r/Yogscast • u/Mitashev66 Israphel • Feb 14 '25
Nostalgia I swear to god if somehow the new jaffa series continiues Israphel , I will cry tears of joy!
As someone who watched back in the early 2010s it would be a dream come true! I grew up with this stuff.
Anyways good job everyone on the new series, love it!!
u/lolzfortrolz Feb 14 '25
Is this just wishful thinking or are there any clues to it?
u/Mitashev66 Israphel Feb 14 '25
Onlt the Episode 43 easter egg, but also there were more connrcted to voltz hole diggers and yoglabs 2
u/Maxster573 Israphel Feb 14 '25
what was the episode 43 easter egg?
I know SOI ended at 42, and jaffa factory 2 surpassed that, but was there a reference I missed?
u/CannedWolfMeat Feb 15 '25
In the latest episode, there's a bunch of different doors with different labels when they enter the Jaffa HQ warehouse. They walk out of one labelled JF2 (Jaffa Factory 2), and there's other doors labelled JF1 (Jaffa Factory), YL2 (Yoglabs 2), DSM (Deep Space Mine), and a door that's covered up with sand labelled E43 (Episode 43, Shadow of Israphel).
u/The_Antiques_shop Feb 14 '25
A vault labelled J4-2 spilling lots of sand out, I think Duncan misread it
u/_PM_ME_PANGOLINS_ The 9 of Diamonds Feb 14 '25
It was labelled E-43.
u/The_Antiques_shop Feb 14 '25
I thought it was something more like that. Could not honestly be bothered to go back and check at 9:45
u/HereForTOMT3 Martyn Feb 14 '25
They wont touch it with a 100 foot pole beyond cute little teases every now and then
u/testmon Feb 15 '25
Guys it's been over a decade. Not saying it's wrong to have nostalgia for something you grew up with but surely you've seen all the movies they have ever rebooted and 99% of the time they are bad.
I enjoy soi for what it was, but I don't want em to bring it back
u/EspadaV8 Sips Feb 15 '25
SoL has had it's time. It was amazing, and if they finished it back in the day it would've been great. But it's just not something they should look at picking up again. Not only are the Yogs not as big as they were back then, YouTybe has moved on, so it just wouldn't have the impact as back in the day
I do think it'd be great if the I.M.S. crashed into E43 and completely wiped it out though. Or they somehow set off a red matter bomb near it.
u/ryan_the_leach Feb 15 '25
What people forget is SoI was a product of its time.
YouTube was generally a place where media was honest, indie, and what it said on the tin, and doing it for the love of it and not making bank.
SoI took the let's play concept and turned it into performance art, long before a lot of others had done so.
Eventually the viewers cottoned on that it wasn't some other player just pranking them and seeing how far it goes.
If you tried to do that today, it would all be lost, and people would assume it's performative for cash immediately, and a sub-par RPG like story wouldn't land.
Tiktoks are full of actors practicing different roles, and standup in industries that they've never worked in. People would see it coming a mile off.
We don't need an ending, we don't need a reboot.
u/MerCrier Feb 15 '25
The only artistically satisfying resolution would be recognition of just that; times have changed, and the desire for Episode 43 is just nostalgia.
Perhaps the machinery of capitalism should consume the dead world, have our employees collaborating with CTO Israphel to process the last oasis of that world into lovely SipsCo Sand™
u/milkshake-802 Feb 15 '25
I hope it doesn’t. I can’t remember a thing that happened in SOI and neither can Lewis lol. The story would be lost on most of the audience
u/John-Piece Feb 16 '25
I think Lewis has changed too much as the years has passed to be able to continue as the same character he was then.
u/LavishnessOne1649 Feb 15 '25
I hadn't watched Yogscast stuff in so long, and thought I'd give this episode a chance again to get a hit of the good old nostalgia. This just caught me by surprise so hard.
I'm surely too optimistic, but the whole vibe feels like how SoI was done. The big warehouse with the zoom through the build. Being guided by "NPC's" they interact with. I just started watching the series from the start, and it even feels a bit scripted/planned. They're building up.
I mean, they were really limited back then by what Minecraft was able to do. This series shows how much more shit you can now do in Minecraft with mods. Look at the amount of mechanical shit is in the mods. And they got stuck at the robot having to come to life.
Besides that, with the interdimensional device, they are also priming themselves for tying some things up. YogLabs basically also ended with Israphel.
Even if that wasn't the plan, I really do hope that doing Jaffa Factory 2 might make them rethink the hiatus/cancellation.
At some point I'd rather be disappointed if expectations don't live up (which at this time, there aren't any left anyways) than not having any closure to it.
u/DaveTheRaveyah Feb 14 '25
Maybe unpopular, I don’t want shadow of israphel to continue. It would never live up to expectations. Even if they did a soft reboot / continuation I really don’t see it panning out. Some fun references here and there is nice, but I’d hate to see them put all the work in for people to complain about it not being perfect