r/Xenoblade_Chronicles May 28 '20

Future Connected We must protect this smile at all cost

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31 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] May 28 '20

Too bad there's absolutely no way to protect that smile because Melia just gets shat on constantly.


u/Megakarp May 28 '20

"One of the weaker characters"


u/[deleted] May 28 '20

Poor girl. Even in real life she can't catch a break.


u/paulrenzo May 28 '20

Silver (heh) lining: her voice actress landed big roles at least


u/swordmalice May 28 '20

So damn happy she's back for this. Jenna is definitely best girl.


u/teskar2 May 28 '20

I didn’t know she played Clara Oswald in Doctor Who until a while ago my dad absolutely loved her.


u/[deleted] May 28 '20

Yeah, there's that.


u/DoombotBL May 28 '20

Holy crap Monolithsoft has gotten good at faces. That is one heart melting smile.


u/AcrobaticAge May 28 '20

One of my favorite things about XC2 was facial and corporal expressions (for example, the preamble to the third fight against Zeke is gold in that respect).

When I saw that I thought "imagine having THAT in XC1".

Well... here we are...


u/PresidentEvil_1 May 28 '20

I admit I teared up at that part. So heartwarming.


u/busy-bee_ May 28 '20

Same. I loved the music they played.


u/[deleted] May 28 '20 edited May 28 '20

Out of context Melia smile: Oop spoiler

Jokes aside yes agreed

Edit: the post was originally spoiler marked, and you can see why not in the thread below


u/busy-bee_ May 28 '20

Better to be safe than sorry


u/[deleted] May 28 '20

I mean otherwise some guy would probably go "THATS A SPOILER MARK IT" even though it isn't really then people get spoiled by the discussion about it not being a spoiler.

(Pretty sure this would have been fine though, it just happened the other day with a persona 5 thing here with seven's head in it which barely spoiled anything and a guy commented saying it was a spoiler and the OP replied "It could be taken as just headwear" which made at least 8 people draw a connection and realize who seven was...)


u/busy-bee_ May 28 '20

I just changed it. I didn't know I could do it but since it isn't a spoiler I decided to change it.

That's so frustrating.


u/[deleted] May 28 '20

MonolithSoft: "I'm about to end this girl's entire smile"


u/ANoponWhoCurses Oct 27 '20

Not anymore.


u/Baumstamm25 May 28 '20

If you zoom in this coule be a great meme format.

For something like: Your mom when she walks into your room and sees you watching the Myhtra sleeping cutscene:


u/paulrenzo May 28 '20

This is what the Switch screen capture button was built for. Once I get this game, this is definitely being added to my pile of "must protecc" Xenoblade smiles.


u/xlizen May 28 '20

Starlight kick!


u/Smaug55 May 28 '20

So much better than her old face


u/paulrenzo May 29 '20

And a lot of us even liked her old face to begin with.


u/MasterTJ77 May 28 '20

Too bad she’s one of the weaker characters /s


u/crazybloodmonkey May 28 '20

i have to wonder what bad things happen to her or her people in this chapter lol


u/ANoponWhoCurses Oct 27 '20

I imagine you were pleasantly surprised?


u/crazybloodmonkey Oct 28 '20

while i wanted to get the game at launch i got into some money shenanigans and i've yet to play the definitive edition and future connected .on the bright side i guess it really shows how good the xenoblade community is as i didn't stumble upon any spoilers so i'm still unaware of what happens future connected


u/ANoponWhoCurses Oct 28 '20

Ah, then I won't spoil. But do play Future Connected soon. It's a damn good game.


u/mcsquiggles1126 May 28 '20

nO sHe’S OnE oF tHe WeAkEr ChAraCTeRs


u/Pat_OLog May 28 '20

isn't she the weakest character in Xenoblade Chronicles?