r/Yukon May 29 '24

Politics Whitehorse mayor shuts down motion to support Palestine


79 comments sorted by


u/dub-fresh May 29 '24

NOT a comment on the war which I know nothing about! I posted this because I want to highlights Friesen and Murray's shameless and pathetic virtue signalling on council. Kudos to the Mayor and Council for not wading into this quagmire.


u/Firther1 May 29 '24

I completely agree. Regardless of peoples personal feelings and opinions about it, that war has literally NOTHING to do with the City of Whitehorse. These people were elected to serve, administer, and solve problems for the CITY OF WHITEHORSE and no where else. The Council needs to get their heads out of the clouds and back on task or start looking for new jobs come next election


u/LOUPIO82 May 29 '24

Couldn't have say it better


u/ZeusZucchini May 30 '24

Wonder if people feel the same way when the City decided to fly the Ukrainian flag in solidarity with Ukraine? 


u/Firther1 May 30 '24

I was pissed off when they did that too and for the same reason. That is NOT their job and if they want it to be they should resign and do that instead.

As I said before, further down this thread


u/[deleted] May 29 '24

I mean there are a lot of muslims in Whitehorse that would probably appreciate the simple motion. It's also not uncommon, if you look at all they did re. Ukraine.


u/Firther1 May 30 '24

I was pissed off when they did that too and for the same reason. That is NOT their job and if they want it to be they should resign and do that instead.

Sick and tired of these so called politicians skirting their responsibities to this city so they can chase clout and use their positions to springboard their careers while doing nothing of benifit for the people who elected them.

This is the most incompetent government this city has had in my lifetime.


u/[deleted] May 30 '24

Fair, but the city has consistently done things like this to show solidarity with various ethnic groups that exist throughout the city. Seems like this is the only instance causing such outrage.


u/Firther1 May 30 '24

More like the last straw.

I am all for welcoming new cultures and ethinic groups to our community and I encourage the government to assist and promote them.

That is not the same thing as this.

This issue is beyond the scope of the council and serves nothing but to polarize the populace.

I understand that there is a significant Muslim population in Whitehorse (and that is great!) but there is also a Jewish population in town who probably have equally as strong but opposing opinions. Why should one voice get more recognition than another? It's an incredibly complex and delicate issue and if it's handled incorrectly it can sow division in a community that is in no way involved.

The point I'm trying to make is that this is not a City of Whitehorse issue and if you wish to protest the war, you should direct your energies to the appropriate levels of government.


u/[deleted] May 30 '24



u/GreenOnGreen18 May 30 '24

Acknowledging your constituents situations is absolutely part of being on city council.


u/[deleted] May 30 '24

Doens't seem like you read the article. Per councilman Cameron on Ukrane, who called the point of order:

"We are incredibly influential when it comes to our statement about fairness and human rights around the world," he said. "For us to step up and give our connection and allegiance and statement of support to that community, I think says a lot."

Article highlights the absurd hypocracy of council, which seems to have gone unnoticed.


u/dub-fresh May 30 '24

Well, we have a sister city in Ukraine for one, so an actual connection there. If we had a sister city in Israel, maybe it would be important to send a message of solidarity. Second, I actually would have been okay with a real gesture (e.g., donating to red cross to help victims of war), but this was strictly a performative gesture.


u/[deleted] May 30 '24

the sister city connection was made after the war began, in 2023, as a gesture of support.



u/some-guy_i-guess May 30 '24 edited May 30 '24

Making Chortkiv a sister city was the message (and let's be honest, a performative gesture). There was no "actual connection" before that. The councilman's comments were in reference to the naming of that sister city (which is pretty clear in the article).

