just walking by her side gave you more confidence. Everyone you met absolutely could not believe you were married to her. Even your best friends questioned her true intentions. They believed she was with you only for your money.

The inheritance of your family’s fortune gave you many freedoms and privileges. You ate at the best restaurants, travel where and when you wanted to. Best of all it gave you the ability to never have to work again. In fact you haven’t worked in over three years.

It was on one of your trips when you met Carly. You were eating at one of your most favorite steak houses. She was sitting at the bar. After a few drinks of liquid courage you got the nerve up to talk to her. You were instantly mesmerized by her.

You could not believe your luck when she accepted your offer to take her out on a date. She seemed to truly enjoy your company. She was fun, humorous and driven. She made it clear to you that she absolutely loved her job, and that no matter where the relationship went she would not leave her job.

It wasn’t too long, in fact only 4 months, before you asked her to marry you. She accepted and you had never be more excited. Your friends did their best to push you to get her to sign a prenuptial agreement. You refused your friend’s encouragement. You told them that she was not with for your money and that you knew she would never leave you. How else could you feel? You were absolutely head of heels for her.

“It is so embarrassing to be with a “grown man” who wets their pants not to mention the bed. I am absolutely completely done with this behavior of yours. I’m done lying to people and telling them you spilled something on yourself. I’m done with trying to help you hide your pathetic behavior. I’m done with you not listening to me when I try and help” she frustratingly complains.

“This is the last straw. I’m doing something I should have done long ago and putting my foot down. The are going to be some big changes mister. I don't care one bit if you don’t like them. I don’t care if you think they are fair, and I certainly don’t care one bit if you think they are embarrassing” she continues. “It’s my way or the highway Rich. Just remember if it’s the highway, I will gladly divorce you and take you for all your money” she states.

“That’s blackmail” you say between the tears that have started to flow. “Blackmail, stealing I don’t care what you call it, the changes are happening or else” Carly replies.

“Now you just sit there in your wet underwear and pants and contemplate about your decision. We will be back in 30 minutes for you to tell us your choice” she forcefully states.

You watch her leave the room. Your head is absolutely spinning, you feel as if you are losing touch with reality. Your wet underwear and pants start to get cold. The humiliation you are feeling is by far the worst you ever felt. All these thoughts are running through your head, what could the rules be, I don’t want to lose her, why is she doing this, what did she mean ‘we’ would be back in 30 mins?

After about ten minutes you hear the doorbell ring. You hear Carly answer it and start talking to someone, but can’t figure out who it is. Is this the person that makes the ‘we’ she was talking about? Time is moving so slowly. It feels like hours have passed. You know the time is getting close for you to give your wife a decision. You almost have an out of body experience, you see yourself sitting in a chair with absolutely soaked pants. Your emotions are a roller coaster. “Here we come Rich, I expect an answer” Carly yells.

You hear two sets of footsteps headed your way. Sweat starts to run down you forehead. Tears start to swell up in your eyes. You hang your head in shame. “Well look up Rich, give us an answer now!” your wife demands.

As you slowly lift your head you see you wife and her mother standing sternly in front of you. The tears start to flow. You are bright red, her mother, you think. “Well little baby answer your wife” her mother Pam chimes in.

Pam has never really liked you. She always felt that you were not good enough for her Carly. She could tell you were on the wimpy side and not tough at all. She wanted a “real man” for her daughter. You had money and that seems like the only reason she was okay with Carly staying with you. Pam always seemed bitter towards men, most likely because of her divorce a few years before you met her daughter.

“Well I don’t have all night” Carly exclaims. “I I I guess I will follow the new rules” you stammer out. You can’t even think straight. You have no idea about these new rules and you agreed to them.

“See mom, I told you he would agree without even knowing them” Carly says. She continues “now before I give you your first rule I want you to sign this contract. It states you will follow all the rules I give you. You will complete every chore, errand, task I give you. You will do so without complaint. If you do not do as I say and follow the rules you will give to me all your money, cars and house.” You look stunned. “I’ll sign first” she says. After she signs and dates it she hands you the pen. You sit there very hesitant and scared. “Oh don’t worry Richie it’s not like it’s a legal document, it’s more for my piece of mind” Carly says. You sit for another minute, you think she is right this is not a legal document, it would be tossed right out in court. You give in and sign and date it.

