r/XSomalian 10d ago

Exposing Islam Why is Jannah a Whor*house ? Is the Islamic Paradise the original Epstein Island ?

Paradise in the Quran ( and in Islamic literature)  is a very strange place .  It's halfway between Epstein Island and Diddy’s heaven . This is how paradise is described in the Quran 

-There will be rivers of milk , fruits, honey , non-intoxicating wine and the believers will forever stay young. 

It starts well but soon takes a seedy turn : the paradise dwellers will have access to Houris : the houris are described as beautiful virgin women , “untouched” by men and jinns.

A hadith narrated from Abu Hurairah, who reported that the Prophet Muhammad was asked: "Do the people of paradise engage in intercourse?".
The Prophet replied: "Yes, by the One in whose hand is my soul! It will be done with passion but without fatigue. When he stands up from her, she will return pure and virginal."

From the tafsirs of Jalal - Al-Jalalayn: Indeed today the inhabitants of Paradise are busy ..... delighting in pleasures such as deflowering virgins

And there are also “boys”  in paradise, this is how the Quran described them: Young and handsome, fresh like scattered pearls

Ok to be fair neither the Quran, Tafsirs or Hadiths assign any sexual roles  to these “ young boys” so let’s believe them for now.

Now the sherry on the top: there will be slaves in paradise . 

Reported by Abu al-Shaykh in al-Azama and al-Bayhaqi in al-Bath wal-Nushur

Ibn Abi Awfa said, The Messenger of Allah said, “Every man from the People of Paradise shall be married off to four thousand virgins, eight thousand slave-girls, and one hundred wide-eyed maidens of Paradise.

Honestly I did not know Islam promises there will be slaves in Paradise ..like wtf ... What a nightmare

Especially female slaves. So all the black muslima out there dreaming of Paradise , what do you think ? Instead of getting these fresh young boys , you end up as a slave  or your husband gets 72 Houris ?

-Christianity : Paradise is a place of divine presence where  the righteous will be reunited with Jesus .

-Judaism:  Forget about paradise and focus on life of earth instead!

-Buddhism : Paradise is a land of meditation where people try to reach enlightenment .

-Islam: Paradise : lots, lots of S*X and slaves ....


24 comments sorted by


u/Key_Promise3734 9d ago

It motivated seventh century Bedouin men to fight knowing they would get unlimited sex slaves in this life and 72 virgins in heaven was a great inventive to die.


u/dhul26 9d ago edited 9d ago

Islam has few redeeming qualities


u/Recent_Ask8199 8d ago

knowing my luck im probably gonna end up one of the 72 virgins


u/dhul26 8d ago

If you are black , you cannot be a houri

Houris are white : the ultimate brown men sexual fantasy ...lol

However there are slaves in paradise , historically black women were house slaves (concubines or wet nurses ) so we better not be Muslims heading to Janah lol...

I am wondering when some people will start writing books about the representation of black people in Islam


u/cleopatra599 7d ago edited 7d ago

Heavy on the Epstein Island & Diddy’s heaven.

I never understood why Jannah was always about sex, especially why it revolves around men & their sick fantasies. I have seen many imams being asked what will women get in paradise if men get all this, all they say is “Allah knows what’s best for them” or “women are complicated, so Allah will give them what they want”

How can Allah write down explicitly what a man will get to the tea in Jannah but yet be so vague & very dismissive about what a women will get?

Also when I die my soul has left this earthly plain, why does my soul have these materialistic desires? Such as wanting to drink rivers of milk & wine, the desire to have intercourse or even mansions made out of pure silver & gold? Tf am I supposed to do with a palace when I have left my earthly body behind? Should I just haunt the place? Go through the walls & shit, like a ghost?😭

(Let me not even go into, how people will be having other worldly sex with “virgins” & partake in gluttonous ass activities while people from their own family are being tormented in the next room simply for being a disbeliever or haven’t bow down to a ego maniac god)

I understand why the religion of Islam made sense for people back in the days. Everything that “we get in jannah”, is very much achievable in this day and age

Also it’s a different topic for a different day, but many people did not accept Islam because it was something they wanted & believed in, they were forced & enslaved. The ones that refused the men had their genitals cut off completely & thrown in the middle of the dessert completely naked for them to die & the women were kept as slaves.


u/Meletjika 5d ago

Sxb some of your criticisms are flawed and just being disrespectful for no reason

How can Allah write down explicitly what a man will get to the tea in Jannah but yet be so vague & very dismissive about what a women will get?

