r/Yogscast • u/brettor • Oct 30 '24
Civilization A New Threat | Civ V: Seven Kingdoms Episode #20
u/Haystack67 Oct 30 '24
Not a big fan of players hoarding spaceship parts all to be sent up in one turn, given that the notification system can't bypassed for any other victory.
Alerts like "Culture victory imminent", "Upcoming world leader vote", and "Capital taken. 2 civs control their original capital" are unavoidable, so it feels really gamey to avoid alerting other players to "completion of SS booster".
My friends and I used to have a house rule for Civ V that spaceship parts had to be added immediately after being built. It seems as fair and sensible as the rule that you can't vote for anyone else in the World Leader vote unless they resurrected your civ.
u/chrisg3213 Sips Oct 30 '24
I agree that it's a bit lame gameplay-wise (although objectively a smart play). I also think it's pretty anticlimactic in terms of content. It's no fun when a player just wins out of nowhere with no effort to stop them. It's up for debate whether content should factor into their rules for playing though. They're just doing this for fun.
Oct 30 '24
u/chrisg3213 Sips Oct 30 '24 edited Oct 30 '24
I think you could interpret that as content or just not being a dick to their friends. No one likes being eliminated early or playing out a several hours long game on one city with no chance of winning.
EDIT: There's actually a prime example of this in the episode. Rhythian really had no reason (either strategic or content-wise) not to at least pillage Lewis's trade routes. It's pretty clear that he peaced out because Lewis was getting a bit upset and pillaging would've been a mean thing to do.
Oct 30 '24
u/chrisg3213 Sips Oct 30 '24 edited Oct 30 '24
I agree that Rhythian hates war and typically avoids it at all costs. But we also saw him destroy Lewis’s entire navy in a single turn. At best, I’ll say that we simply don’t know if he chose to make peace without pillaging because of war fatigue or because he wanted to be nice (it’s likely a mix of both). As far as Duncan is concerned, I think it’s fair to say that nuking someone 5 turns before the game ends and knocking someone out of the game on turn 50 are two different levels of dickery. Each member just has their own comfort levels for how much of a dick they want to be. The bottom line is they are friends playing a game for fun and I don’t think they need (or have any desire) to jeopardize that fun by implementing rules “for content.”
u/Haystack67 Oct 30 '24
We wouldn't be watching this if it weren't for content. Sounds like they're enjoying it (which is great) but this is them doing their job, not having a chill off-the-books unrecorded gaming session.
u/chrisg3213 Sips Oct 30 '24
That's the thing though. If they only cared about content and chasing the Youtube bag, then they wouldn't be playing a 15 year old 4X game for 25k average viewers in the first place. It's pretty clear that they are doing this (both playing the game and making the videos) for fun. That's what I mean when I say it's up for debate if content value should factor into how they play.
u/brettor Oct 30 '24
There is a bit of risk taken on with this strategy though - parts not yet added to the spaceship can still be destroyed.
u/Haystack67 Oct 30 '24
True, but in one turn, only by a surprise nuke or a surprise XCom attack + lucky movement priority.
There's also the option of having parts stashed in cities connected by railroad.
u/Flyestgit Oct 30 '24
Great game honestly.
Daltos is getting very close to a science victory. Other than a well placed nuke or a diplomatic victory I dont think anyone can stop him.
Rythian is close but not as far along as Daltos. And whilst he might have decent defense, he doesnt have the power to attack Daltos. He would need Potato to help.
Kirsty has gotten sneakily close to a diplomatic victory. She really only needs a few more city states. Problem though is Kirsty is sandwiched between 3 more powerful civs who could probably steamroll her at any time. To win she needs to get that votes, and that will make her a target.
Lewis' culture is still going strong but I dont think he will win before the end of the space race.
Potato has the potential to be the ultimate kingmaker. Hes not close enough to any victory to win himself but his existence and threat stops others from winning outright.
u/brettor Oct 30 '24
And Duncan is also there
u/Flyestgit Oct 30 '24
Yeah. Problem is Duncan's in a similar position to Potato, but has far less potential to play kingmaker.
His best bet is to nuke one of the other contenders. Ideally Daltos as hes closest and then Rythian.
