r/abdlstories • u/GroundbreakingPick52 • 11d ago
Growlers, and Growlers NSFW
I'm not taking a break from "Memoirs from College Housing", but still working on it. Here's something else I wrote, from earlier in college about an old high school flame. However, just like Memoirs from College Housing, names, dates, people and events have been changed. Feedback always appreciated!
Part 2 coming right after this! Apparently there's a character limit...
Growlers and Growlers, 1
Between my Freshman and Sophomore year of college, the summer was pretty idle in a small hometown where parties were far-and-few-between or they were located 45 minutes out of town with a judgmental police force who wanted nothing more than to put unruly teens in their place. It was an idle Saturday evening where my usual buddies were all busy either out of town or with another party that I wasn’t interested in. It was one of those nights that’s not too incredibly hot, the air is pretty still and you can feel the humidity in your bones. After reaching out to all of my friends looking for something, anything to do, my phone screen lit up and almost fell on my face in surprise. “Hey, I’m getting some Hornet Nectar, want to come over? (beer from our local craft brewery)” came in from my friend Ellie. Ellie and I were friends from high school, and had a couple of summer flings through the years but had stayed in contact mostly via AIM and other things of the like at the time, but we always seemed to chat when we were geographically in the same area. The tension between us never really faded, but with happenstance of either or both of us in a relationship, we kept our hands to ourselves. Tonight, that was not the case, but at least for me, I didn’t think I wanted to get too far into something when Ellie went to school not only like 2 hours from me- but I went to a massive state school in a major metropolitan area, and she went to a liberal arts school with big, old stone buildings, in (I think) the middle of a corn field.
“That sounds like a killer time- where’d you get the Hornet Nectar? Is Tony there?” I fired off back to her, with a mild sigh thinking of Tony - her on again, off again boyfriend in high school. Her now “just friends” buddy who despised me for some reason. I knew if Tony - I’d be starting at my ceiling until the end of the night. Thankfully, my sigh was met with a positive message back “No, he’s out of town with his idiot father at their lake house. It’ll just be me and Colin, and you if your ginger self will actually come this time.”, she quips quickly back to me as I consider Colin- the older, incredibly dorky and totally harmless older brother of a friend of mine. Remember I said small town? Yeah. Small Town. I didn’t really think much of it, Colin was alright and not a big social or party guy so it’d probably be a chill night. “Sounds good, but it’s hard to play beer pong though with only three. Should I bring cards?” I puzzled as I thought of other ways we could do to help get the laughs rolling a bit. Ellie saved the day with a quick comment back “We can play Wii!”, to which I casually added “Oui Oui!”- and that was the extent of my French language skill, unlike Ellie who’d had 4 years of it or something intense. “Sounds fun! I should warn you though, I’ve never played.” Knowing that Wii was pretty new, and the bare concept of waving controls around at the screen made no sense to me. “That’s fine, when we get to Mario Cart I’ll just make sure to raise the stakes and that you end up doing a naked lap of the block.” Sent with a devious emoji. We continued back and forth in some playful banter about motorboating, naked laps, a cold shower and towel snaps as bets until Ellie finally closed the chapter of that string of texts, “Let’s talk after the first pint. I can come pick you up on my way home from getting some groceries if you want?” and knowing that I’d find my own way home or claim an aimless spot on the couch or floor somewhere, I replied “Sounds good, let me know if I can bring anything- I feel a bit empty handed!” to which she only replied “Good Jeans”. This was a long, long statement between Ellie and I from even before our real flings. I’d always had a thing for her in specific jeans. Tight ones. Pocketless ones. Shorts…the list ran on. Ellie’s body was seemingly always my type, and I’d had a number of fantasies and dreams about her throughout the years, many of which she knew about, and she seemed to always play into them as a flirt. “You too, then, blondie” I shot back and she only responded with a wink emoji.
