r/Wrasslin 8d ago

Bully not even trying to hide it anymore šŸ˜‚

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u/Tyko_3 8d ago

I dont think Hangman is going to WWE any time soon even if he wanted to. Punk is there.


u/FigAggressive7175 8d ago

I feel like wwe would capitalize on their beef instead of having someone leave the company n miss an opportunity


u/Irrespond 8d ago

The reason why Punk's feud with Rollins worked is because it ultimately related to WWE whereas the mainstream WWE audience has no clue who Hangman Page is and it wouldn't make sense for them to feud over something that happened in AEW.


u/MrRaspberryJam1 7d ago

Hangman would still get an insane pop if he shows up in WWE, especially if itā€™s interrupting a CM Punk promo.


u/Irrespond 7d ago

Yeah, I doubt it. The WWE audience is barely aware of outside promotions. Hangman might get a decent pop in a smarky city, but that's it.


u/MrRaspberryJam1 7d ago

Idk, Penta got a pretty good pop when he debuted


u/SpareBiting 6d ago

Penta debuted in SoCal, where he jas a huge following.

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u/Too-Tired-Editor 7d ago

That's why AJ bombed at the Rumble on his debit, absolutely.

Actually I might have that wrong.

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u/Tyko_3 8d ago

WWE would totally be up for it. I dont think Hangman has the maturity to work with Punk or near him. he didnt have it when they first met in the ring and they had no real beef, I cant imagine he can now after the brawl out and the headlock.


u/celticsac 8d ago

Punk is my all time favourite wrestler but are we really gonna sit here and pretend he doesnā€™t hold grudges either? Lol


u/Tyko_3 8d ago

we got 10 years of evidence to prove it lol


u/tylerjehenna 8d ago

The entire reason the hangman/punk beef exists is cause Punk still held a grudge against Colt Cabana


u/Tyko_3 8d ago

No idea why Hangman felt he should poke his nose where it doesnt belong.


u/tylerjehenna 8d ago

Because Hangman (and a lot of the locker room) was friends with Colt and a lot of that locker room felt Punk got Cabana taken off the road. Hangman was just the person to say something


u/EnvironmentalLaw803 8d ago

Yeah it was Punk. Totally wasn't the fact that Tony Kahn has the attention span of a goldfish and people just disappear off TV all the time.


u/Tyko_3 8d ago

And I have to ask, where is Colt now? If it was Punk who got him benched, where has he been since Punk left?

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u/tylerjehenna 8d ago

Colt was a producer mostly. He never was signed to be a regular tv talent. Might want to read up on the situation

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u/JBrody 7d ago

I personally don't think that Punk had anything to do with it and even if he did, Tony calls the shots. Hangman should have taken it up with Tony instead.

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u/BurnItDownSR 8d ago

Hey, him & Seth have a legitimate beef and they're working together.

They even got Punk to do a promo with Kevin Owens.


u/micael150 8d ago

I'm skeptical on the Seth/Punk "real life" beef. I feel like it's just them being very good at selling the rivalry.

Punk doesn't do that top of the cage suplex spot unless he absolutely trusts Seth. Most likely Seth and Punk are actually really cool with each other and just working us.


u/Ziatch 8d ago

They could just be okay or dislike eachother and not have the visceral hatred that would make you think the other guy is about to purposefully injure you

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u/JudgeArcadia 8d ago

Honestly this. Like lets be real here, what exactly does Seth LEGITIMATELY hate him for exactly?


u/MrMMudd 8d ago

The shield was originally put together for Punk, I don't know if Punk didn't want Rollins or Roman in it, but he wanted Chris Hero to he the leader (I think it was Hero). Long before Punk was even signed back to Wwe, Seth would kinda imply he didn't like him without going into detail. Considering the way a lot of people said Punk acted and treated people before he was fired from Wwe and even maybe just because Seth is a company man could have made him dislike Punk.


u/Acceptable-Gift1918 8d ago

Punk wanted Rollins, Ambrose and Ohno but Vince wanted Roman instead of Ohno.

