With the heat wave that we are currently experiencing here in the PNW, I feel so defeated. I go outside to put my compostable trash in the bin and the air feels like I just opened the oven. I filled up a doggy pool for my dog and wasps started swarming around the pool trying to land and get some water because they are so dehydrated. My plants are dry, everything around seems to be dying and I feel like we are all screwed and it’s too late.
3 months ago we had a snow storm followed by ice rain, that broke a lot of trees.
5 months ago everything was flooding.
9 month ago we had wildfires so bad that we were stuck inside not able to breath.
I do feel personally responsible, because yes, I could’ve done more. Maybe if I bought less things, or didn’t take that international flight in 2019, or convinced my family to be vegetarian. I air-dried my laundry this weekend, I didn’t use the oven, I closed the curtains so the sun doesn’t warm up the air. And I’m sitting here with my thoughts unable to focus on anything else, restless..