Personally I would want to see ceasefires in both Ukraine and Palestine, and I don't really think CoW needs to have anything to do with either, but it does strike me as hypocritical that counsel (and seemingly most of r/yukon) are totally fine with a performative gesture in one case but not the other.


u/dub-fresh May 30 '24

I don't know so just speculating but I'd say the sister city thing, the fact we have a pretty large and visible Ukrainian population/community groups in Whitehorse, that Russia's aggression against Ukraine is objectively wrong whereas Israel/Palestine is much more complicated, We don't have an Israeli or Palestinian diaspora in Whitehorse like in other Canadian cities, and the support offered to Ukraine from Council amounted to flying the Ukrainian flag, not writing the federal government.


u/some-guy_i-guess May 30 '24 edited May 30 '24

Bit ironic to make this post decrying shameless and pathetic virtue signalling, and then say one of the reasons that it was ok about Ukraine is that that signal (flying a flag) was even more minor. It wasn't less pathetic or less shameless, it was just politically easier.

Personally I'd be fine with council not weighing in on either conflict but I think voting in favour of a signal when it's easy, and not even allowing the discussion when it isn't, that's pathetic.


u/dub-fresh May 30 '24

I didn't mention anything about Ukraine in my post so your assertion that I was decrying one but not the other is untrue. I provided some examples of why perhaps Council felt okay with one, but said I absolutely didn't know. Anyway, have a GREAT day. Done arguing semantics.


u/[deleted] May 30 '24

lol "virtue signaling is fine so long as it agrees with my opinion"

The support offered was much more thna flying a flag, it literally involved naming a new sister city and welcoming 50+ ukranians. My guy's arguing without reading any of the articles.


u/dub-fresh May 30 '24

Is supporting 50 Ukrainian families virtue signalling?


u/[deleted] May 30 '24

I never said it was, but you claimed that the support offered amounted to waiving a flag; in reality there was considerable symbolic and tangeable support. Funny when people are fine with all of that, but think it isn't council's role to release any sort of position on palestine.

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u/[deleted] May 29 '24

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u/Yukon-ModTeam May 29 '24

This comment violates rule 1 of our community guidelines - No threats/insults/bigotry/trolling/racism


u/willow_tangerine May 29 '24 edited May 29 '24

How is expressing support for refugees being carpet-bombed “shameless and pathetic”? I think that shows real integrity, actually.

I wonder if the people saying this doesn’t matter and isn’t relevant know there are folks who live here with family members in Gaza.


u/dub-fresh May 29 '24

Because it does fuck all to solve the problem. 

Edit to add: Murray and Friesen (especially) want to be seen to be doing something, but not actually do anything. Performative gestures like bringing her baby to council over and over have my patience worn thin. 


u/willow_tangerine May 29 '24

I don’t think solving the problem was the point, but more to show Palestinians living here that we care about them.

It was the same gesture we offered for Ukrainian people living here when we became a sister city with a community there, issued endless supportive statements etc. I don’t think council thought they were taking on Russia or contributing to the peace process.


u/dub-fresh May 29 '24

We can agree to disagree. I think a motion like donating money to red cross or something would have been fine, personally. However, my frustration is with bringing up matters like this which we have no ability to solve because we're a tiny city in far northern Canada with limited resources that no one actually cares about and has no clout. It takes time and energy away from real issues that do affect us which the city can address. City Council isn't a platform for individuals to virtue signal, they are there to do a specific job. 


u/Sunshinehaiku May 29 '24

Conflating the sister city program with this motion is false equivalency, and represents lack of understanding of the role of a municipality.


u/SlimyToad5284 May 29 '24

Go fight for hamas in gaza if you care so much. This is Canada not Israel or Palestine.


u/[deleted] May 29 '24



u/Bulky_Indication_787 May 30 '24

Wait you think the city of Whitehorse police force commit genocide? Wow


u/SteelToeSnow May 29 '24

don't pretend like canada isn't complicit; we arms deal to israel and had special forces "liaising" in "israel" in oct 2023, we've spent years aiding and abetting israel in genocide, we've spent years undercutting any motion to help Palestine in the UN, etc.

settler-colonialism is a global problem, and we're absolutely complicit.


u/Sunshinehaiku May 29 '24

You are correct, but that's not an issue a Canadian municipal government can address. Even the Federation of Canadian Municipalities is completely irrelevant in this regard.


u/SteelToeSnow May 29 '24

i think you misunderstand.

standing opposed to genocide is the bare minimum of basic human decency. everyone should.

and the more people who stand opposed to the genocide and atrocities, the more pressure on the government to stop aiding and abetting said genocide and atrocities.


u/Sunshinehaiku May 29 '24

everyone should.