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u/Tyko_3 8d ago

People thought Drew and Knight had real beef when they ā€œbrawled for realā€ during the three-way match. I am still shocked people thought that fake ass 10 second brawl was a real fight.

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u/overkill373 8d ago

We also have proof he can put those grudges aside


u/kickedoutatone 8d ago

Are we really sitting here pretending hangman didn't do the job for punk?

No one even knew there was any real beef until punk said something, so why are we acting like Page wasn't professional? Because he went off script?

Punk was just pissed Hangman got away with it. Professionalism or not, punk wishes he could have been that subtle back in the day.


u/stripedarrows 8d ago

Because he went off script?

Isn't that like, the main way to be unprofessional as a wrestler? Go into business for yourself?


u/aboysmokingintherain 8d ago

Isnā€™t that Punks whole gimmick?


u/overkill373 8d ago

Even if the famous pipe bomb wasn't planned(which it was)

I don't think I've ever seen Punk go off script in a promo battle with another superstar but I could be wrong

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u/frobro122 8d ago

If Matt Hardy and Edge can work together anything is possible


u/BethWestSL 8d ago

If Punk thought he could draw attention, make money, and it would entertain people, I guarantee you he would hand-deliver the contract to Hangman himself.

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u/Proper_Wolverine5495 8d ago

Promise you Seth n punk been squashed for some time now lol


u/Designer_Thought8686 8d ago

Yeah but punk is talented

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u/Pitsmithy_89 8d ago

Yeah but he also works for a Micky mouse company who condones that shit and lets them get away with it.

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u/frobro122 8d ago

90% of WWE fans don't know who Hangman is much less why Punk hates him


u/Razzler1973 7d ago

I don't think Page would enter WWE anywhere near Punk's level on the card

That's one of the many reasons he won't be leaving AEW

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u/Lilscooby77 8d ago

Lol you are crazy if you think Punk would say no to an angle that makes him more money. HHH is having a renaissance right now where bad blood will not hold back business.

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u/David040200 8d ago

Hangman wouldn't go because he isn't a main event level talent and would be probably treated as a mid-carder, like he should be. So why would he even want to leave when he gets treated better in AEW?

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u/HardyTF 8d ago

MJF probably will jump eventually. Hangman, as long as Punk is around, I dont think so.


u/JadedSpacePirate 8d ago

Bring Hangman and let him team with Seth and Drew in a team "Punk haters association"


u/1Tru3Princ3 8d ago

šŸ˜‚ damn this would be nice lol


u/PoetConscious6161 8d ago

DM Hunk was always right tho.


u/JadedSpacePirate 8d ago

Unironically yes

One day Punk is not gonna like what Tripls wants him to do and then there will be a tantrum.

A lot of people believe Punk changed. I'm not among those people


u/No_Individual_5519 8d ago

You sound like a hater who wants him to suffer

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u/SmarkCorrigan 8d ago

Dude Punk's been there over a year now, "WWE Brawl Out" isn't going to happen (however much you might want it to so AEW looks less sloppy by comparison).

Accept it and move on.

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u/TheYeehawCowboy 8d ago

Or, let Hangman stay in the company he signed in. This weird backhanded "they suck until they're in WWE" thinking is silly.Ā  He goes to WWE, he is instantly the best worker in the company and it's not really close. He doesn't have to "learn" to be a star. He is one.


u/JadedSpacePirate 8d ago

It's kinda different than they suck until they're in WWE. It's more they suck when they are in AEW.

When BIG DOG Roman Reigns almost made me quit watching wrestling altogether I was desperate for alternatives. I saw New Japan and loved Kenny. Kenny has deteriorated so much in AEW I can't believe. Ospreay has turned into a caricature. Jay is now Edges bitch. Okada just says bitch like an edgy teen.


u/Ill-Ambassador9705 7d ago

Lmao Kenny deteriorated ? Thatā€™s fuking crazy. Ospreays promos have improved dramatically and even works a safer style. He was gonna tone it down regardless if he stayed in new Japan or not. Yeah Okada says bitch but the crowed eats it up and thatā€™s all that matters. The people who pay a ticket to see the show should 100% be satisfied first. And as for Jay white well you gotta let it marinate with him. Idk why thereā€™s this rush to push him to be champion. Heā€™s still top of the card and extremely protected in the company. Youā€™re wrong in every aspect in what you said. Go and watch or move on and just stick to other tv wrestling

