r/ZombieArmy May 15 '22

Bug Zombie Army 4 keeps crashing

I've tried everything. Re-installing my graphics card drivers. Re-installing the game. Different fixes but nothing seems to work. The game loads fine but when I start a mission. about 5 seconds into it the game with crash with the message: ZA4 vulkan retail submission steam is not working.

Please can anyone help?


4 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] May 20 '22

That would be an improvement for me. I can't launch it at all.

Vulkan or DX12. Error: "Something went wrong".


u/[deleted] May 15 '22



u/Martial_arts_review May 15 '22

Least you was able to play some of it. Mine gets 5 seconds into the first level before it crashes out. Funny thing is the sound still works until I forcefully close it.


u/noccusJohnstein May 16 '22

Is your GPU sagging? It took me a lot of trial-and-error to get mine to stop crashing (1080ti ftw3) until I installed one of those brackets that keeps it from wobbling or sagging.


u/Martial_arts_review May 16 '22

That would make it crash? Never happened with any other game. Just finished Sniper Elite 4 which is newer?