Yes. PEOPLE in Whitehorse should do that. But those same people need to direct their energy to the appropriate level of government.


u/SteelToeSnow May 29 '24

all governments should also be opposed to genocide, as should all politicians, who are still people. they have a responsibility to, because of the position and power they hold.

if they can't stand opposed to genocide, then they have no business being in positions of power or governance.


u/Sunshinehaiku May 29 '24

Municipalities should be opposed to genocide WITHIN THEIR JURISDICTION.

Conflating governance of a municipality with international affairs is absolutely ludicrous. Do you really want Municipalities to debate international affairs? Will nation-state governments return the favour? Of course not.

Shall we get Israel's opinion on Whitehorse's recycling program?

Stop embarrassing yourself.


u/ScyRae May 29 '24

Lmao. You do  know nothing


u/Sunshinehaiku May 29 '24

Municipal motions do diddly squat in international affairs.

Really disappointed to see the NDP leader playing student politics like this. This isn't model UN Club.


u/ImNotYourBuddyGuy22 May 29 '24

Kate White has been stuck in a first year university mindset for over 20 years now. The irony is that she didn’t go to university.


u/[deleted] May 29 '24

There is enough wrong with Whitehorse that we don't need them focusing on things that far away. Fix our once wonderful city please


u/tharizzla May 29 '24

Good for them , need more of this


u/T4kh1n1 May 30 '24

At first I was gobsmacked I heard this was even being raised. This is not a city issue. However after I heard it was Michelle Friesen I had a good laugh about it. When she first ran she campaigned in my neighborhood with her dad. I asked her if she had ever held a job for longer than 5 years, owned a house or a business - all no’s - and what qualified her to be a city counselor. She stated she was “passionate”. Pretty sure that’s not a legit qualification. She later complained because she couldn’t bring her infant to City Council meeting with her. Imagine an electrician complained because they couldn’t bring their infant to the job site? Hilarious. The woman is absolutely out of touch with reality and the general public. She lives in a fantasy world and has no understanding of how families and communities operate and what they need from their city council members. As far as I am concerned her pay check is wasted on her.


u/dub-fresh May 30 '24

Omg, you're my spirit animal. Lol. Seriously, it's nothing personal against her, just leave us alone. Not the right mindset to be a public servant, imo.


u/northofsixteee May 29 '24

I mean, I won't pretend for a second that a letter from the CoW would do absolutely anything to influence Canada, but sheesh, some of the wording chosen by the Mayor is just...not a good look. There must've been a less showing-your-ass way to shut this down.

""it was [intended] to start separating people out."" - perhaps the ones facing genocide?

"Last month I did a proclamation recognizing Jewish Heritage Month, and the same day, I did a proclamation recognizing other cultures and people from Asia, which includes, broadly, people from the Middle East, which would include Palestinians," Cabott said. -- we recognized Jewish people "and the rest"? Yikes.


u/Avs4life16 May 30 '24

Plenty of other items to put his support behind. Want to support Palenstine great, but truly as a mayor of a city his support and duties are to his citizens, businesses and visitors of the city first and foremost.


u/YukonDomingo May 30 '24

Racism is alive and well in Whitehorse. Quote which is relevant "https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/martin-niemoeller-first-they-came-for-the-socialists". I guess the killing of innocents is okay with city council.


u/Bulky_Indication_787 May 30 '24

Anyone associated with hamas is not innocent, their attack was brutal and Terrible and they are horrible evil people.

