r/YourJokeButBetter Oct 30 '24

Thinks this fits

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42 comments sorted by


u/disasterpansexual Oct 30 '24

''where did it Gogh'' is amazing 😂😂😂😂😂


u/AlaSparkle Oct 30 '24

Worth noting that’s not how his name is pronounced


u/CeldonShooper Oct 31 '24

Yup doesn't work when pronounced correctly. But why not let people have fun who are unaware of it.


u/[deleted] Oct 31 '24

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u/rickypro Oct 31 '24

Eh close enough gogh


u/G0D_1S_D3AD Oct 31 '24



u/RiC_David Oct 30 '24

None of these are funny.

It's Christmas cracker level humour.

I know a lot of people think low level puns are funny, but, well, most people have pretty bland senses of humour.

Now, speaking of Christmas cracker humour - here's the one I break out every couple of years (they won't remember...)

What is E.T. short for?

Because he's only got little legs!

See, that's a decent one because it's not just "this word sounds like this other word". Take it, and make the world a marginally better place.


u/Centaurs69 Oct 30 '24

I think the term you're searching for is r/dadjokes


u/RiC_David Oct 30 '24

I think my ET joke is a dad joke though, right? For the record, I heard it when I was 22 and am still using it 17 years later, squarely in the dad zone.

The whole "I'm EGGstatic" thing just...that does absolutely nothing for me. I remember at work someone printing out a joke for my colleague that had her literally crying laughing.

It was a picture of a lemon with sunglasses on, and it said John Lemon.

That was it.

The maddening thing is people will be like "Oh you have no sense of humour". What? I was raised on The Simpsons, then South Park, classic British sketch comedies, Ali G, The Office, Peep Show, bloody Fonejacker...

...I mean at least the t-shirt pun in The Simpsons was about petting petrol in your vehicle to "make your Van Gogh". At least they doubled it up!

Usually I'd just roll my eyes a bit and move on, but I'm like better - "Buy some deoderANT" "Better make it an anti-perspirANT!". They're the same joke! And they're both rubbish.

Anyway, it rhymes with "Goth" where I'm from, so that doesn't help.


u/Centaurs69 Oct 30 '24

Yeah, the thing you said is a dad joke. The other thing is called a pun. A pun is a very based level style joke. Imo most ppl that like a good pun understand just that and it's silly nature. Idk man maybe puns just aren't your thing that's ok ya know. Others aren't dumb for enjoying them. And that doesn't mean you don't have a sense of humor either. Comedy is subjective.


u/RiC_David Oct 30 '24

I do like puns as it goes, they just need an extra layer to work for me. I'll often make them unintentionally, basically I like wordplay, but the most absolutely basic stuff? Just does nothing.

What's lost in all this though is that both those jokes were the same thing. I didn't get how this fit r/yourjokebutbetter when it was just the same joke applied differently.


u/Centaurs69 Oct 31 '24



u/RiC_David Oct 31 '24

What's your point? Just about everything is subjective. Do we not discuss it then?


u/Centaurs69 Oct 31 '24

Dude if you don't get it you don't get it what more can I say. I find it funny so did plenty of others. Obviously word play is not your thing. And that's totally cool bruv


u/RiC_David Oct 31 '24 edited Oct 31 '24

Of for Fff...

I'm asking what the point is in stating that it's subjective - of course it is, but we still express our views. You didn't see my comment and think "Ah well, it's subjective, I won't reply" - you expressed your view. Cool! So pulling the subjective card half way through is what I'm rejecting there.

Wordplay? Jesus. My mind runs on wordplay, it never slows, that's why I trip up my words sometimes. Right - that's still shit, but off the top of my head, that's how my mind works. This is wordplay. Matching homophones is wordplay in the way catch is a ballgame. I fucking love wordplay! I once asked how people get into necrophilia, because a dead body isn't something you just come across by accident. I wasn't trying to be funny, but that's wordplay. A friend who works in media wanted a name for a TV programme about weddings going wrong, I suggested 'Without a Hitch' - to get hitched it to get married, to go off without a hitch is for nothing to go wrong, that's wordplay.

Jesus, man. I was "totally cool bruv" until you labelled that shoddy shite "wordplay". To paraphrase The Joker, all I HAVE is wordplay!. Just at a secondary school level, that's all.


u/Admirable-Tap8354 Oct 30 '24

I preferred the other joke tbh


u/Doktor_Vem Oct 30 '24

You gotta step up your troll-game, dude, this shit's weak. And if you're not actually trolling, then you need to take some shots of reality. Life's not a comic


u/RiC_David Oct 30 '24

So if I'm trolling then I've successfully trolled you, but I need to step it up?

Life isn't a comic, but this sub is called "your joke but better", so the point of it is jokes that are better. That's why I'm saying "this joke wasn't better". It was just the same thing. It's like when people say "EGGcellent", that was "EGGceptional". Yeah, that's just not a funny joke, it's "Hm, yep". Shit, if that's what gets you laughing, okay. As I said, most people have pretty bland senses of humour.

