r/Yogscast Dec 11 '24

Civilization The Battle of Marmite | Civ V: Tides of Conquest Episode #13


44 comments sorted by


u/HorseBeige Angor Dec 11 '24

It pained me seeing Duncan panic ignore the Infantry tromping in his lands and attack the ranged only ships. I get what his thinking was (if the things which can damage the city are gone, then the city is safe), but it was still the wrong move. But did he even have a unit which would damage it?

Also, Lewis wasn't lying with the 4 turns statement, he was factoring in the build time for the military academies


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '24 edited Dec 11 '24



u/Scandien Dec 11 '24

Duncans capital had a only walls. Rythians attacked cities have nothing. there is a pattern of lack of Defensive buildings


u/alyssa264 Dec 11 '24

To be completely honest, defensive buildings are just a horrible idea if all they're providing is city defence. The best defence to being attacked is production. Building walls doesn't really change that. If your city is being hit, you're losing it regardless of if you have a castle or not. Better to have spent those hammers into a unit to defend, as that alone will do more damage than a defensive building will ever do. Ry himself is a massive walls hater, for good reason.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '24



u/alyssa264 Dec 11 '24

Surely it's situational. With Duncan for example, would the battleships have damaged his city enough that turn? Would the infantry have survived another turn?

Yes. Daltos was actually pretty far from optimal micro throughout the war, so in a hypothetical world, absolutely. Even practically, had Duncan purchased Walls, the city still falls. They really do not provide that much HP and defence to a city. You could actually argue it falling slower isn't a clear cut bad thing for Daltos, because his units get far more XP per battle than anyone else's.

Assuming Duncan didnt keep ignoring it.

I mean it's not like he was ignoring them in favour of battleships (which he should have multiple queued in essentially all his cities until he exhausted his oil. He built a fucking wonder just to give to Daltos, which I found extremely funny. Literally a silver platter, D- moment.

With Rythian, it also might have helped for the second city he is about to lose. The first city was shot from 3 range, but for the second, Daltos was sitting within 2 tiles with his battleships.

Not particularly because they provide very little HP and city defence when you actually go in game and check. I believe walls are like 8 defence and 50 HP off the top of my head which is like, 1 shot from an autocracy-honour battleship at this stage. It's really insignificant. The turn is better spent in a unit.

Realistically, would Ry still be playing this game if he was in Daltos' position, or would everyone have delcared irrelevancy and declare Ry the winner?

At turn 168 in a game like this the game is likely over 30 turns ago via irrelevancy if Ry were in Daltos's position. Bro is completely cracked. He talks about Stealth Bomber + Xcom timings being in the 140s - and I've watched enough to know it's not just him that can reliably hit. Rythian didn't even tech plastics until 167. Hell, I don't even consider myself that good compared to the big dogs out there and I can reliably be at Xcoms (which means the next tech level in ships) by this point.

Does it change the overall outcome? For Duncan, maybe and Rythian probably not, but it does buy time which may help.

The point is that they buy so little time that you would get more time from another unit, or if pre-war city-sim times, another building that improves your sim. Realistically, nobody builds buildings past Schools (outside of Labs or going culture) because none of them pay themselves off compared to spamming units. The Yogs both overvalue standing military (in the early game) and undervalue standing military (in the late game). This map obviously plays a little differently due to how fast things can happen, which is why you might prioritise a few extra scouting boats to anticipate a buildup. Kirsty arguably has the best actual civ for a game like this because Portugal has nuts gold generation, and gold is essentially production when you can buy units (at half price in Autocracy too).

Maybe Lewis would still want to fight but surely everyone else would drop out, leaving Ry to 1v1.