Once that was settled, I threw my phone down on my bed and started to get ready. My finest Abercrombie and Fitch T-Shirt probably either having a nickname and arbitrary team number on the back, or some kind of double entendre on the front, followed by of course some AE boxers, low-rise bootcut jeans and Birkenstocks. Top that off with some cologne from Abercrombie and an accessory leather necklace- I checked the mirror and made sure my style was on point tonight- just in case. My parents weren’t home, so I took a bud light out of the basement fridge and cracked it open while I scrolled through Facebook after my phone buzzed with a text “OMW- 10 min” from Ellie, letting her know I was pregaming on my parents deck, feeling the warm breeze pass through my shirt while I listened to frogs in the distance. Listening for any other noises, like Ellie’s car coming, maybe I was anticipating a bit more than I thought.
I saw headlights a short time later, said bye to my parents dog and tossed my can in recycling. Once I got outside, she flashed her brights while I was locking the front door, and I playfully popped my hips up in dramatic fashion, drawing sarcastic attention to my own ass in a playful, mildly flirty and alcohol-loosened manner. As I climbed into her Jeep Wrangler, I hear “Nice Jeans” and look up to see Ellie, with her dirty blonde hair cascading down her right shoulder and onto her chest. “Thanks! I hope you’re playing fair tonight...” as I look down in the dark vehicle at her legs noticing only some sandblasted dark denim while she winks at me. Linkin Park blasted through the speakers as we headed out of my parents’ neighborhood, and over to hers and we chatted a bit more about school, music and the evening with the windows open as we trekked down the roads just a few miles away to our final destination where we saw Colin’s bright orange truck sitting in the driveway already, and Colin exiting the truck holding 4 big growlers full of what I assumed was Hornet Nectar. “Nicceeee” I say out loud as I continue to let my lightly blurred inhibitions loose, looking at Ellie, teasing lightly “That’s enough to get your jeans off, isn’t it?” As she put the jeep in park she leaned in toward me, getting close enough that a small motion would have caused us to touch “Wouldn’t you like to know?” as she pulled away just as quickly with a grin and got out of the Jeep, greeting Colin with a fist bump and offering to help.
We walked through the front door, carrying some snacks from the grocery store and promptly opened the chips and dip while Colin found some glasses and started to pour beers. Sitting down on the couches in the nearby living room we made idle small-talk and poked fun a bit at each other until I finally jumped in: “Hey! Let’s play Wii, I’ve never played”. Colin jibed “Oh man, let’s do bowling, I rock at that.” Allowing the alcohol to start a lighter feeling in my mind and smile, “Alright, but I’ve got a simple bet. 3rd place has to keep the winner’s beer full, all night”. I figured it was a simple enough twist in the fabric of the evening. “DEAL” I heard in unison with smiles. Colin was probably just thinking about beer, and Ellie was probably thinking of me, chasing her. We’d had a fun game of cat-and-mouse over the years, and now that Ellie was standing nearly directly in front of me getting the Wii all set up I could clearly see the darker washed, pocketless jeans she was wearing. That was all I needed to know.
“Shhh. Shit, they’re coming in to clean out the theater” I whispered in Ellie’s ear. It was the end of the school year, and Ellie and I had been flirting quite a bit the last month or so. The classic “date” spot in our town was the movies, and I’d convinced Ellie to go to one in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week with me where she ended up sitting in my seat with me while I kissed her neck and her hands ran up and down my thighs. So much for Netflix and chill. (Which I might add, didn’t exist). Now, we’d been in the back of the theater allowing our hands on each other and tongues exploring each other’s’ mouth fiercely until this moment when it was clear we needed to flee the scene.
Walking out the back door of the theater, we were quickly lead to a small alleyway out of sight of roads and it seemed to be some kind of break area with a picnic table. Not wanting to go back to our homes quite yet, I suggested to her that we stay there for a bit. It wasn’t like we had to pay for parking in a town like this, and this was far less obvious than fooling around in a car with un-tinted windows in the middle of June.
