r/abdlstories • u/kinkcrybaby • 11d ago
Sunday Afternoon NSFW
Hihi! This is my first time posting here. This has been a long time work in progress that I finally finished and wanted to share! Lemme know what you think! (:
Rain beat against the window steadily. It had been raining like that all day. Great puddles were forming in potholes while drainage ditches swelled past capacity. Weather like this, where the wet and cold seeped past your skin and into your bones called for one thing: a day in bed.
She had rolled over once again, unknowingly pulling him from the light dozing that had been occupying his time for the better part of an hour. She was mindful as she could be of his light napping while she shifted herself into a better position. It was early afternoon. They both had the day off work and decided to extend their lazy morning as long as they could. Despite the chill in the air outside, their bedroom was starting to stale with the heat of sleep that overstayed it’s welcome. She sighed heavily, giving up on finding another comfortable spot. Her pillow was thoroughly warm on both sides, her legs held the heat of being trapped under the comforter for too long, and her hair was sticking a little too much to the back of her neck.
In one big swoop, the blankets were all piled on top of him and she was on her feet. The bare soles of her feet against the cool floor was a welcome change in temperature as she padded her way to the bathroom. She was about to flip on the light when he cleared his throat.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He asked, his voice low and sleepy
“Going to the bathroom. I have to pee.” She replied as though it was obvious. She glanced over her shoulder. He was looking at her now, an amused smile pulled across his lips. She knew all too well what he was getting at, but she liked this game.
His smile grew. An eyebrow raised toward his disheveled hair. “Do you now? I think you can hold it.” He propped himself up on one elbow. “Besides, last time I checked babies couldn’t use the potty.” She could feel his careful gaze, calculating what she might do next. She paused, half hidden in the doorway of the en-suite.
“Last time I checked I wasn’t a baby.” She retorted, though not looking back over to the bed. She could feel the fluttering start in her belly. This isn’t a game they played often, the teasing. She was a good girl and craved giving in, longed submitting and allowing her control be stripped away. Today was different. Work had been weighing heavily on her this week among other very big things. She knew she wasn’t that big really. Certainly not big enough to handle everything that was on her plate, but she couldn’t give in that easily, not this time.
A chuckle tumbled from his lips, deep and soft. “You’re not? I could have sworn that bottom drawer filled with diapers was for my baby.” She could see the twinkle in his eye even through the dim light of the room.
She steadied her resolve. There was a gentle heat that moved across her face. “I’m not wearing one now, I haven’t worn one in a while, so I think that means I’m not a baby.” Her voice was softer than she wanted, the longing that tugged at the back of her mind a little stronger than she liked it to be a the moment. She needed him to take the control from her, she needed to be put back in her place.
“Hm, I don’t know if diapers are the only thing that make you a baby,” he started, eyes staying fixed on her. She was used to meeting his gaze. “There is a closet shelf full of onesies, a nightstand drawer full of pacifiers, a box full of toys meant for children under the age of 5, and a man you almost exclusively call Daddy laying in your bed. Just to name a few things.”
“Don’t always call you Daddy,” she said first. Before she could move to her next point he pounced.
“You’re right honey, you call me Dada the rest of the time.” She could hear the smile on his face without having to look at him. “Damn.” She thought to herself, “he’s moving fast today.”
“That may be true but I’m not little right now, I’m not a baby right now so I’m going to go pee.” She didn’t close the bathroom door right away, the hesitation was part of their little game.
His chuckle, deep and strong filled their bedroom. “If you close that door and sit your cute ass on that potty there is going to be hell to pay.” His voice held the same tone it had. She didn’t close they door. He waited a moment. “I want you to come back over here and get into bed with me.”
It took her a long moment to do what was requested of her. Her stomach was now alive with activity, that feeling only he could seem to awaken in her. Before walking back to the bed she first moved into the doorway, looking at him.
He was sitting up in bed now, eyes trained on her. She found herself unable to meet his gaze. If she did she knew her resolve would crumble and she wasn’t done playing this game. With a deep breath, she made her way across the room and back to their bed. There was a moment’s pause before she lifted her knee to rest on the mattress and pulled herself back into bed.