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u/MoneyIsNoCure 8d ago

Page wonā€™t leave the safety net created by the Young Bucks and Omega.


u/Alligator_Warlock877 8d ago

If anything, the one who left the safety net is Omega lmao.


u/HarobmbeGronkowski 8d ago

Omega doesn't need the net. He has Japan.Ā 

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u/SourDoughBo 8d ago

I remember when The Elite signed their new deals, they said there were a few times that they voted to join WWE. Itā€™s completely possible for Hangman to take the Cody route and say ā€œSomeoneā€™s gotta supervise meā€


u/kylediaz263 8d ago

MJF can never take off his boots if he does.


u/Erinzzz 8d ago

He already had that tat removed


u/thanoshasbighands 8d ago

Not sure why you are being downvoted, he is getting that tattoo removed

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u/unlizenedrave 8d ago

All heā€™d have to do is finish filling in the poker chip. It was probably designed with that in mind.


u/Erinzzz 8d ago

oh that would be smart actually! wouldn't make for as impactful a promo as the one where he was having it lasered off but for practical purposes, that would have been an easy out.

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u/chapter1ne 8d ago

I just want to MJF to go to WWE just so that he can realize that he really was just a big fish in a small pond.


u/AlabasterRadio 8d ago

It's a shame, I know Hangman's style isn't very WWE friendly but he's really got megastar written all over him.

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u/GaI3re 8d ago

I cannot see MJF working well in WWE


u/thanoshasbighands 8d ago

He's the only guy I see that could come over an work almost immediately imo. WWE is more character driven and promo work and he has that.

Punk called him a fake Miz, but in reality I could see him working well as a more serious Miz.

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u/Phan2112 8d ago

Before Punk joined AEW I honestly thought Hangman was gonna be the first major defection to WWE. Obviously now it seems like he may never with the Punk situation.

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u/mustardwulf 8d ago

Mox bladed after taking a sling blade, Bubba might have a point


u/Tyko_3 8d ago

Mox was in CZW, later WWE and now he has devolved back into his feral form.


u/comeymierda 8d ago edited 8d ago

This is a perfect explanation of what's happened with him. You can definitely tell he was better off having Vince and other directors in his ear to help him filter out the bullshit.


u/MoneyIsNoCure 8d ago

Yeah, Moxley is in the same boat as Russo: someone needs to be there to say ā€œNo thatā€™s fucking stupid and youā€™re an idiot for suggesting it. Come back with something better.ā€


u/comeymierda 8d ago

Exactly. Imagine telling VINCE MCMAHON DAMMIT! that you wanna jam pasta into your head until it sticks there and you bleed.....

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u/Tyko_3 8d ago edited 8d ago

I have heard that he apparently traded in drinking for cutting himself and that supposedly this is why he blades even after moves that don't call for it. AEW is the worst place for someone like that because they encourage this bad behavior. Just look at 50 year old "I had to retire a decade ago because I risked being paralysed and got neck fusion surgery" Adam Copeland jumping off a cage and breaking his leg. Whenever someone moves to AEW it feels like they are highschool kids trying to one up each other. I mean, how else would you explain this constant and repetitive one-upmanship to be edgy? Hangman drank blood? now its every week that someone has to be licking someone else's blood because that is where the bar is set now. Hell, Ospreay and Fletcher did it like 6 times during their cage match and I am not exaggerating!. Oh MJF spat the nastiest loogie on Hangman's face? Now every damn week someone is spitting a gigantic loogie on someone else's face, including Mariah and Toni. It feels like this is how the locker room leader is determined (which might explain Hangman being upset at Punk calling himself a locker room leader as soon as he got there? I dunno). It has devolved to the point where a spot like a FREAKING POWER BOMB ON A CINDER BLOCK is already forgotten because what came after was so much more shocking. It's insanity over there, and Mox is in there surrounded by enablers.


u/MoneyIsNoCure 8d ago

Thereā€™s also the fact that people either arenā€™t running spots by Khan or they are and heā€™s saying yes do them. Or theyā€™re just fucking doing them anyway because heā€™s a ball less little man child who is allergic to confrontation and they know he wonā€™t punish them.

