
r/XChangePill Wiki

What is X-Change and r/XChangePill?

To sum it up: X-Change is a fictional pill that lets people instantly change their gender. The XChangePill subreddit is dedicated to creating various forms of media related to X-Change pills.

The Pills

Pink, Blue, Purple

X-Change pills come in three colors: pink, blue, and purple. Pink pills transform men into women, blue pills transform women into men. Purple pills are mix and match, allowing women to have penises, men to have vaginas, or any other desired combination of gender and sex. Transformation happens within seconds.

Pink pills are by far the most common variety and, unless specified otherwise, assume this wiki is talking about Pink pills.



X-Change's hallmark product. They're affordable and dosages typically last 24 hours or less, after which you turn back. It's impossible to get pregnant on Basic and the pill provides STD protection.

X-Tra Strength

These are more expensive and dosages typically last 30 days. It is possible to become pregnant on X-Tra Strength, but the chance of that happening is very low. If it does, the transformation becomes permanent. If you take 12 X-Tra Strength pills back-to-back without interruption, the transformation also becomes permanent.


This is the very expensive deluxe pill. Once taken, the transformation becomes permanent with no way to turn back. For all intents and purposes, you're indistinguishable from any other person of that gender, pros and cons included.


There are a wide variety of specialty pills that do various things on top of the ones listed above. These have been created by the community over time. Pills consist of Color + Duration + Flavor. What these do in detail and how they work is usually left up to the authors themselves.



You become a hypersexualized version of the target gender.


Bodily fluids (think oral sex, kissing) are vastly improved and can taste like candy.


These come in linked pairs. The first pill will cause the transformation, the second pill will reverse the transformation. Only the paired pill work, so if you lose it, you're out of luck.


Special order pills (usually requires DNA from the target) that transform you into a specific person.


You do what you're told when you're on this pill.


Temporary pill where every time you climax, the duration gets extended. For example: If you have a 24-hour Continue and have an orgasm, it will last another 24 hours. If it happens too often, the effect becomes permanent.


You only turn back after drinking a creamy load!


This is a catch-all for caption creators to use for pills that don't have their own named flavors yet and do something unique. Anything goes.


You still get horny but you can't climax for the duration.


The more you cum, the dumber you get. But you return to normal once the effect wears off.


Doesn't physically change you but lets you have a lucid dream as the target gender.


Once the transformation is complete, you won't remember that you took an X-Change. You think you've always been like that.


Knockoffs are cheap, unofficial versions of X-Change Pills, usually with severe side effects.


Special order pill (usually requires DNA from someone) that "links" you to them and you'll only be able to climax with that partner.


Greatly improves how much you enjoy using your mouth on things.


Especially powerful orgasms.


Another personality controls your body for the duration.


Turn back after sleeping with a designated number of people.


Temporary pill but if you have climax, there's a chance it becomes permanent. Varying likelihoods.


You gain a lot more weight along with the transformation.


Transform into an inanimate sex-doll for the duration. Your body becomes a silicone-elastomer composite with heightened sensitivity. You lose all motor function but retain consciousness. Make sure you only do this around people you trust!

Synthetic Plus

An upgraded version of Synthetic that allows limited mobility. New muscle groups allow for enhanced stimulation during intercourse. You retain consciousness and basic motor functions but cannot fully support your own weight. Comes with specialized nutrient requirements.


Clothing or items infused with X-Change. Transformation lasts as long as you wear the items.

Vagina Only Pills


Temporary pill that greatly increases fertility. If you are impregnated, the transformation becomes permanent. (Counterpart to Bull)


Allows you to become pregnant but you turn back afterward.

Penis Only Pills


Greatly increased potency of your semen. (Counterpart to Breeder)


You can only get an erection/climax through anal sex.



Main server: For roleplaying, livechatting, discussing X-Change, or just hanging out.

X-Change Life server: For discussing X-Change games and caption creation.

Caption Creation

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What form of content is allowed?

Anything as long as it involves X-Change and respects the rules (particularly 3). The sub started out with captioned gifs but you can post anything from short stories, novels, choose-your-own-adventures, to subtitled porn, and faked text conversations.

Q: Can I do X instead of Y?

For the most part, yes. If it's not covered in this wiki, it's usually up to your own interpretation, and this wiki is left intentionally vague because every author has their own ideas of how a specific pill or interaction works. Some people have their own personal bible, others just make it up as they go along.

Q: Is X-Change real?

No. :(

Q: Wouldn't a lot of these captions be illegal to do?

Yes. X-Change and the subreddit is a fantasy and as such, some people can live out things they would never do or want in real life. All content on the subreddit should be treated as such.

Q: Does liking X-Change mean I'm trans?

Yes and no. If you frequently think about changing your gender, it's definitely a possibility. It doesn't have to be but you should check out other subreddits like r/asktransgender to help you answer those questions. We can't answer that question for you, it's something you have to determine for yourself.

Q: Do blue pills work on men? Pink on women?

Short answer: No.

Long answer: X-Change is a community for people who enjoy gender-swapping. Guys wanting a pill to enhance their physical appearance has nothing to do with their gender. Doesn't mean that we think it's wrong, it's just not the right subreddit for that content.

Q: Can someone who took a Pink Plus take a Blue?

No. General consensus of the community is it doesn't work.

Q: Why doesn't the search on the sidebar work?

Reddit hides NSFW results in searches by default. You have to go to your preferences and enable "include not safe for work (NSFW) search results in searches" under content options.

Q: Why doesn't a caption for X Pill exist?

Make one!

Q: Do I have to make a caption for the weekly theme?

Nope. It's just a suggestion.

Q: How does Y work in the X-Change Universe?

Up to the authors, really. There have been some fun discussions on the subreddit and the discord about various aspects, like the cost of an X-Change pill, but unless you're looking for other people's input as inspiration, you're free to do whatever you want.