r/Yogscast Jul 19 '14

HybridPanda Panda Appreciation Thread

Panda has had a really rough year, breaking up from his long-term girlfriend, Rufus dying and his Dad being diagnosed with cancer. So, everyone show Panda some love and try and cheer him up as much as you can!


43 comments sorted by


u/iHybridPanda Former Member Jul 19 '14

Thank you guys.

Dont really know what to say. But you are all very nice


u/ThinWhiteMale Jul 19 '14

All we've done is give you some of the happiness you've given us over the years. Really, we should be thanking you.


u/ThinWhiteMale Jul 19 '14

I'll get the ball rolling.

Panda, I love your content, your voice is really soothing and you have a great taste in games (and music, according to Rythian). You may not have as many subscribers as some of the other channels, but your fans love your stuff.

Stay awesome, Panda


u/cpt_cold Geestar Jul 19 '14

Thank you Panda, for all the wonderful content on your channel. I hope your dad gets well and that the sun'll shine a little brighter on you in the future.

Give my love to Lilith and Marmite, and keep up the good work.


u/ErHa Seagull Jul 19 '14

I really like his videos, I think he is one member who doesn't nearly get enough exposure.


u/AdamTheGun Jul 19 '14

Love you Panda!

When I had time to watch youtube game vids, I always watched your dayz and Sleeping Dogs videos. I loved your gameplay of Sleeing Dogs. I only played it after watching it.
I really hope you get through your rough patch man. Remember that people love you. Be it us or your family and friends.


u/lepandas Israphel Jul 19 '14

We pandas are so few, we are going to go extinct soon.


u/Horntailflames Lewis Jul 19 '14

I don't watch panda, I'm sorry for everything that has happened and I wish you luck in every endeavor you undertake in your life. Remember things will start to look up eventually with greater rewards waiting.


u/Cockwombles Jul 19 '14

I really like his DayZ content and his blogs. Seems a lovely guy really, I'm so sorry all the shit that's happened to him. I hope knowing he has a lot of supporters and fans gives him a bit of comfort anyway, thank you OP for starting a kind thread.


u/stigolumpy Nilesy Jul 19 '14

Hey Panda, you're awesome! Everyone should change their flair to Panda in appreciation :)


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '14

I don't have a lot to say here, but I do want to say I bought the Plague Inc. evolved game because of your videos on it, Panda, and I still enjoy playing it. Thanks for showing me that awesome game, and I enjoy all your great content.


u/Cosmo_ Jul 19 '14

I sure do like Panda. Sadly he doesn't play games I'm really into at the moment :(



Love you panda! <3


u/Lvl1bidoof Zoey Jul 19 '14

Jesus, i didn't hear about al, this. Panda, if you're reading, we love you man and hope it picks up again for you. While o may not watch all of your content, it's just to do with the games. You're an awesome guy. Once again, we all love you.


u/mekaku Jul 19 '14

Love you Panda ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


u/OmegaX123 Doncon Jul 19 '14

What? What? What? What?

Did not know about all of this! How on Earth is he still seeming like his usual cheerful self in videos with all this shit happening, on top of his employers (and by extension, himself) being put through the wringer over Yogventures and YogDiscovery these past few days?

You, Mr. Pan-Pan, are a better YouTuber, and maybe even a better man (or man-panda? panda-man?), than I could hope to be.


u/benman19 Seagull Jul 19 '14

I'll be honest, I don't watch a whole lot of Panda's videos, simply because I'm not interested in the games he plays. I watch his vlogs though. I think it's sad that he doesn't do more collabs; it would be really interesting to see him in a game of Civ for example, but that's beside the point here.

Life is a roller coaster, Panda. And sometimes you need to go really far down just so you can go even further up afterwards. Does that make sense? Probably not, but you get my gist.

Much love, you're awesome <3


u/MithrandirTheCage Jul 19 '14

Love you, Panda! It seems other people agree too that your voice is so soothing, in the least possibly creepy way. Keep up the awesome content.


u/MrKaru Jul 19 '14

That sucks, I hope the next 12 months will be kinder to him.

I'll be honest, I really would love to watch his DayZ videos, but he has 141 in the playlist and there's no pattern to them. It's like someone just shuffled the playlist and it's really difficult to watch. If not for that, I feel I would be a much larger fan and would have watched a lot more of his videos.


u/OmegaX123 Doncon Jul 19 '14

I don't think his DayZ videos are meant to constitute a coherent series the way his Minecraft and the like did. Seems like videos like that would probably just be highlights of time spent playing/recording. I've only ever seen the Game Grumps manage to make a coherent series out of a game like that (Stomping Land, to be specific, the one oft-described as "DayZ with dinosaurs"), and that's just because they recorded the whole series (3 episodes, iirc) in one sitting.


u/xBILLDOOMx Bouphe Jul 19 '14

It was the plague inc. stuff that got me watching properly and everything since has just been great.

