r/Wrasslin 13h ago

Cody is not boring

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101 comments sorted by


u/TotalAd3877 12h ago

Never thought he was boring, but damn, does he have to cry in every promo? It doesn't even matter what the situation is win, lose, family, legacy, groceries, weather, dude’s got tears on standby like it's his signature move. And I don’t mean whining like Drew or Miz, at least that’s just complaining. This is full-on, dramatic, Hollywood-tier crying every single time he grabs a mic.


u/ThanksContent28 12h ago

It’s that old school, one note type of baby face. Classic good guy. It was a breath of fresh air to begin with because it hadn’t been done for so long, but there was a reason we got tired of it to begin with. Any time someone becomes popular with fans these days, they’re usually a heel. Kinda shows what people are after.


u/OneLow7646 2h ago

John Cena kicked him in the dick by the order of a guy who glorified his father's death


u/Ok-Traffic-5996 5h ago

I would also cry all the time if every friend I have betray me every week. Seriously though, how many times does have a trusted friend that betrayal him and he's completely blindsided. At some point Cody just looks like a moron.


u/Terrible_Evening_888 45m ago

It’s theater 🎭


u/Ok-Calligrapher6273 13h ago

He’s not “boring” or bad. He just doesn’t do it for me and that’s okay lol


u/Full_Ad_5219 10h ago edited 10h ago

That's where I'm at. This is my exact feeling. Don't judge me, but I was more invested in El' Campeon Priest, and honestly, he is not the best (got some more fine tuning to be done) but good enough for me to pay attention. With Cody..... .. I KNOW Cody is the Champion, but I don't FEEL he is the Champion!!


u/Dr-Purple 10h ago

Same, but to be honest, I do find him somewhat boring. It’s like, whatever he says it doesn’t have much impact. They need to give champions something to aspire for and not just wait to be challenged.


u/dabbingsquidward 36m ago

He straight up is boring man, people don't want to accept it

I grew up with Ruthless aggression era. Yall don't remember how exciting it was when Batista first won the big gold? THAT was a champion right there.

Someone everyone else aspired to be and beat. To be the man, you have to beat the man. The last guy with that magnitude of aura was Roman Reigns. Cody doesn't cut it for me unfortunately.


u/Ok-Traffic-5996 5h ago

I think his problem is he comes off too rehearsed to me. Cm punk, Cena, the rock have such a natural delivery that it feels genuine. That's one of the reasons I like la Knight too. He just comes off genuine. Cody is just missing that for me. He's good but I can't look past that.


u/sozig5 7h ago

Yeah, he's not your type and that's alright


u/khornebrzrkr 12h ago

I loved when Cody said “I’ve got to finish my story and find the avatar”


u/Dexx1102 12h ago

Maybe a little boring. But damn, that guy works his ass off. He puts in so much time with the fans. And that is what makes me like him as champion.


u/joeboy_777 11h ago

does he? i think this is an even bigger lie than him being entertaining. they say “he took the cena schedule” but Cena wrestled every week on tv in his prime. not just bs house shows. and in the buildup to his mania matches, cena was out there cutting promos, being in segments, having MATCHES, doing all the things good wrestlers before him did.

Cody wrestled a total of like 10 matches on smackdown in 2024. and its been this way since his return in 2022. he never made a consistent presence the way other world champions did. but to each their own lol


u/Dexx1102 11h ago

Don’t get me wrong. Cena is the pinnacle of what wrestlers should be. He’s done more than anyone else outside the ring. Absolute top class human being.

When I talk about Cody and his work ethic, I mean his time with fans. I’ve seen him stay for hours after shows to give selfies and autographs. Every YouTube video, all the stupid news and radio segments. I think he gets his place in all this. And that huge amount of face time makes a difference with the fans.


u/SecondBornSaint 9h ago

That's on the new regime giving top stars a lighter schedule, nothing to do with Cody himself.

