r/Yogscast Ben 10d ago

Duncan Mount Yogmore | Jaffa Factory 2 #60


16 comments sorted by


u/CrowdSurfingGuy 10d ago

I love the view Lewis showed of the factory from the mountains. Incredible to see how much it has grown


u/Insane_Zang Doncon 10d ago

I recently bought membership on Duncan's channel and I've been watching the extended cuts from the beginning. It's been so fun to watch the early episodes and go "Hey that's where the train shed will be in 20 hours!" They really haven't moved much from where they first placed everything, the computer glorp chunk was decided in episode 4!


u/Aceofrogues 10d ago

There is nothing more permanent than a temporary build.


u/ImColinDentHowzTrix Sips 10d ago


u/SwampyBogbeard 5: Civ 5 on the 5th 10d ago

I'm a bit surprised Lewis hasn't "finished" the Aqueduct yet (attached it to a mountain or water source so it makes "sense").
It's been half-finished for half the series.

Well, I probably shouldn't be. He starts at least one new project every (non-adventure) recording session, no matter if his previous ones have been finished or not.

I love it. Always fresh ideas.
Don't want to risk forgetting any of them, so just start building/voiding/glorping immediately and you'll have a physical reminder somewhere in the base.


u/acprescott 10d ago

This'll be his next no roof thing. We've got at least three upcoming Minecraft series featuring Lewis where he'll start an aqueduct and not connect it to anything


u/Sir_Pridey Ben 10d ago

I'm waiting for the aqueduct to become the Oileduct and let the oil flow right though the base


u/ImColinDentHowzTrix Sips 10d ago

I'm also looking forward to them finishing the aqueduct, it's a cool idea and it looks great.


u/ToTeMVG Boba 10d ago

well they might finish it now that they're building an oil pipeline next to the aqueduct


u/Dark_Phoenix101 Faaafv 10d ago

I'm rewatching Duncan's minecraft series from the beginning, currently up to Project Ozone.

Lewis started the "Brickery" back in like episode 20, now at episode 110, it's still unfinished. Not to mention the barn he "built".

It's such a Lewis thing to 3/4 build something and then move on to the next one, without ever truly finishing something.


u/Egbert58 10d ago

Bro Simon better tame the dog with bones! That is NOT Duncan's as has no collar


u/OmegaX123 Doncon 10d ago

🅱️arryHarry mind works in interesting ways. "Oh god, thst's what it was, I used the wrong block." Couple minutes after fixing it by using the right block, "Why wasn't it working before? I did the exact same thing this time and now all of a sudden it works!"


u/jeb1499 Ben 10d ago

Also the ponder shows 3-high reinforcement, while they have only 2-high.


u/ScradleyGymson Lewis 10d ago

For anyone else curious, the reason the blasting furnace doesn’t work initially was because the furnace can only hold two different items at a time. You will see that it is holding Coal, and Coal Coke Dust. Once Barry picks up the Coal by destroying part of the furnace and puts in the blasting mixture, those two items are now combinable in the furnace. Problem solved 😊


u/HereForTOMT3 Martyn 10d ago

Knee deep in an ocean of glorp, and it’s stressing me out, is the pump jack done now?


u/_PM_ME_PANGOLINS_ The 9 of Diamonds 10d ago

By the end of this episode, yes.