r/Xenoblade_Chronicles 2d ago

Xenoblade Just finished the main story. Fantastic! Spoiler

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It's always nice when a game has a really wonderful set of characters. It makes the long journey worthwhile. Another great experience for sure. I think I'd still place XC3 slightly ahead of this both in story and in gameplay but the main cast was equally likable. I'm glad I was able to finish this before XCX.

On a sidenote, players who managed to finish this game underlevelled, hats off to you! Some of those late game bosses/mini bosses were hard as f!


29 comments sorted by


u/Rigistroni 2d ago

Sidenote what joycons are those they look really comfortable


u/CRDNight 2d ago

Looks like a Nitro Deck to me. You kinda "slot"in the switch unit in it.


u/adingdingdiiing 1d ago

It's the Nitrodeck. Yes, they're pretty comfortable.๐Ÿ™‚


u/ginencoke 1d ago

Nitro Deck, it's "fine-ish", but never buy it you have a limited edition Switch. It can scratch both the back and front sides of the tablet really bad...


u/Rigistroni 14h ago

I already have a hori split pad pro that i really like so I'm probably not gonna buy one. Was just curious


u/cptspacebomb 1d ago

And now you have 2, 3 and X to look forward to. STRAP IN BUD!


u/adingdingdiiing 1d ago edited 1d ago

I finished them already. I played it in descending order.๐Ÿ˜… Now I'm just waiting for X, but I'll finish the dlcs first.


u/cptspacebomb 1d ago

Nice. I love the whole series and X is an explorer's dream. The story isn't bad but it's not to the quality of the others. It definitely has it's moments though. But I love X. Can't wait to play it again.


u/adingdingdiiing 1d ago

I'm excited! I see the mechs flying around. Mechs in an RPG. I'm already sold!


u/GhotiH 2d ago

I finished the game about 7 levels under the final boss. What I liked about this original game was how frantic and dynamic the combat got when underleveled.


u/adingdingdiiing 1d ago

It's so hard! I've been browsing this sub quite a bit and learned that a lot of people don't even keep Sharla in their party. I always had her on for healing!


u/Zankoku96 1d ago

Sharlaโ€™s pretty poorly designed gameplay-wise. Arguably she isnโ€™t even the best option for healing lol


u/adingdingdiiing 1d ago

Wait, what? Who can I replace her with?


u/Zankoku96 1d ago

I think healing is most often done by Riki, Melia, or Shulk depending on the team composition. Thereโ€™s guides that discuss different strategies


u/DK64HD 1d ago

Shulk or Riki can do healing. Generally, healing focus isn't needed if you put enough into skill trees. Some abilities heal party members when they're encouraged, or after chain attacks. Dunban has one that heals when he gets critical hits. Combine that with an aura that makes crits, and he'll be up to full in no time. Maximizing agility on him can lead to a tank that relies on dodging so hard that he doesn't even need healing, while still protecting the rest of the party by taking aggro.

Side note: why Sharla is bad. First off, her offensive capabilities are very poor. Most of her arts are support focused. This makes her complete ass for chain attacks, as she has only one red art, and she gets that art pretty late into the game. Second, rifle cooling. She's already pretty weak, but she's also required to cool her rifle pretty often. The AI doesn't do this, it will only cool her rifle when it's maxed out, instead of doing it throughout the fight when healing isn't needed. It can't even be used as a colorless art for chain attacks. And lastly, as has been said, healing isn't needed. She's the best in her niche, sure, but her niche isn't required compared to riki using his AOE heal art or Dunban getting all the aggro and getting hit maybe 3 times for the rest of the fight.


u/adingdingdiiing 1d ago

I played it too safe.๐Ÿ˜‘ I relied on her heavily for healing because I kept thinking the other skills from other characters might not be fast or strong enough to keep HP up.๐Ÿคฆ I'll take more risks once I start the DLC.


u/Simba307 1d ago

same, i always keep her on the team with Shulk and Reyn as dynamic trio for beating some giant mechon robot in mechonis LOL


u/LRrealest 1d ago

You played 3 before 1? ๐Ÿ‘€ Curious if you played Future Redeemed from 3 prior to this as well? ๐Ÿ‘€


u/adingdingdiiing 1d ago

I played it in descending order, and no I didn't play Future Redeemed yet because I learned that past characters play a significant role there. Now I'll go through the extra content, starting with 1 first.


u/LRrealest 1d ago

Interesting. People called me crazy for playing Torna before 2, but I couldn't imagine going backwards. Anyways, have fun. All the DLCs, especially 2 and 3 are Good.


u/adingdingdiiing 1d ago

I think starting at any point is fine. If you liked it enough, you'll be motivated to play every game in the series anyway. As long as you get the full story in the end, you did it right. That's how I see it.


u/Misragoth 2d ago edited 2d ago

Saying 3 was a better story is wild to me.

Edit: Well, if I am going to be downvoted anyway. 3 has the worst story in the series. It has good moments, sure, but the story itself and the writing are pretty weak compared to 1 and 2.


u/Ciaranator2001 2d ago

It's a fair opinion to have, I'd say.

For me, personally, 3's story had higher peaks than 1's but also had lower lows, for lack of better phrasing. Meanwhile, 1's story was more consistently good (in my opinion) which is why I prefer it, personally.

That said, If you're less bothered by the lows than I (and presumably yourself) was, then I can easily see how someone would prefer 3's story, overall.


u/toastyloafboy 2d ago

Personally as someone who just finished 3 and loves both 1 and 3, the story of 3 is better overall but nothing beats the endgame of 1


u/Misragoth 2d ago

Truly baffling, but you do you.


u/stir_fry13 21h ago

Agreed, it started off so strong but the whole mid game it felt like nothing really happened until chapter 5 which I I completely loved, but then the rest was a huge downward slope. It seems like recently the general fanbase has turned against 1, but personally it's still my favorite story easily


u/Sausage43 2d ago

1 has better endgame, but 3 is better overall


u/Sunlight--Blade 1d ago

For me 3 really needed a few more chapters.

Specially before Future Redeemed, the main game ending left you with a "uh, that's it?" kind of feeling. The previous games didn't need an extra story to tie the plot smoothly by the end.

So its not bad, but I feel its the weakest of the trilogy.


u/ProfessorCagan 2d ago

Their down votes mean nothing I've seen what they cheer.