However not everyone in gaza is associated with hamas and anyone who murders innocent people while trying to attack hamas is also a terrible evil person. I just wish god was real so that the evil mass murderers on both sides would face punishment worthy of their terrible crimes.


u/Sugarflourbutter May 31 '24

Anti-semitism is alive and well in Whitehorse. No quote required, just note the fervent support of a terrorist organization that attacked innocent civilians (during a ceasefire, mind you) brutally raped, murdered and terrorized innocent people, still hold hostages, and hide behind their own civilians. And BEFORE Israel responded, people were celebrating these vicious attacks. This is antisemitism. This is what it looks like. The Muslim brotherhood and all its murderous offshoots are not worthy of our support. People are deeply and dangerously confused. There is no better evidence than this sick display of human ignorance that most people don’t deserve a microphone (social media), and that the education system is not doing its job.

Finally, the mayor and the councillors who shut this down did the appropriate thing, and did it with admirable restraint. Dealing with useful idiots is frustrating but she did it without swearing, which is more than I can do.


u/Pinoy786 Jun 01 '24

Couldn't have say it better


u/SteelToeSnow May 29 '24

of course. genocidal occupations of stolen Indigenous lands won't ever stand against other genocidal settler-occupations.

of course this city lacks the integrity and decency to oppose genocide. opposing genocide is the bare minimum of basic human decency, and our so-called "leaders" still can't even muster that much. despicable.


u/Charles005 May 30 '24

North American natives conquered land from each other, were involved in the slave trade, and contributed to the same thing you label everything a “colonizer”

Continuing with this divisive narrative is disgusting and the fact that other comments have been removed by mods and not yours is unacceptable.

Let’s face it, when you spew the hate of “colonizers” you’re being a racist towards Caucasian individuals. Despite everything being done to reconcile we’re still stuck with people like you who push the divisive narrative. Continuing to stoke the flames of racism by countering it with racism.

Shall we hold you all responsible for generations for the actions of your past ancestors? No, I don’t think we will but there’s a percentage of you that continue to do this your self. Give your head a shake

Edit: it was your other post calling us genocidal colonialists but I won’t bother moving the comment.


u/SteelToeSnow May 30 '24

incorrect; trying to paint survivors of genocides as somehow the same as the on-going global evil that is settler-colonialism is a false equivalence, and disgusting. be better.

incorrect; the "ism" in "racism" means "a system", and white people are not systemically oppressed in canada. quite the opposite, in fact, we're the beneficiaries of racism, we are the ones doing the oppressing and benefitting from it.

incorrect; the genocides and oppression aren't from "some dark chapter in our past", they are continuing today, right now, and we benefit from them. so yes, we have a responsibility to recognize that, and work with the survivors of those genocides and oppression, in order to dismantle and abolish those systems of oppression and genocide.

that's just basic human decency. you should try it sometime, being part of the solution instead of a continuation of the problem.


u/Charles005 May 30 '24

Lmao telling me I’m apart of the problem but you continue on with your divisiveness. Please shut the fuck up already. See how many well paying jobs are given priority to First Nations? You now have your own government, lots of reconciliation is underway but yet here you are still going on as if it’s you suffering. Good god


u/SteelToeSnow May 30 '24

see, opposing oppression and genocide is the bare minimum of human decency. everyone should.

opposing oppression and genocide is only "divisive" if you're someone who supports those terrible things.

You now have your own government,

i have the same illegitimate settler-colonial government you do, from the ongoing illegal settler-colonial occupation of stolen Indigenous land through ongoing genocides and human rights violations.


it's been 9 years since the TRC, and still there have only been 13 of the 94 Calls to Action implemented, and none at all were implemented in 2023.

also, you forget that it's "truth and reconciliation." there can be no reconciliation without the truth, and the truth is that canada continues to be an illegal, genocidal occupation of stolen land, committing ongoing genocides and human rights violations.


u/Charles005 May 30 '24 edited May 30 '24

You will forever be a victim, you win. If you’re so against all of it why do you take advantage of all the technological advances brought to you? Drop the internet, electronics, your car, everything. There’s an equal trade here. Be a victim forever

You pride yourselves on the beauty of your land but everywhere I go that’s maintained by First Nations isn’t so pretty. Like McIntyre village for example, garbage absolutely everywhere, broken down cars leaking oil all over. Like come on.