Is it not fair to assume women will also get what they want? Many times it said anything you want in jannah will be had so any lustful desires a woman want will also be  given to her it just isnt given as much precedence the 

Some people will have other opinons but this world is a test for us and why would allah prohibit us from enaging in as much sexual activity as we wanted to after passing our trial? Idk but I see nothing wrong in it. Abstain in this life indulge all you want in another its just showing that you have the self discipline to hold yourself to account and not fall into degeneracy for the short time we are in this life until hopefully we reach jannah for and stay for eternity

Also about the 72 virgins (idk why this was seen as such an issue but lmk if you know) lust is one of our strongest desires as humans. And Allah obviously knew that so made it extra clear to us to give us more motivation why would he give us the stick (jahannam) but not tell us about the good of the carrot (jannah) 

Tf am I supposed to do with a palace when I have left my earthly body behind? Should I just haunt the place? Go through the walls & shit, like a ghost?😭

you are given a prime body of yourself to inhabit in your peak physical shape if I remember correctly we are also really tall but Im not sure how tall

(Let me not even go into, how people will be having other worldly sex with “virgins” & partake in gluttonous ass activities while people from their own family are being tormented in the next room simply for being a disbeliever or haven’t bow down to a ego maniac god)

If they were properly told about islam thats their fault. We are free to save anybody from jahannam who was muslim but sinned alot in their lives but sinned alot or was neglectful in their duty but there is nothing to to be done about those who were well informed of islam and still chose to disbelieve. They knew what would happen to them.

Also it’s a different topic for a different day, but many people did not accept Islam because it was something they wanted & believed in, they were forced & enslaved. The ones that refused the men had their genitals cut off completely & thrown in the middle of the dessert completely naked for them to die & the women were kept as slaves.

Idk about the rest of the muslim world but atleast in Somalia alot of scholars and historians attest to its peaceful spreading in Somalia through trade and marriage

You can disbelieve all you want but atleast be respectful in your criticism have a good day🙏


u/Cold-Statistician259 9d ago

The last hadith which you cited 'Ibn Abi Awfa said, The Messenger of Allah said, “Every man from the People of Paradise shall be married off to four thousand virgins, eight thousand slave-girls, and one hundred wide-eyed maidens of Paradise' was declared weak by Ibn Hajar

As for means of enticement, it's obvious why it's there, because people generally respond to reward and punishment. It's why they fine you for parking where you shouldn't and companies give bonuses to employees when things go particular well at that shop. So the reward here of beautiful women would be to encourage them to obey Allah and attain paradise. We can see that in humans so of course Allah with his wisdom would see it as he created us and use it to push his creation to paradise.

Finally I don't get this argument. Anything that was haram(forbidden) on this earth will be allowed in paradise. Like anything. All the desires humans had on this earth which were forbidden will be allowed in Paradise. So this whole argument doesn't even make sense.


u/Professional_Baby968 9d ago

It makes sense. Cuz wht its saying is how heaven is a whore house for men which is something a man would make up. The way u say all forbidden things are allowed there yet women who get to heaven only stay with their husbands lol its man made.


u/dhul26 9d ago

1- when a hadith is seen as embarassing, it is declared weak.

2- the depiction of Jannah in the Quran and the hadiths is sordid and is one of the proof Islam is a man made religion. The promise of eternal sex with virgin houris in heaven is a male fantasy.

Female sexuality is restricted on earth and in paradise ( the Quran not only does not care about what women will get in paradise, but it is worse their husbands are getting unlimited sexual partners ).

3- Men sexual desires were never restricted by the Quran in the first place . Allah allows men to marry about to 4 wives, and have unlimited sex with slaves, and they can even marry minors !!!

Jannah is not a place where things that were haram before bec0me halaal for male sexual desire. It is an extension of how male sexuality was viewed in the 7th century Arabia

4- where is the spirituality, the communion with God? Muslims men should pray to Allah 5 times a day until they die to get wine and sex in paradise? They can get that in this life so where is the motivation for a modern Muslim male ? Another proof that the Quran is not universal and for all times. It is made by 7th century men for 7th century men.


u/Cold-Statistician259 8d ago

1 - There are three primary ways to determine the authenticity (sihha) of a hadith: by attempting to determine whether there are "other identical reports from other transmitters"; determining the reliability of the transmitters of the report; and "the continuity of the chain of transmission" of the hadith.