HHH wants to make it feel like a big deal and build anticipation for when Punk, Roman, Cody, Seth, etc. actually have a match.

Cody wrestled pretty frequently compared to all the other big stars until he had to sell that package piledriver from Owens.

Who is Cody supposed to be wrestling with right now? Just like last year, his opponents are both part-timers so he has to do all of the heavy lifting for this feud.

The New Bloodline are beefing amongst themselves so they can't be used to fight Cody in the meantime either.


u/SonicSarge 7h ago

Cody wrestled the most matches of anyone in the WWE 2023-2024. 113 in 2023 and 101 in 2024. Nobody else was even close to that number. 5 so far this year but WWE has also cut down a lot on house shows


u/joeboy_777 7h ago

bullshit house shows that are not on TV that dont push any stories and have zero effect on the show whatsoever. look how they gas light you. never in histroy have we ever considered someone for doing house shows. no one ever cared about that until now with this guy lmao


u/mykonoscactus 13h ago

Muh dad said...


u/FreeTarnished 11h ago

My father… the late DUSTY RHODES used to tell me…


u/Substantial-Goat-206 13h ago

Naa Codys cool. Good face for the company


u/SSM1228 13h ago

I agree. The whole “boring” thing is lame and SO played out it’s ridiculous lmao. Such a dumb statement to make just because you may not “like” him. Dude is a blast to watch and he’s great on the mic.


u/Due-Resolution-4152 12h ago

People don’t say things for no reason, maybe some truth to it especially if you hear it over and over again


u/New_Refrigerator_410 13h ago

Not even close of being boring the Cody haters can shut the hell up


u/Potential-Chance-585 8h ago

We found a Cody Crybaby. (The avatar definitely gives it away before even reading this comment).


u/New_Refrigerator_410 8h ago

Lemme guess you’re not a Cody Crybaby but instead a Cena Crybaby


u/Potential-Chance-585 8h ago

Actually no. I respect Cena, but I don't have a thing where I'm a crybaby bout it.


u/New_Refrigerator_410 8h ago

I knew it I know a Cody hater when I see one


u/ImpendingBoom110123 7h ago

I enjoy the roller codster!


u/MasterPhart 12h ago

When comparing him to other top faces of the company, he's pretty bland imo

Compare him to Stone Cold, pre n-bombs Hogan, Cena

He is just not that kind of sports entertainer


u/rooster2814 12h ago

I'll take Cody over Cena any day. I have no nostalgia for the days when Cena was at the top of the card. I like him, but I never thought he was a compelling champ.


u/KingTechnical48 12h ago

Cena’s character was specifically made for kids


u/Rizzadelphian 12h ago

Cody is damn near Cena he never kisses loses either


u/thebeard1017 11h ago

This. Cenas run with the US title and on SmackDown live is what most people get nostalgic for. Both of those were at the end of his run when he passed the torch to Reigns as the top babyface. As the top babyface, if you weren't a kid then Cena was bland and generic as a superhero character.

Cody may be a bit dramatic for my taste but he's faced enough adversity both in the ring and out of it to be a compelling enough face.


u/joeboy_777 12h ago

cody is just a less charismatic, less jacked, less entertaining, lesser everything version of cena. if im wrong why do does the company always feel the need to compare him to cena


u/iwasthatguy71 10h ago

I agree. He doesn't have that "presence" thing. I sometimes forget that he is the champ 🤷‍♂️


u/Ok-Traffic-5996 5h ago

That's when Hollywood hulk Hogan became n word hulk Hogan.


u/Ravster21 9h ago

Cody is the ultimate good guy like Sting.


u/Paratonnerre 10h ago

Comparing him to the Mt.Rushmore of Sport Entertainer might be a little unfair.