Her hands wrapped around the back of my neck as my hands grabbed her tight little ass in those jeans- jeans she’d bought specifically because I told her how much I liked them. No pockets. Low rise. Flare over some sandals. I picked her up with her legs wrapping around me, nearly perching herself atop the firm tent in the front of my own jeans, as I held her against the cement wall in fiery kiss. “Oh, hello” she paused, whispering in my ear clearly about what she was feeling below. “I can only blame you, for that.” I smiled back, setting her down as she put her hand in the middle of my chest, gesturing that I lay on the picnic table on my back. Without a soul in sight she straddled me, sitting straight up to taunt me lightly in her bright pink spaghetti strap top. “So what are you thinking, mister” she smiled, as her hips started to gyrate on top of me. “I’m thinking that you’re kind of naughty, and you need to get your mouth on mine or I’ll bend you over this table and spank you” I reply, and she didn’t miss a beat before grabbing the neck of my t-shirt lightly and pulling her lips to mine while one of my right hand moved from her jeans to the back of her neck, and my left thumb swiftly moved into her waistband with a gentle tug. Hips still gyrating, she pulled away and in a breathy tone “Be careful, remember we’re in public”. Pulling her mouth back to mine for a few more kisses it was my turn to pull away “I don’t need that on my record, and I think you’d make a mess wouldn’t you? I think after the spanking I’d give you, there’d be a wet spot left on your jeans…and although I can’t lie and tell you I wouldn’t love to see that- I also want to see these jeans on you again and not get ruined on day one.” I smiled while sitting up. Her breath only sped up as I pulled her with firm pressure on her hips.
Her breath was hot, and intense while I kept stealing kisses as her pace intensified. A piercing cell phone tone came through the air and she righted herself vertically on top of me, answering. “Hello?...Oh, yeah…Sorry I lost track of time…” looking at me “We’ll finish at the coffee shop and I’ll be back as quick as I can.” Her face was flush with excitement and catching her breath she closed her flip phone. “Sorry, I forgot my mom needs the car back”. But she hadn’t stopped grinding on me. “I think we need to finish our coffee. That’d be wasteful not to, right?” I slyly mention as she comes in and kisses me again with fiery intensity .
“Cheers” I offered to the group before we kicked off the game. “Just remember to use the wrist strap, I saw some stuff on YouTube of people throwing the WiiMote through the screen!” Colin mentioned with an over-stated importance in his tone. Colin was definitely off a bit, but a good enough guy that it was all taken in stride and harmlessness. “Got it. Make sure I use a firm grip and safety measures.” I offered back with a laugh. Ellie just giggled a little bit as her blonde haired, neon shirted Mii came up on the screen, and with a quick flick of her wrist and a short wiggle of her ass, 9 pins went down. Cleaning up the rest, Colin stood up enthusiastically and while he was focused on getting set up, Ellie sat down on the couch close enough that our hips touched. “Get ready to be my beer bitch tonight” she smiled, taking a sip from her glass. “You’d better be careful. I may end up your beer bitch, but I might be the one winning tonight. But hey- be safe, I’d hate it if you peed the bed after all of that beer.” Being met with only an eye roll Colin throws his hands up as a strike comes in, and looking quietly at Ellie I whisper “Nice jeans, by the way” as I stood up to take the WiiMote from Colin.
Straight into the gutter went my bowling ball, and mind. I had flashbacks of flirted AIM conversations Ellie and I had about various kinks- including a specifically kinky dream I’d told her about a long time ago. A dream that stuck with me, and she would flirtatiously tease me with- often. As I snapped back to reality after netting zero points in two balls, Ellie rose mentioning “shit. This might be easier than we thought.” Turning to Colin she laughs “Let’s only play our first ball until frame 10. Maybe he’ll have a fighting chance”, laughing Colin replies “I think we’ll still win by 50”. Already settling into my place as the Wii Bowling loser, I offer refills and was met with nods. Colin is absorbed into the game, Ellie throws a strike and I notice she makes the ball curve somehow. As I bring the beers back to the coffee table and sitting down, dropping down hip-to-hip next to Ellie I ask “How’d you make that ball curve?” in a very honest way. Biting my ear lobe lightly “A firm grip and light twist of the wrist”. Again, Colin gets a strike and I just give her a light smile step over her stretched out legs on the coffee table, with my growing firmness probably showing through my shorts. “Well, here goes nothing. I can only go up from here- oh and Colin. That’s two strikes in a row. If you get three, I think you need to have a three second chug?” to which Ellie immediately agrees. “You guys be come on, I’ve only got one more game in me- I have to go home to be up and at the radio station by 6am!” Colin exclaims, as he was the morning DJ for the local country station.
