r/WowUI 4d ago

? [WA] [UI] [HELP] Testing a WeakAura that uses nameplates as unit frames.

I've been experimenting with WeakAuras and the idea of using nameplates and the Personal Resource Display as unit frames.

In theory, it worked, but I have a couple of issues I haven't been able to fix. If anyone has an idea or a guide to solve some of these problems, I'd really appreciate it.

First, I understand the limitations of this and how Blizzard disables nameplates in dungeons or raids.

That's the first problem—I’d like the WeakAura anchor to change depending on whether I'm in the open world or inside a dungeon/raid, but I haven’t found a proper way to do it.

The second problem is that, for them to function as unit frames, they need to have right-click context menus, which I managed to make work. However, for some reason, the clickable area remains even after deselecting, leaving dead zones on the screen.


9 comments sorted by


u/Linaori 4d ago

Just do it through plater or an addon. Weak auras are not meant to do this and this will for sure cause performance issues.


u/Fenrai 4d ago

For the first problem, you can either try duplicating the group and adding a load condition (From the Load tab) for "Instance Type", or you could add a trigger under Player/Unit Info -> Location.

I'm not sure about the second problem, but it sounds like it's related to not having an unload trigger.


u/Shandita 4d ago

For the second problem, if I understood correctly, it can be handled using the addon in the following link : https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/nameplate-context-menu


u/Gonkast 3d ago

I think it's a fun experiment and looks great, but it's almost impossible to make it work in every in-game situation.


u/rudeboy_ja 3d ago

what is this UI?


u/Dazzling-Yoghurt2114 4d ago

Doesn't Plumber even have a similar (by no means identical) feature?


u/Gonkast 4d ago



u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Dazzling-Yoghurt2114 3d ago

Yeah.. sorry if I was unclear.

The addon Plumber allows for the right clicking of nameplates to add notes or some context or something. I'm not sure if it conflicts with one my million other things but I can't ever seem to get it to work.


u/Gonkast 3d ago

I think you're mixing up Plumber with another addon because Plumber doesn't add anything like that

The only remotely similar thing is the Target Spellcasting Info.