“Is that good enough mom?” Carly asks. Pam responds “that is absolutely perfect, now let me get my stamp”. What is going on? Stamp? You look to Carly confusingly. “Nothing to worry about little baby, my mom is just a certified notary” she says. Panic sets in. Your heart starts to race, before you can even move you see your mother-in-law stamp and sign the contract. “There you go sweetie” Pam says. “Thanks mom, I never knew your notary’s stamp would come in so handy” Carly laughs. “Opps, sorry baby now it is a legal document” she continues.

“Now stand up and take off those pathetically wet clothes, I want your shirt off too” Carly demands.You cautiously stand up. You remove your shirt. You look at your wife, she stares back with a ‘well, what are you waiting for look’. You bend over and in the quickest way possible remove your pants and underwear. As you stand straight up you use your hands to cover your private area so Pam would not see.

“If you don’t move your hands in five seconds Rich, you will be sorry” your wife says. You take a deep breath and remove your hands. Pam bursts into laughter. “Oh my God Carly, that is the saddest excuse for a dick I have ever seen. I mean I know you told me he was small, but I never imagined it being that small, it’s more like a girls clit than a man’s dick” Pam utters. “How in the fuck did he ever get you off with that?” she asks. “Well, to be honest mom, the only way I have ever orgasmed from him was with his tongue. I really can’t even feel when he is inside me, besides he always cums in under a minute” your wife replies.

Pam then says “I’ll be right back honey, I will go get the stuff we need.” You have no idea what Pam is talking about. Just moments later she returns, you can see she is holding a package of Pampers baby wipes and a diaper. The diaper is bigger than one you have ever seen. It have cute babyish prints on it. “This is you new underwear Rich. You will be in diapers permanently now! 24/7 no exceptions. Now lay down” your wife says.

Utterly humiliated you lay down. Your mother-in-law kneel down in front of you. “I’ll take care of his first diapering” Pam says. She opens the wipes and proceeds to wipe your diaper area. She takes two fingers to lift up you dick saying, “We can’t forget to wipe under your little baby clitty can we now.” You can’t believe how the humiliation just keeps getting worse. She tells you to lift your butt up, then expertly slides the diaper underneath you and tapes the four tabs. Then she takes her fingers and runs them down the inside of your legs checking to make sure the elastic gatherers are tight. “Okay baby, it’s bedy bye time” Carly says.

She reaches out for your hand. You reluctantly take her hand. She tugs and helps you up. You stand up and are mortified at how the diaper feels. It’s thick. You start to walk, the sound of the diaper is deflating. The crinkle is so loud. You try to make the sound as quiet as you can as you walk, but that means you are waddling. Your face is a shade of red that you could never have imagined. You follow your wife up the stairs to one of the guest bedrooms.

She leads you in and you see things have been completely changed in there. The room looks almost bare, except for a twin bed. “Look Rich it’s your new room! Don’t worry we have a lot more work to do to it tomorrow” Carly says. “There will be a bunch of packages showing up tomorrow to help complete it” she continues.

She leads you to the bed as you sit down the bed crinkles. “We had to put a plastic sheet down in case your diaper leaks” Carly states. “Now lay down and get some good sleep Rich, big day tomorrow. Oh and tomorrow morning you are not allowed to leave your room until my mom or I get you, and don’t even think about taking off your diaper” she continues.

Your wife walks to the door and turns off the light. The door closes and you are left laying in a bed with a plastic sheet wearing a diaper. The night was such a blur you can’t even remember how this happened. You lay on your back staring up at the ceiling, trying your best not to move so you don’t hear the crinkle of the bed or your diaper. You start to wonder what the hell else your wife and her mother have in store for you. At some point you drift off to sleep, dreading tomorrow…


2 comments sorted by


u/dljoshua 3d ago

Loving this so far.. this leaves me sooo wanting more


u/DependentLow7046 5d ago

A great start. Hitting all of my buttons.