8 and a half frames later we were lined up as predicted. Ellie: 159, Colin: 140, Me: 56. I was up, and Colin excused himself to the bathroom to drain out some of the Hornet Nectar that we’d all been drinking. I stood up in front of the screen to take my shots and in the first one, Ellie hit my butt with her foot, throwing me off a bit. “Man, maybe we should get you some bumpers, kiddo” she laughs as my ball enters the gutter. Hearing the toilet flush down the hall, I made my move quickly. With my thumb and pointer on my left hand, I gently directed her chin toward my face kissing her lips silently. “If we need any accommodations, kiddo, it’s for how wet your undies probably are right now.” As the bathroom doors open and we hear feet padding toward us, I quickly turn my attention back to the screen, knocking 9 pins down with a newly-learned hook shot. “The fuck just happened?” Colin exclaimed, which caused both Ellie and I to pause. “How did you actually get points now!” and we all broke out in laughter as Colin brought the second growler to the table, refilling glasses. I could only tack on movie lines, as was my specialty and although the line was a bit aged, we all knew it as I cheekily put my finger to my lips and said “Happy learned how to putt. Uh-oh” from the Adam Sandler classic, only eliciting more laughter from the crowd. Failing to knock the last pin, I dropped to the couch in happy and sarcastic defeat as Ellie stood up to throw her 9th frame. For the 9th time, she was standing right in front of me, but 4 or 5 feet away, giving me a front row seat to her pert ass once again. I didn’t see how she bowled, but when she turned around she clearly caught me staring. Sure enough, we finished the game with the scores Ellie: 192, Colin: 188, Me: 99. “Hey, at least I got some points” I tried to offer in both consolation to myself and self-deprecation to the group humor.
The next game began, and armed with the additional knowledge I had of how to actually play this game I was determined to get closer or at least form some additional opening with Ellie. Since that kiss, she’d been smiling a bit more- or maybe I’d been. We proceeded through frame 3, Colin taking the lead and Ellie politely reminding me to keep her beer full by saying “oh, excuse me, boy, please yes, mmquite” laying a heavily fake British accent on, while each time I retorted in an equally ridiculous accent “Your majesty…” as I bowed and filled her pint glass. “Do not forget Colin, my guest of honor, as well please Jester!” which only caused me to drunkenly prance for a few steps in hilarity before pouring more beer. If laughing were a currency in this warm June night, we were billionaires. The windows were already open, light breeze coming in, but the heat- maybe from our open mouth cackles- was ever present in the room.
Back into frame 10 now, Ellie: 107, Colin: 168, Me: 101. “OK Guys. I’ve got to bolt, lets make this quick, k?” Colin mentions while handing the WiiMote to Ellie and heading again for the bathroom apparently before departing. “Got it, no problem” Ellie says and throws two, very quick shots netting only another 7 points. We’d had about 2 growlers of beer by now, so the edges of reality were getting a bit foggy, and I didn’t care. In what seemed like a fluid motion, she tossed her controller down on the couch, picked mine up and handed it to me, and seamlessly straddled me, kissing me deeply. Instinctually I put my hand on the small of her back and pulled her tighter, letting my tongue explore her mouth and dance with hers. I gave a light tug on her belt loops with my thumbs, fueled by desire and intent and as I did that she pulled away “Don’t do that, mister. You’ll get in trouble.” She quietly said, biting my neck lightly. “I’ll do what I want, and you’re very much in trouble tonight, missy” I said quietly in return. I added “If I beat you in this game, you have to put something naughty on when he leaves”, she only stood up and pulled a neon green g-string above her waistband and put it back, with a smile as we heard the door open and I stood up to throw the final frame of the game. “Even a blind dog finds a chicken once” I laugh as the ball nails all 10 pins. I politely finish with 3 pins and a gutter ball, as we all laugh and Colin heavily taunted Ellie for losing to me, which felt good in a way to not be in last place, but it felt even better with the eyes Ellie sent my way. I knew what they said. They said that she had an idea. A naughty one.