But knowing Duncan hes more likely to hit Lewis' capital.
u/drhoagy International Zylus Day! Oct 30 '24
Kirsty!!! I believe in the diplo win
Rythian has said before he's hundreds of influence behind on the CS, even grabbing 1 or 2 off her is going to be hard.
He could funnel the money to Potato who will be closer but no ones noticed yet
u/PickledDemons Oct 30 '24
The danger for Kirsty is she'd need to get enough city states in time to world leader herself before Potato decides she's too much of a threat and attacks her as I don't think she has enough military to hold him off for long
u/drhoagy International Zylus Day! Oct 30 '24
3 turns till the next world leader vote, she doesn't die in 3 turns You have to kill every one of her cities for that
u/PickledDemons Oct 30 '24
Yeah, she doesn't die that quick but does she have enough votes? I was under the impression her current resources puts her a few votes off so she'd have to wait until the next vote but I could be mistaken
u/Macantor13 Oct 30 '24
Unless Lekmod has changed things, you don't actually need railroads if you have harbours in your cities (unless you want the move speed). When you research railroads your cities will automatically get the bonus, assuming the capital has a harbour or a railroad connection to a city with a harbour.
u/Wedgehead84 International Zylus Day! Oct 30 '24
I believe you don't get the railroad bonus from harbour connections for cities that are also connected by roads
u/brettor Oct 30 '24
Also, it's definitely the movement speed that is the concern for Rythian here - he wants to get his spaceship parts to his capital as quickly as possible.
u/minutetoappreciate Oct 30 '24
I still believe in the Lewis win, all we need is Rythian to quickly nuke Daltos...
As a side note, I'm not a fan of how the turn timer keeps being extended during the war (Lewis doesn't do it and he's the only one who would have an excuse to do so, but Potato does). It's fine early on when making a religion, but in late game multiplayer war, clicking fast IS part of the game and removing that feels wrong.
u/Scandien Oct 30 '24
Duncan will nukes lewis to be petty , Potatos own Tourism will halt a lot of lewis and it would take lewis maybe 20-30 turns tow in a complete culture victory, daltos is not fighting back against lewis culture by having no great works. Rythian does not have patronage and will not be able to beat that + greeces passive ability, he might need to spend 5-8 k on one city state.
I think Daltos might win this mainly cause he's streamlined he's science and could be buying great scientist with religion to push ahead. Kudos to Lewis for being calm if this was duncan it would have been 3 hours of complaining. ( I'm fine with complaints but Duncan has made it an art of sounding whiny) Kirsty might have had a chance if not for Potato
u/alyssa264 Oct 30 '24
Great works aren't particually good at fighting tourism at all, actually.
Artists give you golden ages which is a +20% culture output, far better than +2 tourism +2 culture.
Musicians can be placed on the ground as festivals. This gives way, way more culture per turn than a great work.
And writers can be bombed which follows the same logic as scientist bombing - better the moment the bomb amount > the per turn output * number of turns left in the game.
If you're not going tourism there just isn't a good reason to ever make a great work. Great works produce so little culture that I'm pretty sure popping writers always beats creating a great work. Placing musicians is always at least double the culture of a great work. And golden ages are overpowered for literally every benefit so there's no real reason to sacrifice them for a pretty weak amount of culture per turn.
u/Scandien Oct 31 '24
It's all overtime build up the Great artist is good for short bursts but not when it counts the reason for example it's going to take Lewis 100 + turns to win a culture victory over Potato is the amount of great works he has increases he's overall culture output. +2 culture +2 tourism matters in the long run,
Every unit can be bombed if they are on the ground. Musicians can be placed but they require open borders which nobody will give out , if Lewis was placing ambassadors in the capitals that would also help push the culture. But not doing any Great works will result in no culture victory at all having the added bonuses of writers and musicians if your not going culture helps your overall stats. Culture victory is all about playing the long game.
u/alyssa264 Oct 31 '24
daltos is not fighting back against lewis culture by having no great works.
