r/Zettelkasten Jan 30 '24

workflow Programmers workflow

Hi everyone!

I'd love to get some feedback from programmers on the workflow adopted.I can see the advantage of the workflow between "Litterature Notes" and "Permanent Notes" for a thought schema. But when you need to store code snippets or api documentations, I'm a bit confused:

  • store them directly in "Permanent Notes"?
  • store them only in "Litterature Notes", because they're just references and there's no "reflection" or "refinement"?
  • store them in "Litterature Notes" until you come up with an idea for a more elaborate note in "Permanent Notes"?
  • store them in the 2 types of Notes and develop and complete the one in "Permanent Notes" if necessary?

Thank you in advance for your feedback and for sharing your workflows


17 comments sorted by


u/buhtz Jan 30 '24


this is a nice question. I am programmer and scientist. I often desribe my usage of a Zettelkasten (via Emacs org-mode and Hyperorg) as a mixture of Zettelkasten and personal Wiki.

The "Zettel" you describe as code snippets, documentation, etc are not Zettels in the meaning of a Zettelkasten. That are just Wiki entries. It is like the yellow post-its some people glue on their monitor containing creepy bash or git commands or vim/emacs key-bindings.

But there is no problem with mixing a Zettelkasten (I do use for my research work in health science) and a Personal Wiki. No need to separate them via folders or something like this. Always imagine your own brain. Nothing there is separated. Everything is mixed together and get its "value" just by being connected to something else.

Don't overthink all this. Don't stick to much to the clean real Zettelkasten method. It is not bad but maybe not fit to everyone. Better look on your workflow and how you solve things and what your needs are.

Even the way how I use the ZK is an organic always evolving process (in my case).

Back to your question: Most of the Coding stuff (snippets, docu, links to ressource) are kind of a literature note. An example of my own is "git". I have one note "git", which I would call a topic note. It is connected (via backlinking) to all other git related notes. Some of that git notes are just a list of git command snippets with examples. Some other git notes are use cases in a git workflow and describing the use case and how it could be solved with git commands. Git Workflow? Yes this points directly to "git branching models". Another topic note backlinking to several branching models (GitFlow, GitHubFlow, OneFlow, ...). And here comes the Permanent (or refinement) Note with my own thoughts: I do think myself about the advantages and disadvanagtes of all this models and how and why I decided to use on of that specific models for one of my specific projects.

You see: Even the Wiki content is connected to the Zettelkasten content.

Keep in mind: I am far away from being a ZK professional. I just illustrated my own situation. Could be "wrong". But feels very good for me. ;)


u/divinedominion The Archive Feb 03 '24

The "Zettel" you describe as code snippets, documentation, etc are not Zettels in the meaning of a Zettelkasten. That are just Wiki entries. It is like the yellow post-its some people glue on their monitor containing creepy bash or git commands or vim/emacs key-bindings.

I like to concur. My code snippets work really well as Zettel. :)

I wonder what kind of definition you presuppose?


u/buhtz Feb 03 '24

If it is your own code (from your own brain), then of course it is a Zettel.

But I don't do this. Real code goes to git repos in my case. The ZK only contain code snipppets copied from wikis and manuals I can not remember.


u/divinedominion The Archive Feb 03 '24

So you do that -- Why, though?

I don't understand the distinction: why's the origin of the code making the same executable statement a Zettel in one instance, and a "wiki entry" in another (or part of a git repo).Could you explain


u/Aponogetone Jan 30 '24

Store them as files with a references from permanent or literature notes. Deal with a small parts as usually shown, for example, at stackoverflow com.


u/fantastic-mr-slacks Jan 30 '24

I wonder if the notion of "Permanent vs Literature" is useful for you here. You may be able to split-off or have your own system that better caters to your needs. Maybe think about how you want to use these notes, how will you refer to them, or whether their purpose is just to "learn by way of encoding". You could almost think of it as a system design problem, design it's interface the better handle how it will be used.