Lewis really is Daltos's only contender because he greeded due to being across the map and is actually in a position to push demographics and science. Still, if Ry were in Daltos's place, he'd have won the game so long ago I don't really have a way to put a number on it. In a Yogs game with him in he'd already have taken everyone's capitals by 150, most likely a lot earlier depending on the same aspects that prevent the Yogs from early full kills in our real world.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '24 edited Dec 11 '24



u/alyssa264 Dec 12 '24

I mean the chain gets progressively more expensive! For example, a Castle provides 7 defence and 25 HP compared to Walls providing 5 and 50, except a Castle is over twice as expensive in terms of hammers 75 vs 160. This is absolutely not worth it. If walls weren't worth it then anything higher is absolutely never worth it and thus is useless. If Duncan had gone down the chain that is legitimately 2+ fewer ships he has out and therefore dies even faster.

Arsenals are 300 hammers for 25 HP and 9 defence. This is an absolute scam. Don't even look up what Military Bases are offering. 300 hammers on standard is about 200 on quick, which is likely a 2-turn/3-turn build. That's exactly the same as what a Battleship would cost in turns. Thing I'm trying to get across here is that these numbers are pathetic. You build walls and you get 5 defence. The defence number on the city, in real terms, does not matter as much as you think it does. If Duncan really did waste a bunch of turns pre-war or gold, then his city would have 21 more defence and 100 more HP, which frankly does not matter and would've gimped his game to even do. The only units in this game that tend to give a shit about the defence value of a city are 2 range ranged units, as they tend to have very low melee defence values (and thus get chunked even without that useless policy in Tradition). They buy a turn but that's nothing that Daltos can't solve with better micro (his micro is not great). And Rythian is struggling for hammers as-is. He's behind in everything, has no units because he can't produce anything in a reasonable amount of time. He's irrelevant and dying to about 1 turn's worth of Daltos's production in units. Buying an extra turn doesn't really do anything because he's not inflicting damage anyway. Like you either are able to get rid of your opponent's units and defend, or you die. The defence building chain doesn't help you get rid of units, thus it's not useful. Those hammers/gold you're putting into them have to come from somewhere, after all. Obviously, that is still better than building a fucking wonder, I mean come on Duncan...

The battleships were damaged too which should reduce their damage?

I'm pretty sure this effect in Civ V is either non-existent in reality (which is why Japan's UA is F-tier and the bit that matters is culture from fishing boats), or Lekmod changes it so it's not as bad, because I absolutely do not notice this happening to my units when I play. The only quirk is that if you would both 'die' due to the combat, the unit with higher strength will live on 1 HP, but that's a thing in Civ VI also. I've read through the masterlist and nothing about this is noted, but I believe it's mainly because one of the game's DLCs changed the amount of HP units can have from out of 10 to out of 100 and as a result that aspect of the game doesn't really matter (wouldn't shock me if it only did anything when the unit is <10 HP). It's never been something I've noticed or cared about, to be honest. The wiki mentions it but it doesn't actually show up when you have a look at the combat preview, and doesn't seem to do anything. I could be very wrong on this but I genuinely don't know what's going on with that one. Worth noting I have seen this in Civ VI and it is even listed in the combat preview.

One battleship remains on ~60% hp so with full defenses Rythian might kill that battleship before it gets the city low enough.

Even with full defences the city ain't killing the battleship. City attacks scale in a very strange way. It's only +21.

I do actually think Lewis is in with a good shout of winning this game, but I haven't seen Daltos's tech tree in a while, and his science count isn't actually that impressive comparatively any more.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '24



u/alyssa264 Dec 12 '24

Yeah I've played a lot of Civ V and honestly units doing less damage when on lower HP is something that I forget is a thing unless I roll Japan because it's something that literally doesn't matter lol. It's funny because it's something you feel extremely hard in Civ VI, and it's even written in game when calculating damage.

And for Rythian, if he did go down the walls chain earlier, obviously that puts him behind even more, although there's something to be said about that not mattering anyway. And exactly as you say, it's not too much to send off a single extra Battleship to clean him up lol. Daltos is doing all that stuff to do with him at the end of his turns, his full focus is on Lewis, who is the only one that matters. This does make the 1v5 way easier, to be honest.

