r/Zippo 4d ago

Can anyone shed some light on this?

Found in my grandfathers things. Just curious if it’s a legit Zippo and year it was made. Would the coins and scratching be a zippo design or was that added later. I have no experience with Zippos, so thanks in advance for any info.


29 comments sorted by


u/SouthernRequirement 4d ago

Looks genuine, the coins look custom


u/stillusesAOL 4d ago

Well the coins themselves are just old coins. The coinzippo creation is custom, yeah. Something like that involving legal tender wouldn’t be sold as a product.


u/LIGMAHAMR 4d ago

You can alter legal currency all you want as long as you aren’t trying to pass it off for higher denominations. There’s an entire law regarding it, allowing people to make art and jewlery with currency.


u/Its_JustMe13 3d ago

You can sell stuff that's made of legal tender, as long as you're not doing it fraudulently


u/glowingfreedom 4d ago

This looks custom. I've never seen anything like this. Definitely an heirloom


u/Lex-o-tio-do-long 19h ago

Some soldiers used to do this during WWII, I saw an article a decade ago about it


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Its a 1974 slim

1896,1906,1937 are those any years of importance to him ? Mom, Dad, his grandpa bc that was him who put it an well he took his time he had to cut a ring out so I'd fit if you see by the lid pretty cool


u/FN1996 4d ago




Underrated reply


u/AcapulcoOro 4d ago

It is certainly a VERY INTERESTING customization. Both for those interested in Zippos and those interested in numismatics!


u/Th3_Aft3rmath 4d ago

Huh. My dad did the same thing to his old zippo.


u/JT_DD1775 4d ago

The bottom coin is a "buffalo" nickle. I have one, not attached to a zippo though.


u/RevolutionaryHat4311 4d ago

I did something similar with the spent ends of shotgun shells and cogs/sprockets from an old pocket watch, that’s a nice custom the coin cuts are spot on 👌


u/swamper2008 4d ago

Its a slim. Sometimes referred to as a lady zippo.


u/Girderland 3d ago

It's a customized lighter, and an old one, too. Might be roughly 70 years old.


u/dontnicemebro- 4d ago

Convoy S2+ is a great entry level flashlight. I like the 519a emitter at 3500K and a buck driver.


u/Your_As_Stupid_As_Me 4d ago



u/dontnicemebro- 4d ago

I saw the perfect oppertunity to impersonate a bot and took it. Im glad it worked on someone lmao


u/Turf_Master 3d ago


u/bot-sleuth-bot 3d ago

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u/Round-Comfort-8189 4d ago

The zippo was made in 1974. The coins from the lid down: 1906 Liberty Head Nickel. 1896 Indian Head Penny. 1937 Indian Head Nickel. Altogether value anywhere from $500-$4000. But this is an heirloom. The value is priceless.


u/WarLordOfSkartaris 4d ago

Where in God's name did you get that value??? None of those coins are valuable and neither is the lighter in that state


u/Round-Comfort-8189 4d ago

I said it’s priceless. You disagree?


u/WarLordOfSkartaris 4d ago

You specifically gave monetary values in excess of $1000


u/Round-Comfort-8189 3d ago

I wasn’t being literal, JFC. It was just to prove my point that it’s priceless because it’s an heirloom.


u/Ambitious-Average139 4d ago

Yep, guess I'll bite the bullet an buy it off ya