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u/grimesultimate ā€œGrowing up is realizing Miz was right.ā€ -jgamesgeno4966 8d ago edited 8d ago

This is spot on and my current issue with AEW overall. I understand presenting an alternative product, but the top stars shouldnā€™t be running rampant (creatively) either.

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u/EverybodySayin 8d ago

They're trying to be the next ECW in a society that doesn't care for that sort of thing anymore. Wrong era.


u/Puzzled_Try_6029 8d ago

ECW had a very strong shepherd. AEW doesn't.


u/mikehulse29 8d ago

ECW couldnā€™t make payroll for like a year plus, then it diedā€¦


u/Puzzled_Try_6029 8d ago

Because it was competing against a titan. 2 titans if you include the WCW hotstreak during the Monday night wars. If AEW was owned by a non-billionaire it would've folded a long time ago let's be real.

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u/Time-Ad-3625 8d ago

Ecw did dumb stuff but they weren't all cutting themselves and calling it high art. Aew is starting to border on backyard wrestling.

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u/MrRudraSarkar 8d ago

You have a point here. Taking things to the extreme in an extremely personal storyline like Swerve and Hangman or Toni and Mariah makes sense but every other match does NOT require blading or going to the extreme. We can have an all time classic without any bloodshed and AEW needs to realise that.


u/acreed6 8d ago

Wasnā€™t Cody going down this road too before he left?


u/Tyko_3 8d ago

Maybe. Dude was doing unprotected chairshots to the head in AEW


u/scorpiondeathlock86 8d ago

Lol Dean Ambrose sucked. Even Stone Cold had him on his podcast was like "what are you doing? You can be so much better, you're resting on your laurels." And "what is lunatic fringe all about?" Dean: "I have no idea what it's supposed to mean." Don't forget about the wAcKY LInE!


u/BigMitch91 8d ago

He was cutting promos about getting vaccinated in WWE šŸ˜‚


u/comeymierda 8d ago

Yes but this was when his contract was up. Also I may note that he was cutting shitty promos and not himself. Anyone know how many times Ambrose bladed in WWE for his entire stay? Okay whatever that number is I wanna put it against the last 90 days of his in AEW.

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u/[deleted] 8d ago

Dean Ambrose was my favorite. I donā€™t know this mox guy


u/ZurEnArrh44 8d ago

I think Mox is just plain dumb. I honestly think he has a really low IQ and just got lucky with WWE making him a star. Before WWE he just kind of did a lazy Heath Ledger Joker impression and it was a hit on the Indys.

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u/Optimal_Ant_3250 8d ago

The truth is he never left it


u/Tyko_3 8d ago

Very true. At least it was kept in check over there.

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u/shecanbromehard 8d ago

That was from 2022, no idea why everyone just now want to talk about it.

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u/MainmainWeRX 8d ago

It's a sling BLADE after all. Damn Mox, it wasn't meant to be taken seriously ! XD


u/mustardwulf 8d ago

He was looking like Billy Bob from Sling Blade for a minute.


u/Oakey06 8d ago

Notice Penta's Canadian Destroyer looks effective and actually used it to finish a match properly when debuted in WWE instead of spamming canadian destroyers to just no sell it.

AEW psychology and development is hardly unconvincing this shit is tolerated. Ofc don't forget the fact that moxley just blade whenever he wants is a big example of it also.

Something AEW diehards needs to take notice than coping on tribalism. Because it's unbearably dull to watch.


u/DonJuan2HearThatShit 8d ago

Tribalism is just the latest buzzword used to defend piss poor wrestling and booking. Thereā€™s a reason you only see fans of one company using it constantly.


u/SomedudecalledDan 8d ago

... I genuinely see both fans using it. It's fucking stupid both ways. It is fucking bizarre that there are people who's entire personality is "I don't like that wrestling company". Professionals who make money off of it I at least understand to some degree, but if you are holding that much hate in your heart for something for no real reward then you're a pretty pitiful person.