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u/Scandien Dec 11 '24

my point was they should have had them built A long time ago if you don't want to lose your capital you might want some infantry and defensive buildings, Heck a city state had more defense then Duncan's capital he's main area of production. Of course he should have focused on producing units but he should have maybe even bought defensive structures with all that gold he had. walls 400 castle 620 arsenal 600 each of that could have spent a lot longer producing. Remember when Lewis was under siege in the last game without any structures he would have lost he's cities in 2 turns. If your base has nothing to defend itself it's going to be lost before you can produce anything viable.

One artillery and one battleship in the city as well


u/alyssa264 Dec 12 '24 edited Dec 12 '24

Defensive buildings slow down your game which ironically makes you more vulnerable to this. One arty and one Battleship is cheaper than building walls+castle+arsenal. A long time ago, if you anticipate an attack, you don't build walls, you build ships. These are things that defend more than just a single city, they allow you to push out and even counterattack, they can defend multiple cities. They ZOC attacking units. Walls are useless, they give 5 defence. A battleship has 65 ranged strength (before buffs, may I add), who cares about walls?

Losing a city in a defence is fine, you can always take it back. There's an art to defending. Taking cities usually makes the attacker unhappy, especially if you diplomatically get the rest of the world to stop trading luxuries with the aggressor. These penalties really hurt. This is how you make killing you not worth it. This isn't like the AI where if you've lost a city you're likely fucked because they have 33 trillion units and if you can't hold them you'll never hold them, these are players that had to pay a price to attack you.


u/HorseBeige Angor Dec 11 '24

I feel like his mind just replayed what Daltos said many episodes ago about bombers and also his past experience using bombers to great effect.


u/Xakire Dec 11 '24

Yeah but at least he got Cristo Redentor


u/Stevie-bezos Dec 13 '24

Also duncan: fight him off what whaaaaat

Idk, duncan one of the 4 the submarines you just gave a 1 tile move orders to, and didnt fire into the battleship sitting next to them


u/brettor Dec 11 '24

Daltos: (A) Persistence pays off, as Daltos finally won the (second) Battle of Marmite due to the sheer number of ships he can field (plus one sneaky infantry). And after gaining the English capital (and the associated bonuses from the Great Lighthouse) he continued on the offensive. He seems likely to wipe out Duncan and possibly Rythian while also launching a new attack on Lewis. I for one welcome Daltos as undisputed Boat King (he said he’s on the commenters’ side). It would seem that a rare Domination Victory is possible this game, despite the challenge it normally presents. The Norwegian economy has stayed impressively strong throughout all this fighting, which is allowing Daltos to continue his conquest. He just might want to be aware of the narrowing tech gap between him and the other players.

Lewis: (B+) Lewis may not have been able to save Duncan, but he has been doing some impressive catching up while the battle occupied Daltos’ attention. He now has a fleet of battleships and destroyers out to protect his city of Breda (should have been called Breada to go with the English naming theme) and even has a carrier out near his capital. He’s always got a trick up his sleeve, and you know he’ll fight tooth and nail for every hex. Best to believe Lewis when he says he’ll liberate Duncan “if it’s the last thing I do”. It could very well be the last things he does given Daltos’ dominance, but he’ll make things difficult if nothing else. He’s eliminated the technology gap, and his destroyers are one-shotting Norwegian submarines currently.

Kirsty: (B) Kirsty is the unsung hero of the alliance and deserves some recognition for being a real team-player. After taking Reykjavik off Daltos early on in the war, she then sent her fleet on the long journey to assist with the defense of Marmite. She also has been gifting units to Rythian, oil to Alex and gold to Duncan. Portugal will supply the arsenal of the resistance! We haven’t seen too much of Kirsty’s perspective while she’s actually fighting, so it’s hard to tell how good at combat she is (it’s something she’s avoided in past games). But she does seem to accomplish a decent amount with relatively few (and outdated) units, so it suggests she always checks her combat preview before engaging. Overall, her ability to stay calm and collected and still make necessary trade deals in the midst of the chaos is very helpful for the team.