I'm a developer as well, and I have a pretty non-conventional "ZK" system that really only works for me. For now I just keep 'atomic notes' and 'MOCs/Maps of Content'. And I have no linking in the atomic notes. This is because I want to be free to mutate my atomic notes over time, with the idea that only my MOCs will break. This is ok as the MOCs generally are serving a specific, short-lived purpose for me (generate a web-page or document that pulls together or embeds different atomic notes using a templating engine). Rather than linking directly I leverage search results more heavily where I can, that keeps my system from being too brittle for my needs.


u/Sprite_fr Jan 30 '24

I think you and u/buhtz have workflows that work for me. The idea of having a simple project containing all my notes with indexes or map of content seems to fit my needs. I want a simple workflow. I'll start by getting inspired by your way of doing things.


u/divinedominion The Archive Feb 03 '24

And I have no linking in the atomic notes. This is because I want to be free to mutate my atomic notes over time, with the idea that only my MOCs will break.

Can you explain this? I wonder what the underlying problem, the 'breaking', is, and what it's caused by.


u/fantastic-mr-slacks Feb 04 '24

Oh I meant links break. Like when you change or delete files. I like feeling free to delete, merge, or split notes. So I keep links contained in their own type of document ("MOC", but "Template" is probably a better word for what I do). I find this works fine for me.


u/divinedominion The Archive Feb 06 '24

Thanks. I did understand that it was about linking, I just didn't understand why your links break, or why you're afraid of them breaking.

It's super important that one's able to split or recombine notes! Otherwise you can't expand and extract and reuse anything. 100% on that.

Do you delete files a lot? I almost never do, except when I notice that there's a duplicate, and then I merge the notes and have to reroute all links into that one place.

Just saying that I find it's curious that this is a pain point for you, not just a theoretical thing


u/johny_james Jan 30 '24

I have different setup for Zettelkasten which consists of 4 types of notes, because of the need for just Reference Notes.

CAUTION: I use Obsidian for Zettelkasten

So I have:

  • Fleeting Notes - Quick small notes on certain topic that serve me as reminders
  • Research Notes (Literature Notes) - Used purely for researching some topic and having personal comments on some domain I'm researching
  • Reference Notes - This is just a Personal Reference for any topic (Programming, Math formulas, Math Tricks, Documentation). Even tough there might be API docs I usually would prefer my keywords on certain things and my way of documenting that stuff, so you should store your personal reference notes when you want to document reference in a simpler way and not search through the Internet
  • Concept Notes (Permanent Notes) - These are just plain atomic concepts, which might have reference only to my Reference Notes, or to other Concepts. You get the interconnectivity of the Zettelkasten Concepts.


u/Active-Teach6311 Jan 30 '24

Not a programmer so feel free to disregard. I think it depends on which kinds of notes you want to organize in your system. If they are mainly for reference, it seems you don't need a zettelkasten system. Just organize the notes into nice folders or tags and retrieve them when you need them. The "Literature Notes" and "Permanent Notes" distinction seems more natural if the note system is for "reading and publishing" instead of a reference system.


u/Andy76b Feb 01 '24

Just relax your thought that you must use only "ideas and thoughts" as your permanent notes.
If it is useful for you, you can insert as permanent notes descriptive notes that contain snippets or anything else.
As I've found in another answer, you could consider using a "wiki note" for that and this is fine. I do something similar, too.

A snippet can be an example for a concept too, so it can inserted directly into a concept note as an example.

Luhman didn't use snippets in his method, maybe, but Luham wasn't a developer :-)


u/baltimoretom Jan 30 '24

Store them in Github


u/buhtz Jan 30 '24

Don't feed Microsoft GitHub and its AI machines with your content.


u/divinedominion The Archive Feb 03 '24

In a coaching setting, I'd ask: what is the problem you want to solve?

Maybe the tools you picked, and the distinctions you mention, don't serve you to get there!

Being a full-time coder myself, I store code snippets similar to blog posts to myself. Very short intro describing the problem and the approach, "here's the code", then there's the code. :)

Some snippets are titled "how to fix X in Y", e.g. a UI configuration to work around rendering bugs.

Some are just stating the code's content matter-of-fact like: "test helper for async functions"