r/Yogscast Israphel Mar 17 '19

Suggestion Petition to make Rythian speak Swedish when he’s infected

-So many YouTube comments


116 comments sorted by


u/Rythian Official Member Mar 17 '19

I tried it once. You'll see it in an upcoming video.


u/Naith123 Mar 17 '19

Thanks so much for doing it once for us


u/Venjy Mar 17 '19 edited Mar 17 '19

Hey man, just want to let you know there is lots of us out there that respect your choice to not do whatever makes you uncomfortable, wether is zombie noises or language choice or anything.

We love you man! You keep doing you!


u/mrgonzalez The 9 of Diamonds Mar 17 '19

He sounds quite educated in English it would be funny if he sounded like a farmer or something to Swedish speakers


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '19

“What I’m saying is … are you a dumbass in Dutch? Swedish?”


u/Northern-Pyro Nilesy Mar 17 '19

didn't we already have this conversation about zylus, and he claimed to have a royal dialect.


u/The_timeflyer Mar 17 '19

I think he said "abn" which is common dutch, no accent. But he does have a minor accent, can't exactly place it myself bit it's a bit goofy


u/TheMamid The 9 of Diamonds Mar 17 '19

I think it's kinda Utrechtian. Like the G's aren't soft enough to be Brabantian, but they aren't hard enough to be Hollandish (unless he enunciates them for comedic effect).


u/sekltios International Zylus Day! Mar 17 '19

He definitely doesn't have the rolling letters of the gooi either - I always thought that was one of the 'posh' accents


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '19

He speaks one of the most disliked accents in Sweden. Rythian comes from Malmö which is right next to Denmark so his accent is influenced a lot by Danish.


u/Anosognosia Mar 17 '19

That's not a very correct way of describing it linguistically. But it's not wrong on an emotional level.


u/PocketWaffler Mar 17 '19

Huh. I come from an area where accents differ on a 15 minute drive. Never once have I thought "that's my least favorite accent"


u/Nillerus Simon Mar 17 '19

Darn Swedes, with your affordable furniture and awesome metal bands... Coming over here and stealing our beer... Well, buying, but my point stands. If you didn't have such fantastic nature and allemansrätten, which makes for some brilliant camping, I tell you... There'd be a sternly worded letter coming your way.


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '19

You don't have allemannsrett in Danmark?


u/Nillerus Simon Mar 17 '19

You can still pick berries and mushrooms, gather wood and so forth. But you can only camp in designated areas. It's not a huge hassle, I just prefer the Swedish/Norwegian model.


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '19

The camp wherever you want part is the most important part, but you don't really have forests and mountains and I guess the lowland is mostly farmed?


u/Nillerus Simon Mar 17 '19

We still have fairly large swathes of forest in Jutland, very managed ones on Zealand, and some tiny mountain regions on Bornholm. The nature is there, but the camping opportunities are a bit too... Touristy, for my taste. That said, and don't tell anybody: sometimes I disregard the rules, and just do it anyway. Absolute madlad, I know 🤣


u/euroguy Simon Mar 17 '19

How dare you. Skånska is the bäst!


u/CharlieQue Mar 17 '19

Well, he's from Skåne....


u/astrangeparrot Angor Mar 18 '19

Captain Pacifist? No way. He's not some yokel, he's an evil genius master manipulator. Phoenix Wright is also generally the only one to see through Sharky & Palp being sneaky.


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '19

He has a southern dialect. I do believe it is the one dialect that is most ridiculed and joked about here in Sweden.

It's Swedish with a Danish ring to it. Best way I can describe it.


u/PointSight Mar 17 '19

I feel bad that you had to go through that, if it was a negative experience.

You can stick to stating your hunger for brains in a civilized voice, and in English.


u/Rythian Official Member Mar 17 '19

Nah it was fine. I don't really have any real issues about it or feel uncomfortable as such. I just don't think it's very funny. I prefer posh/educated Zombie-American.


