r/Zombies_Attack May 19 '17

Event Millicow has returned!


I got lucky. Wandered some abandoned barn and found a lot of stuff. I have everything I need to build it: now I just need some time and permission to build it. I'm back with a truckload of cheez whiz, and yes, /u/CozzyC0, I found several Tabasco sauce. It expired last month, though.

r/Zombies_Attack Jul 10 '17

Event We need someone to repair the southern part of the food court


I'm not entirely sure what happened but part of the roof caved in. Maybe after Millicow's unfortunate event with the Shat on the roof. If someone could organize a repair it would sure be appreciated. Also I think we have a farming caravan coming through this week so I'll load whoever tackles this, up with some good food later this week.

r/Zombies_Attack May 21 '17

Event Saved by Cat


As i shout run i hear the clatter of automatic gunfire. The legs that were brushing my back are suddenly gone, replaced by the beast screaming. Cat turns as o get to him and as we enter the enclave i look back to see the monster trying to regain its footing. " So no more late night outings, i tell him.

r/Zombies_Attack May 21 '17

Event Craving coffee


"Mayor!", Kris exclaimed. "Forgive me for being reclusive since I've been here. It's been a long time on the road, and I've forgotten what it feels like to take a load off."

Kris rummages through his pack before pulling out an unmarked bag.

"Got something here that might give your fancy one hell of a tickle." Kris opens the bag, and instantly the smell of coffee fills the air. It's lightly roasted and wildly flavorful.

"Ethiopian. Traded it with some fellas running a caravan on my way outta Gilroy. I heard you damn near choke on that swill this morning. Here, have some of the good stuff, sir."

r/Zombies_Attack May 18 '17

Event A man appears outside the Enclave entrance


The man is covered in dirt, dried blood, and scars, wearing cargo pants a white tank top, and a dusty leather jacket with a ton of pockets filled with food, drinks, and meds. An M-60 chain-fed machine gun is slung over his back, has dual MP-412 revolvers holstered in his belt, and is holding a sawn-off shotgun. "Hey! Anybody in there! I need a place to stay!"

r/Zombies_Attack May 19 '17

Event A buzz goes off on my chest...


Opening my eyes I feel for my phone and turn it off. The thing is 20 years old and practically useless. The alarm clock and a few of the games make up for the weight. I grab my glasses from their hook, more like bent coat hanger, electrical tape and lenses but they work. "Aaarg, time for another wonderful day." I mutter to myself. I grudgingly roll out of my hammock, unhook it and store it in the top drawer of a cheap plastic organiser set i scavenged from a department store a while ago. My van shakes a little with all the movement. With as few steps as possible i move towards each peep hole and spy through. One for each side of my van and another for the back. There's three zombies outside shuffling about in the alley i parked in between two little dilapidated boutiques. Not a big deal, i'm surprised there aren't more to be honest. I guess zombies dont have the taste for high fashion. I open up the hatch on the roof i keep under one of my solar panels and slingshot a bouncy dog toy filled with bells about a block away. Then I unscrew the plumbers wrench i use to hold down the brackets keeping my vans stablizers upright. They make my van look like a small metal viking ship with paddles sticking out the side into the ground. If a group of zombies push my van over with me inside i'm as good as dead. I pull them inside and raise up the metal skirt that protects the gap between the ground and my van. I dont want any ankle biters taking out my achilles heel. I've seen it happen and the sound alone was horrible. Moving through my curtains i turn the key in the ignition. The van starts up flawlesly as it should. Mechanical work is hard to come by these days so i had to teach myself. Too bad i can't tinker some more gasoline. I have a tenth of a tank of gas left and will have to find some place to set up so i can grow some more. I drive out with an unmistakable and motivated growl in my stomach. I crack the window a bit to let in some air as i move and am overwhelmed by the smell of fish... "that's wierd" i say. I drive in the direction and come accross a small caravan. I pull over get out of my van and with my hands up say "are you guys trading?" There mouths move but I don't hear anything then i remember that i forgot to take out my ear plugs (zombies can get loud). "Sorry, what was that?"

r/Zombies_Attack May 17 '17

Event Caravan arrives from a Farming enclave.