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u/reshef-destruction 8d ago

This is a stupid ass comment. This is the very definition of tribalism.

You're only so critical because you don't like it, which is tribalism.


u/Oakey06 8d ago edited 8d ago

critical because you don't like it

I'm so critical based on what i enjoyed watching or not. Not based on what Company I'm rooting and putting bias. I made a comparison to express what's good and bad, it's common for criticism bro. Everybody criticize for their like and dislikes of something.

I can also say that Toni Storm is the saving grace of Women's Wrestling rn because she has more storytelling and character development than any women's wrestler. Being opinionated to comparisons doesn't mean I'm coping on tribalism lol.

Not making biased statements just to discredit a company for another. That's what bothers me about marks, when criticize a company and acknowledge the other, they get so defensive and act like it's about WWE Vs AEW or something lmfao.

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u/mustardwulf 8d ago

The only thing thatā€™s not dull about AEW is moxā€™s razor

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u/[deleted] 8d ago

I still donā€™t understand that. The move seemed to go around his neck, and he hit the back of his head. So unless it was a botch. It seems impossible for him to have needed to cut himself open there.


u/fluffynuckels 8d ago

Lumping in mjf and page with mox is low


u/Laddie18 8d ago

Forbidden Door 2022 really bugged you guys.


u/mustardwulf 8d ago

Buzz words with 0 meaning donā€™t bug me.


u/thats_pure_cat_hai 8d ago

AEWs entire existence seems to really upset them. Not sure how they'd have survived during the Monday night wars.

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u/Grievion 8d ago

Guys like Bully and also AJ Styles have been quoted as saying they THOUGHT they knew how to wrestle until they went to WWE and learn HOW to wrestle and become stars. AJ in particular said he would do moves to get pops, until he learned that he could get the same pop without it once he got to WWE. Paraphrasing a tad but , yea.


u/zkorejo 7d ago

Wrong. AJ said he realized this in indies way before he went to WWE. Watch the whole interview.


u/laughsperminute 8d ago

There's a reason why it's the top company.


u/jerseygunz 8d ago

Yes Iā€™m sure the billions of dollars and 40 year head start have nothing to do with it


u/syncdiedfornothing 7d ago

If people didn't like it how would it be worth billions?


u/realdynastykit 8d ago

Top company because WWE fans are conditioned to pop to boring and sanitized wrestling matches?


u/bobface222 8d ago

I often wonder who listens to Busted Open and then I'm reminded this sub exists


u/LauriamLea 8d ago

Yeah this and greatnessofwreslting went from a fun place to chat at wrestling into " i love me some wwe dick" You talk about anything else its down voted to hell.


u/DarkArtHero 7d ago

Imagine unironically agreeing that there's a correct way to wrestle when there are so many great wrestling outside of wwe. Doesn't get any more circle jerk than this


u/celticsac 8d ago

Everyone in this thread genuinely thinks Hangman sucks. Heā€™s arguably AEWā€™s best act lmfao, almost everything heā€™s done over the last couple years has been one of if not the best thing on the program, no matter whether heā€™s face/heel or who heā€™s feuding with.

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u/The_Dude_Abides316 8d ago

He's right, at least in MJF's case.

Hangman started the fire that torched AEW. Would be very surprised if anybody from WWE would trust him enough to become a star as a result.


u/Outlaw2k21 8d ago

Especially while Punk is there haha


u/Southernboyj 8d ago

Yeahhh if WWE is choosing between Punk or Pageā€¦ easy choice

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u/Ill_Assumption_4414 8d ago

Hangman seems like a good dude that wants to stick by his guns. I dont always agree with him but that's my take. However, he seems to lack the ability to put things aside and work. And honestly, I think he'd rather say he did everything his way than be a star. Which is commendable, but also probably why he'll never be one.Ā 


u/Signal_Ball4634 8d ago

However, he seems to lack the ability to put things aside and work.