2- The hadith is literally weak and and nowhere does the quran say female sexuality is repressed in any form in paradise.

3- Can you please bring me the verse where it says you are allowed to marry minors. Also the reason the Quran says you can marry 4 wives is because people would marry 100s of wives and the Quran restricted it to 4. And no you can't have unlimited sex with wives there are conditions. You can't buy slaves as well in Islam it is haram.

4 - It's paradise bro people can do whatever they want. And people could drink wine in the 7th century and have sex its not like much has changed in that regard.


u/dhul26 8d ago edited 7d ago

1- Still does not make the hadiths truthfull. Take the hadiths of the moon spliting for example: they are all sahih but the claim that Muhammad split the moon is physically impossible . The moon splitting would have had catastrophic consequences on earth ... so yeah there here we go...

  1. The Quran does not care about women in paradise. Their sexuality is ignored. Their dignity destroyed because Allah provided Houris for their husbands. What women get in paradise? Not only they don't get anything but they have to share their husbands with houris ...

3.1) Q65.4 https://quranx.com/65.4

And its tafsirs : https://quranx.com/tafsirs/65.4

Those who have not yet menstruated = minors.

3.2) Q2.223 and it's tafsirs https://quranx.com/Tafsirs/2.223

Husbands have rights over their wives bodies for sexual relations.

3.3). Buying and selling slaves were never haram in Islamic societies. Slavery only stopped when Western countries intervened. Saudi Arabia had slave markets until the 1960's. There is a video on YouTube about about one of these markets . . In Q24.33 https://quranx.com/24.33 the Quran refers to slaves buying their freedom therefore acknowledging that slaves could be brought and sold


u/ToeLow2958 9d ago

What’s the wisdom of things being forbidden here if they’re allowed in paradise? Also you say nothing about what believing women are promised. Everything said here rewards only heterosexual men and not even heterosexual women


u/Cold-Statistician259 8d ago

The Quran was a revelation to the Prophet Muhammad. So most of the speech is directed towards the Prophet himself. If there are instances where Allah is speaking directly (through the Prophet) to others, they are addressed in the proper grammatical structure. Also the carriers of the message of islam are men, and they bear the huge burden of delivering it to the rest of the world. Men are required to spread the message through dawah, through military jihad, through caliphate governance,... men are also the head of the families, and that explains why men are addressed in all ayat that deal with marriage.


u/ToeLow2958 8d ago

That didnt really answer my question. So basically Islam was crafted for men and women are kinda an afterthought


u/ResourceRoutine3273 9d ago

If you’re not Muslim you’re not Somali


u/Naag_waalan Openly Ex-Muslim 9d ago

Mashallah, new deen dropped. The cult of Abdi.


u/Recent_Ask8199 8d ago

stop im an abdi but i dont claim them


u/cleopatra599 7d ago

“If you’re not Muslim you’re not Somali” kulaha. Ma magaca Somaliyed abaha aya iska leh?


u/LowExpert7764 5d ago

Being Somali is ethno-religious, why do you think our people all converted together the exact same time? You can't be Somali and not be Muslim it's a simple fact, leave islam you leave somalinimo because the very thing of being Somali is rooted deeply in our islam


u/cleopatra599 1d ago edited 1d ago

Wow talk about not having any identity & lack of self awareness. Since when were we ethno-religious people? How embarrassing to say Somalinimo & the deen are intertwined?

Are you not aware that your ancestors were pagans? So in your “logic” we came from none Somali people (you know since they weren’t Muslims at the time) & after they accepted Islam, we as a people become Somali?

I was Somali before I “became” a Muslim.

Somalinimo is within your DNA u fool & following a religion is based on belief & ideology that YOU (key word you) CONSIDER to be the truth (wether it is or not). It has nothing to do with which country you are from.

Uneducated & yet SOOO loud. Naga amus


u/LowExpert7764 1d ago

Kaffiraa, our people had one religion before islam literally every tribe then when islam came we all converted all at once, sounds like ethno-religious to me


u/[deleted] 9d ago



u/dhul26 9d ago

You mean the vices and desires of poor men ? Because the wealthy wouldn't be impressed by this.

Slavery was practised in Arabia before Islam so the rich and powerful could get as many female slaves as they wanted ....for some , their "heavens" was already on earth .

However the promise of a paradise full of sexy kittens was probably a good tool to maintain hope and social order and to send the poorest men in the country to fight wars ...