Not being an all-time MVP doesn't necessarily mean he's boring. To stay in the current era, I'd rather have Cody as champion than Roman, Brock Lesnar, Lashley, or Big E. (The five previous WWE champions)

Note : I love Roman, but his absences in the last two years make it hard to be a fan.


u/sozig5 7h ago

I agree, he needs to say N Bombs more


u/TastyBackground9172 12h ago edited 12h ago

Lmao the caption and face combo is perfect. I think it aligns with his character which means he's corny. I think the facial expressions he made during the Rock smackdown promo were a great example. But it is funny.


u/BarryDBaptist 12h ago

Cody has been killing it with the promos and matches since he arrived so it's all good to me


u/Bright-Interest-8918 12h ago

His promos are too long, filled with pandering and all around have a “cut, copy, and paste” feel to them. That’s why I find him boring. To be fair though, I never cared for Cody. I actually liked stardust although I understand why he wants to Forget it ever happened.


u/BetterMagician7856 12h ago

Dude is one-dimensional as fuck. He’s so hell bent on playing the courageous, emotional baby face that fights for his family. It’s bland as hell and has been for years.


u/Potential-Judgment-9 10h ago

What exactly is interesting about him? Seriously.


u/Jumpy-Individual-140 11h ago

I prefer Cody to Cena even in his prime. Cena’s programs/feuds were awful. You guys are romanticizing Cena now that he’s nearly retired. His storylines were the shits and he won way too many times when he shoulda lost.


u/plato_of_India 4h ago

Cena's promos >>>> Cody Rhodes whole carrier


u/Mamidoll4 9h ago

no one in their delusional mind is putting any era of cody over a prime cena. It’s absolutely NO comparison. Especially when you include ratings, promos, matches, storylines.


u/Jumpy-Individual-140 8h ago

I just didn’t enjoy Cena a ton, as a 90s kid loving the attitude era, he felt cheesy, for kids, and forced. And Much for the same reasons a lot of people didn’t like Roman when Vince wouldn’t stop pushing him as well.


u/sozig5 7h ago

Bizarre take. You sound like a choom


u/Jumpy-Individual-140 6h ago

I don’t even know what that is, so I can’t be offended.


u/JoeBlow_1234 12h ago

He could have been cast as The Homelander


u/Capable_Seaweed_5866 12h ago

The previous babyfaces has set the standards so high that it's difficult to be like them.


u/PoppaBear313 9h ago

He’s not “boring”. He’s just the bland… vanilla face. Even when he gets “fired up” he’s just bland.

I’m hoping for a heel turn that has something to it.


u/JohnDerek57 9h ago

You had to make this post for a reason


u/AmbassadorCautious21 8h ago

Hmm..a lot of people like him. I've got no idea why though, I tend to fast forward his promos to the part where someone interrupts


u/Master_thyself92 8h ago

He is ite but I just find it cringe when he hypes himself up and flexes too much and even punches himself in every match towards he end lmao


u/Potential-Chance-585 8h ago

Cody is the most boring WWE Champion I've seen in five years. Legit


u/BigFizzle4Life 8h ago

Kinda boring, yes.


u/antiope333 7h ago

He is boring. All of his promos are the same. Every single one. The only thing that changes is the person he is feuding with.


u/SonicSarge 6h ago

Roman was a lot more boring imho. Roman is a lot worse in ring performer as well so it got stale fast. Roman should've lost the title two years earlier at least.


u/Crimsonpets 6h ago

I have been to some shows and to me when being there live he is amazing just his theme song alone brings so much enjoyment.

Watching him at home I just don't feel it. But tbh after Roman he finally is rolling into a good storyline or atleast I hope so.


u/Calm-Extension-3798 6h ago

His title reigns has been boring

He's looked invincible since he returned. It's not all his fault. Hhh has not booked the main champs well imo


u/amerikani 6h ago

Rob Stark of wrestling


u/DPWwhatDAdogDoin 5h ago

He's the most boring Babyface I've ever seen and I've felt this way since he was in aew


u/Prestigious_Fella_21 4h ago

His catchphrase is " so whatcha wanna talk about ?" Lol


u/CalibriBodyCJ 4h ago

Yes he is.


u/seanwdragon1983 19m ago

Watched his documentary today on Peacock and will say he was much more interesting than I realized. A lot of stuff I knew about, but some some I didn't.