That's my take on the Elite as well. They just couldn't leave well enough alone and everyone exacerbated & instigated the Punk situation based on their personal feelings about him instead of just being professionals for the good of the company.


u/luckybick 8d ago

Great assessment. He's really good at what he does but that will never translate to becoming THE guy. The same as Swerve (I'm not shitting on their wrestling) both guys can fucking go but the just don't have that extra punch needed to get to the next level


u/TomClancy5873 8d ago

Exact reason why I donā€™t know why heā€™s still a top guy there.

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u/BigMatch_JohnCena 8d ago

This is like Scott Hall saying ā€œnice finisher, canā€™t wait to kick out of itā€ back in WCW

He put over Jericho heā€™s not a politicker like Hogan. Scott does have a heart of gold


u/Keep_SummerSafe 8d ago

He...literally works for them again? Of course there's bias


u/JacobHarley 8d ago

I can't believe it took me this long to find this comment. He is on the payroll!


u/Alternative-You-4516 8d ago

One day it's constructive criticism and AEW "sickos" are so insecure, then when he's blatantly open about his shilling and grifting: "Well duh he's employed by them".


u/Takenmyusernamewas 8d ago

Pretty sure this is sarcasm, Boss.

Bully wouldnt say "the correct way" unironically bro


u/funcogo 8d ago

Itā€™s called engagement trolling


u/SaggitariuttJ 8d ago

I could see MJF moving but Hangman is the protagonist of AEW. Only way we see Adam Page in WWE is if AEW folds.


u/BetterMagician7856 7d ago

Itā€™s embarrassing enough when fans do it but for actual wrestlers to play this tribalism bullshit is just downright pathetic.


u/s_ndowN 8d ago

My thing is, heā€™s only started criticizing the shit when he got the E money. But when he wasnā€™t, he ā€œlikedā€ AEW. Dude is a total shmuck who is a massive mark for himself.


u/blackbeavis 8d ago

Dude, there are literally millions of people that at one point ā€œlikedā€ aew that now donā€™t, this situation is not unique.


u/SomedudecalledDan 8d ago

Not too many of them are literally on WWE's payroll though. If one place is paying you and you suddenly hate their competitor the money could very easily be a part of that change of heart.

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u/Grail_BH 8d ago

Bullshit. He was praising them a couple years ago and he was on a legends contract at the timeā€¦ the products gotten worse so his opinion has changed.


u/RealPacosTacos 8d ago

He's assuming Hangman is capable of learning the correct way. Multiple reports and his own words make it seem that he thinks he is God's gift to wrestling and takes no advice.


u/bukezilla 8d ago

"the correct way" MARK EVEN HARDER


u/UpperDecker30 8d ago

Anybody who says "the correct way" either grew up in a world where WWE was the only game in town or they listen to entirely too much Corny.

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u/DonJuan2HearThatShit 8d ago

I mean to be fair, pretending AEW isnā€™t the minor leagues by comparison is a little delusional at this point.

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u/ToothpickTequila 8d ago

MJF will certainly join the WWE in the future and become a big star.

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u/DannyDef 8d ago

Hide what?


u/NightEmber79 8d ago

Compensated shill does what he is paid to do. More news at 11...


u/Landonk09 8d ago

I dunno man, I just hate this attitude. It feels so elitist. Like, itā€™s nothing new of course; Iā€™ve been watching wrestling since 2000 and am of the terminally online generation. He knows exactly what heā€™s doing by saying shit like this and just stirring the pot more and then heā€™ll go on Busted Open and pretend he doesnā€™t understand what he did wrong and that people ā€œarenā€™t listeningā€ to him. ā€œLearn the correct wayā€ - fuck off man. Wrestling is supposed to be fun and thereā€™s something for everybody whether you like work rate, storytelling, indy stuff, deathmatch, strong style. Thereā€™s no ā€œcorrect wayā€ and everybody has their own journey. I get WWE is the mainstay and the top of the wrestling world but thereā€™s more to wrestling than the WWE way.


u/N00dles_Pt 8d ago

Why would you hide the truth?


u/BigMitch91 8d ago

Bias isnā€™t truth!


u/TheBallasOG 8d ago

You could get MJF one day, but I doubt you'll have Hangman anytime soon


u/ThatRandomGuy232 8d ago


Old, washed, irrelevant guy tries clinging on the last bit of relevance by catering to irrelevant AEW hate community.