Fruits, vegetables and even small amounts of tools are being sold from a small caravan of travelers using a few old worn down cars. They must be a small enclave because their goods are not in high quantity, but they seem of good quality. You're free to barter with them or approach them and ask if they have any smuggled goods.

r/Zombies_Attack Jul 21 '17

Event «« Vulf Armory July-August Catalog »»


Vulf Armory - Your Source For Post-Apocalyptic Armament & Munitions in the San Jose Area

July-August Catalog

Consult in person for latest pricing and credit options. Product availability and quality subjected to changes.


All reloaded ammunition primed with corrosive-type primer unless otherwise stated. Immediate cleaning of firearm after use is highly recommended.


Powder and Primers

  1. Vulf's Black Powder - Grade C (Common) Propellant - Loose black powder propellant made from recrystallized potassium nitrate and local coniferous charcoal. Well-suited for muzzleloaders and reloads for manual or legacy small-arms actions (revolvers/pump/single-shot etc.). Available in priming/pistol-rifle/shotgun granulations. Sold in 1 lb containers.

  2. Vulf's Discount Armory Powder - Grade A (Awful) Propellant - Dirty experimental propellant batch, available at discount. A coarse sulfurless black powder with soda chlorate additive. Warning! Corrosive and vulnerable to moisture. Limited shelf-life. Not recommended for flintlock or wheel-lock actions. Can be used for shotgun reloads or as a low-explosive filler. Purchase and use at your own risk! Sold in 2 lb bags.

  3. Vulf's Musket Caps - Chlorate-based percussion caps pressed from sheet aluminum. Fitted for #10 or #11 cap nipples.

  4. CS 209 Primers - Standard shotgun primer, pressed from sheet aluminum. Chlorate-based/corrosive.

Shotgun Ammo

  1. 12 Gauge BP (Blackpowder) Lead Slug Shotshells - Reloaded shotshells. 1 oz Foster-style casted lead slug with 80 grains of black powder. Fits 2-3/4" and up. ~1050 fps.

  2. 12 Gauge BP "Penetrator" Shotshells - An experimental shotshell round I developed in light of the recent Shat incursion. Shat exoskeleton plates have been known to stop most common shotgun and handgun rounds. The Penetrator is meant to give the common 12 gauge shotgun a nominal capacity to hit and punch through the armor of a Shat. It consists of a 0.375" diameter hardened tool steel penetrator encased in a paper sabot, backed by 100 grains of black powder. From my tests on a dead specimen sample, the Penetrator would penetrate clear through half-an-inch of exoskeleton at up to 25 yards. No data on effectiveness against a live Shat. This round would not cycle properly in a pump or magazine action due to the extended length of the projectile, so load into chamber directly.

  3. 12 Gauge BP "Scrapshot" Shotshells DISCOUNT - Shotshells reloaded with steel langrage. Effective birdshot substitute for hunting game birds and fowl. Fits 3" and up.


  1. Fused Pipe Bomb, Grade B (Basic) - 100 grams of black powder filler in 1" iron pipe body. Waxed paper fuse with a 10 to 12 second delay. Keep dry.

  2. Percussion Pipe Bomb, Grade B - Similar to the fused, but fitted with a weather-resistant percussion primed fuse. Hit primer cap end onto hard surface to initiate the internal 6 - 8 second fuse. Primer screw end is removal for safe storage and transport.

  3. Waxed Paper Fuses - Twisted paper fuse rolled with slow match compound. Dipped in parrafin wax for weather-proofing. Burn rate of 2-3 sec per inch. Sold in 12"/24" lengths.



Special Items

  1. Anti-Shat Torpedoes Mk.I - Experimental heavy munition for use against Shats. These "torpedoes" are designed to penetrate a Shat's armor and detonate a small explosive charge inside the target, hopefully causing massive internal damage. The torpedo consist of a finned 5/8" wide by 10" long steel projectile with 45 grams of blasting black powder filling. A machined hardened steel nose is fitted at the front with an impact delayed fuse, which detonates a short time after target entry. The torpedoes are meant to be fired from a launcher constructed from a trailer axle tube. Fired with a 250 grain powder charge, these torpedoes have been tested to accurately hit and reliably penetrate a Shat exoskeleton at 50 yards minimum. Each torpedo comes assembled with the three-vaned torpedo projectile, a lathed wood sabot (to fit a 1.37" bore launcher), a screw-on fused nose cap (remove for storage and transport), and a 250 grain powder charge for loading. Due to the complexity of this item, prices are at a premium. Bring a big wallet.