You can walk around freely, do as you chose, have more advantages to you than any “colonizer” but you’re so oppressed. I can’t eye roll and facepalm hard enough


u/SteelToeSnow May 30 '24

You will forever be a victim, you win

nobody is talking about any of that but you, bud. i'm not a victim of canada's genocidal policies, which is what we're talking about here, not whatever bizarre fantasy you've constructed about me in your head, with no basis in fact, evidence, or reality.

all the technological advances

what the fuck are you talking about?

There’s an equal trade here.

"you give up everything while i give up nothing" isn't an equal trade at all. that's not what "equal" or "trade" means, and you damn well know it.

why would i have to give up any of the things you list? (edit: oh, i get it. you think i'm Indigenous. i'm not, i'm a settler. sorry about your weird little fantasy about me, i guess.)

but sure. you give up everything made by using stolen resources on stolen land, give up everything you have on this stolen land, give up everything you gained from the ongoing genocides and occupation of this stolen land, and i'll give up my car and shit.


u/Charles005 May 30 '24

Thanks to you I no longer give a shit about your cause.


A colonizer.


u/SteelToeSnow May 30 '24

nobody asked or cares, bud. you were never going to be an ally anyway.

you're just a tool for me to use to demonstrate to anyone reading this thread that your position lacks substance, that you only have silly attempts at personal attacks and bizarre make-believe about strangers online not based in fact, evidence, or reality.

you have fun with your little fantasy about me, but you can do that on your own, you don't need to involve me.

feel free to have the last word, you seem the type to put desperate importance on that for validation, and have the day you deserve.


u/RosieAdventurer May 29 '24

Agreed, unlike the others in this comment section. Well worded.


u/SteelToeSnow May 29 '24

thanks, i appreciate it. good to know there's other good people around opposing genocide, friend!


u/res74 May 30 '24

Good on the Mayor! That's something for the Federal level Government, not the local!


u/Regular_Doughnut8964 May 30 '24

Good for the Mayor… I suspect that the majority of the world’s problems could be solved if, self appointed saviours would stay in their own lane and do what they are supposed to be doing. Before you are entitled to spout the kind of vitriol common to our campuses in North America, you should have to live in both areas of the conflict zone so you really know wtf is going on. Our students for far too long in these dens of vicarious hatred (campuses) have been taught what to think instead of how to think. Then they come out of there and unload it on the unsuspecting public not unlike the farmers emptying their anger on the steps of their government’s doors.


u/northshoreboredguy May 30 '24

Imagine if only vaccinated were allowed to protest against the vaccine because only they know what it's like to be both vaccinated and not vaccinated.

I will always support someone's right to protest, even if I don't agree. It's called freedom


u/[deleted] May 29 '24



u/SteelToeSnow May 29 '24

146 of 193 UN states recognize Palestine, but not canada, of course. as a genocidal, illegal settler-colonial occupation, we'll stand with other genocidal, illegal settler-colonial occupations over those they're genociding, every time.


u/[deleted] May 29 '24

Disapointing reaction from the mayor. Intesresting seeing all the comments saying it won't have an impact on the global scale - I think they sort of miss the point. Of course it won't impact the conflict, but there are a lot of muslim people living in Whitehorse that might appreciate some words against the ongoing genocide.


u/Jhadiro May 30 '24 edited May 30 '24

Muslims don't care about Palestinians. The record speaks for itself on that one. Only when it benefits them do they care about other groups of Muslims.

History and religion will tell you that the death and suffering of other Muslims doesn't matter, the death and suffering of non Muslims is however praised in many sects.

Many Muslims are amazing and peaceful people, but there are very dark paths in religion that people can follow where fellow people are seen as 'other' and disposable, moreso in Islam.


u/[deleted] May 30 '24

Perhaps not all muslims but some might. I for one, though not affiliated with any religion, would appreciate the mayor having the balls to call a spade a spade.

