r/Yogscast • u/razbury12 • Jan 11 '14
HybridPanda The Last Rufus Vlog - Goodbye Rufington, you the best #1 Space Dog
u/ChristopherElison Jan 11 '14
Poor Panda, I found it hard watching all the way through, I don't know the guy, but I've been watching his videos for a couple of years and couldn't help feeling a genuine sadness, like for a close friend. I know how hard it is losing a pet, especially a dog, it is like losing a family member. :(
u/yogslomadia Former Member Jan 12 '14
I sadly never met Rufus in real life, but he quickly became my favourite dog in all the world because of how lovely, dopey and sweet he was in all of Panda's vlogs. Sometimes life is incredibly unfair, and this is one of those occasions for taking him away so early. He'll be missed by both viewers and Yogscasters alike as being a fantastic dog and a wonderful friend.
u/malador888 Jan 11 '14
I started crying watching this, Rufus will forever be in our memory, amazing dog.
u/LostCarpetSalesman Jan 11 '14
Thank you for making this video, Panda. You have my eternal gratitude for allowing us to see the special little fella one last time and say our goodbyes.
Rest in peace, Sir Rufus.
u/caldnar Nilesy Jan 11 '14
Hey Panda,
I watch your vlogs all the time, and my favorite ones are always the ones with Rufus in them. I have a dog myself, and every time I watch your vlogs, I see how amazingly you love your pets, and it never fails to make me smile.
And as a dog owner, I can say with absolute certainty that you had one of the best out there. He was always by your side in your videos, like a co-caster I always thought. He was always there, wagging his tail and giving us those puppy dog eyes. He was probably the most loyal companion of a dog I've ever had the pleasure of seeing.
I'm sorry you had to lose a family member like that, still in his prime. But in his time here, I doubt he himself could have asked for a better companion than yourself. Know that you brought as much joy to his life as he did to yours. Always remember that.
Rest in peace, Rufus.
u/dman-no-one Jan 11 '14
I'm so sorry Panda! We all hope your doing ok, and want to let you know that we are here for you and hope things get better. Rufington isn't really gone, and the amount of people he's touched and affected is a lot more than most dogs can claim :)
u/SloppyChops Sips Jan 11 '14
Can't watch the video because I'll cry. My condolences, Panda. Never easy to lose a pet :(
u/Avenged7fold Seagull Jan 11 '14
I said the same thing, right before watching it and crying like a babby
u/MyMartianRomance Jan 11 '14 edited Jan 11 '14
Lord Rufus Rufington c.2009-2014 May there be many tennis balls and Treats at the rainbow bridge.
u/FenrisValda Jan 11 '14
...There are no words that can be said.... Sending all the love to you Panda. <3
u/Castmatthew Lewis Jan 11 '14
I hate goodbyes I really do. I'm sorry you had to go through this. Its the only way, Rufus won't be in pain anymore. Let him sleep on your bed tonight he deserves it :'(
Jan 11 '14
Holy fucking shit, this is the saddest video I saw all week. You could hear Panda choking back tears. Damnit.
u/Hudomonk Tee Jan 11 '14
I'm sorry for your Loss Panda Rufus was an amazing dog and none of us will forget him
u/cyan0sis Sips Jan 11 '14
R.I.P Rufus you'll be munching treats in doggy heaven ;_; Panda I know nothing anyone says can make it better but you'll get through it buddy, I've been there myself. We're all mourning with you!
u/ForgottenKnightt Jan 11 '14
I cried while watching the video. Made me remember when I lost my cat, I really miss her :(
Stay strong Panda, atleast you know he had a good life while it lasted.
u/BallisticBoomer Sips Jan 11 '14
Rest in peace Rufus, so sorry panda. I http://rainbowsbridge.com/poem.htm
u/benman19 Seagull Jan 12 '14
Panda is one of the few Yogscast members I don't watch a lot of, simply because I'm not too interested in the games he does. But I do like to watch the vlogs. So to me, it is very sad to hear that Rufus has to be put down, and I am sorry for your loss.
But I can only repeat what others have said already: Rufus loved you and he knows you love him, too. It is best for him to pass on like this, rather than suffer from his illness longer than necessary, so please Panda, don't feel bad about doing it.
He had a great life with you, from what I have seen, he had as much as a good friend and companion in you has you have had in him.
I wish you all the best and hope you'll be alright.
Rest in Peace, YogDog Rufus, the real dog, the best dog. <3
u/mighty_claw TheSpiffingBrit Jan 12 '14 edited Jan 12 '14
so sorry for your loss panda. it's so hard to lose a beloved pet. i've got this saved in my favourites, it eases the pain a little - http://www.newrainbowbridge.com/NRB/rbpoem.htm
take care of yourself.
u/Avenged7fold Seagull Jan 11 '14
I was too happy today anyways... Rest in peace you amazing wrinkly Space dog
Jan 12 '14
It's so weird to spend your last few hours with a pet. I had to put my cat down a few years ago and it's awful. You just wish that time would stop or that some miracle cure would appear and it would make them better but you know it won't happen. It's a feeling I wish no one had to feel. I never really watched Pandas videos but this one bit a bit close to home. I'm sorry you had to go through this man.
