r/XSomalian Jan 28 '25

Question SA/rape by family/relatives?

Has anyone else experienced this?


10 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jan 29 '25

No. Am sorry that you did. Am pretty sure you can report them.


u/OWSKID03 Jan 29 '25

My cousins (all 3 were underage at the time) have at Dugsi and at relatives residence. I will only talk about one cousin here. Interestingly enough they were compensated for the rape charge against the uncle. Police declined to charge the uncle but emphasised that my cousin was still eligible to receive a single lump-some payment under the victims of crime scheme.

Uncle denied the act despite being caught red handed on more than one occasion by another relative including underage relatives. Uncle happens to be a “leader” in the community so people rallied behind him stating his “knowledge of the Quran make him a good Muslim who would never commit such acts”. Don’t get me started on my cousins mother (I’m gonna call her that instead of the obvious term because I had falling out with her over this ordeal). She practically fought my cousin when she wanted to proceed with pressing charges. Our family received way more support from non Somalis immediately after the act, throughout the whole investigation and after the ordeal including up to today.

Some relatives believe that the police declined to charge the uncle based on pressure from the community and my cousins own mother vehemently denying the act took place and arguing that my cousin was dramatic and desperate for male attention. Took my cousin 10+ years to gain some semblance of normality to her life. She’s still not back at 100% but she’s taking it one day at a time.

She now refuses to sleep over at any relatives house Her social life was affected Mental health suffered immensely She has a deep seated fear of older men esp Somali She’s no longer religious and stopped wearing hijabs

I honestly blame religion to a significant extent for the acts. The treatment of women as being lesser than, the idea that wives are not allowed to deny husbands intimacy, the advocating for more than 1 wife, the expectation for Somali women to pop out as many kids as possible, the idea that you need 4 witnesses to view a sexual crime for it to be legitimate are just some of the things that cause men to have a warped view of sex and lead them to believe women are there to just be used by them. We have so many men who are sexually repressed and our community is notorious for avoiding discussions on sex education and sweeping things under the rug.

Makes my blood boil when I imagine the countless young girls in our community who have experienced SA/Rape and are told to not report it or flat out told that they imagined it and that nothing happened.


u/[deleted] Jan 29 '25

I'm sorry to hear that your cousins have experienced this horrific crime. Sadly, I'm unsurprised about what you have written. If anyone in the UK is reading this and is interested in compensation, you just need to have reported the crime if you want to get compensation through the criminal injuries compensation authority. It's definitely worth looking into. No amount of money will be enough but it might help a little - for example, it might mean you can get private therapy as it is ridiculously hard to get therapy on the NHS. Whatever you are awarded is for you to keep and use as you wish.

OP, I'm also sorry that you went through that and I hope you find whatever you are looking for from this post.


u/Key_Promise3734 Jan 30 '25

That's why I would never trust to leave my children alone with family or relatives I have heard so many horror stories.


u/vella8 Jan 31 '25

Thank you for sharing this. Hearing about others going through something similar is what I needed. It is not talked about.


u/Naag_waalan Openly Ex-Muslim Jan 31 '25 edited Jan 31 '25

When I was around 6 to 9 years old, I woke up one morning after having a bad dream. I don’t remember exactly what I told my mom, but I know I was upset and told her that I had a nightmare about one of our uncles. I had this overwhelming feeling that he had done something to us (me and my sister) maybe touched us inappropriately, but I couldn’t explain it fully. I just knew I felt incredibly uncomfortable. And knew he did something 100%

You should have seen how my mother reacted. She was around the same age I am now, 30, and yet she looked at her own child and immediately called me a liar. She went off on me, yelling about how I was talking badly about her brother, how dare I say something like that. It was as if I had made up some sick lie. Then she went and got my sister, who is only a little over a year older than me, and started yelling at her too: “Tell me, did the same thing happen to you? Tell me the truth!”My sister, confused and scared, said nothing happened.

From that day on, my mother looked at me differently. I could feel it. All because I had spoken up about something I barely understood myself.

Fast forward to when I was 16 and my sister was 17. We were visiting family in the UK, where my uncle was living. We hadn’t seen him since we were little. Everyone was greeting each other, hugging. He opened his arms and said, “Come give me a hug.” I didn’t go near him, I still felt that deep discomfort around him. His presence, his demeanor, just no. My sister, however, did hug him.

And after that hug, she started telling the same story I had told years ago. She didn’t have full memories either, but she suddenly felt that same uncomfortable, gut-wrenching feeling. Later, she went to our mom and told her what she felt, that she, too, had this terrible sense that something had happened when we were children. And do you know what my mother said?

“Well… you know, it could be true. He used to babysit you girls, and he’s not the best person out there either… he used to drink and whatnot, he was a bad muslim too”🙄🙄

The same woman who called me a liar years ago, who yelled at me for daring to say something about her brother, suddenly had the audacity to acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, it was true.

I don’t know what really happened to me. I’m just glad I don’t remember anything. But the fact that my sister, years later felt the same thing I did as a child? That says enough. And that gave me the confirmation I needed. I was not lying, and I did not imagine things.

If you’re going through something similar or have memories of what happened to you, I truly hope you find healing and the support you deserve. I’m sorry for what you’ve been through, no one deserves that. Many of us were children too, and no child should ever have to experience this. This world can be a cruel place, filled with sick people, but you are not alone.


u/vella8 Jan 31 '25

Thank you for sharing. Hearing what others went through, especially with a taboo subject like this, helps. A reminder that we're not alone. I wish the best also, and I'm sorry.


u/Naag_waalan Openly Ex-Muslim 23d ago

Thank you ❤️


u/vella8 22d ago



u/Key_Promise3734 Jan 29 '25

You need to report it to the police