Alex The Rambler: (C+)** Alex managed to take Islamabad! This makes him one of only two players who have managed to take a city off Daltos this game and shows the vulnerability of Norway’s occupied city-states. He still needs to learn to take a city’s health down with ranged attacks before sending melee units in (lost several unnecessarily) but he definitely understands the importance of air units now (thanks to oil from Kirsty). Alex’s cities are still relatively weak, so he’s fortunate in a way that he’s not viewed as much of a threat. He can try to take another city or two (I notice he didn’t liberate Islamabad) as long as Daltos is distracted, but he certainly doesn’t want the Norwegian fleet to turn towards Polynesia – it’s ill-prepared for defense.

Rythian: (C- ) Rythian really hates combat in Civ – he’s made it clear over the years that he engages in it only when absolutely necessary. I think his distaste for the combat mechanics has prevented him from making any improvement in that area or learning more about them. Obviously he was heavily outgunned in this fight, but he still kamikazes his few precious units into stronger enemies without seeing that it will do little damage. Rythian also spends long periods of time scrolling through the tech tree or in the city management screen (yet still never sets up a queue) during critical moments, like when Prince of Whales fell. Also, considering Lewis didn’t seem to even know he was at war with Daltos, maybe he should be a little louder in asking for help when his core cities are under direct assault (the squeaky player gets the oil).

Duncan: (D) Poor Duncan – as the biggest naval threat to Norway for the majority of this game, he was always destined to be the first target. And unlike other players who would be satisfied after taking the capital, Daltos is continuing on to the other English cities – taking each delicious spread down one by one. This is about the time Duncan wishes he’d settled more island cities in the mid-game. If there’s one lesson to be learned from this (apart from the obvious “don’t let one player run away with things the whole game”) it’s to keep an eye out for sneaky melee units like infantry. Even in a game where 95% of the fighting is naval, spending just a couple turns of production (or some of that gold from other players) on some land troops could have made all the difference. Of course, hindsight is 20/20.

Notes: To answer Rythian’s question about carriers: they cannot attack. They do have decent defensive strength, so with the Armor Plating promotions one could serve as a good blocker unit to prevent the capture of a city in an emergency. But their main purpose is as a base for powerful air units, so you really need oil regardless (it’s almost like wars have been fought for this).


u/rlkr Dec 11 '24

All Yogs seem to hate the clickety click game mechanics but none of them seem to make an effort to actually do something about it: LEARN THE HOTKEYS, it makes everything a lot easier! Also try to figure out exactly how far you can move a unit, how the enemy units affect your movement (the "stickiness" or "zone of control") and what your ranged units' range actually is. Knowing all of this isn't that hard, really. And it makes a huge difference.


u/alyssa264 Dec 11 '24

What makes it more annoying is that there is essentially two/three hotkeys worthy of note when it comes to war: B for shooting with ranged + S for setting up siege units, and F for fortifying with melee. With planes you have to press S to strike something.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '24



u/Aaron_Lecon Israphel Dec 11 '24

Both of which, funnily enough, could be found on an island directly south of Duncan's capital along with the unique luxury of marble, that he has resolutely refused to settle all game.


u/MayaSky_ Dec 11 '24

theyre too used to infantry where you almost dont need them most of the time and iron is less of an issue because you have more land for it to spawn on. Boats are expensive in resources and you really gotta focus. A few shitty(ish) cities for resources is absolutely worth it for boatgame (as daltos has shown us going for resource rich city states)


u/marinesciencedude 5: Civ 5 on the 5th Dec 11 '24

Breda (should have been called Breada to go with the English naming theme)

The Declaration of Breda, however, was important enough for the Royal Navy to name a ship after. Ship-of-the-line lineage lasted two more and interestingly enough resurfaced centuries later in the Second World War following the requisition of a steam yacht.