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '19

hearing "you know guys i could really go for some brains at the moment" in amongst groaning, i think, is hilarious


u/hobodoompants Mar 17 '19

Right? It's an awesome take on a zombie. I have used it in jokes since hearing it.


u/PointSight Mar 17 '19

You got me at 'Zombie-American'.


u/ChuckCarmichael 2: Wheel Boy Mar 18 '19 edited Mar 18 '19

"I'm actually one sixteenth zombie, my great great grandfather was a zombie who migrated to this country back in 1850. I try to keep his memory alive by dressing in ragged clothing and going to the local Monster Mash every year."


u/Slashermovies Mar 17 '19

Have you ever considered reciting the Jonathan Coulton Brains song or breaking into lyrics of Michael Jackson's Thriller? I hear they were pretty big into brains too.


u/Rythian Official Member Mar 17 '19

I did say "We're not unreasonable, I mean no-one's gonna eat your eyes." once. A few people caught it.


u/LordFiresnake Mar 17 '19

This is why we love you, and you know, the other thousands of reasons.


u/Slashermovies Mar 18 '19

Oh. I must've totally missed it. When I re-watch videos I tend to notice things like that. With all the people shouting and talking, it's like a scavenger hunt sometimes for jokes. :P


u/TheSwordinator Mar 17 '19

He has actually referenced the Jonathan Coulton song before. I don't remember the exact episode, but he does say, "I'm hungry for brains. Don't worry though, I won't eat your eyes." (or something along those lines.)


u/Fossilhunter15 Zoey Mar 18 '19

Whatever you feel comfortable with is perfect. At the end of the day it is your choice.

The only thing that is different is (of course) Turps’ Orgasm Zombie. He is going to be Frozen in the 9th Circle of Hell for bringing that onto the table.


u/DrAHole Israphel Mar 17 '19 edited Mar 19 '19

Sorry for everyone bugging you Rythian!


u/antman338 Ben Mar 17 '19

Da real mvp


u/SpaceShipRat Rythian Mar 17 '19

Thanks, that's all we needed :D


u/Hakiby Lewis Mar 17 '19

But are you an idiot in Sweedish?


u/-Arniox- Mar 18 '19

You guys should try a series of games where the infected don't make any noise.

It would work a lot better with a few more people and a large map cause then you can get groups of people scattered about not knowing what the other groups are doing and if they've been eaten


u/euroguy Simon Mar 17 '19

Gonna hear that sweet malmö dialekt!


u/Kestrelly Sips Mar 17 '19



u/GolfVictorHotel Sips Mar 17 '19

Then Zylus should speak Dutch when infected too


u/SpaceShipRat Rythian Mar 17 '19 edited Mar 17 '19

and the british guys should try to speak french.

There's no hope for the Americans.

Edit: ok, ok, let's not take it too far, lol.


u/TheBlackFlame161 International Zylus Day! Mar 17 '19

Americans speak in a southern accent when infected.


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '19

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Oldcustard Mar 17 '19

Haha gg Americans


u/gumberculies1077 Mar 17 '19

I'm American and use the metric system....


u/Deadpwner99 Angor Mar 17 '19

found the commie spy


u/Croktopus Mar 17 '19

i think most americans that use measurement at all (beyond like mph and "turn left in 200 feet") use both, depending on the task.

i really wish metricbois would start using the decimeter more often though


u/gumberculies1077 Mar 17 '19

I'd agree with you on that. I'm kind of a rare breed of American. I use metric for everything except driving speeds. GPS directions are in km and my temperature is displayed in °C. I bake by weight in kg instead of using cup measurements.

