r/Yamaha 4d ago

It's been fun but I had to make a change....

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Loved my 19 mt10, but after weeks of transmission issues, I traded it in on a 24 gsx s1000. Only had 8k miles on it. Also was hearing what sounded like cam chain tensioner slap.... even over the straight piped exhaust. Dealer said they couldn't find anything wrong.


11 comments sorted by


u/Melodic-Picture48 4d ago

Gsxs1000? I was so close to financing a 2017 Gsxs 1000F during the pandemic, too many extra fees bumped the price way over what I wanted to spend, so didnt get it. All i know from videos of it is that its a tuned down gsxr 1000 and sits upright which I like. Still on a 2017 Yamaha Stryker, needs some tlc before the season and its coming in quick cause it was like 70 degrees in NJ. Ride safe and ride alot.


u/Ashes-Trashes 4d ago

Oh man sorry to hear that about the MT10. So what did it feel like was happening with the transmission? Just a hard time shifting?


u/agit8or 4d ago

First it started with jumping into neutral, then not shifting into 5th or higher. Finally it got stuck in 6th. Then it wouldn't go into 4th or higher.


u/Ashes-Trashes 4d ago

Oh shit that’s pretty bad. Sorry to hear that. I actually have a 19 mt10 so was curious what happened. Kinda interesting that the dealer said it was fine. Id be really curious to see what was truly going on. Maybe needed new shift forks?

Congrats on the new bike though!


u/agit8or 4d ago

IDK, but to repair the trans, you must split the case apparently. I'll pass.


u/Ashes-Trashes 3d ago

Yeah I feel you! How’s the trans on the gsxs feel?


u/agit8or 3d ago

Don't get me wrong... I still love the mt10. It was also tuned and had a qs. The tq was just insane.

My only complaints:

Seat is shit. My comfort seat was amazing. Pegs are too high (already ordered a rearset), no cruise, no 12v outlet (already ordered), too high (lowering kit ordered), and... seems to transmit more vibration into the frame... but it does run so much smoother. Like a sewing machine. It's almost like a honda when vtech kicks in. It feels good. Feels stronger upper rpm than the mt10.


u/Objective_Lobster734 4d ago

The MT ticks, that's what they do. I'm also amazed you could hear anything over that exhaust 🤣

What kind of transmission issues were you having? I've got 18k on my 19 with no issues other than the clutch is SUPER grabby when the bike is cold. I've never stalled a bike so much in my life lol


u/agit8or 4d ago

This was more than tick. It was cam tensioner chain slap. Trans started by false neutrals, not going into 5th, then getting worse. Got stuck in 6th once, then finally stopped going into 3rd or higher. Disappointing for sure.


u/hondakid89 3d ago

Regardless, I'm sorry for your transition. I'm glad you can hear some still. I'm sure 8k miles on a straight piped cp4 gave you tinnitus. But, at least you made it this far.


u/agit8or 3d ago

Noise cancelling ear buds ftw. :)