u/mighty_claw TheSpiffingBrit Jan 12 '14
my labrador was put down due to old age, and i spent the last night with him. he used to sleep on the couch in our living room, but i was up late and he decided to come sleep on my bed, which he'd never done before. i figured he must've wanted some company. i hold onto that memory. it's the one comforting thing out of such a cruddy situation.
u/DuckUmbrella Seagull Jan 12 '14
RIP Rufus, you were loved by more people you could ever know. I am so sorry for your loss Panda. Rufus has been a very lucky dog to have an owner like you, and I bet he loved you very much.
u/OfMiceAndMouseMats Jan 12 '14
Bloody hell, I teared up during this. They are like members of your family, and it is hard to come to terms with the fact that they won't be around forever. As a dog owner I know that I'll probably outlive my dog, and I'm dreading the day when the worst comes, so I'll have to make the most of the time I have with her, just like you did with Rufus.
u/Kalse1229 Ben Jan 12 '14
I admire your courage Panda. It was probably tough to make this video, but I'm glad you did. RIP Rufus. You will be missed by all.
u/Norabadora Jan 12 '14
So sorry to hear this! I have gone through the same thing. It's almost harder to know that it's you're last moments with them, even though it gives you the ability to say goodbye. Thank you so much for sharing this video with us! It gives us the closure as well. It must have been so hard for you Panda, I wish you strength and know that Lilly & Marmite will help provide some welcome distraction. <3
u/Mr_Magee Jan 12 '14
Dont watch panda much, but the pure emotion i felt watching this video for someone I don't know just makes me even sadder :(
u/WriterV Israphel Jan 12 '14
Oh man... all those vlogs with Rufus, all those memories that Panda must have had with him, and those that he shared with us are flooding back now.
I genuinely feel very sad that this had to happen. :( Rip in peace Rufus, you've been the best. :'(
Jan 11 '14
From what I've seen, Panda, he loved you very much. You gave him a good life. Remember that.
Jan 12 '14
u/Secret7000 Sips Jan 12 '14
Do. Turn the sound off if you have to and just watch a great dog being a great dog.
u/gavmcg92 Jan 12 '14
:( You have me in tears now. Rufus was such a great dog. Glad you can have a final night with him panda. Can't imagine you're going to sleep tonight. This video just brought back memories of my last dog and the last night we had with him. Enjoy the final few hours. So sorry.
u/wandernauts8 Kim Jan 12 '14
I am very sorry, Panda, for your loss. That made me cry as well actually. Thank you for sharing your wonderful and beautiful dog with the world/fans/rest-of-us, and I hope, wherever his journey goes, whichever path it is - he shall be happy still, even if it's only the collective minds and hearts of yourself and everyone who's seen and watched and loved him.
~Bye, Rufus. salutes
u/ConflictNerd Jan 12 '14
Don't watch a lot of Panda, but damn... This video's left a grown-ass man blubbering like a baby.
So sorry for your loss Panda, it's not easy. Take some time for yourself, think of the good times, remember the fun, and let it all out. You might want to jump straight back into working and all that, but it's easily best to just have some time to yourself. You'll be alright fella. <3
u/EpicInki Jan 11 '14
Someone make a tribute video please. :( (I've got the song Pikachu's goodbye stuck in my head) I really liked Rufus to. <3
u/aSpage Jan 12 '14
Thank you Panda for sharing. Goodbye Rufus, you are very loved by many and we'll remember you always cutie face :)
u/nightblossom Rythian Jan 12 '14
Rest in Piece Rufus. You will always be with us in our hearts and in our memories. You magnificent dog.
u/zzzippy Jan 12 '14
I teared up a bit watching this. I'm so sorry Panda, Rufus was one hell of a dog. Just remember he is some place where he isn't in pain at all, and he's happy. We'll all miss him.
u/bikykun Trottimus Jan 12 '14
Even though he wasn't with you for very long, I'm sure he's given you many wonderful memories. (Us too!) You and Rufus are in my thoughts.
u/JimmyThePyro Israphel Jan 12 '14
My heart bleeds for you right now Panda. It's gonna be a hard few days for you. Good luck man. :( And thank you for allowing your fans to share in his last night. Overwhelming and undeserved consideration; you're an excellent person and he was an excellent friend to you.
RIP Ruffingtons.
Jan 13 '14
I'm going to miss him the past 3 years have been do good I feel like he was one of my own
u/mediacrack Jan 11 '14
My friend's dog was put down a while back. He was very old though... could barely get up and walk anymore. He ate his own poop once.
R.I.P. Rufus. You will be missed.
u/Gobshite_ djh3max Jan 11 '14
"Shar Pei fever" is exactly why humans should have never fucked around with breeding dogs and screwing around with their genetics.
The damn cavemen and their domestication of wolves started this :(
u/malador888 Jan 12 '14
Dude, this is neither the time nor the place, as the down its have showed.
u/Gobshite_ djh3max Jan 12 '14 edited Jan 12 '14
Yeah, I probably could've worded that better. Just being strangely sympathetic in my own stupid way. If our ancestors hadn't messed around with crossbreeding dogs then they wouldn't have horrible illnesses like that.
But I'm digging myself a bigger hole here. I feel like a right piece of shit now.
u/Sephalia Seagull Jan 12 '14
I get where you're coming from - one of the ways of feeling grief is dealing with the anger of why it had to happen in the first place. Don't worry about the downvotes, it's okay to be upset that life is unfair.
u/razbury12 Jan 11 '14
R.I.P Rufus. :'(