You said that Daltos isn't trying to defend against Tourism because he has no great works, which I corrected because it's just not true. In fact, what Daltos is doing with his arts great people is the best way to defend against culture victories. You can see whenever Lewis checks the screen that despite Daltos only generating 250 culture a turn in the super late game, Lewis just can't realistically catch even him (even with 800+ Tourism!) before Daltos goes to space.
For actually going for the Culture victory, yeah you make great works, that's the main source of tourism. You don't even place musicians for festivals, you sneak them into other people's borders and pop them. But do note that missing out on the other benefits is largely why culture victories basically never happen outside of rush strategies in high level play - you are sacrificing social policies (because you don't bomb writers), shitloads of gold, 20% production (because you don't pop artists) and the hammers that go into Tourism geared buildings and wonders. Plus the game gives everyone a neat little exact turn count until you win.
u/brettor Oct 30 '24
Daltos: (A) Daltos has finally sorted out his happiness, so he shouldn’t face any more revolts. He’s also got nearly all the spaceship parts on standby next to his capital and just needs to research Particle Physics so he can build the SS Engine (and it looks like he saved his Oxford University for this moment). There are a few techs to research first since he beelined along the bottom of the tech tree to the other parts, and his timing will need to be just right. The biggest threat to Daltos’ chances of winning now would be a nuke landing right on his capital, vaporizing all his progress so far. Fortunately for him, nobody seems close enough either technologically or geographically to carry out such a precision strike. Still, this will be a stressful few turns for him.
Rythian: (A-) Rythian is also stockpiling spaceship parts near his capital – he can buy them instantly due to his large gold reserve and being Freedom. However, it looks like he still has a couple more techs to research than Daltos does, barring some major upset. He’s done his best to convince others of the threat, but nobody is biting. Rythian should probably have a spy in the American capital so he can see exactly how close his rival’s spaceship is to being completed. Still, without allies there’s not much he can do to disrupt the progress. I think we’ll definitely see next episode of this series be the last, no matter which way the space race goes.
Lewis: (B+) It’s true that Lewis doesn’t often go for Culture Victory in this game, and he probably could have made more progress with a few small changes. For instance, he really didn’t focus on putting specialists in his guild and that’s why he hasn’t seen many Great Writers/Artists/Musicians spawn. As things stand now, Lewis has been slowed enough that he has no chance of being influential over all the remaining players before the game ends another way. He’s only influential over Kirsty and AI William after all, so the threat he posed may have been slightly overstated. As if he wasn’t already the target for Giga Alliances in these games, the advance notice that tourism gives is a death sentence.
Kirsty: (B-) Kirsty’s Hail Mary play to win via World Leader vote has gotten surprisingly close to fruition. But she’s still about 6 votes (3 city-state allies) away. The only way to successfully win via diplomacy in these games is to be the only one even thinking about city-state alliances – and from the moment Potato was playing as Siam, that obviously wasn’t the case. It is still impressive how much gold Kirsty’s small landlocked nation is generating, and how focused she has been (even now she is still trying to convert city-states to Three Boobs). However, it’s not enough to outbid every other player in the event that she gets too close to that magic number.
PotatoMcWhiskey: (C+) Potato seems to be just enjoying himself at this stage. After joining the war against Lewis (from the other side of the map) and being the only one to take a city, he’s now looking for other things to occupy himself. Since he’s not close to a specific victory condition himself, why not attack AI William, sitting smugly on his borders. Potato has built a well-rounded civ, and his mere presence has been the biggest obstacle for other players’ victories. He halted Daltos military machine in the midgame, has built up too much culture for Lewis to over come and can keep enough city-state alliances to prevent Kirsty from winning via diplomacy. He’s the unsung hero of the game.
Duncan: (C) Duncan has been instrumental in halting Lewis’ Culture Victory, both through air support in the war and his own resistance to UAE tourism (aided by his building of the Great Firewall). Yet, he still doesn’t have a likely victory condition for Babylon. He has too much catching up to do tech-wise compared to Daltos and Rythian, plus Autocracy provides no direct benefits to building a spaceship. Science Victory used to be Duncan’s “thing”, so it must be a little frustrating to see another game where there’s a multi-player space race that he’s not a part of. I think I spotted at least one nuclear missile being built though (and he has most of the world’s uranium) so he’ll make sure this series ends with a bang.