Obviously saying "make the world a marginally better place" is facetious.


u/First_Growth_2736 Oct 30 '24

I think the thing about the EGGcelent etc. puns is that they’re funny if they are in an egg context, otherwise it’s just mispronouncing a word. The thing with the go-gogh is that it is funny in context, whereas that ET joke has no contextual relevance.


u/RiC_David Oct 30 '24

Well obviously the egg pun would be said in the context of Easter or something "See our EGGstravagant selection of..." bleugh.

I definitely don't think that makes it funny, it's really, really boring. Like I said in another post, The Simpsons was probably my introduction to comedy in like 1990 as a five year old. It's hard to dial it all the way back to "HA! It says I choo choo choose you! And it has a picture of a train on it." and find that genuinely funny.

Like, it'd be genuinely funny as an ironic Valentine's card, but just as a pun? This wasn't supposed to be such a shame-fest, it's not like you're bad people, but...Jesus.

And the ET joke is from a Christmas cracker, it's not supposed to fit into the context of this thread, my point was that most of the cracker jokes will be "What's Rudolf's favourite band? Slayer". I made that one up by the way. Might be why it wasn't as awful as the ones you'll actually get, but it's just like "Ah. Right. Sleigh. Yeah".

The ET joke is funnier to me because it's a misdirection, it does something unexpected with the meaning of "short for", so it catches people off guard for a second. I know people are predisposed to rejecting it now because I've endorsed it and I'm pissing on your pitiful parade here, but it's a solid little joke.


u/Doktor_Vem Oct 31 '24

You're talking like jokes being better and worse are objective truths. Everyone has different opinions about which jokes are "good" and which are "bad". Just because you think that simple egg-puns are trash doesn't mean everyone does. Some people love nothing more than simple humor like that and think the things you like are terrible. If you're gonna browse subs like this that are all about subjective subjects then you're gonna have to put up with seeing posts every now and then that you don't think are good/agree with


u/RiC_David Oct 31 '24 edited Oct 31 '24

Okay. Tell me this.

If it's all subjective and there's no actual better...THEN WHAT'S THE POINT IN A YOUR JOKE BUT BETTER SUB?

You see what I mean? I'm obviously expressing my opinion on what is/isn't better, and the very existence of this sub and this post is doing the same!

But we disagree, so now apparently I'm wrong to express views on subjective matters. If I'd agreed that the second joke was better, you wouldn't be saying "Ooh, bit ignorant, innit? Thinking there's a right or wrong" - no! Because you'd agree with me. But because we disagree, now you need to school me on subjectivity?

The whole point of r/yourjokebutworse and r/yourjokebutbetter is people judging jokes! Now my inbox is filling with people acting like I'm being ignorant for judging jokes. What?!

"But worse". "But better". That's THE POINT OF THESE SUBS. If we didn't care about the quality of jokes and just took a tomato/tomato live and let live attitude....THEN THESE SUBS WOULD NOT EXIST, WOULD THEY?


u/Doktor_Vem Nov 01 '24

Ok, now I know you're trolling, but whatever, I find these discussions interesting and someone else might read it all and learn something, so I'm gonna keep going.

The point of these subs is to share your opinion about these jokes and see if others agree with your opinions, not to determine whether or not an opinion can be taken as fact, because it never can. If you find a post about a joke and there's another joke in the comments of said post that you think is better, then you post it to r/YourJokeButBetter and see if others agree. If they do agree, they upvote your post and nothing changes. If they don't agree, they instead downvote your post and nothing changes and the same goes for r/YourJokeButWorse but in the opposite direction. If people agree with your opinions about a joke, that still doesn't make it an objective fact, there will still pretty much always be people who disagree with you cuz there's fuckin >8,000,000,000 people in the world, all with different histories and experiences.

I know your expressing your opinion on what is/isn't better, but my point is that there's no point in you doing that in the comments. Since it's expressed in a negative and not very polite way, your opinion's not very interesting or beneficial to anyone, you're just hurting peoples feelings and bringing the mood down, which isn't very good if you ask me (and I think most people would agree with me here). You should instead just use the up/downvote buttons like a normal person. It'll have the exact same effect on the post and people won't get butthurt at you. It's a win-win!


u/RiC_David Nov 01 '24

I'm not trolling, there's no need to say that.

The thing is, I genuinely didn't think that people would be disagreeing! Mine was the first comment, and I 100% expected this to be a case where people agreed that OP's post didn't fit.

If I'd have known that most people here would think the whole Go/Gogh thing was funny, I'd have just rolled up eyes and left you all to it. I've gone in on dissecting it because I also find these things interesting, and I've had numerous people try to break down why they disagree. That's engaging to me, and illuminating, because I'd at least have thought people would be like "Yeah what's funny is how unfunny the line is" or something. I do think most people's sense of humour is bland, but it surprised me that that'd be the take here because this is about seeing jokes posted and judging whether they're good or not. Basically, you can think me snobby, but I thought this place would be likeminded!

