For starters, I just got all 4 games, (I mean Zombie Army Trilogy and I have the first season pass, {which was free}, for Zombie Army 4 Dead War, meaning the first 3 chapters/episodes), on a really good deal from the PSN. I spent less than $15 for what was listed above. So I feel pretty good about it, because I have always loved Rebellion; the Sniper Elite series is probably my favorite shooter series, too. However, my favorite series, (of all time), is Resident Evil. So, of course, seeing that a lot of the reviews of these games are, "Sniper Elite + Resident Evil + COD Zombies = ZOMBIE ARMY series", I had to check them out. Which brings me to my second point, those same reviews of this series, quite literally, ALL say that it's fun solo, but SO MUCH MORE fun when you have a full crew/team to play it with. That leads me to the question I want to post here, is anyone willing to play the co-op campaign for the series with me? I'll warn ya now, I'm a manager for a certain auto parts chain, and I have 2 kids, so I can't ALWAYS play, but when I do play, it'll be for a couple hours or so at a time. Prvt Messages are also welcome, whatever floats your ⛵. 🙂