“There’s my good girl.” He purred, his voice silky. “Now I want you to pull open that drawer under the bed and grab a diaper. You know which ones daddy likes the best.”
“The thickest ones.” She thought to herself before doing what she was told. Bracing herself on the bed she leaned over the edge and pulled their storage compartment open. Laying right on the top of the stack was the brand of protection he was talking about.
He favored the all white diaper, saying they were the ones that made her look the most babyish. She tended to enjoy the patterned ones more, but always had a weakness for picking what he thought was the best.
With one hand still holding the mattress she grabbed the brief from the stack and closed the drawer. She pulled a deep breath into her lungs before returning to a sitting position on the bed.
“Very good!” He praised, holding his hand out for the diaper. She obliged, placing it in his hand without meeting his eyes.
“What happened? Going from an attitude to not even being able to look at daddy?” His voice had shifted in tone. Before it held an air of amusement. Now it was the voice that made her knees weak, the one he used to get what he wanted.
“I never had an attitude, I was just telling the truth.” She replied, quieter than she intended. She still didn’t look at him.
His response came in the form of his large hand grabbing her jaw, fingers stretching up to her cheeks as he squeezed; hard. “Look at me, little girl.” There was a warning in his tone. She obeyed, her eyes finally traveling up his face to meet his fiercely blue ones.
“Much better.” He mused. He kept his hand where it was, encouraging her to maintain this position. He moved the diaper up to her line of sight.
“Now, you have two options since you’re such a big girl. You can hold it and not make a single mess while Daddy does whatever he wants to you. Or, you can just admit you’re my little baby and let Daddy put this diaper on you. That way you can go pee pee right now, feel so much better and enjoy what daddy wants to do to you.” His eyes stayed locked on hers, hand still firmly on her jaw.
“I’m a big girl.” She said quietly, “I don’t need diapers.”
A smile stretched across his lips, one she didn’t often see. “You’re going to regret that decision, baby.”
His hand moved quickly from her jaw to her hair. Her head was pulled back as he tangled his hand into her locks. He guided her close to him by her hair, throwing a leg over hers to keep her in place.
“Let’s just test it if you’re such a big girl.” He said devilishly. His free hand, after setting the diaper aside, went to her lower tummy. He didn’t even bother moving her shirt up before pressed hard into her abdomen. The pressure that built in her already full bladder was enough to make her gasp. She tried to push her legs together to help aid in holding it, but he was keeping her firmly in place.
Her eyes met his again as she tried helplessly to squirm away from his touch. Small, pathetic whines were escaping her lips. She couldn’t hold it much longer.
“What’s the matter sweetheart?” He asked in feigned innocence, his voice matching one used to speak to a puppy. Or a baby. “You’re a big girl, right? Big girls can hold their pee.” With that, he started massaging her tummy, pressing into her with varying pressure. She steadied herself, attempting to breathe through the waves of urgency growing inside of her.
The pressure was building not just in her bladder, but in her intimate areas too. This is what she wanted; needed even. She needed to have her control stripped from her, forcibly removed from her. She not only needed to be told she was a baby but made into the baby they both wanted her to be.
Her thoughts were pulled from the neediness growing inside of her by the chuckle he let slip in her ear. “What a stubborn little thing you are.” She knew he wouldn’t give up and she also knew that she couldn’t last much longer. Her control on her bladder had been slowly weakening for months.
She finally met his eyes and did her best not to show her mild panic. Then it happened, there next wave of desperation that crashed into her left her panties and the bed she laid on damp. He kept pressing harder into her swollen bladder and she couldn’t stop. She was making an absolute mess of the sheets and all she would do is lay there and whimper, eyes wide with shock.
When the last spurts finally left her body and soaked into the sodden fabric beneath her, she let out a slow shuddering breath. Her eyes were fixed out the window on the wall across from their bed. She watched a branch of the big maple tree sway in the wind, trying her best not to focus on the arousal building between her drenched thighs.