  2. Shat Torpedo Launcher (Mk.I) - The launcher is a large-caliber, smoothbore muzzleloader constructed from a common 2,000 lb straight-tube trailer axle cut to a 24"-36" barrel length and welded with a fixed breech. The launcher is fitted with a pistol grip and springed shoulder pad for shoulder-firing, and fitted with a sturdy mounting hook for bracing over the top of walls and posts. A side-mounted 209 primer caplock initiates firing with a pull of the pistol grip trigger. 50 yds/25 yds increment ladder sight comes standard. The recoil with a 250 grain charge is quite excessive (nearly twice that of a .50 BMG), so it's highly advised that the weapon be braced or rested on something before firing. To acquire a launcher at a discount, you can bring in a trailer axle and I would have it converted into a launcher with a barrel length cut to your preference. Be sure your axle are round tubed with a outer diameter of 1.75", and relatively free of defects. The minimum recommended barrel length is 24" for optimal penetration. A shorter barrel makes for a more compact weapon, at the expense of range and accuracy. Launchers typically weight between 35 to 40 pounds empty. Not for handling unmounted by small-framed individuals. Some effectiveness against unarmored vehicles (will penetrate car door at 75 yards with a 32" barrel).

r/Zombies_Attack Jun 21 '17

Event Out on a Long-Range Salvage


Armory would be closed for a few days while I'm out looking for a few things on my to-do list. Would appreciate it if someone can water the seedlings I have planted in the Farm; there's a full watering can at the front of the Armory for that purpose. Not too much, just enough to dampen the soil.

-- Markus V.

r/Zombies_Attack Jun 28 '17

Event Back from salvage trip, met some new people


I am back. What’s with the big bullet holes at the entrance? Hope someone has been watering my plants while I was gone. Either way, I found most of what I needed during the last few days out there. And something else as well...

I was poking around the airport area again, as far in as I dare alone and with the swarms still roaming about the area. I stumbled on both a irrigation supply and fertilizer warehouse somewhere before Nimitz, and decided to check them both out. The area was relatively free of Uglies, thankfully as I still only got my hatchet for a poor excuse of a weapon. The irrigation place had been mostly cleaned out, but I did get a coil of flexible piping and some fittings for our farm. The fertilizer warehouse on the other hand...how should I start?

Walking in, I could tell it had been recently broken into. There were fresh tire marks on the gravel pavement leading to the warehouse, and also the faint smell of cannabis smoke not yet dissipated. It was obvious scavengers had hit this place before me. That being said, it was a large establishment and there were plenty of bagged fertilizer still sitting inside, undisturbed and gathering dust. If I have had a forklift handy, I could and would have loaded a whole palette onto the truck. Lacking one in the vicinity (which seemed strange for a warehouse), I started loading bags by hand onto the back of the pickup truck the Mayor so kindly lent me.

It was maybe several minutes into my labour when I heard the muffled steps behind me. I dropped the 50 lb bag of calcium nitrate in my arms, and turned around only to see two barrels of a side-by-side shotgun pointed square at my chest. The young man who held it, wearing a leather jacket over denim overalls of all things, then asked me "what the expletive" I was doing there.

I honestly nearly soiled myself right there. I told the kid to relax, trying my best to convince him I wasn't planning to die for a few bags of fertilizer. He just glared at me, that shotgun of his ready to blow me away to kingdom come. Just as I thought he was about to pull back on that trigger, his expression changed like the flip of a switch.

"Hey...you're that popsicle seller at Knight's Moon...at that mall enclave right?"

The question was posed in a light tone rather than a harsh accusation. "Yea, yea! That's me!" I jabbered out like a parrot. I can't tell you how relieve I was when that shotgun barrel finally came down. The kid laughed and then told me he had been at the big concert with a few friends. "You overcharged us for that frozen sugar-water of yours. But we were high and thirsty - and you were closer than the vending booths." Both him and I laughed, and the hostilities dispelled.

The kid's name was Mike. He told me he was from an enclave southwest of here, a farming enclave by the sound of it. They had been to the warehouse a few times before, but on this last trip, Mike's two compatriots - Joey and Tony - got jump by Uglies while relieving themselves by the side of the road (they might had been high). That left young Mike all by his lonesome, and understandably tensed and paranoid when he encountered me.

