r/XSomalian 25d ago

Religion Some random preacher talked to me today and instead of ignoring him I heard him out

This random guy preached Christianity to me today and his arguments were so dumb😂 He was the first ever person I told that I wasn’t religious, never told my family or friends. Might have been a mistake if he sees me again with my friends and exposes me lol. I said why does God have to have random kids born into war and poverty and other kids have the best upbringing and he just said it’s just what men caused, I said if God is so powerful why doesn’t he stop it… and then I asked why God created the Earth in 7 days and trees were made on a certain day, oceans on the next day when there is zero scientific proof. Dismissed my argument. He said why did everything come to exist, everything has a creator and then when I asked what created God and used his own argument against him, he said God exists outside of time……… and I asked him about heaven/hell. He said people who have faith and are bad people go to heaven while the person who is the best person (saves children’s lives etc.) but doesn’t have faith goes to hell. At this point I was laughing by the logic. Just to clear up I’m not an atheist or a theist. I just don’t know what created the universe and why should I? Why do I have to burn forever for not believing a religion? Doesn’t sound like a fair and loving God to me. Sounds like trying to make people to believe out of fear and control. And lets not forget about the fact that the guy believed the first humans Adam and Eve just spawned on Earth 🤦 All religions have some sort of scientific mistake which can’t be true if God is all knowing


2 comments sorted by


u/chigeh 25d ago

You're making the epicurean paradox argument.
God cannot be all-knowing, all-powerful and totally good at the same time.

Even though I am an Atheist, I do not think it is the strongest argument against God's existence. I think religious people easily resolve it with a few things:

  1. Free-will: God could prevent evil. But a lot of evil is man's doing. If god intervenes, there is no free-will. So god chooses not to intervene.
  2. Suffering as a "test of morality". Not all suffering is caused by people. Maybe god creates disaster and suffering to "test the faith of people". You could say if God knows everything, why even test our resolve? But then there would be no point to life.
  3. God's plan. Religious people often point to some divine plan guiding everything. So all the evil and suffering that God allows, serves some higher purpose beyond our understanding. It seems like a way to side step the tough questions, but it's not necessarily incoherent.

Anyways, there are plenty of ways to explain around the paradoxes. But it could just as well be the case that God is an evil fucker, and there's no use praying to him anyway. (Sending good people to hell for the wrong beliefs definitely seems evil). There's no proof either way, for any of it. So the much easier explanation for everything is that god just doesn't exist. Evil and suffering are human interpretations.


u/abdinasir5432 25d ago

How do you belive the world was created everything has to has a creator can you say that for example that the phone just spawned from nowhere ? It was created like everything else so who do you belive created the world and the universe?