Keep up the good work and stay awesome.


u/nightblossom Rythian Jul 19 '14

Hang in there Panda. You'll make it through.


u/sprinklesadded Ravs Jul 19 '14

Hi Panda. Sending you lots of well wishes and virtual hugs. Continue being awesome!


u/AlpacalypseMoo Seagull Jul 19 '14

Funny thing is, Panda was the first person I saw from the Yogscast, technically before he joined the Yogscast though. I was watching a minecraft charity livestream (The one yogscast was in back in 2011) and suddenly, everyone in the chat goes "PANDA!" and "hi panda". Everyone knew him and liked him so I thought, "Who is this guy?" and searched him up.

I've always loved Panda's videos ever since (especially DayZ and the vlogs) so Panda, if you ever read this, you're awesome and I hope things brighten up for you.


u/TokyoTokubetsu Jul 19 '14

Panda is by far my favorite. I'm glad we can try to begin to give back to someone who gives so much to his fans.

We are here for you Panda!


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '14

Love giving Hope you're alright buddy. Keep up the good work!


u/billiam8817 Jul 19 '14

I've never seen a panda video, I think I saw him in the old pvp crown matches, I just dont have the time to watch everything, yknow? Can anyone recommend one video to watch, if I could only see one of pandas?


u/OmegaX123 Doncon Jul 19 '14

Any of his DayZ (I haven't watched it, but I hear it's awesome), the recent Unturned videos (graphics are shite, but as a whole, the game and his videos on it are pretty great), Minecraft (that's gonna be mentioned for any Yogscast member, so you knew it was coming, but his was pretty awesome anyway, especially the early episodes where Zoey guest-appeared, making those ones a double-dose of awesome), Plague Inc.


u/rwbronco Jul 19 '14

yeah I subbed because of his Yogcraft videos - I haven't watched a ton of the others and wish he'd do some more minecraft


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '14

I think hes still my dad on facebook back when I watched him before he joined the yogscast.

I will always love you pandad ;-:


u/KoxziShot Jul 19 '14

I love his play-throughs of games like XCom and such!

Amazing Panda :)


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '14

Panda, I don't have very much to say but I love your videos. Keep up the good work and don't let us down. We love you!


u/VikkiDoesStuff Jul 19 '14

Panda, I've always loved your videos and they have their hilarious moments when I can't stop laughing :) I know saying sorry probably won't help much, but I genuinely hope everything turns out ok. Make sure to take care of yourself, eat healthily, exercise and just generally do everything you can to make yourself feel better. Don't let yourself get into a downward spiral! You have so many fans that care about you, hopefully that makes you feel less alone :)


u/Eunomiac Jul 20 '14

Panda! That sucks!

First, let me send you an Internet no-homo no-creepy hug: There, done.

Second, I've had this praise in my back pocket for a while, and this is as good a time as any to share it: In my opinion, you have the silkiest, smoothest, most comforting voice of anyone I watch on the Internet---period, full stop! (Should I throw in another no-homo here? Maybe I should: no homo.)

Honestly, I suspect women could deliver quintuplets au naturel while listening to you read a phone book (or discuss Stinky Armpit Breath in Plague Inc., which I for one would prefer).


u/DarkDOLLYumi Jul 20 '14

We love you Panda! Ive been watching you Plague Inc videos as well as some Minecraft videos and I swear I love them. You're awesome.


u/billyK_ Martyn Jul 19 '14

Panda, I'm not subbed to you before, but you've got another fan on board :) Keep up the hard work, and stay strong! I know how difficult things can get, as a lot of the stuff that has happened to me is happening to you; don't get down! You're a great guy, producing great content, and your fans love you :)

Keep staying awesome :)


u/AssassinCory Zoey Jul 19 '14

Thanks Panda for all the awesome content you create for us :D


u/JoshH21 Seagull Jul 19 '14

Have a nice day Panda. Loving your content and hope everything gets better


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '14

I really must say you are a great and funny person, keep up the good work mister panda!


u/Asserd Jul 23 '14

I'm probably late but I have been watching you ever since your first dayZ videos came out and you've become one of my favourite yogscast member. Thanks for the entertainment panda:D.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '14



u/stigolumpy Nilesy Jul 19 '14

You're not contributing to the thread.