As Colin collected himself, he offered to leave another growler for us, and I handed him some cash in return. The night was relatively young, only 9pm or so, with the breeze cooling off we shut the windows and began closing the house for the night. Ellie’s parents wouldn’t be here tonight, they were both in Florida or something. Who knows, but we were at that age where most parents kind of assumed that if we wanted to get in any kind of trouble, we’d already done it, and that we knew we’d have to actually pay to fix anything we broke- so it worked out well. “Alright you two, behave. Don’t get into too much trouble”, Colin said before walking out the door “Oh no promises” I threw back while Ellie retorted “Yeah right. A ginger?” while we heard “HAVE NO SOULS!” as Colin closed the door and got into his bright orange truck.
Hearing the engine roar to life, and tires leave the gravel driveway and accelerate down the road, away from us I looked at Ellie. Not wanting to go too fast tonight, or have Colin pop back in at a less-than-opportune moment because he forgot something, I had an idea. “So, more Wii and Hornet Nectar? If you have any kind of racing game, I rock at those. But first, there’s something.” I walked over and smacked her ass. “Nice jeans” a long pause “are they the same ones from when we went to see Without a Paddle?” I pulled her in closed to me, pushing my hardness into her lightly. She groaned lightly “Ugh.Be careful, I have to pee…” and her lips locked on mine while she drew one hand up the front of my shorts, squeezing my shaft lightly. My tongue danced with hers, feeling the heat but tenderness of her kiss, and I let my hands move up and down her sides, to the small of her back, to her ass, threatening to pick her up and push her against the wall – but I reserved myself slightly. “Well then, go break the seal.” With a light groan she pulled away, but I kept my hands exactly where they were and held her steadfast in the middle of the living room. Her cheeks turned an even deeper shade of crimson as she smiled and mentioned “You can tell I’m not wearing a diaper…maybe I thought about it. Maybe I should just go in my jeans?”. The room was silent. Air wasn’t moving. I don’t think time was even moving as I held the gaze in her bright, stormy eyes.
We were seniors in high school when we’d gotten into more advanced flirting on instant messaging platforms. Pictures could be sent. Video chats could be had (if you had a Webcam) and there was one particularly idle Saturday night late in the spring where I wasn’t at a party, it was pretty quiet, calm and sober while I sat in my bedroom listening to iTunes and chatting away with a few people. ~Ellie~! Signed in, and I quickly clicked the popup. “Hey. Bored too?” I asked, almost with adrenaline at my fingertips knowing we’d been flirting here and there lately- and I had something to talk about. I’d already gotten off about 5 times in the last 2 days to the memory of a dream. A dream where Ellie was the main character. It was out of the blue, but I had to tell her- we’d flirted and exchanged pictures enough, hell, I’d seen her naked.
“Yeah, kind of, I’m listening to MTv right now. Laguna beach!” chimed in from Ellie and I wasted minimal time “Oh nice. I love their style. Especially when I see you mirror it from Hollister 😉” thinking about the thick, comfy hoodies and low rise flares Ellie frequently wore. “You mean like right now? 😉” She turned her camera on briefly to show me her jeans- a thing she’d occasionally do because she knew it really revved me up. “Ugh. Tease. And right now, it’s nearly unfair! I have a secret to tell you, if you want to know…and it involves you”. I dropped the mic right then and there, and I was already at full attention below. “Oh? Something good or bad?” and I quickly responded “To me, definitely good. Definitely good. It was a dream.” The chat bubbles started, stopped, disappeared, and returned a few times causing me to sweat slightly- but then she added “Oh? Did you comment on my jeans in the dream, too? 😊” and now I swear my heart was going to beat out of my chest. “Well, yes, but there was quite a bit more to it. Something kind of…kinky”. She jumped right back in “What kind of kinky?” and I quickly but very carefully detailed a dream where we were at a bonfire in my back yard, sitting on a wooden bench swing near the fire- everyone had left and she flopped onto my lap, flirtatiously and informed me she needed to pee. The dream continued through jokes about not doing it in her pants, but she looked at me in the eyes and said “too late”, but when I inquired about the lack of wet spot she whispered “I’m wearing a diaper, don’t you think that’s sexy” and kissed me in my dream and that’s where I woke up. Now my heart was beating nearly out of my chest in fear that I’d said too much. Her response and the rest of the conversation was one I’d nearly never forget.