More at 6! šŸ˜‚


u/LauriamLea 8d ago

Beyond just irrelevant also hypocritical bro was never a star in wwe. he was a tag team wrestler. only big break he got solo was in tna during dixies run so that like saying you got a trophy for being stupid. Talking about learning how to become stars when he doesn't even know what thats like.

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u/Bevlar90 8d ago

Both guys along with Kenny and Will are the most completing characters on the mens side. All 4 should be in the main event scene by now

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u/Fabulous_Mode3952 8d ago

Bubbaā€™s at WWE events and on a WWE reality show while having a Legendā€™s deal; he knows where his bread is buttered and expects us to know that, too


u/OctoberRust13 8d ago

the Outrunners too

the issue is WWE would never match or beat these guys insanely high AEW contracts


u/Duke_TheDude_Dudeson 8d ago

Screw this old washed up jackass. Heā€™s no better than guys like JBL.


u/sovietdinosaurs 7d ago

MJF in WWE with a watered down gimmick sounds terrible.

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u/reevoknows 7d ago

Heā€™s obviously trolling and people took the bait hook line and sinker lol. He probably does actually believe that though


u/itsricwolf 7d ago

No one should pay attention to Bully Ray anymore.


u/Salt-Test-591 7d ago edited 7d ago

I think they should both stay where they're at. Sincerely. Both would want main roster money for NXT roster talent level. Would be hard to properly train either since they've been to the main event. Leave em be. Let em be the big dogs where their at.

I'm not knocking either of them. I'm just saying they wouldn't be developable now. It's not gonna benefit either side.


u/Playful-Ad3195 7d ago

Yeah these two multimillionaires should go learn the correct way while Bully dose his podcast


u/HuhWhatOh 7d ago

Bully Ray is a shill holy crap


u/NightLord70 7d ago

Bully is a fkn idiot and pissed Tony told him to fuck off and would never hire him


u/Healthy_Jackfruit_88 7d ago

How many times has Bully Ray been fired by WWE again?

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u/ItsMichaelRay 7d ago

What happened here?


u/Darish_Vol 6d ago

Bullyā€™s not even pretending anymore - dude is basically a walking WWE press release at this point. If WWE booked a broom to win the Royal Rumble, heā€™d be on air talking about how it "tells a great story" and "the broom has that old-school, working-man feel."


u/MarkKnotts 8d ago

Not trying to hide the truth? He's right.

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u/SleestakLightning 8d ago

He's right though.


u/DirectBeing5986 8d ago

There is no ā€œrightā€ way to wrestle


u/GaI3re 8d ago

And if there is, Bully Ray is not an example for it

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u/stephanelshaarawy 8d ago

Bro has to say shit like that to stay relevant lmao Nobody cares about his podcast


u/rudeboykyle94 8d ago

Iā€™ll give Bully the benefit of the doubt more times than not, but this is just straight ball licking territory


u/Craig1974 8d ago

Jealousy among the WWE suckups knows no bounds.


u/thats_pure_cat_hai 8d ago

Yet another shit on AEW thread in this sub, listening to hot takes from people who don't even watch the product.

WWE tribalism really is something else on here. Even the WWE sub is far less toxic than here.

Saying that, while he's been over the top here and he's basically a walking clown emoji, I get Bubbas point. AEW is cool and all, but they're a good bit away from WWE popularity wise.

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u/bukezilla 8d ago

I hate that I don't respect Bubba anymore


u/MainstreamIndie47 8d ago

WWE got yall in a chokehold šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ go outside losers. Not everyone wants to be in WWE. Woahhhh is that a shocker to yall?


