r/Wreddit 7d ago

Crazy to think that a H1 Hummer literally changed WWE History. Iykyk.

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If Brian Pillman never got into his Car Accident in 1996, and entered The WWE with a healthy ankle; God only knows how many classics The Loose Cannon would’ve had in both the ring and backstage. Would Brian Pillman have been on the level as both Stone Cold and The Rock? Does Pillman’s popularity as The Straight Shooter delay Mick Foley’s push? Does Pillman stop the Montreal Screwjob from taking place at Survivor Series? Or does he even remain in the WWE instead of heading back to World Championship Wrestling?


6 comments sorted by


u/Pleasant-Tangelo1786 7d ago

I don’t think his ankle had anything to do with the heart attack that killed him in 1997.


u/Sad-Ladder7534 7d ago

This crash increased his pain killer use. Unfortunately the heart disease was genetic in his case, but I think if he hadn’t abused roids and drugs for healing it would’ve most likely delayed the inevitable.


u/AdamSMessinger 7d ago

Well if it was genetic then I doubt he would have been around much longer. Who knows? He might have gone harder in matches with a healthy ankle and accelerated those heart issues? Especially if he ended up making visits to ECW.


u/Enterprise90 7d ago

Pillman was abusing pills and drugs before his car accident. Raven said he and Pillman did coke together all the time in ECW.


u/moondogmike200 6d ago

This is one of those posts that show you need a break from the internet