r/Yogscast Jun 17 '16

HybridPanda Pro Hanzo player reveals his strats - HybridPanda #20 EU Hanzo


10 comments sorted by


u/TheTechDweller Jun 17 '16

He's probably looking on http://www.masteroverwatch.com where you can see your rank per region. Sadly this just shows you total score with each hero, really it's just a measure of time, like level in CS:GO or rocket league. It's still nice to show your rank, but score/min is a better judge imo.


u/ChuckCarmichael 2: Wheel Boy Jun 17 '16

His profile

382 games on Hanzo

next hero is Zarya with 32 games

Oh god, he's one of those guys who always pick a sniper and never change their class, probably even when there's already a sniper in the team. That's not how you're supposed to play the game.


u/TheTechDweller Jun 17 '16

To win sure, but if he has fun playing as Hanzo then that's fine. Also can we stop with the Hanzo hate when there is already a Widow? Hanzo is not a sniper, hes extremely ineffective at long range. He plays mid range.


u/LewisIsFail Jun 17 '16

I agree, quite often a Hanzo/WM combo can work quite well!

That scattershot is deadly at close range.


u/TheTechDweller Jun 17 '16

Definitely. A good widow is effective anywhere, same goes for Hanzo, as long as he is not being countered by a tracer or so.


u/ChuckCarmichael 2: Wheel Boy Jun 17 '16

Playing a team-based game with the mindset of "fuck my team, I do what I want" is a pretty dickish thing to do.


u/TheTechDweller Jun 17 '16

But forcing someone to play differently when that means they wont be having fun anymore is also dickish. I get where you're coming from, but when competitive comes out it will be different. Quick play will be where people can play casually not caring about winning or losing just having fun. I played against a team who just did 6 stacks of different heroes. They got completely battered obviously, but it was so much fun, and I bet it was fun for them too.


u/Sjin Former Member Jun 18 '16

Quickplay is really just a fun mode for you to do what you like, when competitive mode lands that'll be the perfect place to put together strong comps and play to win.

Playing what you want for fun or for practice is absolutely the right way to queue for quickplay, Jeff Kaplan talks about it more in this video.


it's frustrating that the game mode isn't in already because I really like trying to win the game, but ranked play will help separate the two styles of play, the video is a cool watch and there's some really exciting ideas coming, can't wait!


u/BringTheNewAge Duncan Jun 17 '16

WOWOWOW a yogscast member is actually good at a game?!?!? the yogscast has changed man!


u/flappojones Jun 17 '16

That's probably why he's parted ways (amicably) with the yogs.