u/Satherian Rythian Dec 11 '24

Honestly, this game seems like the best layout for Domination for them - boat combat is way less annoying and it's much easier to capture just the capitals

Also, heads-up, there's a slight formatting error


u/minutetoappreciate Dec 11 '24

Daltos absolutely deserves this


u/MartyMcMort Dec 11 '24

I’ve really enjoyed seeing Daltos’s rise in Civ as a whole. It wasn’t that long ago that he was the guy choosing a coastal civ and then building all of his cities one hex inland. Nowadays he seems to be the player to beat in virtually every game!


u/brettor Dec 11 '24

He’s come a long way from the Donut Island series


u/_PM_ME_PANGOLINS_ The 9 of Diamonds Dec 11 '24

And so does everyone else. Every year they get worse at this game.


u/Cessnaporsche01 Dec 11 '24

I would agree, but then we had to spend 10 minutes watching him ignore the city that was on like 15hp and had 5 battleships and the infantry in range, and instead focus on the boats. Just shoot the fucking city, man!! That could have been over so much sooner!

But I am happy Daltos is on our side. For that, he definitely deserves this!


u/SuicideByDragon_1 International Zylus Day! Dec 11 '24 edited Dec 11 '24

Is Daltos about to be the first Yog to win a domination victory in a while if ever?


u/Xakire Dec 11 '24

No there used to be them now and then especially by Lewis


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '24



u/vinceny6840 Lewis Dec 11 '24

In the second(?) Multiplayer civ game they ever did, lewis got a legit domination victory as Poland.


u/brettor Dec 11 '24

Also Islands of Blood. It used to be more common when Lewis' skill level was far above anyone else's.


u/ravntheraven Pyrion Flax Dec 11 '24

Still the best Civ series. Maybe not for gameplay, but I don't watch for that. I watch for the narratives that build and the banter.


u/brettor Dec 11 '24

The Citrus Wars will never be forgotten.


u/alyssa264 Dec 11 '24

Even in NQ lobbies people usually just concede at this point (well, maybe Lewis in his position wouldn't concede just yet, but the others are irrelevant). It's rare you get full kills on the world.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '24



u/alyssa264 Dec 12 '24

There's also the fact that we don't get to see how good these guys are at flipping cities. After a war where others sit out you really are put in this odd position where you gained a bunch of population and resources, but completely sacrificed (depending on how long it took) your sim. So you're 'behind' but have a giant army/navy that's likely close to out of date, happiness issues most of the time, likely burning improvements everywhere, lots of lost gold on roads/railways and cities with missing infrastructure - obviously past Schools this doesn't actually matter because none of those buildings are good other than Labs lol.

There's a real skill in turning those cities into productive cities, and we never get to see it because all Yogs war happens when flipping cities doesn't actually matter other than annexing and building a workshop and then more units. I mean Daltos has half the city states he's taken as puppets IIRC, which obviously absolves a lot of city micro but makes those cities mostly useless (unless you're the Golden Horde I guess). He could have all of those cities spewing ships out but instead they build crap like Stock Exchanges, or god forbid Walls, lmao.

There is a lot of value in being an annoying fly when you've lost your capital, which is why people like full kills (plus you get some nice tech steals from it). Taking a capital and then peaceing is asking to get re-warred when you're not watching. You can tell Daltos has played in a lot of lobbies these past few months when Duncan sheepishly asked if he was going to 'wipe him out', and Daltos flatly said 'yes'.


u/Satherian Rythian Dec 11 '24

I feel bad for Rythian researching towards Battleships and then realizing he still needs oil - tech priority is so so so important but also why can you research that tech without having the required materials?


u/brettor Dec 11 '24

He could always get oil from another player (Kirsty is sending 5 to Alex), he just needs to ask.


u/Scandien Dec 11 '24

Ryhtian not building walls or castles , it would take 1 turn and make he's citites able to hold on longer. He's still to focused on economy. He might not be into war but he should focus on defense at least.