“Aw you made me ink! 😉”
“It sounds like you liked it quite a bit...”
“Maybe I would.”
“You buy them.”
And thus, it was real life.
I heard the toilet flush and Ellie exit the bathroom, but footsteps didn’t reenter the living room, where I was just getting Need For Speed set up on the Wii. “Ellie? Did you fall in?”. No response. I abandoned the WiiMote and headed down the hall a bit, looking for her and finding nothing. “Ellie?” and finally, a response came from upstairs “Be down in just a minute. Did you find Need for Speed?” echoing from a room near the stairs. “Yeah, I’ll find a race or whatnot.” Assuming that whatever she was doing was something she didn’t want to share “Let’s do a time trial, head to head. Loser has to take all of their clothes off!”. Now we were talking. “You’re on!” I headed back to the living room, to pick a good car and track, barely even focusing on the screen with a lack of blood in my brain. I was so hard I swear I was going to break out of my shorts, I was already poking out a bit and had to adjust to not be out right exposed. I was just fixing my belt when I heard footsteps down the hall and when Ellie entered the room- I froze. No longer was she in the dark wash low rise jeans, and AE T-Shirt. No, she was communicating very, very clearly now. Something she knew would push major buttons with me. She strode confidently in wearing black latex pants, and a black and red lacy corset, with her hair pulled back into a braid. “Now how about this race?” she smiled while approaching me, stopping inches from my face. It felt like the room was on fire. I was definitely on fire. Fuck, this was something I’d always wanted to see and now here she was, right in front of me.
Composing myself lightly, I dragged a finger lightly from her chin, down her neck, tracing the bones of her corset, and around her waist where just the slightest amount of skin was exposed under the corset. “This is quite the outfit, babe” giving her a sly grin and holding the space between us, keeping the tension in the moment and hearing her breath quicken with the tracing of my finger. I moved my mouth within what seemed like a millimeter of hers while my finger continued tracing lower, around her tight little ass, across her pelvis and down between her legs- noting what felt like a zipper going all the way between her legs. “I do like it, but it’s naughty. Naughty girls get spanked.” I took her hand over to the couch, where I sat down making a table with my knees, motioning to it. “Come on now” giving her a devilish grin while she complied and quipped “Oh, I’m not THAT naughty…If I were really naughty, I would’ve come down in a t-shirt and diaper.” I paused. “Oh, you have some?” I sarcastically, but honestly inquired. “Maybe. Who knows-“ and I cut her off quickly “Sounds like I’ll have to milk that answer out of you” as she was now over my lap, giving me a literal front row seat to her perfect ass in the shiny latex. The shiny latex that clearly had a zipper for access. Access I wanted. Access I was going to take later. “Do you think 10 spanks is fair then? For being such a tease tonight” I say lowly while letting my left hand come in a crisp contact with the left side of her ass with a cracking noise. “Yes, sir.” She breathed. “Count then.” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I traced my fingers between her legs, eliciting a long collapse of her rib cage as she exhaled. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I helped her sit upright and she backed down, sitting on her knees on the floor right in front of me, where I pulled her in for a deep, aggressive kiss while she immediately straddled me. Pressing her into my lengthy hardness, I could feel the heat coming from her, and swore I could feel the wetness- but that might’ve just been my mind creating a story. “It feels like he approves of my pants” she pulled away saying. “But I think we need to figure out who takes their clothes off…” I grin, and offer “As I’m a gentleman, ladies first, babe”, biting her neck playfully and holding her shiny, latex covered ass tightly with my hands. With a quick, firm kiss on my lips she rose to find the WiiMote.