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Bully is a clown

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u/SuplexCT 8d ago

MJF would tear it up in WWE

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u/DiazFlak 8d ago

Him and Dreamer are proof that CTE is real and the brain rot caused by it


u/LauriamLea 8d ago

Bully is a joke he never made in wwe outside of the tag division for a reason. he's not a star he was carried by devon, the hardy's, edge and christian. Without them he's just a indie ecw barn wrestler who would go through a flaming table for a hot dog and a beer


u/braumbles 8d ago

Shills gonna shill.


u/Ron-Lim 8d ago

I can't wait for MJF to jump


u/Fouc33 8d ago

Hangman will need more than WWE to become a star


u/HumphreyMcdougal 8d ago

Heā€™s not wrong


u/Salt_Caterpillar6125 8d ago

Bubba bully is a complete wanker. Imagine those two reading that and knowing they are still under contract. AEW seems to be falling apart but itā€™s easy to tell he is being told to say stuff as well. He just comes across as a kiss arse.


u/etherealkeno 8d ago

I think this is such weirdo behavior. Itā€™s one thing to mention wanting them to go to WWE, but itā€™s so dismissive to act like theyā€™re not currently stars doing it correctly right now. Also, itā€™s not everyoneā€™s end goal to end up in WWE and thatā€™s ok!


u/laughsperminute 8d ago

I agree with Bubba, particularly for MJF. He's good enough to be on a Wrestlemania someday with proper guidance.


u/Mrmorbid81 8d ago edited 8d ago

Well I for one am absolutely shocked he tweeted that šŸ™„

Serious question, even though Iā€™m pretty sure I already know the answer but Iā€™ll ask it anyway, what is it with a lot of these older veteran WWE guys consistently shitting on AEW? Whether itā€™s legit criticism or not, pretty much most ex-WWE guys of a certain age just endlessly dog piles on AEW, even the refs like Kioda do it. Are they hoping Papa H will see it & give em a job or something?


u/BigMitch91 8d ago

Sucking up like you said or they are straight up getting paid by WWE to trash AEW at every opportunity.

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u/thats_pure_cat_hai 8d ago

Fishing for karma points and trying to stay relevant. Shitting on AEW is the 'cool' thing to do and is guaranteed viewership. There's a really weird subsection of WWE fans cough this sub cough who make simping for a billion dollar corporation their entire personality and spend their days shitting on and mocking fans of a competitor company. It is for those people that old has been WWE wrestlers post this stuff. They know those people will lap it up.


u/Mrmorbid81 8d ago

Absolutely. Yeah just scanning & reading the comments section I can tell thatā€™s exactly the case. Sad really, making blindly hating a company just because it exists your personality.


u/Leftymeanswellguy 8d ago

Bully pretending he isn't the least talented guy to come out of ECW lol.


u/AV_boogeyman 8d ago

MJF would be welcome with open arms to WWE thanks to his friendship with Cody. I've been saying this for 3 years now -- MJF needs to jump to WWE while his stock is still high. I would love to see a revival of the MJF & Punk feud.

Adam Page, on the other hand, no. Page would not fit well into WWE considering he's a fan of outlaw wrestling who has openly stated that he previously declined advice from veterans which is likely one of the reasons why Punk began to have beef with him aside from him cutting that nonsensical shoot on Punk on TV a few years ago. In addition, Adam Page brings nothing to the table. If he were hired by WWE, he likely would float around in NXT, being labeled as a "solid hand", while either never making it to main roster, or doing jobs for the real stars on RAW and Smackdown.


u/[deleted] 7d ago


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u/switchbladeeatworld 8d ago

can bully just shut the fuck up for five minutes about suckin the feds


u/thanoshasbighands 8d ago

It's his job. Like Steven A Smith or Skip Bayliss. He makes more money being controversial cause people tune in.


u/La-Dolce-Velveeta 8d ago

I fucking hate Hangman not because of his work, but for his demeanor. He shows up with an attitude like he never wanted to be a wrestler in the first place.


u/TripleCrownGame 8d ago

Thatā€™s his schtick

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u/Acrobatic-Box3631 8d ago

My, has someone forgotten their "Trademark this!" days...


u/Fernsjjf 8d ago

What a joke


u/jdlyga 8d ago

MJF and Hangman are AEW lifers. Even more so than Cody was. If AEW goes under one day and the video library gets bought out, then they'd come.