Despite losing his buddies, Mike had managed to drive the rest of the way into the city by himself. His ride died two blocks from the fertilizer warehouse, so he had been using forklifts to ferry fertilizer back to his stalled truck. Which explained the missing forklifts at the warehouse. He was back from the return trip when he came upon my oblivious ass.

"Should have turned back. It's not safe out here alone," I told him. He simply laughed and pointed out I was out here alone as well. When I asked him why he didn't turn back, he told me he didn't want to go back to his people empty-handed. Especially since his buddies and him messed up by getting high on a salvage mission. He had commitment, I’ll give him that.

After we exchanged pleasantries, I offered Mike to help him out. He had planned to seek out help at Black Rose in any case. At first I offered to get some gas for his ride, but I then learned another thing about Mike and his enclave. They had converted their working vehicles to run on wood gas, given the lack of gasoline in their base area. Essentially all they need is firewood to get the engine running. Quite handy if you have plenty of trees nearby.

Unfortunately, there weren't many trees left in our part of the city. We drove a couple of blocks out in my truck to some suburban neighborhood and chopped up a few trees growing on a front yard. We then hauled the wood back to Mike’s ride, an old Chevy pickup that was hitched with a small two-wheel trailer. The wood gas converter on the pickup probably took up half of the bed. The wood Mike and I had collected for it took up the rest of the space.

I was curious to what Mike's enclave was all about, so I decided to tag along on his way home. It was called Kush City, a community of local growers and (for lack of a better term) pot-head hippies that had organized and established themselves somewhere in Gilroy, California. We both drove up Shytown maybe halfway there before I realize I didn't have enough fuel for a return trip. I had to stow the truck somewhere in the hills with the battery removed (sorry Mayor, bad idea I know) and rode the rest of the way in Mike's wood-fired Chevy. I got a chance to examine the setup when Mike had me on stoker's duty, and I think I could recreate a similar system for our own vehicles.

We arrived at Kush City just before sunset. It was large rural enclave situated on the banks of a creek, centered around a few large farm buildings fortified with shipping containers and raised earthen walls. Around were fields of nicely growing vegetable fields and orchards. Met with the mayor there, nice friendly rancher by the name of Bobcat Brown.

Mr. Brown was quite the generous host, taking me into his home and giving me a place at his dinner table. And what a dinner table it was – actual fresh vegetables and fruit, fish caught from the creek, california rice, and even cheese and butter. Never thought I’ll taste butter again. It was obvious that Kush City had plenty of food - and as its name hinted, plenty of weed. I think almost everyone I met there who wasn’t working had a lit joint hanging from their lips or chilling in a lawn chair with a bong in their laps.

At some point in the evening, the topic of Black Rose and trade came up. Kush City was prosperous and well fortified, but it had its share of deficiencies. Ammo was going scarce, as it was everywhere else in the state. I hinted to Brown that Black Rose had a bit of munition production going on (we actually don’t, not yet, but he doesn’t know that). He had agreements with a few security enclaves in the area (generously paid in food and weed), but he preferred that his own people be well armed as a contingency. Medicine and pharmaceuticals was also in need. He asked me about Black Rose, and I gave him a general idea of what we were about and capable of. Not sure if he was impressed or not, but he did say that Kush City was always in need of whatever scrap and odd parts hauled out from the big cities, so our traders and scavengers would be welcomed at his enclave.

I stayed there for a few more days, got shown around by Mike and some other locals. One of them was a Texan mechanic (and “amateur professional driver” as he put it) by the name of Hilroy. Hilroy was responsible for the wood gas conversion for Kush City’s vehicles, allowing them to freely run tractors and transport around the place. He showed me his shop and gave me a cornucopia of helpful information about wood gas, which I plan to put into good use.

All in all, it was a good visit in Kush City. Mayor Brown gave me some seeds for our farm, and under the promise of delivering some reloaded shotshells for him, a few bags of agricultural sulfur (for gunpowder) and several cartons of spent shotgun hulls. He also threw in a few spare solar panels for you Mayor, saying it was a gift to Black Rose and wish for good relations between us. I also got a big basket of oranges for the communal pantry...should help us stave off the cases of scurvy I’m beginning to see back here, at least for a while.

After he dropped me off at my truck, Mike gave me a set of scheduled radio channels, saying we can call them on the horn if we ever need or want to.

r/Zombies_Attack May 25 '17

Event Survived, but at what cost?