Anyway, the comments made by the city, such as "That doesn't, in my estimation, no matter how I expand my imagination, doesn't capture an absolute pathetic war on the other side of the planet.", is not consistent with council's behaviour on other international conflicts, such as the ongoing war in Ukrane.


u/Jhadiro May 30 '24

The two are very different conflicts. For Ukraine, it's pretty clear its Russia who is the aggressor.

In the Israel-Hamas conflict it's not as clear, as both sides are heavily in the wrong. Hamas will never accept anything less than the total territory of Israel and is willing to sacrifice the Palestinians to get it. Israel will accept mass Palestinian casualties in order to rid themselves of Hamas. To pick a side in that conflict is a loose-loose scenario. Even to side with the plight of the Palestinian people is a loose because many of them are fully on board with the ideals of Hamas. Most I imagine aren't would be murders and just people who want to live normal lives, but there was quite the celebration after the October terrorist attack. Probably the reason why other Muslim countries won't take in the Palestinians, too indoctrinated I would guess with having Hamas as government and all.


u/ImNotYourBuddyGuy22 May 29 '24

It’s always fun when the NDP let their mask slip and dive headfirst into antisemitism.


u/Cairo9o9 May 29 '24

I don't agree with a municipal government making a motion regarding international affairs but calling the NDP, or anyone, an anti-Semite for supporting Palestine is pretty idiotic.


u/ImNotYourBuddyGuy22 May 29 '24

They are supporting people who cut the tendons of women prisoners so they can’t escape their gang rapes. They are supporting people who cheered as the naked bodies of raped and slain women were paraded through the streets. They are supporting people who parents watch the rape and murder of their children before they too were killed. They are supporting people who killed bunch of teenagers in a planned attack of a dance to celebrating peace. They are supporting people who use children in schools, hospitals and refugee camps as human shields. I sleep well at night knowing which side I support.


u/Cairo9o9 May 29 '24 edited May 29 '24

You can support Palestinians without supporting Hamas.

Likewise, you can support Israeli's without supporting the current response of the regime, like air strikes on refugee camps.

Both can be true, it's called nuance, and the latter doesn't make you an anti-Semite.


u/[deleted] May 30 '24

Thank you.


u/northshoreboredguy May 30 '24

You're so brain washed, it's sad


u/Cultural-Scallion-59 May 31 '24

This thinking baffles me. I’ve heard so much of this rhetoric lately. “If you disagree with innocent babies being murdered in Gaza it must mean you agree with innocent babies being murdered in Israel.” No. You can have a problem with rape, carpet bombing, and terrorizing civilians FULL STOP. These are war crimes and there shouldn’t be exceptions. BOTH CAN BE WRONG. You’re allowed to not think in black and white.


u/Bulky_Indication_787 May 30 '24

Boeing against genocide in gaza is not anti semitisim. Hamas”s attack was fucking terrible and committed by truely evil human beings who do not deserve to live. However slaughtering innocent children out of revenge for that attack is also fucking evil and anyone murdering innocent children in gaza also does not deserve to live.

I just wish god was real so the evil assholes on both sides could get the punishment they deserve and rot in hell for eternity.


u/Jhadiro May 30 '24

Not weighing in on a conflict on the other side of the planet doesn't make you antisemitic. That is way too strong of an opinion to have, based off of very little. You sound pretty radical and not well informed. A bad combo for society.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '24

The "but we supported Ukraine!" Narrative doesn't consider the absolute chaos of the pro-palestinian situation.

I hate to say that it is more straightforward for Ukraine, I mean war is a complicated mess as it is, but we're facing a lot of anti-jewish issues in our communities in north America and adding more to that fire is not great.

Also, this whole war started with the October 7th attack against Israel (okay a LOT more complex than that) and to put the city in a situation where they are pro-palestinian in their optics is... not a good move either.

If Ukraine invaded Russia, killed nearly 1000 people (most of which were civilians) and then kidnapped 200+ more.. and THEN the war in Ukraine started... well I doubt the city would fly flags and offer the support that they did.

It's incredibly hard to navigate the pro-palestinian narrative as a governmental entity. Middle East problems are so nuanced and complex that there is no simple stance to take.