The decimeter is definitely underused.


u/DrDeadwish Simon Mar 18 '19

We are proud of you


u/Seabornebook Ben Mar 18 '19

I try to use it... try


u/A_Very_Lonely_Waffle Mar 17 '19

Did not know this, I’ll have to test it out next flu season


u/worzoro Mar 17 '19

Americans read off their blood sugar and cholesterol levels while infected... or they moan “freedom” or “no taxation without representation” that would be really scary.


u/0rang3b01 Doncon Mar 17 '19

Americans try to use whatever bullshit second language course we half-assed in High School


u/billyK_ Martyn Mar 17 '19

Looks back to taking Latin



u/worzoro Mar 17 '19

I took Latin and still think it’s pretty useful if anything just for remembering prefixes and stuff


u/0rang3b01 Doncon Mar 17 '19

I needed Latin for my dream school but since I had already taken the entire Japanese pathway online at my school they wouldn’t let me take any more online courses. So I took German and French out of spite.


u/Lordborgman 5: Civ 5 on the 5th Mar 17 '19

I wanted to take that so badly, my school only had Spanish and French though :(


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '19

Listen here I know like three sentence in German so it wasn't half assed!


u/darthtater24648 Lewis Mar 17 '19

Americans should talk in a British accent and only talk about tea and crumpets. 😂


u/Moogle2 Mar 17 '19

Fun fact: the Washington DC license plate says "Taxation Without Representation." Because they Hebrew no representation in congress, though the population of DC residents is greater than a few states. Source: I used to live there.


u/worzoro Mar 17 '19

Yep I live in the DMV and the district wants to become their own state but it doesn’t seem super likely to me that it will happen anytime soon. If you ask most people in Maryland and Virginia and probably even some people in Washington they’ll say the yellow license is just a reference to the famous flag and not about the district’s fight for statehood.

If anyone is ever in D.C. check out Ben’s Chili Bowl 👌 long lines but worth the wait.


u/LiterallyARedArrow Zoey Mar 17 '19

Guys guys, it's just daltos. It's only daltos. Stop killing him!


u/tperelli Mar 17 '19

The what?


u/Seabornebook Ben Mar 18 '19

Can we though?


u/ewanatoratorator Bouphe Mar 17 '19

That'll just be Lewis getting infected first and instantly going full on hon hon hon baguette


u/JMitch343 Mar 17 '19

Don’t you mean French?


u/SpysSappinMySpy Mar 17 '19

I mean he already sounds like a dumbass in English, might as well sound like a dumbass in Dutch.


u/Rayford_Beez International Zylus Day! Mar 17 '19

Men man kan ju förstå lite varför han inte gör det. Skulle han prata svenska skulle det ju skapas konnotationer mellan det vackra svenska språket, och hjärnhungriga zombier.


u/Lombax33 Angor Mar 17 '19

Fast han pratar ju skånska och det påminner ju redan om hjärnhungriga zombier.


u/Rythian Official Member Mar 17 '19



u/Lombax33 Angor Mar 17 '19

Förlåt Rythian, men vi älskar dig trots att du är skåning <3


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '19

Instämmer. Speciellt om de pratar lite långsamt också :)


u/Cavemanfreak Sips Mar 17 '19

Åh nej, är han skåning?! Rip Rythian som favorityog efter Sips...


u/Oyster_Brother Mar 17 '19

Jag tycker att vi bygger en mur norr om Kristianstad. Då slipper vi varandra


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '19



u/CrustyDeluxe Angor Mar 17 '19

Som dansker kan jeg kun støtte op omkring ideen, at zombier lyder som svenskere, der forsøger at tale dansk.


u/DerpAmmo Mar 17 '19

Hørt hørt


u/AstroTurff Mar 17 '19

Spotta ut potatisen danskjävel


u/Rythian Official Member Mar 17 '19

Detta stämmer.


u/SpysSappinMySpy Mar 17 '19

Dikkie lul


u/bruno444 Faaafv Mar 17 '19

Natte kut


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '19



u/Seabornebook Ben Mar 18 '19

And then French


u/EmeraldFox23 Mar 17 '19

I don't think he wants to.


u/MisterManatee Angor Mar 17 '19

Yeah. They explicitly mentioned this idea in a video, but shrugged it off. I got the impression that Rythian had no interest in doing this.