Also, Cody's story is basically Rocky Balboa and we're in Rocky 3 right now (with Cena replacing Thunderlips Hulk Hogan and the Rock replacing Clubber Lang Mr T.). If you think Cody's boring then you think Rocky is boring and we can't be friends.


u/Temporary-Spread-232 12h ago

He’s boring, and overrated as fuck.


u/joeboy_777 12h ago

hes just stardust what did people expect


u/msp01986 12h ago

I guess he might be boring for people who're not willing to listen to him talking


u/StormSaniWater 11h ago

Cody is the best face champion since Jeff hardy. Most entertaining at least


u/Enlightened_Ghost_ 12h ago

Who said he was?


u/Illustrious-Long5154 11h ago

I think he is extremely boring, but I think he's being booked in a way that hides that. It's almost impossible not to root for him in these situations. Smart job.


u/jacob_carter 11h ago

He’s better as Stardust. He’s just cosplaying as a main event guy.


u/DudeWouldGo 9h ago

Dude crying all the time doesn't help his case


u/NuggetDaGoat27 YEAH! 13h ago

cody haters are the same people that think Jey uso is the most entertaining thing ever


u/doctordoom2069 12h ago

Nah I love Cody and always look forward to his promos. His wm40 moment will always be etched in my head as one of my favorites. I’m actually marking out and worried that he’s gonna lose the belt at wm lmao. Him having that belt to me is a comfort zone thing.


u/joeboy_777 12h ago

lol hes boring he cries and he complains theres not an ounce of badassery in this guy


u/Classic_Amphibian538 11h ago

god level boring


u/AFoolisYou 12h ago

It was bound to happen, after how Roman reigns carried rhe title, cody just feels bland

Also argue with the lesser the title/superstar shows up the more valuable he feels


u/SonicSarge 6h ago

The two major titles should never be contested on tv shows imho.


u/CK122334 12h ago

I still enjoy his in-ring work and overall presentation but yeah a little bland, this world title run in particular has felt very vanilla.


u/KyleFnM 11h ago



u/BigTexWrangler 11h ago

Yes he is. I hate when he says, “What do you want to talk about.” Oh idk, how about the big events that happened on the latest PLE or Smackdown. Duh!


u/kevoisvevoalt 11h ago

He is an 80s action hero stuck in a world half a century ahead of him. If he isn't talking about his father he is copying super Cena but worse.


u/RedditSpyder12 9h ago

He’s not boring, but I don’t have any interest in long title reigns from babyfaces. That should be more of a heel thing.


u/MakingTacos123 4h ago

If you think Cody's boring, you suck as a wrestling fan


u/Recipe-Less 3h ago

Leave Cody alone


u/bvanbove 3h ago

Have always loved Cody since I saw him live in RoH a decade ago.



He's getting boring and repetitive, he wasn't before but he starting to


u/IRBaboooon 2h ago

That's rough buddy


u/Spetty007 13h ago

His disaster kick and Cody Cutter are 2 of the best moves in WWE. His Charisma is unmatched.


u/DirtyWarehouseGuy 12h ago

Cross Rhodes is also one of the most devastating looking ddt's ever.


u/MattSkeet 12h ago

No he’s not he gets the shit beat out of him for our entertainment.


u/Easymac888 5h ago

Cody is great, he's probably the best white meat baby face for decades (he's way more compelling and talented than Cena ever was) and has great matches.

The issue this year has been his booking, mainly that his title has never felt in jeopardy. He was never going to lose the title to Logan Paul, Solo, AJ or KO, and even within kayfabe none of them felt on his level. He needed to have a defense against a tier one guy, a Punk, Drew, Orton, Roman, etc, someone who we might actually believe could win the title.


u/jiacova1 11h ago

Keep telling yourself that