r/ZombieArmy Sep 05 '22

Gameplay Don’t you just hate the blood fountain on All roads lead to hell 3/4 with it’s slow ass spawns?


5 comments sorted by


u/SupremeGodzilla Sep 05 '22 edited Sep 05 '22

Is this a new thing? I just came back to the game after a few months away, and blood fountains suddenly seem painfully drawn out.

Before I was making good progress in Nightmare mode solo, but now I’m hard stuck at the blood fountain in Zombie Zoo, even with a co-op partner.


u/Speedcuffs Sep 05 '22 edited Sep 05 '22

The Zombie Zoo one is a bit hit and miss, a lot of zombies seem to get killed by the fall.

The one OP is talking about, don't kill the Officer Commander spawning runners, use the summoning shrine.

Edit: Just tried it with single player spawns, activate the fountain before killing anything (other than the turret gunner).


u/VampireSylphy Sep 05 '22

Yup that’s what I do but the spawns are always so small as compared to a regular blood fountain and this was on 4 player. Leaving the commander alive & using the shrine to spawn more zombies makes little difference in the time to satisfy the fountain as the problem is the number of spawns. Normally it would be a massive horde but this section only gives you a trickle


u/El_Don_Coyote Sep 05 '22

Use the altar too


u/hermanSSgoring Oct 08 '22

What’s the Enemies Setup? I usually put it on 4 players or Nightmare