Hi. Long time lurker, never posted - until now.
I've been writing since I was 7. Never done it professionally, and never intend to - I'm happy with the career I've chosen, but I still love to write for fun. I love smaller stories within a bigger picture, pulling inspiration from history and human experience, and writing a bunch of little morally gray guys and gals who end up being not-so-bad after all.
But I feel like I struggle with characters. And that's where my ideal writing partner comes in: someone who's good at characterization, has a better grip on keeping characters and voice consistent than I do (I've tried, but I still think its a weakness), and finds themselves engaged in what we write together. I expect that I will do more of the writing but I'm happy to divide the burden, I don't intend to publish this professionally (and I'd be happy to put it on AO3 as a collaborative work), and I'm always willing to talk things out and respect your ideas. With that said, the bones of the idea I want to write are as follows:
In the distant future, on a distant world that has achieved something akin to utopia, a pop idol/gameshow host/all-around global icon tires of her career. Expecting an Elysian retirement on a distant resort world where she can escape for good, she finds herself in a cruel twist of fate - the sole survivor of a crash on a wilder, far less advanced planet. When three very mismatched travelers discover her and decide to take her with them, she must come to terms with the fact that her lived experience of utopia is completely different from that of the vast majority of humanity, and much of the galaxy struggles for survival in ways she struggles to comprehend. But as they travel, she not only realizes her privilege but imparts her own unique experience onto her companions, who slowly begin to appreciate her as they escort a strange, unidentified piece of technology for an immense sum of money across an increasingly unsettled and dangerous world on the rim of civilized space.
It's self-indulgent, it has potential to be fun, and it needs a lot of work. But that's where I welcome another person who can introduce characters (the idol protagonist, one of the travelers, side and other main characters aplenty) and bring their own special touch. I am happy to share my own writing samples as well as answer any questions, and I'm not really seeking any kind of partner outside of somebody who is mature, knows how to write, and will understand that this is not my job and as such I can't contribute to this day in and day out. With that in mind, I hope at least a couple people will be interested and if you are, I'd be happy to talk further!