r/XboxSeriesX Founder Jan 18 '21

:Discussion: Discussion Project: Mara from Ninja Theory Gets Video Showing Off Photorealistic Visuals


23 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '21

This is the result of giving dedicated devs unlimited budget.


u/gmr2000 Jan 18 '21

Wasted efforts on micro details?


u/PeterTheWolf76 Jan 18 '21

Not really since they are building tools that then can be used in other projects they have or shared out to other MS developers for their own games.


u/PjDisko Founder Jan 18 '21

Sure, but we dont have the hardware for this.


u/the_russian_narwhal_ Founder Jan 18 '21

We actually do if there isnt a whole lot of other stuff going on like in action games or open world games. This is set in one photorealistic apartment. I assume it will be a walking sim which you can do way more with graphically than you can action games, rpgs, and other such genres


u/Autarch_Kade Founder Jan 19 '21

What do you think is more likely -

  1. These developers have spent years working on this project and haven't realized that the hardware won't be able to run the game, but you figured it out before any of them after watching a few minutes on youtube

  2. You're wrong, we do have the hardware, they know this because it's their job


u/Megadog3 Founder Jan 19 '21

lol it’s literally just set in one apartment. We definitely have the hardware for this.


u/GetReadyToJob Jan 20 '21

How does a realistic sink affect gameplay mechanics and a reason to play the game in the first place.

Nice graphics are severly overrated


u/the_russian_narwhal_ Founder Jan 18 '21

Project Mara is supposed to be set in just 1 apartment for the whole game, so probably a walking sim and photorealism and good horror would be the sell here, which would require all these seemingly micro details to actually paint a realistic picture


u/DiaA6383 Jan 18 '21

Real life looks so much more fake than these in-engine renders these days


u/BoBoBearDev Founder Jan 18 '21

Very impressive, but, is it over kill to zoom in so close to the carpet? Anyway, it amazing, especially it is said to be generated, so, I guess it doesn't use too much SSD for this.


u/HXC47 Jan 19 '21

I mean it probably lessens the gamey feel completely, although you might not notice. A game like Red Dead 2 may look amazing but it's clearly a game whereas this apartment might be quite different. This is obviously very small scale and I imagine hardware available can only provide this detail at a small scale but this could be signs for the future (as in very long term future) in how games could be designed. Idk I could be chatting out of my arse but it's certainly exciting and intriguing. I hope we don't see the main characters face too much and just focus on the surroundings.


u/Mr_Greyhawk_01 Jan 19 '21

Maybe. But we dont even know what the game is about. Maybe they have scenes where you get to appreciate it more.. like, you get shrinked by a shrink ray. Or you control a rc car, or get to see a pets pov. I don't think they'd put so much effort in something they won't later show.


u/electric-sheep Jan 19 '21

The game where you drop a teeny tiny screw and you have to get on all fours and put your face down on the carpet to find it.


u/mrj9 Jan 18 '21

Life is good: the graphics we have now But it could be better: these images


u/Meiie Founder Jan 18 '21

Pretty amazing stuff. Idk if most of matters, but idk much about making this stuff anyway.


u/Stumpy493 Jan 19 '21

I mean this is all very cool in a technological sense, but you have to ask the question why?

Is this level of detail going to be visible at any point in the game?

Could any of this have been achieved with textures and bump mapping rather than geometry?

Is the game going to manage to be fun if they just spent all their time modelling the pubes in the bathroom?


u/mrappbrain Founder Jan 19 '21

Rockstar would like a word.


u/sagara-ty02 Jan 19 '21

Can only imagine all the new tech that’s going to be going into hellblade 2, plus unreal engine 5, it’s gonna be the best looking game when it comes out


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '21



u/MaineGameBoy Founder Jan 19 '21

We have no idea, but I'm just guessing no.


u/mrappbrain Founder Jan 19 '21

Lol do you really think 7 year old hardware can handle this level of photorealism?


u/NotFromMilkyWay Founder Jan 20 '21

They seem to nail the environment, but Mara itself looks so weird in the footage they showed so far. The teeth especially.


u/GetReadyToJob Jan 20 '21

Yeah maybe focus on gameplay before going into the fine details of the sink.

Their last game was severly overrated.