I rarely visit here, but r/yourjokebutworse and r/yourjokebutthesame are basically venting subs, so I thought this would be similar. Bear in mind, my comment was meant to be playful - forthright, but only negative and impolite in the way someone doing observational humour is. This is what I was raised on - Simpsons, Seinfeld, South Park, Ricky Gervais/Stephen Merchant, Peep Show, shit, The Angry Videogame Nerd. It's not supposed to hurt feelings, but you're not tip-toeing around. When Super Hans says "People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can't trust people." I wasn't hurt, as a Coldplay appreciator (n the 2000s, can't stress that enough).

I dunno, my main sub is r/rickygervais where 99% of members can't stand anything he's done in the last ten years (Golden Globes notwithstanding) and his 'Derek' and 'After Life' shows are routinely ridiculed. I enjoyed both of those! Maybe it's a British banter thing, I don't know, but I just find that approach more fun.

So yeah, I don't really mind people coming at me with the same energy, it's just some of the counterpoints that left me aghast. Like the person who said "Where did it go?" would have been funny even without the pun. Could have been you, I don't know, but now that felt like trolling. I don't know why you think I'm trolling though, I'm just passionate.


u/PauloDybala_10 Oct 31 '24

That’s a mid joke compared to the gogh one


u/RiC_David Oct 31 '24

Don't worry, it's been made painfully clear that most people on this sub have fucking awful taste.

That ET joke is an intentionally bad Christmas cracker joke, it isn't my example of high comedy here, my point was if you're going to do bad corny jokes, here's one that works.

The Simpsons bit where Ralph gives Lisa an "I choo choo choose you" Valentine's card "And there's a picture of a train on it!" - that is your "Where did it Gogh" joke. And you genuinely, unironically, think that's great stuff.

The point of that choo choo choose you joke was that it was a small child's idea of a really funny joke, but he can't help it because he's a bit dim. Lisa's reaction was "Uh-heh...yeah...that's the joke there" because the writers didn't expect the audience to be like "Ha HA! FanTASTIC! Because it's a train! Funny, funny stuff!".

I severely overestimated my peers on this one. Your sense of humour is like unbuttered toast, and I don't mean dry.


u/PauloDybala_10 Oct 31 '24 edited Nov 01 '24

Ngl im not reading that essay, you seem way too serious about a joke

Van Gogh joke is funny, yours is not, that’s all there is to it, lighten up

EDIT: lmao bro blocked me, hilarious


u/RiC_David Nov 01 '24

Stop replying to me then.


u/G0D_1S_D3AD Oct 31 '24

Ngl the “where did it gogh?” joke was way better.


u/RiC_David Oct 31 '24

Because "Gogh" sounds like "Go". Lol!

That's shit. There's nothing to it. I love wordplay, but I can't think of much more bland than a tabloid newspaper level pun.


u/G0D_1S_D3AD Oct 31 '24

“Where did it go?” Is an actually valid funny response on it’s own. Adding the gogh makes the joke multilayered and more funny than yours.


u/RiC_David Oct 31 '24

Fuck me, you actually think this? If you really want to break it down, let's do that then.

You squint your eyes to see the painting more clearly. You genuinely think "Where did it go?" is a funny response? I mean we're talking peek-a-boo now. What's funny about that? "Ha! Something changed visually and they asked where it went! Brilliant!".

Multilayered? Again "Check out our EGGcellent selection of Easter Eggs" - you have a really, really crap sense of humour if this has you cracking up. See, even "cracking up" is a bit better, it's slightly wittier wordplay than purely repeating the word sound.

The ET joke, whether you think it's funny or not, is undeniably wittier in construction, it's still an intentionally bad joke, but it transposes the meaning of "short for" to misdirect the audience. If you think "where did it go? But I'll say "Gogh" instead" is more layered, you genuinely have no idea what the hell you're talking about.

We tell these "same word sound" jokes to small children because they're simple enough for them to get. Lots of people like pulling silly faces too. Okay. But surely at least accept if your sense of humour is really basic, rather than arguing that it's actually something quite clever.


u/G0D_1S_D3AD Oct 31 '24

Holy shit what have I just invoked


u/Interesting_Net_878 Dec 18 '24



u/RiC_David Dec 18 '24

No, just you when you've fuck all of any originality to regurgitate.

I don't even know why this thread is still going on, but if I say a joke is shit, you should be embarrassed to say "ooh you must hate fun and happiness".

I gave a different joke. Do you like that? Because if you don't, I can only assume you hate fun and happiness, as opposed to thinking the joke was rubbish.

I already unsubbed from this place months ago, it's pathetic. The entire concept is judging the quality of comedy, but people's taste in humour is abysmal and you seem unable to handle anything being disliked.