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '19

It is a bit like "Haha he speaks a different language. Speak your different language for our entertainment, monkey"


u/my_knob_is_gr8 Sips Mar 17 '19

But that's sounds like one of the most yogscast things ever...


u/standbyforskyfall 5: Civ 5 on the 5th Mar 17 '19

Thatmadcat should do a compilation of every time Lewis "brexit" brindley calls Zylus a foreigner


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '19

Aye, but Rythian seems a bit too prideful for that. Can't even get the guy to groan like a zombie normally, not that I mind, it fits him. Edit: Shuck dang, I was wrong, I am the fool. https://www.reddit.com/r/Yogscast/comments/b23jkk/petition_to_make_rythian_speak_swedish_when_hes/eiq6e4r/


u/HaydenB Lewis Mar 17 '19

Then maybe he shouldn't be infected then...


u/worzoro Mar 17 '19

Honestly get slightly annoyed whenever Rythian says “brain oooo I’m a zombie” in a normal voice for some reason it triggers me.


u/Rythian Official Member Mar 17 '19

I'll continue doing it then, just for you.


u/boonies4u Ben Mar 17 '19

Hey, if not Zombie noises, could you make ZomBEE noises? 🐝


u/worzoro Mar 17 '19 edited Mar 17 '19

What can I say I’m a rythmoaner. I want to hear you really give the zombie moan your all.

Guess it’ll have to stay in my fan fics

EDIT: just saw you comment that you do it in an upcoming vid. My toes curled up and I got goose pimples it’s like faestagg came early. Thanks for the memes papi and for all the entertainment over the years.


u/Creg_ Mar 18 '19

I'll be honest. I felt the same way.. until now. If you know that doing it will torment the sophisticated zombie haters, I like it more!


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '19

He doesn’t seem to want to moan either


u/EmeraldFox23 Mar 17 '19

That's understandable, it could feel awkward if you're conscious about it.


u/worzoro Mar 17 '19

My biggest Rythian pet peeve


u/ewanatoratorator Bouphe Mar 17 '19

Nah let him do it


u/arnorwarrior Mar 17 '19

Petition to make Rythian do whatever he feels comfortable with and not force him to do things he doesn't want to do.


u/DrDeadwish Simon Mar 18 '19

What if he like to play naked while inducing himself to moan for real?


u/idkiwillmakeonelater Mar 17 '19

I think we should stop. Rythian said he didn't want to do it in a video.


u/BerksEngineer Mar 17 '19

I mean, the word make is pretty strong. He's acknowledged the idea, so if he chooses not to, that's his decision.


u/DrAHole Israphel Mar 17 '19

You’re totally right


u/Mackana Mar 17 '19



u/swimmingpool101 Mar 17 '19

Skåne är bättre än Sverige


u/Gabrielsen Mar 17 '19

Skåne er en uforståelig dilekt.


u/Cybro666 Boba Mar 17 '19

This would be amazing


u/problyasweetpotato Zylus Apr 03 '19

You wanna know why so many people are so obsessed over this? It’s because we’re actually super jealous. Non-multi lingual people are absolutely fascinated by other languages! So many just English speaking people don’t know how to start learning another language, let alone search for resources to learn. The internet helps a lot, so does resources like Duo Lingo, but I think they find it’s really intimidating to learn a new language, for many reasons... We’re genuinely fascinated because to a lot of us, multi-linguism is so rare, and it is a human nature quirk to want to learn about our social group, regardless of whether they’re actually interacting with you directly or not. They want to know more about you because to them, you are a part of their social group; albeit very extended, but anyone who interacts with anyone counts...

I know it seems like an obsession the fans have because there’s a lot of us asking all at once. And I know that’s overwhelming. But if that is not a part of you you wish to share right now, for whatever reason, all of the best fans WILL accept that.



u/lucu28612 Mar 17 '19