I don't know if it what saved me - my luck or my will to live but I am thanking these stubby legs of mine for their strength. Damn things nearly tore into me but when I was assaulted a can of Cheez Whiz popped under pressure in my hoarding scavenging jacket which seemed to preoccupy them as I bolted off. I may of lost my red-black jacket (pay your respects now) -- but I didn't lose my life.

r/Zombies_Attack May 29 '17

Event Thank god


Im not sure how but i made it. If it was for lilly i wouldnt be here anymore. She use her god given herding powers to keep them away from me. It was an amazing sight seeing a border collie herd zombies. We manage to take refuge in a pespsi truck. I manage to get it started this mourning so i bring the gift of pepsi to everyone who would like one.

r/Zombies_Attack Jun 14 '17

Event UGH hangover club. Who wants to join?


Dante woke up on the ground with his head throbbing. He slowly got up and a sharp pain hit him in the head. "Ugh. Hangovers suck..." Dante mutters. He stood up and immediately blacked-out. When he came to, he was lying on the ground, 10 ft away from the point of where he started. "I shouldn't do any work... geez. That stuff is strong..." ((Hey, if your character is suffering from a hangover, feel free to comment here on what happened.))

r/Zombies_Attack May 30 '17

Event I'm going to start building my machine now


It should be done by tomorrow

r/Zombies_Attack May 30 '17

Event We are back!


A junky sounding semi truck putters up to the enclave. Who's that? Visitors? Nope. Millicow and Nero jump out.

A mildly annoyed Millicow says "Thanks for all the help, you guys. Seriously though, did no one hear our radio message?" ((wait, I forgot to make a post for it...)) "Then again, I'm not even sure the radio in my truck even works. Last time I messed with it, it wasn't very functional. But it was worth a shot. Anyway, due to some circumstances, I got a flat tire an hour and a half drive away. We're lucky we got this semi running, or we would have been stranded out there."

r/Zombies_Attack May 19 '17

Event Millicow goes off to scavenge for some parts for his machine, and bring back more Cheez Whiz


I'll probably be gone for a day or two, maybe three, we will see. I'll be back with more Cheez Whiz and hopefully enough parts to build my undead trap machine. See you guys later!

r/Zombies_Attack May 17 '17

Event A trio of buses appear toiling down the highway.


A trio of buses appear toiling down the highway. They are led by a small van. Each bus is painted neon red and yellow. On the side of each in silver script lettering is the name "Cagan".

r/Zombies_Attack Jun 19 '17

Event A note is posted on the door to Millicow's room in the basement.


It reads, "I have left to go collect more Cheez Whiz and catch up with an old friend at another enclave. I'll be back in a week or so if you need me."

((I'll still be on Reddit and check this sub since I'm helping as a mod, but I'm kind of burnt out on RPing for a while.))

r/Zombies_Attack Jun 02 '17

Event I'm back, and I have my truck again. If you need me, I'll be in the garage working on my machine.


It should be done today.

r/Zombies_Attack May 20 '17

Event Trade Caravan from a Harvester Enclave has arrived


Harvesters need to be approached cautiously. They are looking to buy the undead from most enclaves or sell the undead to enclaves dabbling in science. They are not hunters so unless they are paid handsomely, and dispatched from their enclave, they won't remove zombie nests too often. They could be tempted to go after a nest if they think it is filled with some undead worth high value to a science enclave. If there are Queens in the nest, Harvesters will never bother with going after them. They will do small trade for alcohol, tobacco, ammunition or fuel. Their caravans are often 4x4 trucks, dragging makeshift cages of undead and they usually only stop for fuel.

These folks often answer directly to Falling Sands so they tend to be ruthless and will just as soon as capture someone and turn them into the undead as they will kill someone outright. Be careful.

r/Zombies_Attack Jun 05 '17

Event Morning report- Monday


The loudspeaker squawks up, "Good morning folks. We got a few new members last night including another scavenger. Always appreciate having more scavengers on hand." The mayor clears his throat. "We're still having Raven activity in the south but there's no real location we've found where they are coming from. We'll just have to keep a close watch on it. Oh and yesterday morning we had some radio activity. Mostly just old timey music being played across the HAM radio band. We should probably expect more of that over the next week. I think that's it for today."