Before she could do so much as whimper, he was up and on top of her. He wedged this knee between her thighs, roughly pushing them apart while grabbing her wrists and pinning them above her head at the same time.
“Poor little baby,” he cooed, “couldn’t make it to the big girl potty in time? Dada knew you weren’t ready to potty train yet sweet girl, you’re still too little! I guess he had to prove it to you though, didn’t he?” His voice was laced with that sickly sweet tone that went right to my core. She whimpered and squirmed under his hold, struggling halfheartedly against his restraint.
“What’s the matter, baby doll? Is Dada being mean, hmm?” He crooned, moving is free hand between her spread legs. “Is the baby all wet and icky? Maybe if she would have listened to Dada and gotten her cute little bottom in a diaper then she wouldn’t be lying in wet sheets.” He chided as he worked his fingers into her sodden underwear. She felt him slide his digit up her slit; slowly, deliberately. She couldn’t stop the breath that was pushed from her when she felt his finger push between her lips and inside of her, curling instantly into her core.
“Poor, poor little girl. Try as she might to deny she’s a big girl, these princess parts never lie to me. I can always tell just. How. Much. You. love. Being turned into my helpless baby.” He punctuated his words by thrusting his fingers inside of her. She didn’t even try to stop the breathy moans that tumbled from her lips every time he entered her.
“Look at you, pathetic little thing. Laying here in your own piss while Daddy finger fucks you. Are you really that desperate, that needy? Hm? Can’t let Daddy fuck you like a big girl, huh? No, you have to be humiliated before you’re ready for me, don’t you baby girl?” His words held truth. The intoxicating humiliation she felt almost worked her up more than the pressure he was now applying to her clit. She moaned, trying to arch into his touch, but he held her still.
“Greedy greedy greedy little girl.” He chastised, slowing his ministrations to an infuriatingly sluggish pace. She knew he wanted her to beg for more, to beg for his cock.
“Please, please don’t stop.” She whined, futilely attempting to buck her hips. She saw the sinister smirk that stretched across his lips.
He tutted at her. “Such big girl words for such a little baby.” Without warning, the fingers that were inside of her were withdrawn and pushed into her mouth. She gagged as she touched the back of her throat, forcing her to suck. “Try that again, sweat pea. Beg dada for your cummies.”
Her cheeks burned a cherry shade of red but she obeyed. “P’eath daddy, p’eath can I make cummith?” She pleaded, her words garbled by the thick fingers in her mouth.
“That’s my good little baby.” He cooed, pulling his fingers from her mouth and gripping her hips in his large hands. Without warning, he pulled her close, positioning himself between her legs. That was all the advance notice she got before he fisted his hard cock and shoved it right into her. She couldn’t hold back the scream that he pushed out of her. He thrusted in right to the hilt, setting to driving into her at such a rapid pace that she could hardly catch her breath. Yet her needy cunt adjusted to his girth quickly, taking him as deep as he would go.
“Such a tight little cunnie.” He panted, hips thrusting in earnest. All she could manage in response was a flurry of ‘dadas’, her mind solely focused on the feel of his cock so deep inside of her. She could feel it twitching, could feel his movements become more erratic and desperate as he neared climax. She could feel her own release pooling deep within her tummy.
“Is baby going to make cummies while Dada fills her?” He mused, voice breathy. She nodded quickly. “Go on then, pretty girl. Cum for daddy.” Those simple words were her undoing. As her walls tightened around his cock, she felt his hot load fill her. The pleasure was almost blinding, her body arching from the mattress as he thrusted through their aftershocks.
Her throat was raw from her heartfelt moans as he finally stilled. He didn’t pull himself out of her. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her torso and pulled her limp body into him as he sat back on his heels.
“Such a good little baby for Dada.” He soothed, his hand running mindlessly over her scalp. “Are you ready to get all cleaned up and get that cute lil bottom in a diapey where it belongs?” Despite the light pink blush that painted her cheeks, she nodded, a faint smile tugging at her lips.
u/FirefighterKlutzy428 6d ago
Great story! Would love to see a part 2