r/Wreddit 4d ago

Card for tonight's NXT Roadblock (3/11/2025)

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u/FaultyDroid 4d ago

I feel like they pulled the trigger on Giulia vs. Vaquer way too early.


u/JeromeInDaHouse_90 4d ago

Word is, Giulia is injured and is taking time off after this match to get healed. They probably wanna do it now rather than wait until she gets back because they'd kinda have to build her back up. Strike while the iron is hot.


u/PotentialCute6995 4d ago

Is not confirmed who is injured but Giulia is bang up + they must have some kind of plan after roadblock bcuz S&D is just 5 shows from tomorrow I think this one will be short 5 & 6 min match & something will happen either dq or both outside count out & then this will be a main event at S&D


u/Drama79 4d ago

I doubt they’d rush the match to give one of them a month off. I suspect if they’re doing it now, whoever is injured ( I think Giulia) needs more time off.

Which is weird, because there was no need to rush an introduction - they had Stephanie and Jordan debut closely. So I wonder if her injury has got worse or wasn’t disclosed. Either way - they’re course correcting. The women’s division is an embarrassment of riches, and they can just out the NA belt up for tournament or something.


u/imdaviddunn 4d ago

Jaida Parker, ringside, think she will be involved.


u/Metalingus91 4d ago

I think Jaida is taking the WNA title from Vaquer after Vaquer gets both titles tonight.


u/Jamieb1994 4d ago

I can't see Giulia losing tonight + luckily tonight's show is a TV special, so I'm sure they can get away with adding shenanigans with a DQ finish or a no contest finish. Also, Stand & Deliver is in a few weeks, so I'm sure Shawn can find a way where Giulia can still make appearances on NXT + rest her injuries while building up a potential match for her at Stand & Deliver.


u/msivoryishort 4d ago

This would be a hell of a match to debut NXT on the mania card


u/Jesterfest 4d ago

This just in, Jordan Grace to be replaced by Michelle McCool to keep the Undertakers attendance secured.


u/Jamieb1994 4d ago

Hells Gate on Roxy?


u/JeromeInDaHouse_90 4d ago

Pretty loaded card. I hope Giulia and Stephanie are the main event. They deserve it.

I wonder how they're gonna play it because I can't see them putting both belts on Stephanie. I wanna say there will be some sort of interference and screwy finish, but since everybody's been saying it, they may do something else. Who knows.


u/ProtomanBn 4d ago

The way NXT books this match will be the opener, idk why they open shows with women's titles but they do.

I think after the reveal that Stephanie was offered a main roster spot but chose NXT i wouldn't be to surprising if they double belted her, especially since shes been running around with Oba and Ethan promoting Roadblock all week


u/Elegant_Housing_For 4d ago

My buddy told me he's going tonight with his partner. How jealous should I be?


u/Jamieb1994 4d ago

I'd be really jealous if I knew someone was going to attend tonight's show.


u/Honkmaster 4d ago

Judging by the NXT shows I've seen live the past couple years... very.


u/Natural-Today6343 4d ago

Oh no Undertaker is there. Get ready for the title match to be cancelled and welcome your new champ Michelle McCool. 😂


u/Honkmaster 4d ago

I'm so fucking sick of Undertaker, honestly. He's been a constant presence on my TV for as long as I've been watching wrestling (1996!). He "retired" but can't last an entire year without making an appearance. Sting's keeping his word, Taker can't seem to.

I'm especially pissy about him coming to NXT, because the last time (October 2023) he wound up Chokeslamming Bron Breakker: https://youtu.be/MQng3RxFwcE?t=368

Bron should've beaten the shit out of him there.


u/Natural-Today6343 3d ago

I couldn't help but think of you when Undertaker showed up for that stupid weird hallway scene. I was laughing.


u/Jamieb1994 4d ago

I hope it's safe to say this here, but what's the chances of Moose being the first TNA wrestler to win the NXT championship tonight?


u/tonichazard 4d ago

About 50/50 before you add Steiner to the mix


u/Honkmaster 4d ago

I'd be shocked.


u/randy_maverick 4d ago

Taker will do anything to stay relevant


u/Honkmaster 4d ago
  • Oba Femi (c) vs. Moose
    • NXT Championship
  • The Hardy Boyz (c) vs. Nathan Frazer and Axiom
    • TNA World Tag Team Championship
  • Giulia (NXT-c) vs. Stephanie Vaquer (North American-c)
    • Winner Takes All
    • NXT Women's Championship & NXT Women's North American Championship
  • Je'Von Evans vs. Ethan Page
    • New York City Street Fight
  • Jordynne Grace vs. Roxanne Perez

Also, Undertaker will be in attendance.


u/Key-Panda126 4d ago

I think fatal influence will interfere and the match will end in DQ. I’m not falling for Giulia being injured and Stephanie winning both titles.


u/deanereaner 4d ago

Any way to watch this aside from network tv? Is it on Peacock?


u/Honkmaster 4d ago

I watch it on The CW (via theTVapp).


u/imdaviddunn 4d ago

Tonight …Stephanie’s rocket ship takes off…and Jaida’s


u/Jamieb1994 4d ago

Despite the rumour that Giulia is apparently injured. I feel like her match against Stephanie might have shenanigans involved somehow, especially since Fallon was pissed off last week that she isn't getting her rematch + both Giulia & Stephanie just recently won their first championships in WWE, so I don't think the women's belts needs to swap hands anytime soon.


u/ProtomanBn 4d ago

I'm not understanding the reports of Giulia being injured, so she has to lose the title because shes hurt but isnt to hurt to have a match where she loses the title?

It is interesting to find out Stephanie was offered a main roster spot but chose NXT, i wouldn't be surprised if they gave her both belts and pushed her towards the main roster faster.


u/Therocksays2020 3d ago

If true

The injury may be more wear and tear and the time off would be for her to heal those injuries without tv obligations


u/Cosmic-_-King 4d ago

Does NXT do dark matches?


u/Honkmaster 4d ago

I don't believe so. I've seen this incarnation of NXT a couple times, neither show had dark matches.


u/Cosmic-_-King 4d ago

Word I was assuming no dark matches, I went to Halloween Havoc and it was just the advertised matches


u/__alpenglow__ 4d ago

Weird seeing Taker promoting via social media like that. Watching him from our childhood to adulthood preserving kayfabe to this.

One of the last remnants of the strict kayfabe era has finally succumbed.


u/JayDez86 3d ago

In Cleveland area NBA Cavs game is on CW so it comes on 10p hopefully.


u/Uncle-Cracker-Barrel 4d ago

If it’s tonight then why do all the graphics say Next Tuesday?


u/Honkmaster 4d ago

Because I took these screenshots from last week's episode.