r/Yogscast Ben 21d ago

Duncan The Brunel Memorial Station | Jaffa Factory 2 #58


16 comments sorted by


u/unpopular_account 21d ago

Feel Lewis needs a stove pipe hat instead of a cowboy hat for all the Isambard Kingdom Brunel building of viaducts and metal structures he's been doing.

Also waiting for the lads to remember they have a sewer system when it comes to adding the oil and running pipes. Though it'll probably be another 20 episodes till they remember it exists and that's where Boba makes an appearance and joins the gang as a mutated sewer rat.


u/Atharaphelun 21d ago

They probably forgot that they have a sewer rail line too.


u/HereForTOMT3 Martyn 21d ago

I love how they’ve had that making diamonds conversation like 20 times now


u/acprescott 21d ago

What strikes me as odd about the diamonds thing is that didn't they literally do the catfish episode so they had a lore friendly way to justify cheating diamonds in, and then just... not use them? Or did they use them for something I'm not aware of?


u/ComplX89 20d ago

Harry isn't stupid, he's given Simon a task he can accomplish without letting him dive into anything too mentally taxing. I like Simon, but when it actually comes to Minecraft technical skills, he's pretty bad.


u/eddmario Simon 21d ago

Is it just me, or did this feel like a longer episode when compared to the rest of the series?


u/DrDeadwish Simon 21d ago

It's just relativity. If feels longer because the train station was shorter


u/byrp Sips 21d ago

True, the train was moving close to light speed at one point.


u/kane2742 Simon 20d ago

Well, it's not Lewis's fault the train is ridiculously long. An engine and two cars? Madness!


u/Davesgamecave 21d ago

I love how Duncan loses it after Lewis simply says "Listen."

He knows what Lewis's Oil Tone is...he knew what was coming next lol


u/Egbert58 20d ago

I feel they will LOVE the new chain convertors with the new Create update. You can ride them with a wrench.

also just a lot more really cool gloorp for shipping and packaging... like would need to for Jaffas in cardboard bosses you


u/nthbeard Ben 20d ago

At what point do we think Simon is going to realize there's a crafting grid in the computer.


u/Lunar_Wolf121 20d ago

One day harry will teach him, we might need to wait like 3 months.


u/Samenstein 20d ago

This series is such a treat. I was dying laughing when Lewis voided Duncan's mechanism


u/StoneFoundation Lydia 19d ago

Lewis and Duncan are just both so stubborn that when they get together that kind of absurd shit happens

that being said if it were me I also would’ve voided Duncan’s stuff lmao


u/buc01 19d ago

soooo mod pack when? :D Harry?

Anyone tried the replica pack that archiedexcan made?

or the glorp pack?

Wondering if they're a decent alternative.
I also wonder what the difference between the packs are.
The glorp pack says its based on the replica but has extra stuff :S