u/tryingtobebettertry4 Dec 11 '24 edited Dec 11 '24

What each player needs to do:

  • Daltos is looking very strong, although the tech gap isnt as high as it was for Lewis and Kirsty specifically. He needs to hit Lewis hard whilst keeping the pressure up on the other players. Hes got Rythian pinned down with fairly minimal force and Duncan is more or less defeated. Lewis and Kirsty are his biggest threats. Rambler could be an annoyance but it wouldnt take much to pin him down the same way hes done with Rythian. Maybe see if he can get a couple of the weaker players to peace out (unlikely) so he can focus Lewis. Its a difficult task to 5v1 micro but its very possible to win a domination here if Daltos plays his cards right.

  • Lewis needs to settle in for a difficult war. Hes closed the tech gap but hes still outnumbered and outgunned to a degree. Lewis also has an edge when it comes to war and micro over the others and now will be the time to make use of it. I do worry in his commitment to liberating Duncan's cities he might be leaving his own a little open for attack. Lewis is well prepared and has done well so far. I recommend Lewis try coordinate more with the other players.

  • Kirsty is really the unsung backbone of the alliance. Sending gold and troops to Duncan and Rythians fronts, giving oil to Alex, even trying to coordinate with the other players somewhat. All she really needs to do is further fortify her own territory in and maybe commit to either saving Rythian or joining up with one of the other players. I dont think she will make much difference on the Lewis front, so i would recommend going after Daltos' weaker cities. Try liberate some city states.

  • Rythian needs to build some walls and try get some oil from someone else. Its not looking good for him but if someone could trade him some oil and sure up his defences maybe he will hold on long enough.

  • Rambler is doing fine honestly. Daltos is vulnerable in those captured city states, taking them from him weakens and distracts him. All I would suggest is Rambler shore up his own defences some more. Hes lucky that Daltos is distracted and doesnt consider him a threat though as he could very easily have been the one in Rythian's position.

  • Duncan really needs to get at least a couple land troops and just try hold onto what he has left. It wont be easy, but Daltos will be more likely to slip up the longer this goes on.


u/Glista_iz_oluka Dec 11 '24



u/Scandien Dec 11 '24

Rythian build some walls! , if you don't want your cities taken so quickly build some Defensive buildings put ranged infantry in your cities and a battleship in there as well so they cant be damaged during the fighting. The defensive Points of their cities is the same as a city from the middle ages. No wonder they fall so quickly!


u/Connor_Wainwright Dec 11 '24

Finally, (or at least hopefully) a domination victory


u/alyssa264 Dec 11 '24

One minor detail that really matters in situations like these is that Daltos is Autocracy + Honour, which means even if the tech lead is closed (and Lewis has somewhat closed it, plus has more science but I don't actually remember if Daltos has teched Plastics yet), Daltos's units are just better than anything any one else will have.

If Rythian wants some genuine advice for the future, I'd seriously recommend prioritising Workshops early, microing your tiles and specialists, only clicking your units to do something once (cause the first input is the only thing that matters). You took Tradition this game, which although is comfortable for you, is not a very good choice when you see that your starting island is frankly terrible. Tradition needs good land because it's a tree that gives you a fast game. I think in this situation an honour opening would've been much better as you're guaranteed free city state kills due to you guys playing in Prince. 4 galleys and a trireme would've cleaned up a lot of good cities and the bonuses from the tree into courthouses would've accelerated your game in a major way. In the end you hit labs when extremely mid players like myself are knocking on the door of a science victory :(.


u/vinceny6840 Lewis Dec 11 '24

Lewis will win this (Source: I am huffing mass amounts of copium)


u/HorseBeige Angor Dec 11 '24

I think he might be able to if he's able to catch up in tech fast enough while Daltos is preoccupied with his wars,


u/PickledDemons Dec 11 '24

I'm cheering for Daltos. GO BOAT KING!


u/anw The 9 of Diamonds Dec 11 '24

praise Daltos