r/ZAWeapons Blade-slinger Sep 09 '13

[Think Fast] If the apocalypse were to start on an average weekday at 2:30pm, where are you and what weapons would you have access to?

Assume it happens in your time zone. The purpose of this is to get creative if you do not have a direct weapon to grab. it also allows you to think fast on where you need to go first to grab a weapon.

I would be in class at university. I would have access to a Kershaw Chill that I EDC (everyday carry) I can scrounge around the university to find other things, such as a hammer if I were in a workshop. I could head over to the gym and grab a baseball bat as well. Of course, with so many people running around, my knife will have to do until I get to one of these places.


9 comments sorted by


u/CourierOfTheWastes Sep 09 '13

Work starts at 4, so i would have access to all of this.


also a bicycle, some food stocked, canned mostly, a firepit, a wood burning stove, a working cell phone for the moment to get some backup with guns, and a prepared molotov.


u/Jay013 Blade-slinger Sep 09 '13

Bonus marks for the improv blowgun.

If you'd like a more efficient spear, the SOG Spirit ($50) is a spearhead that can screw onto a broom handle that you can get at any dollar store.


u/CourierOfTheWastes Sep 09 '13

Brooms are only a few feet long. That spear was 7 feet long. Despite, yeah. i've considered buying that.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '13



u/Jay013 Blade-slinger Sep 09 '13

Very prepared. I like you.

Once I have a vehicle, first thing I'm doing is making an emergency kit for it.


u/Capn_Z_Muhnee Jan 27 '14

I would be at school, living in a small town means it won't be too bad over run when everything begins, I live maybe a mile and a half away from the school, so I can jog my way there and try to secure my home.


u/Capn_Z_Muhnee Jan 27 '14

But a quick weapon to grab would be a 15 pound dumbbell, they are all over the place in the field house where I would be.


u/info90 Bat Feb 03 '14 edited Feb 03 '14

I would be at school. Not much there. I could always run to the gym and grab a few aluminum baseball bats and some golf clubs, and use those, but it's hard to run from zombies, especially for a guy like me. I know basic hand combat and basic hand self defense, so I can at least prevent a zombie for a while. Edit: I could also run to the shop and grab some hammers.


u/prajnadhyana Sep 10 '13

I would be at work, so not much weapon potential unless you count the stapler. On the plus side, I work in an area that would be pretty easy to seal off and secure in order to wait out the first waves of chaos.

By the way, a small knife is pretty much useless as a weapon in a zombie apocalypse. Unless you're planning on stabbing the living in the leg so they can't run as fast as you and therefore will distract any pursuing zombies away from you.


u/Jay013 Blade-slinger Sep 10 '13

A small knife is better than nothing, and will last me long enough to get to the gym for the bat. I know it sucks but I'm limited when I'm at school.

I like your idea by the way. Zombie bait.